Clash of Tides (A merman story)

Chapter 18 – |Moist| Part 1

I STAY BY ASSAN’S side, knowing soon I will need to make a quick decision. The noise around me grows louder. The shouts, cheering, and voices of men reverberate in the area. Assan’s focus is on the two strangers, and if I’m going to step away from him, now is my chance.

As I glance at the three men in front of me, I bite my bottom lip and take a step back from Assan. Hesitation dwells within me, but I know this is the best choice. Assan gives me a sides-ways glance, with confusion showing in his mismatched eyes.

I turn slightly on my heel; however, the magistrate’s booming voice catches me by surprise. “Stop wasting time! Grab the whore! She will pay for insulting me!”

With swift movements, the man with black hair charges towards me, with his hand wide open. He is trying to grab me. A small gust of wind blows across my face, and Assan pushes the man out the way, smashing his elbow against his face. The black-haired man growls; his body knocks into the wooden rails, cracking it a bit, but he doesn’t fall over the side. Instead, he tumbles to the floor.

“Tobias!” The man with dirty blonde hair clenches his teeth and shifts his rage-filled eyes to Assan. He lunges towards Assan. The confident merman curls his lips into a playful smirk, quickly stepping to the side. Assan catches the fist aiming for his face.

“Humans never listen,” Assan says in a cold voice, as he narrows his eyes. He moves swiftly, doing a sweep kick that knocks the blonde-haired man to the floor. Women screaming, doors slamming shut, and growling from men echo in my ears.

“Elena!” A firm grip wraps around my wrist. Assan sprints down the stairs, heading towards the front door. I pump my legs, following him. Behind us, I hear the magistrate yelling curses and threats. I blink; this all feels like a dream. I thought escaping from Assan would make my life simple again, easy. Since I’ve returned, everything has been changing. Seidon is engaged, Mika is keeping secrets from me, and my mother’s plans keep failing.

As I am being dragged along, thoughts swirl inside me. I am a ship caught in an endless storm, and there is no end in sight. I have to figure out Assan’s plan so that I can learn his next move.

“Where are we going?!” My throat is dry, and I try to yell over the noises overshadowing my voice. Instead of responding to me, Assan keeps his focus on the exit. Somehow, a part of me knows why he is ignoring me. Before, he told me where he’s going. The answer has not changed, and I know this.

My legs ache from running, and the smell of rum whiffs into my nostrils, making me feel dizzy. Still, adrenaline pumps through me, and I need to think. Again, Assan has ruined everything! There is only one way I can redeem myself, but I will be punished if I do this.

In front of Assan is the familiar sound of an elderly woman. Old Mag stands in the lobby, looking at Assan with widened eyes.

Assan!” I try to pull my arm back from him, but he doesn’t let go. I cannot leave Joe, not again. I must plead to Mag, or I have to tell Assan the truth. Everything is unfolding quickly, and my body is a feather caught in an updraft.

The overhead candle chandelier illuminates the entrance, casting light on Mag.

“What is going on here?” Her face is one of confusion. She then looks at me with anger burning on her features, and that expression alone tells me I can’t come back here. Joe… even when I try to honor my family, I cannot win.

He doesn’t stop. I propel my body forward, trying to match his speed. I need to concentrate, but this moment feels so detached from me.

Mag screams as she jumps out of Assan’s way. However, Assan is unfazed as a smirk stays on his lips. He is enjoying this, the chaos, the chase, and fighting. It’s like when he fought the berserker, Assan is thrilled from battle. His confidence and bloodlust are still foreign to me.

I cannot go with him or stay here; I know this. I have to tell Assan the truth, so then, maybe he will go away and leave me be. We rush out the doorway, sprinting past the men and women standing outside, leaning on each other’s bodies. Unlike in the distance, the brothel is lite and full of life. This is their time of night–the ladies who sell themselves, and the men who indulge in their pleasure. My place is in there, not out here, I think to myself, as I watch the women sweet talk the men, touching them in their favorite places.

Quickly I shift my eyes to the sky. The moon is a full circle, and beams of light illuminate our path. As we run through the narrow street, everything is silent. Even the poor are asleep, coddled up in worn-out blankets and tattered clothes. Stone buildings surround us on each side; the windows are shut, and no candlelight seeps through the cracks.

This speed is too much for me; I slowly stop pumping my legs and catch air into my lungs. Assan’s fingers glide off mine in soft movements. My gaze is locked on the cobblestone street, and my body is hunched over. Holding myself up, I grip my dress at my knee caps.

“Was it too much for you, Elena?” I hear the amusement in his voice as if he is mocking me. A sigh escapes his lips. He then says, “Too bad humans do not have the same stamina as mers; it’s a shame, really.” There is pride in his voice, the gloating over his power and strength.

Hearing him speak sends rage through me. I curl my hands into fists and narrow my eyes to him. “You ruined everything,” I mutter, with disdain lacing my voice.

