Clash of Tides (A merman story)

Chapter 6 - |Water drop|

I TRAIL THE BUBBLES of water with my gaze until I don’t see the brunette-haired woman. All of this is becoming too complicated to handle. War, Her Majesty, he has started… Ever since Assan brought me here, more questions have come to me. Now, I have to wonder who the woman I’ve been seeing is and what she is referring to. It’s clear she’s similar to Assan—a creature of the sea—but does he know about her? I weigh my options and potential actions. Do I tell Assan or keep this information to myself? I don’t trust Assan. Even though he saved me, it was for himself, not for me. He cares nothing for me. If she returns, I may be able to receive help and escape from this cave.

“But—if I see mother again…” I whisper to myself. I know she’ll hate me and blame me for losing money. Again, is it worth it? Maybe the woman will kill me, or she will tell Assan I’m trying to escape or...

Still, my thoughts retreat to my mother and Joe, wondering what events are unfolding during my absence. A merman. Underwater creatures. No one is going to believe me if I escaped here. Assan and the creatures of the sea are just stories to frighten people, nothing more. However, now I didn’t have to worry about convincing others of my story. I sigh, mentally exhausted over everything that has happened. Even though I was able to sleep, my body is sluggish and slow to move.

I gaze at the rocks opening and look at the sky as the birds fly by. Freedom. I want freedom from this cave, my mother, and Assan, but life isn’t kind that way; it seems I don’t have a choice. In a way, it reminds me of Seidon and his longing for freedom. He wants to sail the seas, while I just long for a new current. The heat from the sun burns upon my skin, warming me. My lips and mouth are dry, and I hope the rains will come soon.

“Did something capture your fancy?” The masculine voice—belonging to my captor—cuts off my thoughts.

Quickly, I spin around. Assan is leaning against the bank of the rocks, smirking at me. Unlike me, he seems relaxed, not disturbed by anything that has happened. How he remains calm is beyond my realm of understanding; however, then again, he isn’t the one who will die when this is over – my hate for him only grows.

I brush aside his words and return my sight to the sky, but the birds have left; again, I am alone.

“Was finding out the truth about me too much for you?” His voice is calm, amused. “I suppose it would be for a human. At least for you, the pain won’t last much longer.”

I turn to face him. “How do you do that?” I ask in a soft tone.

Assan raises an eyebrow at me, seemingly surprised I was talking. I don’t want to speak to him, and even now, I wonder why I want to stay alive. It would be easy to end it all.

“Do what, Elena?” As I watch him, his face softens—it’s a rare sight to see.

Staring at him reminds me I am worthless, similar to how my mother makes me feel. To them, Assan and my mother, I am a tool to be used.

“You always appear at random, or are yo—” I pause, hesitating with my words, “watching me?”

Assan chuckles darkly, amused by my question. His head rests in his palm, and he gives me a mischievous grin. “I am always watching you, Elena, but it’s easy to surprise a human who has been sleeping for three days.”

My eyes widen. My body was sluggish when I first awoke, but I never thought I was asleep for three days.

“I slept that long?” I stare at Assan, eyes wide and still in shock.

Assan scowls at me. “Yes, I assumed you were dead,” he growls, with anger flashing in his multi-colored eyes. He lifts his head from his palm and rests his arms on the moist bank of the rocks.

I had died. I laugh inside, thinking of the irony. I think of death as my only door to freedom, and it could have happened in a cave while I was sleeping in my prison. Though, if I had died, I wonder what Assan would do: he would probably replace me and find a new girl. Would he go back to the waterfall? Would Mika be the next catch? My thoughts drift to Mika. I think of my friends and my life. I am probably dead to them, and the continuous streams of life are flowing on without me. But still, my curiosity only grows over what Assan would do.

“What would you have done if I died?” My tone is low. “Replace me?” There was a harshness to my voice. Perhaps, maybe, thinking of myself as replaceable hurt me. It is all I had growing up: my mother made me feel special. I am her unique, exotic daughter that will return her to wealth.

Assan folds his arms across his chest, closes his eyes, and ponders the question I just asked him.

“No.” His answer is blunt, and I’m surprised. Indeed, if I had died, Assan would replace me with another, just to ensure he would receive the child he needs.

“No,” I repeat after him, curious what he will say next.

He opens his eyes and grins at me; lust gleams in his multi-colored irises. His raven hair is damp and wavy, settled on his firm and pale shoulders. Rays of sunlight glisten off the water on his toned chest, defining his muscles.

