Claiming His Tempting Mate

Chapter 24

Savannah's POV

"Today's event will be exciting I guess” Shiny exclaimed besides me looking towards the pre-made stage.

"Why are you so excited?" I asked in my bored tone.

She turned to look at me "you are not?" Her eyebrows creased.

I shrugged "I thought this event will be fun that's why I wanted to join but after coming here, I find it more than boring type”

She laughed "must say, more like you are interested in spending time with your mate" she wiggled her eyebrows in a teasing way.

"Do you want me to give him a call?" I smirked.

"Fuck, you are no fun" She turned her heads away while I chuckled.

After that one incident she is avoiding Hardwick like a plague. No matter what she would not look at him. And I really find it amusing. Never thought he would scare a woman to this extent. Speaking about my mate, I haven't seen him since morning. When I woke up, I was alone and there's no sign of him except the little note he left saying he had some work in his pack and was going to take a look.

~ oh, you are missing him already ~ Red whispered in my mind.

I rolled my eyes ~ do you really need to butt in?~

~ I am your wolf. Where do you think I can go?~

~ Sleep tight ~ I suggested.

Red rolled her eyes ~ yeah, do I look like a sleeping beauty to you? ~

I smirked ~ weren't you sleeping all the time before?”

~ Are you mocking me? What does it have to do with me? You were the one who was underage of shifting ~ she barked.

Right! I cursed under my breath.

~ see ~ Red smirked this time ~ cat got your tongue ~ she teased.

~ shut up ~ I rolled my eyes.

~ Humph, Onyx is better to deal with. At Least he knows how to make me happy with delight ~ she purred.

~ you like him very much I get that but please don't go in that are all the time~ I rolled my eyes. I couldn't ever understand when my wolf became a horny one?

~ he is our mate. Of course I will love him. And please don't talk like you don't like his touches~ she snorted.

~ remind me to confess your unending love to him ~ I shake my head.

~ 1 am looking forward to seeing what he looks like. His name is already so cool ~

She is not the only one but me too. I want to see my mate shifting into his wolf. That will be the most beautiful sight to see and thinking about it, I can't wait for it. My hands are itching to touch his fur and enjoy the softness and lean on him, in his warmth.

"Thank you for gathering again. I hope those who joined yesterday have enjoyed the play” suddenly the familiar voice landed in my ear. I was snapped back to reality and found an elder was standing on stage giving his speech.

"Today, we are going for a maze run. To find the ultimate goal and put your flag as a sign of winning" the elder said again.

~ WOW, maze running is interesting ~ Red said inwardly.

"This will be interesting” Shiny squealed beside me. I looked at her excited expression and shook my head. She is too happy to control herself. Maze running? Seriously? What's there to enjoy?

"You are going?" I asked her.

She nodded her head vigorously "of course. Don't you find it exciting? I mean come one. The first game was too boring but this is a good one. At least they added some difficulties on the way to make it adventurous and besides that we can put our flags too"

"Yeah, a few clowns jumping around” I mumbled under my breath.

"Come on" Shiny playfully hit my arms "don't be like a pussy now"

"I am outta here" I raised my hands in the air in surrender position.

"Gosh, shoo go away" Shiny chuckled and joked away towards the crowd where they were standing to join the game. I groaned before turning around and found Tanea walking towards me.

"What happened to you now?" I frowned at her when I saw her sulking.

"Your brother happened to me" she spat "I really don't understand why moon goddess could not be a little merciful towards me before pairing with your brother" she huffed.

I chuckled "can you reject it?"

She glared at me while I smirked. Though I know my brother is totally an ass when it comes to wooing but as his mate Tanea really doesn't have any alternatives either. And I know she loves him too much to stay angry for long. This is what I am witnessing in these past two years after coming to the pack. Though sometimes it feels frustrating hearing their arguments but it's also wonderful to see how strong their bond can be.

"That ma-" Tanea was about to speak when Devak's voice rolled in our conversation.


Tanea closed her eyes and made a crying face. I pressed my lips together not wanting to laugh out. "Wait there, you woman" and instantly she is in the cage of my brother "where do you think you are going?"

"To hell” Tanea spat angrily, throwing a hard glare at him.

"Fuck, I need to teach you a lesson for this" Devak cursed down before hoisting her up in his arms "You devil, put me down in this instance" Tanea squealed loudly. I narrowed my eyes on my brother. Does this man know that PDA is embarrassing for a woman, especially with an arrogant man like him?

"I will let you know how much of a devil I am" he didn't even spare a glance at others and directly walked towards their tent leaving me all alone standing there with my eyes open like a saucepan. This...this males really has no shame when it comes to controlling. I shook my head and massaged my head which started to ache now. Thinking about this suddenly Hardwick's face flashed in my mind and a small smile broke on my lips. He was another person who did not have a sense of shame in him. And I have witnessed so many cheeks started to burn. Hell, even a slight thought of him makes me blush.

This man really has great effects on me. I never thought that any man would affect me like this. Wait a minute, speaking about my mate, where is he? He has gone for a long time but has not come back yet.

Where is he?

Reese's POV

"Everything is going good mom, you don't have to worry" I smiled as I spoke to mom. The images of yesterday played in my mind.

"How's Avan?"

"He is little disturbed and this is all because of that bitch” I gritted my teeth "I couldn't believe she still trying to play hard to get with him"

"I knew that woman will never leave Avan, no matter how much she acts on the surface” mom replied angrily.

