Clash of Tides (A merman story)

Chapter 20 - |Seep| Part 1

AS I MOVE IN the water, the sound playing in my head gets closer. My body flinches, and the chill from the liquid seeps into my flesh. Even though it’s cold, I continue kicking my legs; whoever is calling to me, I must find them.

You are almost here, keep coming towards us, the voices say in unison.

From the corner of my eye, I see seaweed float around me. Schools of fish swim past me, going in the opposite direction. My vision is clear; the depths of the ocean are open to me.

In the distance, an outline takes shape in the water; nothing is surrounding it but the open seafloor with a layer of rocks at the bottom. As I get near the mysterious shape, the more I see. Before me, a mermaid is swaying her flaxen tail in the water, and her golden locks are sprawled out, flowing in all directions. Covering her chest is two white seashells laced together. As the edges of her lips twist into a grin, she holds out her hand to me and says, Elena, I have been waiting for you; come to me.

I propel myself faster, kicking my legs. As I get closer to the mermaid, more of her features come into view: her one eye is like a shiny piece of gold, and the other is bluish-green like Assan’s. Her shifting tail reminds me of the setting sun—a mixture of a yellow-red blaze. Her hand still gestures me to come toward her, and I’m so close, so near to grasping her flesh.

That is right, Elena, come to me, and I will set you free. A voice echoes—a feminine voice—in my mind, calm and sincere; it’s the gentle sound of a mother telling her child everything will be all right. It’s the way I wish my mother spoke to me, loving and caring; it is a voice I have wanted to hear all my life, and finally, I embrace it.

Joe and I will have our freedom, I think, as I reach out for Joe's hand. Then, I stop and swirl around. Joe, where is Joe? Again, I spin through the water, looking for Joe, but only emptiness greets me. I blink, pondering where I am.

Elena! Come back here! It’s the same voice as before, but this time, there is anger in her words. I whip around, and the once smiling mermaid now has a frown etched on her face. She stretches her arm out to me, thrusting it forward.

Come to me!” She jerks my direction, but I swim back. Quickly I shake my head, wondering what is happening.

Where am I? Assan…where did he go?”

My eyes glue to the mermaid as I comprehend what has and is happening. Assan isn’t here; it’s just her and me. How did I get here?

Her mismatched irises narrow to slits. “You could not have broken my spell.” She snarls baring teeth. From her expression, it is clear she isn’t here to help me, and for a moment, I remember what Terza said about the mermaids: they want to kill me.

I spin around, darting my body away from the mermaid. As I attempt to get away, fingers wrap around my ankle, pulling me back. She increases her grip, and I frail my legs, hoping to loosen her hold on my skin.

I look back and see a part of her body has changed; from her hand to her arm appears as yellow scales. It reminds me of the time Assan fought the Berserker. Like before, her fingernails have also turned into claws. If I don’t escape soon, I know she will overpower me. I lock my sight onto her form, musing over what I can do. She continues to snarl at me, but I cannot be afraid. I have survived too much to lose now.

I squirm in the water, shaking. Her free hand tries to grab my other leg, but I position my foot by her head. In swift movements, I muster up my strength, smacking my foot against her skull.

I did it! The mermaid’s body goes limp, idly floating. I slip from her grasp and flick my eyes around. My memory is still hazy, but Assan must have touched me if I can breathe here. In the distance, there are rocks layered across the ocean floor. I can hide there.

I maneuver, swaying my legs as fast as I can. I must hurry. If she wakes up, then she will catch me. I shift my gaze from right to left, hoping not to see another mermaid. As I approach the rocks, there are various formations and sizes. Some look like arches, some are round, and some are jutting out the mountainous wall.

I can shield myself while I think of a plan. I keep moving until I duck behind the rocks. However, I need to peep out, to watch if and when the mermaid wakes up. Moving slowly, I peep around the rock and wait.

If she moves, I need to see her and anything else that approaches. The Memories of the berserker sends fear through me, but I cannot falter. It’s best to wait and watch. When the mermaid recovers, she may search for me. Once she leaves, I can return to the surface and perhaps, find Assan.

Still, I try to recall how I got here. I think back, remembering Assan fighting on land. He brought me back to the forest; we kissed by the waterfall; I told Assan the truth about me and my life. My muscles tense at the thought. I wonder what Assan thinks of me now. In the end, it no longer matters; he will want nothing to do with me. I shrug off the thoughts. I am sure my time breathing underwater is limited, so I have to be quick.

I stare back at the mermaid. To my surprise, the water gets violent, knocking me into the rock. Something is coming. I grip my fingers on the moist, hard surface. Staying still when the water rushes and runs around me is not easy, but I can’t risk getting swept away. Slowly I move my head, peering at the mermaid’s body shifting in the liquid. I widen my eyes, gawking at the sight of another mermaid approaching the limp form.