“It would be a pity if you died. With a woman of your...unique appearance, it would be a shame if I missed the chance to conquer you,” he says, with a voice like velvet.

As I stare at Assan, his words throw me off. I’m confused by them. The more Assan speaks, the more I do not understand him. Before, he said taking a woman means nothing to him, but now he talks of conquering them. He is a riddle I need to solve. I am the woman he wants to trap, impregnate, and kill; however, for a second, I wonder if I can be something more to him. The kiss between us comes to mind, and I remind myself it means nothing. What am I thinking? He wants to kill me!

“Is that all?” I question.

Assan tilts his head. “Yes, but I’m also curious about something, Elena?”

I jump at his words, musing over what he will ask me.

“Yes…” I reluctantly reply, knowing that Assan won’t let me not answer him.

“Tell me, how many men have taken you?” he asks. His eyes stare into mine as if drawing me into his spell.

My cheeks blush scarlet as I attempt to avoid his gaze. Ever since childhood, I was promised to any future nobleman who could pay for my body. My feelings are mixed now, knowing that Assan will be the one to have me. I don’t know whether to hate him more or thank him.

I part my lips, about to speak when I hear Assan groan. “Don’t lie to me, Elena. I don’t deal kindly with those who can’t tell the truth.” His voice was cold, with a deadly tone. It seems there are many things Assan doesn’t like, and I wonder what else bothers him.

It’s in my best interest to tell him the truth. Ultimately, it does not matter how many men have taken me. Regardless, my current is the same: my body will never know the loving touch of a man.

I avoid Assan’s gaze and instead stare at the moist gravel. “None.”

“None.” He sounds surprised, and I return my gaze to him. He scowls at me, glaring at me with icicle eyes. “Do you lie to me?” He asks sharply, dominate, like how a king would sound.

Offended, I step forward towards the water and angrily sling my arm. “Why would I lie? I am going to die, right?!” After realizing what I’ve done, I step back, lowering my gaze to the rocks.

An irritated groan echoes in my ears, and the cave goes silent except for the faint rumble of water. “So you are a virgin, then…” Assan grunts. “I don’t like virgins,” he seethes. I look up at him, unsure of what to say.

“Sorry that I am not what you were hoping for,” I mutter slightly, glad that Assan is disappointed in my sexual status. “Pity.” My voice is barely audible since I don’t want Assan to hear me.

His nostrils flare as anger flickers in his eyes. “I will make do…but for you, the pain will be excruciating.”

He smirks at me, another devilish grin I hate.

My success in disappointing Assan was short-lived. Now, I can only imagine what intercourse with a merman is like. My mother taught me how to position my body under a man’s and help ease himself into me, but I doubt that works the same with a fishtail. Maybe it does, in some strange way. And now I don’t know if I should thank Assan. Has he even done these things with a human before? Last time he didn’t answer my question and told me I shall see, I think to myself, as my mind thinks back to Assan’s last words. The pain will be excruciating. I almost laugh inside again.

“My life is already painful…it makes no difference,” I retort softly, remembering the lessons my mother taught me about sexual pain. Enjoy it, take it, and eventually, it becomes numb once the man settles inside me. I wonder if she was telling the truth.

Assan looks at me curiously before he shifts his gaze to the sky. I follow his line of sight, seeing dark clouds forming around the sun; rain is coming. I look back at Assan, but he is still staring at the clouds as if they are calling to him. Are mermen drawn to the rain?

“A storm is coming.” His voice is smooth but wry.

Soon, water drops fall from the once sunny sky, dripping as my tears did three days ago. Chilly breezes blast through the cave, sending a shiver down my spine. I wrap my arms around me, trying to use my little body heat to maintain my warmth. My eyes fix on Assan when a troubled expression forms on his face. His gaze moves from the ceiling to the bank to the water beneath him. He scowls, and then his hues flicker to a solid cobalt blue. I am stunned, wondering if the water clouding my eyes is causing me to see things.

I take a step forward, actually concerned for Assan. He is acting strange. Is something wrong? In my mind, an image of the human-eating water plants are attacking me again, trying to devour me.

“Assan what—”

“Be quiet,” he growls harshly, narrowing his eyes to me.

What’s going on? My eyes sweep the area when a hint of dread stabs me. Something is wrong, but I am not sure what it could be. The rain continues to pour down on top of us, and, for what seems as many times now, my tattered dress is soaked. Sounds of thunder crash in the skies, and a heavy downpour of cold liquid follows. I retreat. I must find shelter from the rain, or I will get sick.

