Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 61

“I hope you got everything right, you’re not exactly the brightest bulb in the room.” Mara said and I clenched my jaw. I was fighting the intense urge to put her in her freaking place. We both knew too well that when it came to brains, she wasn’t exactly gifted

She was beautiful. I gave her that but she was st**d too. The only time the wheels in her brain spun was when she was about to do something completely evil. She was so creatively devious jd I wondered how someone who couldn’t even figure out how a coffee maker worked could come up with the kind of plans she did. It was why I was worried about whatever it was that she was currently cooking up. I couldn’t let myself fall victim to her plans.

“I got everything right.” I assured her in the calmest of ways and she didn’t bother to look through the basket herself with the list in her hand before nodding in agreement. If she was just going to accept it then why the hell did she bother to question me in the first place? Again, she was st**d as hell

She tossed the paper away after rolling until I was nothing but a tiny ball fad right into the bin it went. She had good aim.

“Grab the baskets and come with me.” She ordered and she turned in the direction of her room. I was wondering why she was headed there. She was probably going there to change but I didn’t understand why I had to come along with her especially with the heavy basket in my hands.

“Wait here.” She ordered and disappeared for about fifteen minutes only to come back looking like a movie star. I was not sure if she was really dressed for a simple romantic picnic like she said or a wall i the red carpet. I just didn’t get her


She put on a big a**hat, some sunshades, a fancy red gown and heels! Who wears heels to a picnic?!

“Lets go!” she ordered and I was a bit confused.

“Go where?” I asked politely,

“To the picnic, you fool, where else?” I didn’t think she really meant it when she said I was going with them but I guess she


“Let me go get changed. I won’t waste time.” I said and she scowled.

“Why the hell do you need to get changed? You’re just a freaking maid, no body cares what you wear! 1 certainly don’t. Grab the freaking baskets and follow me!” she ordered and at that point the only thing holding me back from hitting her was the fact that I wasn’t ready to face the kind of hell that she would unleash on me. I was dirty from plucking some of the fruits she ordered me to get from the garden and I didn’t need to get changed?!

That’s fine! That’s completely fine. It’s not like I’m the one going on a romantic date anyway.

As Aston emerged from the car, I couldn’t help but notice the look of confusion on his face.

“What’s going on here? Why the hell is she coming with us!” Aston asked obviously trying his best to be calm.

“Oh, her. I thought she could help us run some errands.” She answered with a care free smile.

“Yeah, but why would you bring her along, don’t you have your own maid?” Aston pressed on and I was both offended and pleased. I would be more than glad if he could talk her into letting me go.

“My maid is sick so I brought her. Why are you making such a big deal about the maid I use. Weren’t you the one that told me that I could use her if I liked?” Mara rambled on explaining that I would be accompanying them on their date.

He frowned, reminding Mara once again that she had her own maid, but Mara quickly dismissed the objection, claiming that her maid was sick and that it would be better for her to use me, Aston’s personal maid.

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Chapter 61


Aston and Lexchanged a lief, meaningful glance as he stepped away from the car, and my heart beat at the

a thought that he might object to Mara’s plan.

I seethed with anger as Mara told Aston her maid was sick, so she decided to use me instead but it wasn’t like I could do anything about her lies. And to make matters worse, she reminded him that I was his personal maid. Aston and I locked eyes for a brief moment before he stepped out of the car, with Mara following close behind. I was furious that he didn’t stand up for me, that he let Mara walk all over him.

The car ride was tense, with Aston not even glancing in my direction. We arrived at a beautiful beach, I couldn’t remember the last time that I went to a beach. Maybe it wasn’t so had coming with them after all. The scenery was to die for. The sound. of the waves were like music to my ears.

“Go lay down the blanket and stop staring like a fool!” Mara ordered and even though I felt like punching her in the face

I did as I was told, my mind racing with ways I could get back at Mara for her cruelty. I then laid out the snacks, trying not to make eye contact with either of them.

As they sat down, Aston started scrolling through his phone almost immediately, and Mara began whining for his attention.

1 scoffed to myself, thinking how pathetic she was. Thinking how pathetic they both were, who went to a picnic only to bury his face in his screen. If he didn’t want to go, he could have just said so.

Aston noticed I was still standing. “Sit!” he said more like an order than he was doing me a favour and I didn’t know if to be grateful or to be mad at him.

“Why would you ask her to sit!” Mara vehemently objected, claiming I would ruin her mood with my “slavery stench I felt a sarge of anger at her words but again, she was right, I was just a slave.

“Stop being so dramatic, you don’t expect to stand until we’re done, do you?”

“That’s exactly what I expect her to do and stop telling me that I’m dramatic because you know I’m not.”

“If you’re not dramatic, why won’t you let her sit then?”

“Because she’s a slave and we’re here for a picnic. You and I, not the three of us.” She insisted and I wanted to tell them that I could just disappear and sit somewhere else until they needed me, I wanted to take a walk on my own after all but I was enjoying their bickering so much.

“If you knew, then why did you bring her along in the first place?” Aston asked and she turned speechless.


your seat.” Aston said and I sat on the blanket, trying not to smile as I knew this wasn’t part of Mara’s plan. She was fuming. She looked like she was going to burst open if I poked her with a needle but that didn’t stop her from being all lovey-dovey.

She was really giving it her all to make the picnic work and it was almost so sad to watch.

Mara climbed into Aston’s lap and tried feeding him snacks. He asked if I would be eating as well, and at that point, it just looked like Aston was trying to pis** her off. That was what it looked like from where I sat so I could only imagine how hurt Mara felt.

Mara snarled, asking him why he cared about me so much. “Why do you care if the**n maid eats or not?!”

Aston replied that he didn’t, but it was unnecessary for me to not eat when there was enough food right there. “The least we can do is offer her some.”

Mara refused to let me eat, and I reassured Aston that I was fine and not hungry so they could continue the damn picnic in peace but Aston reminded me that I was still skinny and needed to eat more which did not help matters at all.

Mara glared at me like she was going to chase me with a knife and demanded to know since when Aston started caring about

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Chapter n

his slaves’ statuer and wellness I kept palet, knowing that Astem reapse would only furl her anger.


mer 1 realignil I need to take better care of my property: Aston replied, his voice firm

since I

for and Mara’s face turned red with rage, but I just snuled to myself new Aston’s words were a small victory Darine, art I would cherish them

“Let’s just enjoy the picnic Aston said, trying to diffuse the tention


That I knew the tension would only continue to build Mara was not used to not getting her way, and I was and used to being treated like a real person. This picnic was going to be a long and Juficult e

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