Clash of Tides (A merman story)

Chapter 4 - |Waterway|

*waterway - a river, canal, or other route for travel by water.

I STARE DOWN AT the water, juggling my two choices: stay here or try to free myself. I flick my gaze to the circular hole in the ceiling, looking at the beams of light cascading into the cell of stones and liquid. The rocks do not reach that high. Slowly, I spin around, searching and weighing the different possibilities, but there are no other means of escape. He is correct: there is only one path to freedom.

As the pool’s rumbling water echoes through the cave, a pit forms at the base of my stomach. I swallow the gulp in my throat and fight the urge for my legs to buckle beneath me. I think of my mother and Joe, wishing the responsibilities to my family would sink away as a rock falling into the sea. It’s a heavy burden, and I wonder if this is why Father left. I shake my head, trying to reduce these thoughts. My father is gone; he is never returning. Thud. The sound of falling stones snaps me from my thoughts. I need to act fast. Attempt to escape or settle in my prison. Either way, dreams of my own life never appeal to me. When I was a child, Mother told me to focus on serving the noblemen. If I become a mistress, wealth and riches will follow, not only for me but also for my family. I need to comply with her wishes to help Joe and ensure he will never be used like me.

Crouching down, I press my chin to my knees. Butif I stay here, I will, at least, see my child before I die. Even a taste of something sweet is better than never having tasted it all. However, agreeing to Assan’s terms means giving in to his will and accepting the fate that found me. I bathe in complete darkness for a few seconds as the clouds cover my only light source. I shut my eyes, fighting back the sting of tears. The faces of my mother, Joseph, Lucas, Mika, and Sai come to me, haunting me with their images of things left behind; they remind me of what was and may never be again. I wish to forget, but deep inside me, a part of me wants to survive and not mirror my father.

Unfurling my body, I stretch and crawl to the edge of the rocks as the moist gravel soaks into my gown. Again, the pool of liquid stares back at me. If Seidon were here, he would find a way out and free us from this nightmare; giving up is never a path he would accept. I sigh heavily from the exhaustion of my indecisiveness. As my reflection returns my gaze, my father’s eyes look at me; I don’t want to resemble him.

Exhaling, I lift myself and arch my back, standing tall above the water. To survive, I must defy fate. I cannot leave Joe alone with Mother, even if she beats me or throws me to the brothels. I need to be there for him. With resolve, I grip the fabric of my white dress a few inches below my knees, ripping it harshly. I won’t stop until a torn cloth falls onto the damp outcrop. Glancing at the pool, I question this conquest and wonder its worth.

Before my next move, I take a few steps back and exhale. Then, I pump my legs, rushing and diving into the crisp liquid. On impact, the cold hit me like a snowball to the face, and the rest of my dress clings to my flesh. A sudden chill goes down my spine; however, I will not relent. I take a deep breath as the icy water leaks past the fabric onto my skin and then reaches my bones. As I swim, my body becomes warmer, adjusting to the temperature.

I surface for air before returning underwater. Soft muffles of running liquid echo in my ears, and my heart thumps against my chest. Luminescence from the moon is faint, but to my surprise—through cloudy vision—a pathway appears in the distance: a tunnel. As I look around, I notice the gaping entrance and an indistinct light from the underwater walls illuminating the path. Even though the shine is dim, it’s the only escape route. Maybe there is land or a way out beyond this cavern. Holding my breath, I twirl around, trying to measure the depth of the water. The bottom of my feet does not touch the bottom, and I barely see beneath me. My vision only captures endless darkness, and I question how Assan could stand perfectly straight in the water. It’s becoming difficult to breathe, so time is precious. Kicking my legs and reaching my arms, I propel towards the opening.

I need to find an air pocket soon. I push forward, moving seamlessly through the water’s depths as the faint shine from the moon guides my path. As I follow the currents to the tunnel’s entrance, I see the dim glow grow brighter, taking over the moon’s light. Be alert, I remind myself as I pass into the watery passageway. Air is still within me, but it is fading. I need to increase my speed. I kick faster, propelling forward, thankful that Sai taught Lucas and me how to swim; he is a good teacher.

Under me, tiny spots, albeit faint, glow in the murky depths, lighting my path. The shimmering dots remind me of a candle’s dim spotlight burning in one place. More of them appear as lightning bugs glowing together in a sea of darkness. A river of light surrounds me, illuminating the passage’s walls, waning in and out.

For a brief second—in the yellow lights—I catch a glimpse of seaweed covering the passage walls like grass in a field. I push forward, looking for any air pockets while a soft touch caresses my ankle. I keep swimming until it brushes me again; however, it runs up my leg this time. It happens again, touching my hair, feet, arms, and under my chin. Adrenaline pumps through me as the miniature lights twinkle through the darkness, flickering to life among a seaweed garden.

A sticky hold captures my wrists, and through the pulsing light, seaweed in the shape of a snake lunges toward me. The vines dart from every direction, grabbing me where they can. The passageway gets brighter than before, and the scene before me strikes me with overwhelming fear. A giant plant opens before me, with a ball of golden light in the center of its core. Petals with sharp teeth draw my gaze. I squirm and scream, trying to break the monstrous plant’s grip, but it pulls me closer to its ingress. My heart thumps in my chest, my lungs burn, and a lack of vision takes over. The taste of salt dances on my tongue as it goes down my throat. In an instant, my eyes go wide as bright lights surround me. The same type of plants cover the passage walls; it was a trap all along.