Where are they coming from? If the mermen have their own undersea palace, then the mermaids must have one, too.

There are so many questions and no answers. This new mermaid reminds me of the others. Her chest is covered with seashells, and her ebony hair floats around her head. She quickly twists around, facing the sleeping mercreature. She shakes her, but I cannot see the expressions on their faces. The flaxen tail jolts back to life, fluttering in the water.

She woke up. Fear runs through me. If they find me, I am dead. Their lips move, but I hear nothing. One of them whips around, looking off into the distance. I follow her sight with my eyes. Mermen, with their bodies half covered in scales, drat towards the mermaids. They move like sharks hungering to catch their prey. I blink, and the two female mercreatures are already gone, swimming away with inhuman speed. The mermen trail behind them, matching their pace. A battle is about to happen. Instead of watching, I avert my eyes until I hear a familiar voice.

“Catch them! Get what information you can.” Hass’s voice echoes in my ears, sounding authoritative.

Hass! I know he will help me!

Waiting is risky, and time is limited. At any moment, my abilities underwater can leave me. I settle my view on Hass, watching him command the other mermen. He reminds me of the guards I see around Hylnn, proud, and fierce. For my survival, and for Joe, I need Hass’s assistance.

Quickly I place my hand on the rock, using it to hold my body in place. Hass is in my line of sight. I launch myself into the water, stroking my arms in steady movements. However, the liquid then vibrates around me, almost knocking me off course; I do not stop.

One merman stops to speak with Hass in the distance, while the others appear to be keeping watch. As I get closer, I know I will not be able to avoid the watcher’s gaze. Then, on cue, they spot me. One of the mercreatures snarls at me and rushes my direction. I swim back, lift my arms, and shield myself from the gust of water.

“A human.” His voice is surprised, and he widens his eyes. “What are you doing here, human?” he seers, “How can you breathe in these depths?” he growls as he curls his hand into a fist. “Did the mermaids conscript you?” He asks, moving closer to me.

My words catch in my throat. The water between us swirls in a circle; it lengthens with every second. He frowns his brows and opens his palm, with a threatening glint in his mismatched pupils.

He is going to kill me! “I need to speak with Hass!” I blurt out.

The merman arches one of his brows, staring at me with confusion. His eyes narrow to slits.

“How do you know about Advisor Hass?” He looks at me intently.

“Please,” I beg, “you must let me speak with him.”

“I do not…”

“Elena! What…why are you here?” Hass says, cutting the merman off as he makes his way over to us.

Relief overwhelms me at the sight of Hass’s familiar face: his short brunette hair, his one sky-blue eye and silver eye, and his green tail mixed with white scales.

“Wynchell, stand down! Let her through!”

The spiraling water goes to a complete calm. The merman lowers his hand and flaps away from me, letting Hass pass. Hass stops right in front of me, looking at me with disbelief.

“Hass, I don’t know how I got here.” The words come out in a rush. I know there is a chance Hass will not help me. After all, he is a merman, but I hope he will listen to me and explain what is happening.

His face softens. He places a gentle hand on my shoulder and meets my gaze. “Elena,” he says softly, “tell me, how did you get back to the sea?” His voice is serious, and he watches me intensely, waiting for my response.

I settle myself, controlling my nerves. “Assan brought me back.”

For a moment, Hass’s month opens agape, and he remains speechless.

“There should have been another,” he mummers and averts his gaze from mine. As he stares in the bowels of the water, I can tell he is thinking; he blinks and shakes his head.

“Another,” I mummer. The woman I saw Assan with. He said he almost found another, someone else to take my place. Instead, he brought me back; he still wanted me.

I lower my sight to the rocky seafloor, thinking, but then Hass grabs my arm, bringing me back to the moment.

“Elena, where is Assan!” His multiple-colored irises are locked on me, and his lips are pressed in a tight line.

“I do not know.” I shake my head. “All I remember is we were by the waterfall, and then I was here, with the mermaid.”

“A mermaid?” he questions and narrows his eyes. “They must have entranced you,” he says, running a hand through his wet tresses.

“Entranced. What do you mean?” What other powers do the merpeople possess? Assan’s powers are frightening enough.

Hass lets out an exasperated sigh. “Mermaids have the power to bewitch humans with their singing. I believe humans refer to them as Sirens. However, a mermaid can only entrance humans who are sad. They find the sadness in a human's heart and use that as a lure.”

Humans that are sad, I repeat in my mind; I am always sad. Sad for my family, sad for the woman I will become, and sad for the life I have inherited. However, the happiness I do have comes from my friends and Joe. Is that why when I thought of Joe, I broke her trance?

