Clash of Tides (A merman story)

Chapter 15 – |Stream| Part 2

“Seidon,” she says with confusion as she stares at him. She flickers her gaze to me, eyeing up my appearance. We are a contrast–she is white and beautiful, and I am black and unwanted. She is wearing a white dress with short sleeves, and gold trim aligns the hem and collar of the gown, along with silk red roses circling the bottom. Her blonde locks are pulled back into a bun, and a rose locket is around her neck. Her face is painted with blush and color. As I look at her, I can tell hard work has never touched her hands and face.

She shifts her gaze back to Seidon. Her lips curve into a frown, and she asks, “Seidon, is this the new servant?” Her eyes rank over my form, wrinkling her nose. To her words, my mouth goes wide. Rather than face more embarrassment, I want to run and escape from this moment, which I knew was eventually going to come: Seidon is going to wed and leave me behind.

Quickly I lower my head as a throbbing ache grows in my chest. “Excuse me, I have to go now,” I say in a rush as I keep my gaze on the white wooden planks beneath my feet. Before Seidon can stop me, I spin around and pump my legs towards the main house doors.

“Edith! Wait here!” I hear Seidon yell behind me, but I no longer care. I thought I would finally be free–free from this life my mother raised me for. However, I was foolish, just like Assan said I am.

Seidon…what happened while I was away? Were you always engaged? Why did you tell me to run away with you?

I sprint through the house, running past the servants and ignore Sai shouting my name. Tears form at the base of my eyes, but I won’t cry. I won’t cry. I won’t cry, I think to myself, repeating it like a chat to calm me down.

“Elena!” He yells again. Finally, I arrive at the doors, open one, and run outside. In the distance, the older, coal-colored man is still sitting on his mule.

Before I can run to the cart, a pair of strong arms wraps around my waist, pulling me back.

“Let me go!” I frail wildly, kicking my legs and swinging my arms.

“Elena! Stop this!” Seidon says, raising his voice as he grips my body tighter, stopping my movements. He holds me close, pressing his lean, muscular body against mine. Even though my heart aches in pain, hearing his voice soothes me.

I shut my eyes and lower my arms, calming my body down. “Why?” My voice is but a whisper.

Without saying another word, Seidon moves his mouth up to my ear, blowing his hot breath against my neck. The smell of peppermint whiffs through the air, entering my nostrils.

“Elena,” he says softly, holding me close. “You know who I want to be with, and it’s not Edith.”

His words leave me stunned. Warmth spreads through me, rising to my cheeks. I pant for air as I recall Seidon’s last words. My heart pumps in my chest, beating endlessly. Seidon. At this moment, I let him embrace me, despite knowing Edith is nearby.

“This is my father’s doing; he told me I need to get engaged. Edith’s father is the captain of the Governor’s guard. My father wants me to marry her and become a soldier in the Governor’s army, or be their doctor,” he says, speaking into my ear.

After hearing the truth, and knowing Sai’s true feelings, I spin around and stare at him.

Pain shows in his mismatched ocean eyes, avoiding my gaze.


Seidon sighs heavily, running a hand through his blonde tresses. He clenches his fist. “It’s becoming too much. Merman and mermaids–” he looks at his palm–“this power. What is the truth?” He growls out, shifting his gaze to me.

I glance to the side, thinking about everything that has happened. Growing up, we’ve all heard the rumors about creatures in the forest, and according to Assan, they are not just rumors. The undersea world and war, and now, Seidon. Maybe I can’t escape it. What other creatures are in this world we know nothing about?

“Elena,” Seidon says, cupping my cheek in his hand. My heart thumps again as Seidon’s thumb trances my bottom lip. His touch is soft–the feeling of silk caressing my skin–sending tingles down my spine. Our gazes linger, staring into each other’s eyes.

I am lost in the swirl of Seidon’s pupils, wondering why he is staring at me so intensely.