His mismatched pupils look at me with confusion. He studies my expression, with his eyes boring into mine. As I stare at him, moonlight shines down on his pale skin, causing his eyes to glow in the moonlight. He is like a well-dressed nobleman, standing tall and confident.

In the light–and not fleeing for our lives–I can see how the dark blue jacket hugs his arms, and the white shirt lines the muscles on his abdomen. Laced ruffles surround his wrist, coming from the shirt. The colorless cravat is still secure around his neck, tucked into place despite the running we did. His dark blue pants match his jacket, and the boots finish the outfit nicely. It is strange to see the prince of the sea has a sense of style, especially a human style. Again, it’s obvious Assan is keeping secrets from me.

He scoffs. “Maybe I should have left you there,” he scowls and then smirks. “I did not know you were into old human men, Elena.”

I can tell he is making fun of me again, antagonizing me. “I did not need your help,” I retort, “I agreed to give myself to him,” I say firmly.

A mischievous grin flashes across his face. “Perhaps I was wrong about you and that annoying blonde-haired human,” he pauses.

I avert my gaze from him, embarrassed by the thought that Assan thinks I’m into old men.

He takes a few steps toward me and places his fingers on my chin, lifting my sight back to his. “I guess that explains why you haven’t succumbed to me yet, but I still want to know how you escaped from the sea. Unfortunately, I have lost my second chance, and I will not lose this one,” he says, with a serious glint in his multi-color eyes.

Our gazes meet. His fingers are still wrapped around my chin, with his pupils staring into mine. It’s as if he is trying to read my thoughts, to know what I am thinking. Under the moon’s piercing light, he’s intimidating like before. Unlike my life on land, it’s slightly comforting knowing that Assan hasn’t changed. I think about his words when I remember he mentioned a blonde-haired human. Is he referring to Seidon? Why does he care about him?

I wiggle out of Assan’s grasp and take a few steps back. “It’s not like that,” I pause and see Assan staring at me with curious eyes.

“Oh.” A dark chuckle rises from his throat. “About old human men or that annoying human?” He questions, with curiosity.

I glare at him and grimace. “The old men.”

Assan clicks his tongue and tightens his hand into a fist. “So, I wasn’t wrong about that man who came to retrieve you, “he growls out, “Humph, when I see him again, I will destroy him.” His tone is cold, and like Seidon, he wants another battle.

Why Assan wants to battle Seidon again, I don’t know. I think back to that time when Seidon controlled the water and attacked Assan. What is the connection between Seidon and the undersea world? I shake my head. Now isn’t the time to think about the sea. I have to tell Assan the truth about me: I am whore, and I have to protect my little brother. He needs to let me go.

I part my lips to speak, but no words escape my lips. Assan mentioned again that he lost his second chance. What second chance? I grip the front of my dress and purse my lips. My mother told me once the truth will set me free. Maybe once Assan learns of my origins, and the kind of woman I am, he will no longer want me.

His eyes linger on my form, waiting for me. I exhale. “There is something I have to tell you.” I look up at him, and for a moment, there is concern on his face.

He raises an eyebrow and tilts his head. “What is it, Elena?”

His expression is stern, serious. I brace myself, wondering, and fearing what Assan will say. “I…”

“There she is!” A booming voice yells from behind us. I spin around. In the distance, Jasper and Tobias stare right at us, with their narrow eyes and clenched fists.

A growl erupts from Assan’s throat. He quickly grabs my hand and starts darting down the street.

Panic rushes through me as we sprint down the cobblestone street and run past the quiet houses. Sweat trickles down my face, landing on my lips. Assan grumbles, but he doesn’t stop. We keep moving, but the man who must be Jasper rushes in front of us, cutting off our route.

We stand cold, and I can tell Assan is watching our surroundings. He shifts his eyes from side-to-side, but unlike the sea, Assan doesn’t know the land. Despite the worry in his eyes, he still stands tall. He pushes me behind him and walks before me, protecting me.

“You will pay for insulting his Magistrate’s personal bodyguards!” Jasper shouts as he stares Assan down.

Bodyguards! So they were important. If the Governor finds out the Magistrate’s guards were killed, then the soldiers will come after us. My thoughts go wild, and whatever happens, I need to halt Assan’s attacks.

To Jasper’s words, Assan simply smiles. He stands unwavering, not afraid of the situation. Standing lazily, he shrugs his shoulders and says, “I tried to spare your life, but if you want to die tonight, I will grant your wish.”

Both of his eyes flash solid blue, and his lips twist with amusement. Even on land, Assan is a predator, not letting anything stop him from his goal.

Jasper laughs, mockingly, not realizing what Assan’s words mean. “When we are done killing you,” Jasper pauses, and glances at me, “we will take that whore, use her for our desires, and then kill her,” he says coldly, causing me to flinch.

A chill shivers down my spine, but Assan stays in front of me. His eyes no longer flash blue; they stay blue.

A/N: If you’re enjoying the story, please consider leaving a review. I love reading everyone’s thoughts, and I appreciate the feedback. Thank you!

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