Clash of Tides (A merman story)

Chapter 18 - |Moist| Part 3

Multiple voices speak in unison, causing pain to grow in my skull. I flinch and wince from the agony.

“We are almost there,” Assan says softly. “Do not worry about the shadows. As long as I am here, they will not hurt you.”

Slowly, the pain subsides, and my breaths return to normal.

“What are they?” I choke out the question. Memories of the berserker fill me with dread, and once again, fear pumps through me.

Assan glances down at me and then looks ahead again. “They are the creatures of the forest. You already know of them,” he says matter-of-factly.

“I…but,” I stammer in disbelief of their existence. Are they the ones talking to me? Are they warning me not to return to the sea? As I think to myself, I look at Assan, wondering if he can hear them, too. Since he is still focused, I’m sure the voices are only speaking to me. Before, I heard the same voice calling my name. Back then, it must have been them.

Assan chuckles darkly, enjoying my consternation.

“There is an agreement between the mers and forest creatures. They will appear when others of the same kind are around. Humans would never see them, otherwise.”

The mers have an agreement with them. Is that an agreement with the mermen or mermaids? Others of the same kind. Assan is not a forest creature, though.

“What do you mean, others of the same kind?” I ask curiously.

Assan keeps his gaze in the distance and answers, “Those who are not meant to live among humans.”

“Does that include the Belua?”

“Yes,” he responds. I ponder Assan’s words, recalling the first time I heard the forest creatures speaking to me. Someone or something brought them out. That day, it was only Mika, me, and the Belua in the forest. It must have been the Belua. I wonder if Assan knows anything about Mika and the Belua. The more I muse over what happened, the more my thoughts overwhelm me.

“…is the agreement between the mermen or mermaids?” I question as I keep my intense gaze on Assan.

“You are asking a lot of questions, Elena. Do you not trust me?” I can hear the agitation in his voice.

“Would you trust you?” I grumble.

Assan’s lips twist into a half-smile. “All I know is they have their own agreement with the mermaids,” he says in a serious tone.

I lower my eyes to the dirt under Assan’s boots, contemplating his words. Everything seems to be endless mysteries with hidden answers. I know Assan will ask me again how I escaped from him. But, I also wonder if I should tell him about Mika and the Belua.

“We are here.” Assan’s calm voice snaps me from my thoughts. I look ahead, seeing a waterfall with a small pool of water beneath it. Unlike the other waterfalls, this one is tiny, with only one stream of water flowing into the liquid pool underneath.

The sound of rushing water reverberates around us, and the smell of moisture enters my nostrils. Even though I have no desire to enter the chill liquid, the smoothing noise fills me with peace.

However, another question comes to my mind. As I part my lips to speak, Assan gently places my body down next to the pool’s edge.

“Lift your dress,” he says, or more like orders. I shallow the gulp in my throat as I watch him loosen his cravat.

Hissing, I raise my dress, revealing the wound of gushing blood. Crimson liquid stains my tan skin, and for a moment, I wonder if the hole is bigger than I thought.

“Hold still,” Assan says as he lifts my leg. To my surprise, his touch is soft and gentle. His deft fingers glide across my flesh. A tingle sensation travels through me, making my heart flutter. Slowly, he wraps the white cravat around the cut, securing it firmly before tying it and then pressing down on the wound.

Feeling his skin on mine, so closely, confuses me. It’s not in Assan’s nature to be so caring, and yet, here he is, addressing my injury with a tender touch. This kindness, this act of worrying for me, makes me long for him. To know the merman who isn’t bloodthirsty, but the side of Assan that shows me compassion. The only man who ever touched me like this before was Sai. Every time I was wounded, he would take care of me and help me heal. However, it was always easy for Seidon. He was never one to suffer from bruises or cuts, even when he was roughhousing with Lucas.

“The bleeding should stop soon,” he says, lifting himself from the ground. I look at my wound and see red stains have formed on the white cloth, but as Assan said, the splotches have halted their growth.