As I keep thinking, I notice that for a moment, Hass's lips tug into a wry half-smile, and he takes my hand in his, holding it softly. Watching him snaps me from my thoughts, and his gaze locks on mine, giving me a stern expression.

“Elena, I know you are sad over this difficulty, but please, tell me, what happened between Assan and you on the surface?”

As I stare into Hass’s eyes, there is sadness in them, reminding me of my own. Hass cares for Assan. After all, that is his prince. For Hass to be acting this way, I can only wonder what has happened since I left the undersea world. What was only a few days feels like a lifetime compared to on land.

I try to remember what happened, but only a fragment of memories come to me. “Assan found me; I got injured, and we came to the forest…I remember we were at the waterfall but then…”

“Advisor Hass! We found the prince!”

Hass quickly releases my hand and spins around. Both of us look at the mermen heading our way. Two mermen are with Assan, holding up his body with one arm, each snaked around his shoulder. I gasp, shocked by Assan’s form. His head is lowered; his hair is sprawled out, floating wildly, and cuts line his chest and arms, tint with red.

It’s obvious what has happened; he fought with something. Was it the mermaids or a berserker?

“Assan!” Hass briskly propels himself to the group of mermen.

I dally along, following behind him. Assan, please be all right, I think to myself, surprised by my own thoughts. Even if I wanted to, I could not deny I worry for Assan. Once I catch up to the mermen, I keep my distance, unsure of what they will do. I want to get closer, to see Assan, but I know I will only get pushed aside. Assan is royalty, and I’m just a human, a whore he needs to fulfill his plan.

“Elena,” Assan says, softly, as he lifts his head. He glances around, and I can tell by his eyes and actions he is still dazed.

I want to call him, but Hass glances at me, signaling me to stay calm.

“Elena is fine; she is with me,” Hass says, and his lips shift to a grimace.

“What happened?” He asks, with a dark edge to his voice.

Assan’s black locks float around his face, but it doesn’t hide the serious gleam in his eyes. He releases himself from the mermens’ grasp and wraps his arm around his middle, raising himself.

He flicks his gaze from one guard to another. “Leave us,” he orders. His deadly tone sends a chill through me.

The mermen lower their heads and make haste, swimming away.

Assan glances at me for a second, and for a moment, there is a small half-smile etched on his lips. I avoid his sight, with a grin of my own. I am glad you are safe, Elena, I hear the words in my mind; his relief and happiness knowing I’m all right.

When I return my gaze to the merprince, I see he is looking Hass, intensely. The crimson scars on his flesh have already begun to fade as if they never existed.

“It was Nerina. She was waiting at the waterfall,” Assan says.

Hass narrows his eyes. “What did she say?”

Assan clicks his tongue and flicks his gaze to the side. “She said my mother wants me to come home,” he snarls. There is disgust in his voice, the dislike he has for his mother, the Queen. “When I refused, we fought, but this time she had a berserker waiting for me.”

Hass crosses his arms across his chest. “We found other mermaids nearby as well. One of them bewitched Elena,” Hass says.

Assan darts his gaze to me, and his eyes flash solid cobalt. “Did one of them hurt you?” He grits his teeth and curls his hand into a fist. As I watch him, the rage oozing off his form hits me like a wave. The water surrounding his tail begins to swirl, forming a circle.

Seeing Assan act this way toward me is confusing. He would relish my pain in the past, but now he is concerned about attending to my needs.

I shake my head to his question and answer, “Only one mermaid tried to take me, but I snapped out of her trance, unsure of where I was. When she tried to grab me, I fought her off.”

A sigh of relief escapes Assan’s lips, and he smirks at me. “How many surprises do you have for me, Elena?”

I part my lips, about to speak until I hear a cough from Hass. For a moment, he looks at me and then Assan, arching an eyebrow at us.

Neither Assan nor I say anything. I shift my head to the side, attempting to hide the blush forming on my face.

“Whatever the case may be, it is a matter of concern about the berserker,” Hass speaks up, turning the light-hearted conversation serious again. He gasps. “She cannot be controlling them!”

Assan and Hass exchange glances; it’s clear unspoken words have passed between the two of them.

“If she…” Assan winces; he tightens his jaw and scrunches his face.

“Assan.” I reach out a hand to him, but then retract it when Hass darts his gaze to me.

“You are running out of time,” Hass says calmly, “We will return to the castle and take Elena with us…”

Assan cuts Hass off, “No!” He groans. “Take Elena…back…I will not bring her,” he says through panting breaths. My eyes go wide, and I gasp, uncertain of what I just heard. Assan is freeing me; he said he’ll let me go; he will let me live, but why?

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