“Elena,” he says, barely audible. “I have wanted to touch you like this for so long.” To his words, my eyes go wide. Memories of Assan flood my mind: Assan’s lips on mine, his strong arms on my skin, and the pleasure he made me feel. Words choke in my throat as Seidon stands before me. Seidon, do you like me? Confusion hits me. I don’t understand.

Seidon steps closer to me and takes my hand. A serious gleam sparkles in his multiple color blue eyes. “Go find Lucas and wait for me there with Joe. I’ll find you,” he tells me.

“Seidon, I…” I lower my gaze, but Seidon lifts my chin with his finger. With everything transpiring around me, it’s like I am in a dream–a dream where my wants are finally coming true. Nothing seems real.

“We have to take this chance, Elena. Lucas knows what to do.” Seidon’s lips form a smile, and his eyes beam with hope. If I want to be free from my prison, I have to find a new path. My current can no longer flow the same as my mother’s.

I nod my head, smiling back at him. “All right,” I agree.

“Master Seidon, your father wishes to speak with you,” a servant calls from the house. To the servant’s words, Sai’s brows frown, and his arm twitches, like anger, is flowing through him.

He turns slightly and gives me a sideways glance. “Go,” he whispers, making me concerned. I stare at him, confused; however, Sai keeps walking, going into the house.

Did Edith say something? My blood boils, thinking of what she could have said or done. Instead of staying, I run to the cart, remembering Seidon’s instructions. Find Lucas. . .

“You ready?” The older black man asks. I tip my head, ready to find my freedom.

Once we return to the ports, I disembark the cart and oblige the driver. Like before, the paved streets are littered with patrons. I have to get home and find Joe, I think to myself, as I weave between the crowds of people. I keep going, making my way to the dank alleyway until I see a familiar head of raven hair.

“Mika.” She is approaching me, but I can tell her focus is elsewhere. Looking at her, I think back to the waterfall where she searched the water with her eyes. In haste, she almost walks past me.

“Mika!” I yell at her. Does Mika know something? Images of her standing at the bank of the rocks enter my mind.

“Elena,” she says softly, in surprise. Her eyes rank over my form as if she is looking for something. We both stop, staring at one another. Citizens of Hlynn walk around us, going about their day. Mika appears the same, with a stoic expression upon her face. Before I leave to get Joe, this may be my only time to question her about the waterfall, about what she was looking for.

“Mika back then-“

Mika cuts me off. “How did you escape?”

Caught off guard by her question, I blink and bite my bottom lip. Mika was never one to get surprised, but her calmness confuses me.

“One of them let me go,” I answer, shifting my gaze away from Mika. I recall my deal with Terza: never return to the sea.

Silence lingers between the two us until Mika spins around. “I have to go.” Her words are blunt.

“Mika, wait!” I call out to her, but she ignores me, already sprinting through the sea of bodies. Mika is hiding something from me, that much is clear.

Clenching my fist, I dart her direction, curious over where she is going. I keep following her until I notice she is heading into the forest. Fear courses in my veins; I think of my struggle to be free of Assan. I exhale, wondering what action I should take. Enter the woods, or forever wonder about Mika? As long as I stay away from water, no sea creature can get me.

Bracing myself, I walk into the forest of giant trees, easing my way deeper into the woods.

As I walk, I take gentle steps, hoping the leaves do not crunch under my feet. Above me, branches and foliage cover beams from the sun, leaving me with little light. Mika rushes ahead of me, focused on her destination. Why is Mika in the forest? Unlike Seidon, Mika has never shown an interest in the woods.

Up ahead, Mika’s form up comes into view, and she walks to a nearby pool of water. Assan told me there are many waterfalls in the forest, but this is different.

Slowly, Mika goes up to the edge of water and bends down. I maneuver behind a tree, peeking over my shoulder. Ripples form in the liquid, and what I see leaves me stunned: one of the sea creatures from before–one of Assan’s enemies–emerges above the water. Like before, its flesh is scaly and green. The body is like a human’s: two arms, a face, and two eyes.

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