I stare at him, unsure of what to say. Assan protected me from the magistrate’s men and tended to my wound. Both acts he didn’t need to do; I am sure there is a reason for it.

“Thank you,” I say, barely audible.

“Humph, it is nothing.” He waves a hand, dismissively, “I know nothing of human lacerations. Only what Hass has told me. Mers do not have this problem.”

His words don’t surprise me. When I stabbed Assan, his cut healed quickly. To him, it was only an annoyance.

I sigh, bracing myself for the next part of my plan. Once the bleeding stops, I will tell Assan about Joe and me. When I am free, I will go home and see Seidon. Sai…Suddenly, an ache goes through my chest. Seidon is taken now; I knew one day it would happen, but I still want to know why he kept the impending wedding from me.

As I stare at Assan, I notice him unbuckling his breeches and kicking off his boots.

“What are you doing?!”

“I’m undressing,” he says dryly as if I just asked a pointless question.

Assan has two legs. Does that mean he has the male flesh between them?

Heat rises to my cheeks, and I avert Assan’s gaze.

I hear his dark laughter; he is making fun of me. “Looking away will do you no good.”

“What are you planning?” I ask as fear grows within me. Focusing on the sound of rushing water, I try to calm myself. If I must run from him, I need to ready myself. I look back at Assan, but he’s gone.

I quickly sweep my eyes around the area, but he is nowhere in sight. The only items left are his clothes and boots, nothing else.

“Assan. . .” I call out, frantic over what he could be planning. Quickly I swing my legs into the water and try to maneuver myself. The throbbing pain courses through me again. I hiss. If I need to run, I must get up.

I try to raise my legs from the water, but something jerks them, shutting them closed. Glancing before me, I see a sudden head of black locks slowly emerging from the liquid, glinting in the moonlight. Assan smirks at me, swimming towards my middle.

“Ass-“Before I can speak, he uses his arms to lift himself. His lips capture mine, kissing me with intensity. I’m stunned, unable to move due to his sudden actions. I kiss him back, letting him guide my mouth with his, moving my lips to his demand. I want to break away; I know I need to, but the sensation of his touch prickles my skin, wanting more. His deft fingers caress my arm, gilding to my neck and moving my face closer to him. He deepens the kiss and places his other hand on my back, shifting me towards the water.

“Elena,” he whispers against my soft flesh. Slowly he breaks our touch, staring into my eyes intently.

In the water, scales brush against my legs, rubbing between my thighs. Scales? Is he in his mer form? I want to speak, but my mind is muddled; my thoughts are consumed with Assan’s lips on mine, and his scales stroking my legs.

Yes, Elena, I am in my mer form. When I saw you again, I wanted to touch you and feel your body against mine. I didn’t like waiting. Although, I am curious as to why you were in that brothel. I hear the words in my mind, realizing he can hear my thoughts again; I have to be careful over my muses.

“Assan, what are you. . .” My words trail off as Assan grins at me. His smile is wide and wicked, reminding me of a boy hiding a wonderful secret.

“Tonight is special, Elena,” he pauses, his gaze on me unwavering. Unsure of how to react to his words and not understanding their meaning, I feel like a fish out of water. He moves his arms, placing his hands on either side of me. His face is before me, and I am captivated by his mismatched eyes. Looking at him is like a spell, urging me not to avert his gaze.

Why? What is happening?” I jump as I try to leave the water; however, Assan continues to smirk at me, showing confidence.

I’ve wanted you, Elena, and my body is finally ready to claim you. My mating time has arrived, the words enter my mind, and the reality hits me; Assan is ready to make his child.

A/N: Thank you so much for all the support! Recently, this story got many new readers and some new reviews, so thank you again, so much! I don't know what happened, but I really appreciate it. I'm so glad you're enjoying Elena's journey into the mer world. :)

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