Clash of Tides (A merman story)

Chapter 16 - |Rime| Part 2

I slow down to catch my breath. Once I get closer to the ports, near the poor housing, I stay frozen in my spot. Soon, I will face my mother. I know she will hate me, probably hit me, but I must fight her for Joe’s sake.

I pick up my pace again, watching the crowds disperse. In the distance, the sun kisses the horizon, leaving the sky a painted orange-red blaze. I hasten my speed, entering the alleyway to my home. I cannot fail.

As the beams of light diminish, nightlife descends on Hlynn. In the filthy alley, silhouettes are along the stone wall, like shadows crawling in the darkness. Only the faint shine from the sun lights my path, helping me to see the poor who live on my street.

Once I reach the front door of my home, I ponder the words I will say to her. My heart beats in my chest, and tension fills me. I squeeze my eyes shut while curling my hands into a fist. In the end, I will have to leave the only parent I have left, the one who was supposed to love and protect me. It’s like Assan said, “Those who are supposed to love us can hurt us the most,” I mutter.

For a second, I laugh at the irony of the words I just spoke. Even now, Assan’s surprising words of wisdom come to me.

Slowly my hand begins to tremble as I inch it towards the doorknob.

Once I grasp the cool metal, I turn it, hopefully opening this door for the last time.

Moving quickly, I run inside, ranking my eyes around the small kitchen.

“Joe is not here,” I pause, running up to the narrow staircase. “Joe!”

I sprint up the stairs, making my way to the small, second bedroom. Joe isn’t inside. The only room left is my mother’s – the room I hate going into.

With my eyes closed, I grip the knob and open the door. As I open my eyes, I see my mother sitting at her small, white-painted vanity. Soft brush strokes detangle her hair, and her other hand contains a poof to powder her cheeks.

“You have returned.” The corner of her lips tug into a grin; her reflection stares at me, with happiness glowing in her eyes.

I take a small step back, thinking about the words that will soon exit my lips.

“Yes,” I say, barely audible.

Her eyes search for my form, searching. “Where is the dress? Did you leave it in the other room?” She continues ranking the brush through her hair like nothing right now will faze her.

She would be calm, for she believes soon she will get what she wants, money for my untouched body.

A quiet silence fills the room, and I feel the tension between us.

“Well, stop wasting time.” She narrows her eyes to me, piercing my gaze.

This is it, no turning back.

“I am not going tonight,” I say in a firm tone that makes my mother sit up from her cushioned stool. Quickly she turns to face me. Anger burns in her blue eyes.

“What do you mean, Elena?” Her voice is deep, cold. She strolls towards me, waiting for me to speak. At this moment, my mother’s rage reminds me of Assan’s – powerful and deadly.

My hands cruel into a fist, and for the first time, I am ready to leave this life behind. As I part my lips, I avoid my mother’s gaze and look towards the irregular shaped wooden floor.

Slowly I take a few steps back until we’re facing each other. Behind her, I see the flickering candlelight shadows across the walls, and the small bit of light illuminates the growing darkness in the room.

“I am not going tonight,” I repeat, but Mother doesn’t change her expression. Rage still burns in her blue eyes, and she stays stiff before me, not moving.

“Is that so, Elena?” Her voice is deep, emphasizing my name. Stay strong…

“Yes,” I say while trying to prevent my body from shaking.

Her eyes study me for a moment, and then she lets out an exasperated sigh. Her body relaxes. I am confused - it can’t be this easy.

“Tell me, Elena. Where would a woman of your stature go?” She arches an eyebrow at me, waiting for the answer to spill from my lips.

I clench the fabric of my dress, thinking of the words to say. She can’t know about our plan.

“I have someone; it is not your concern. And I am taking Joe with me!” My voice grows louder, claiming dominance over the conversation.

My mother flitches; her body trembles, shaking before me. Is it fear or anger? I don’t know.

Suddenly, she calms herself and laughs. With a hand in front of her lips, she tries to control her laughter. It’s clear she is mocking me, toying with my feelings. Now I shudder, wondering about her actions.

She stops and pierces her gaze into mine. “You will not,” she pauses, moving closer to me. She towers over me, like a woman taking control, “take my son. If you wish to leave, Elena then goes, and don’t return here.”

For a moment, I am speechless. I can’t leave Joe..I

“No, he is coming-”

“Do you think me a fool, Elena?!” Do you think I do not know who this, ‘someone’ is?

I remain still, trying to show no hint on my face. She can’t know.

She huffs and sighs again, longingly. “I knew since you were young that boy would be a problem...Seidon always cared for you.”

At the mention of Sai’s name, my mouth goes agape. My mother studies my face, and I know she is putting everything together. My face cannot lie, as shock overtakes me.

Her mouth twists into a grin, and surprisingly, she cups my cheek. I twitch to her touch, unsure if she is going to hit me, slap me like she normally would. Instead, her hand lingers on my face, like a mother who shows love to their child. I am baffled, confused by her treatment of me.