My legs, wrists, and waist are captured from all sides. Every limb is stretching, being ripped apart because I wanted freedom. I tried to fight against my current, but my current is no longer flowing. As I struggle for air, I twist, maneuvering myself, but my efforts are in vain. I stare into the distance and see the end of the passageway—an exit to freedom beyond the line of plants. However, shimmering blue and golden irises like stars in the sky meet my gaze. The face of what appears to be a young woman greets mine. I squirm again, but throbbing pains hint my body from my legs, wrists, and waist. I jerk; my throat is tight, and slowly, I convulse. Blood rushes to my ears, and I think, Is this it?

Closing my eyes, I brace for death. I flinch, gasping for air until a soft sensation presses to my lips and parts my breathing entrance. Relief washes through me as air flows into my lungs, allowing me to take soft breaths. Snapping my eyes open, I see raven locks float before me. Assan presses his body against mine and wraps his arms around my waist. I dart my eyes from left to right, watching the water swirl around us. Vines lurch to grab us, but the spiraling water forms a whirlpool that keeps the enemy plants at bay.

As his touch stays on my lips, providing me with his breaths of life, my heart beats against my chest. Wide-eyed, the disbelief over what’s happening is a dream to me. Though it’s my first kiss, something I should be able to enjoy—I can’t. I always imagined a nobleman, a man with power that I will never have, lusting after me with his decrepit skin. I suppose this is better. He then breaks the kiss, looks at me, and shakes his head. The disappointment is evident in his eyes, even more so when he raises a finger at me and wiggles it disapprovingly. It feels like a parent scolding a child. Thank you for that… He pulls me into his embrace as a twisted smile forms on his lips. His ability to yank me quickly to his body shows his strength, and the vines have loosen their hold on me. It’s ironic; I’m in my future murderer’s arms. However, I feel safe here, even if it’s just for this moment. And somehow, I can breathe underwater.

Still, the surrounding plants shine brightly at their golden cores, but Assan’s unwavering gaze stays on me despite the dangers surrounding us. The sharp teeth attached to the plants’ petals line the walls. If the plants were animals, I’d say they were hungering to feast on me.

Water stays swirled around us, and the liquid barrier destroys all the vines moving to consume us. Why is the water acting this way? Is Assan doing this? As the whirlpool cuts through the plants, my shock grows with each second, and I wonder, is this Assan’s doing? The black-haired male’s motions in the water are fluid, moving like he’s the water submerging us. I try to squirm around and see beneath me, but Assan tightens his grip, holding me in place. He points to the entrance—back to my prison. He maneuvers quickly; his movements almost blind me with the sudden rush to the bright lights. However, a few balls diminish as the swirling water rips the plants to shreds.

Assan swims as he presses me to his chest, moving with a speed that seems inhuman. The closer we get to the surface, the harder it is for my eyes to make out the rocks or moonlight. He was right: he is faster than Seidon. How does he move so fast, and why can I breathe underwater? Questions and thoughts clog my mind, sending me into a dizzy whirl. Soon, my lungs burn again; however, Assan lifts me above the water and loosens me from his arms. I gasp for air, cough, kick, and then propel myself towards land, exiting the water. Chill droplets of liquid drip from my hair, running into my eyes, and more salty water propels from my throat. In my mouth, the taste causes me to fight back bile, and more water hurls from my lungs. I breathe heavily.

What were those plants, and how could this be happening to me? What is Assan? Lucas was always reading, and at this moment, I remember a plant he told me about—a carnivorous plant. I cannot distinctly remember, but he told me the plants only grow on land and are tiny. None of this makes sense to me, and it all seems foolish. Maybe I died already and dropped to fire and brimstone.

I hear a loud growl behind me. “I told you not to escape, didn’t I? Maybe now you will heed my warnings.” His voice is anger and scorn.

Despite his angry words, I continue to cough up more water as blood rushes to my ears. Before, there was a chance to escape death, but I was wrong. Shivering, I crawl around to face Assan. He isn’t human; what is he? I shake and move backward on all fours, ensuring he is in my sight. I have nowhere to run, so why even try to hide?

Assan sighs heavily, and his mismatch eyes bore into mine. Trembling, more so from fear than cold, I realize whatever is before me isn’t human; my eyes didn’t deceive me.

“I suppose you know now,” he pauses, folding his arms against his chest, “why I can’t leave the water. It’s truly a shame, for there are so many fun things on land.”

He smirks at me, that devilish grin I’m starting to loathe, but I keep my firm gaze on him, not wavering to his taunts. As he grins at me, his pupils shine from the beams of morning light that cascade from the ceiling, displaying more of his inhuman nature.

I part my lips and ask, “What are you?”

My question is simple: I want to know what Assan truly is.

He scowls, then stops; his piercing sight never leaves mine. As his eyes continue to shimmer, they take me captive.

“Elena, there are many things in the sea that humans should never see, and I am one of them.” His lips tug into a demented smile. The revelation of his true nature doesn’t faze him, but it sends more fear through me than the brothels ever did.

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