"Avan even got beaten because of her. Can you believe it mom?"

"What? Avan got beaten?" Mom gasped.

"Yes, I don't know about the details and Avan is not ready to share. Tina told me about it" I clenched my fist "mom, that bitch still wants to seduce him. I can't let it happen”

"Don't worry my dear. You are more beautiful than her. Just don't show your anger in front of him. Remember man always goes for gentle, sweet and submissive women who will bend to their will. Besides since Avan was beaten because of that slut that he must be in rage. Take advantage of this situation and make good use of it"

I frowned "how?"

"Reese, do I still need to teach you everything verbally? Aren't you my daughter? How come you turned into an idiot now?" Mom scolded.

"Mom, because of that bitch my mind is a mess. I couldn't think of anything now. You have to help me"

"How's his behavior after the incident?"

"He was angry but later, he behaved gently and even made love to me. I can see that he is attracted towards me and couldn't wait to sleep with me" I felt a blush crawling on my cheeks thinking about it.

Earlier I thought I would seduce him but when I got inside the tent, I didn't need to do anything because he was already making the advantages. The way he fucked me it proves that he still has feelings for me.

"Good, since this is the case then you can take good advantage of this situation. Look, don't get angry when he meets that slut. Let them encounter each other and try to make the situation worse so that Avan will see that slut as a bitch and despise her more. When he is angry, take advantage and seduce him. For a man like Avan he couldn't really resist you and then..." a smile broke on my lips when I listened to mom.

"Do you understand?"

"Yes mom, I understand everything" I smiled as I replied.

"Good, I know my daughter will never lack anything. You need to hold on to this point to achieve your goal. Don't forget once you succeed the title and position will be yours and no matter what you can't miss this opportunity or that slut will definitely take the chance”

"Don't worry mom, I know what to do”

"Okay, I will be waiting for your good news. Don't make me wait for long"

"Yes" I nodded, though I knew she couldn't see, so I cut the call.

No matter what this time I will never let Savannah interfere in my matter. Two years ago just because she was his mate, I had to use seduction to lure Avan towards me and I succeeded. But this time she is already out but still Avan is reluctant to make me his Luna and still let the position empty. I will never let him keep it and use me at the same time. Since he is not willing to give it then I will snatch it to make it mine.

I walked out of the tent to look for Avan but instead I met Tina who was running out of her tent. I called her, making her stop.

"Why are you in such a rush? And have you seen Avan?"

"Alpha decided to join the game today and asked me to accompany him. The game was about to start” Tina replied in a hurry.

My eyes sank down. He didn't ask me but told Tina to join him? How could he do that?

"Did he say anything about me?" I asked her.

She nodded “Alpha said not to disturb you. He said you were tired so let you have rest"

I started to blush. So he didn't want me to get tired. Avan really does care about me.

"I need to go now. See you after the game” then in a hurry she ran away.

I watched her join the crowd and sighed. Last night Avan was too rough. He was big but didn't show any mercy at all when he fucked me so hard like an animal. I am still feeling pain in my core from his torture. But my heart felt happy that he still cares for me. I know only I can make him go crazy and turn him into an animal in bed. We have slept countless times and everytime he was gentle but last night was something. But I liked it. But by seducing him will I be able to achieve my goals in the end? I turned my head and saw that bitch walking towards her tent. I couldn't help but sneer looking at her back. Just because she becomes a little good looking she thinks, she can snatch Avan from me but I won't let her win. Glaring at her disappearing back I turned around but stopped abruptly when a month scent hit me and my eyes widened immediately. It couldn't be.

I looked up to find a figure standing a few feet away from me. He was looking at me and suddenly my wolf growled.

~ Mate ~

My heartbeat stopped in an instant as I stared at the person without moving an inch. He stepped closer but didn't move his eyes from me.

"Mine" he growled slowly.

He looked handsome. He is tall and has a well built body shape. He stood before me and said softly. "My mate"

For a moment I could not speak anything. I knew Avan was not my mate and that one day I will find my mate but am I happy to see my real mate. I have long devoted myself to Avan and wanted to become his Luna though we don't have that bonding bonding but we were attracted to each other. "What's your name?" He asked again.

"You are-' I started.

He smiled "I am John, beta of the Silver Shine pack" he introduced before I could finish my words. Beta? My fist clenched. He is just a beta? Why does he have to be a beta? If I accept him then I have to live under the suppression of a Luna of the pack. Besides, he was just a beta of some ordinary pack. I mentally shook my head. Avan was the Alpha of Bright Shine pack while my real mate is the beta of some pack. Though he looks good, the position he holds is not something I want in my life. Besides, I have already given my virginity to Avan and there's no way I will go back after such efforts I put in to achieve my goal. Hell, I want to curse my fate and moon goddess for pairing me with a beta. Why did she have to give me a beta as my mate? Can't she choose from the thousands of candidates she has in her hand?

No. I can never accept it. I can't live my life becoming the mate of a beta. I shook my head rapidly. John looked at me with a frown as he couldn't understand.

"No..." I said as stepped back when he reached out his hand to touch me "this couldn't"

"What are you talking about?" John asked.

"No..." I said again and turned around before running towards my tent.

" haven't told your name. Where are you going?" John shouted behind me but I was careless to take a look at him. Who wants to share a name with a beta?

I will never accept a beta as my mate when I have Avan and my future all set.

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