I try to recover, to throw her off. “It’s not-”

“When you were younger, you would often fall asleep at the Leverton Manor. I would find you sprawled out, sleeping on a chair or a random bed. Seidon was always sleeping next to you, holding your little hand.”

As she spoke, I looked into her eyes, reading her. Why is she telling me this? Even when we were children, Seidon protected me.

Confusion swirls inside me, and it is me now throw off guard.

“Why are you telling me this?” I ask, in a wry voice.

“My poor, stupid, dark daughter. Have I raised you to be such a fool?” She snarls at me, removing her hand from my face.

I scowl at her, stepping back until I almost hit the bedroom door.

“Is all you wish to be in life a maid, another woman of your kind wasting away as a servant? Elijah told me Seidon is engaged. To the Captain’s daughter,” she growls out, with a look of disgust on her face.

“I know this! It doesn’t change anything; I’m .leaving with Joe!”

“Oh, do you now?” Her voice is taunting. “Do you know the wedding is set for two weeks from now, and planning has already begun?”

To her words, shock spreads through me. Seidon, he didn’t tell me.

My mother chuckles, laughing at my shock and surprise.

“Yes, Elena. Edith may not be a princess, but she is treated as one. Seidon is to enter the Governor’s guard a week before his marriage.” She stops and turns her back to me. “I am sure she will give Seidon sons, and you will be the maid, cooking their meals and letting the baby boys suckle from your breast,” she says over her shoulder.

All I can do is stand, stunned. My legs buckle beneath me, and I almost descend to the wooden floor. Shadows continue to flicker around me, and my mother’s form slowly fades into the darkness. The floor creaks as she walks. Does she enjoy this? My pain and misery? Should I have stayed with Assan? Are Seidon’s words true? What is Mika? What danger does Lucas speak of? Why do I keep hearing about the Governor? Why were the Belua on land and talking to Mika? Is Assan searching for me?

My mind swarms with questions and I don’t know what to do. If what my mother says is true, then what can Seidon do? Will I end up a maid, a servant to Edith? All the currents given to me seem hopeless, so maybe my boat should follow the same, steady stream.

“How do I know what you speak is true?” I regain myself, trying to keep from despair.

“Because,” she pauses again, “You told me yourself. You know Seidon is engaged, but you didn’t know the whole truth.” Quickly, she spins around, staring at me through the darkness. A faint shine from the light causes her eyes to glow like a cat's eyes. She throws her hands in the air and scowls at me. “Be like your father, then! Leave us behind, and don’t come back. He is a part of you, Elena, not just in skin color but also the morals inside you.”

As her eyes narrow into a glare, I break and feel lost. I lower my gaze to the floor as the tears stream down my face, and the salty liquid touches my tongue. I am like my father, a fool… I wrap my arms around my body, holding myself from falling. Everything is uncertain, the current is still flowing, but I do not know where to steer my boat.

My friends are far from me, and everything is falling apart. Seidon will be married, leaving me behind. And Mika, is she even human? Lucas warned me of danger, and it seems my true trail is coming. Assan...the merman and mermaids? Seidon’s power.

I want to collapse and never get up. I am fighting for Joe, but my mother is right. What can a woman like me do in this world? With my skin color and womanhood, my only hope is to find a keeper. At least then, I'll receive regular payments for my services.

“Elena,” my mother coos me, patting my back.

I lift my blurry eyes towards her and see the dress in her hand. The dress is beautiful, made of white cloth and red silk, along with gold trim aligning the edges. On the dress are patterns of red roses, starting from the neckline down to the hem of the grown. I can tell the dress has been worn before, but even still, it has a radiance that shows of the upper class.

My mother smiles, looking down at the dress in her hand. “I wore this dress the first time I sold myself to a man. He said I looked lovely, better than his wife ever could. Tonight, I want you to wear this dress, Elena.”

Words try to choke from my throat, but nothing exits from my lips. In regards to speech, I’m useless. “Thank you, Mother,” I say, with my voice lacking emotion.

“That is my good girl,” she says, grinning at me. “You know I only want what is best for you. Soon, you’ll be able to win any man’s heart. If he decides to keep you as a mistress after sleeping with you, we will live a good life again. Joe and I will be free, no longer being poor.” Her voice is filled with hope and happiness.

“Yes, Mother,” I say in defeat. As I stand here, emotionless and broken, I think of Seidon and Assan. Seidon, why didn’t you tell me about the wedding? Assan... are you looking for me, in the forest? Was that your voice?

My mother then maneuvers in front of me, staring to take off my gown. “Let’s make you beautiful, Elena. The mistress of the brothel awaits,” she says in a sing-song voice. I help my mother take off my dress. I was stupid for thinking I could be free. I escaped Assan, but I left one prison to return to my old one, maybe death was better.

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