I take a few steps back and keep my gaze locked on Assan. Worry shows on his face, and his eyes bore into mine. “Elena, stay here,” he says in a hurry with a serious tone lacing his voice, and then he dives into the water. His blue, scaly fin splashes above the pool, leaving me alone in the cold. I have no idea what is happening, but fear courses through my veins.

I spin around and search for shelter from the rain, but the sound of a loud wave and squishiness hits my ears. Icy water brushes my legs up to my ankles. How can this be? This much water shouldn’t be on land. I tremble as I hear the sounds of rainfall around me. Then, behind me, squishy noises also hit my ears. There is something there, but I am too frightened to look. Where is Assan? Anxiety and panic cause my heart to thump against my chest, and my mouth lacks moisture more than before. I hear hissing, and the water under me gets higher. Unable to hold out, I quickly spin around, wishing I didn’t.

Panic, fear, anxiety, and the feeling of sudden death hit me all at once as if I were a rock being thrown at a window. Through blurry vision, there is a creature before me, something dreadful I never thought I would see. It’s like a monster from a child’s nightmare, a creature that adults warn children will come for them if they are naughty. I must have been naughty for disobeying my mother and giving in to Seidon, so this is my punishment.

From the depths of the ugliest nightmares, this monster is bulkier, bigger, and broader than any horse I’ve seen. Its skin looks calloused, with slimy green scales covering its body. Like an octopus, it has eight green tentacles, springing out from its sides and swirling about.

My breath catches in my throat, and I struggle to breathe. Bitter rain keeps pouring from the skies, gathering intensity as the water reaches higher levels around my legs. More waves of ice water splash against my lower torso, rising to my knees. Somehow, lingering in the air is the smell of rotten fish, and bile pushes up my throat. The scent grows stronger as the creature inches closer, permeating my nostrils.

I am frozen in place, not able to speak, and I shake as the creature continues towards me. There is no face on its form, just a stump where a head should be. I walk back until I find the cave wall. With nowhere else to go, I quickly grab a rock from the wall behind me and hurl it at the creature.

That probably was a stupid move.

The rock bounces off its rough, green scales, landing in the water with a plop. My hair is soaking wet, and water drips into my eyes, causing my vision to blur.

Surrounding me, I feel liquid reaching above my ankles as water floods the cave. How many times have I almost died during these last few days? Maybe I should pass on already.

I press myself against the wall and the smell of saltwater mixes in with the rotten fish. Thunder crashes, the creature hisses, and its tentacles slowly ease towards me. I’m on my own now. Assan has abandoned me. Is this another creature of the sea that Assan warned me about? But why is it here? How did it get so monstrous? What am I going to do?

With my sight staring at the creature, I use my palm to search the jagged rocks for any loose material, but there is nothing. One of the green tentacles caresses my legs, gently moving up to my middle. The suckers stick to my skin, popping on and off, leaving me with a gross feeling. I start thinking, trying to figure out what to do, but I am trapped, again, like the rat I am.

A hiss comes from the stump and flails until bulging eyes appear from its skin. All the eyes are looking at me intently, drawing me to them. Eyes form at the top, on the sides, and the bottom, covering the stump. I can’t look away. I try to avert my gaze, but a tentacle grips my chin, holding my face in place, and then it creeps away. This creature wants to control me. A strange desire invades my thoughts, and for some reason, I want this creature; I want it to have my flesh and make me its own. I take one step and then another.

The eyes in the middle of the creature move to the side, grouping with the other sets. The scales on the stump collapse inward, forming a mouth with sharp teeth. It’s so beautiful to me that I must walk to it.

My thoughts become garbled, and all I want is freedom. This mouth and opening is my door to freedom; I want to exit through it. My legs move faster. I don’t want to run; I want to be free. The mouth is shaped like a circle, and the sharp teeth surround it.

The monster’s eyes stay on me, not blinking. I keep going until a scream releases me from its trance. I shake my head. The creature is struggling, fighting against being pulled into the water. A tentacle lunges toward me, but I dodge it by leaping out of the way. The creature is pulled away from me, falling into the pool. Swiftly, I spring to my feet and dart to the water. Is that… I look into the cloudy water, searching my eyes for the monster that entranced me and almost made me its dinner.

I keep staring when I see a tentacle lash above the surface. I drop my gaze back to the water. I gasp. A pair of solid cobalt eyes stare up at me. Assan’s form is different. His hands are sharp claws piercing the monster, making it ooze crimson. That is not the Assan I know. What has he turned into?

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