Claimed by the Cursed Alpha by Kiara Nicole

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 

Vera Clayton: 

My eyes did a thorough sweep of the woman in front of me and I couldn’t help but notice her long dark hair, and eyes that had the same glow as mine. 

I could even dare say that our physical features were the same. She looked a lot like me. 

My heart did a major flip as it clicked in my head. If this woman was Blaise’s ex, and she had my features, it meant that these were the things that attracted Blaise to me. 

What if we were not mated? But then again, would he fake everything else? 

Jasmine, what are -how did you get here?” Laleh moved towards the woman and though she tried to appear strong I could still feel the shock in her undertones. 

Jasmine moved her hair off her right shoulder and smacked her lips. “It’s a long story, Laleh. Just forget it.” 

Laleh’s head shook as she struggled to take in what was in front of her. 

“I thought you died -I mean, we all thought you died? 

“I told you, it’s a long story. Besides, I don’t die easily. It will take a lot for me to die… A crackling sound escaped her lips and my brows arched as I realised from the look on her face that it was supposed to be laughter. 

“How have you been, hope you didn’t miss me too much?” She enquired as she moved around the space like she owned it. 

Laleh on the other hand seemed to have regained control of herself. The shock on her face vanished and an emotion I couldn’t place a finger on covered it as she glared at Jasmine’s sides. 

“Oh, we have been fine…” She smiled and then turned to me. “So fine that Blaise found his mate. We are making preparations for their mating ceremony 

Jasmine turned so sharply, that she almost lost her balance as she moved her burning orbs from Laleh and then settled. them on me. 

“Blaise found–what?” She repeated in a shrinking voice that could barely be heard. 

Laleh smiled. She moved closer to me and placed her arms around me. “Mate. He found his mate. Please, meet Vera.” 

Jasmine’s stare never left my side but as Laleh moved her eyes to her, she softened them but I couldn’t erase the rage I saw hidden behind her smile. 

Hi, Vera. You are Blaise’s mate?” 

“Yes, I squeaked, not knowing exactly what I was supposed to answer. 

“That’s super awesome. I am Jasmine.” We shook hands but our energies didn’t warm up, rather it became even more hostile. 

“So, where is Blaise?” Jasmine suddenly erupted, with a renewed smile on her face. 

“I need to at least say hello to him…. It has been so long… She paused then turned to me once again, “Oh, Clara, I am very sorry. I need to see Blaise for a while, you don’t mind do you?” 

“Umm–no, it’s fine-“I started to say but Laleh cut me off. 



Chapter 11 


“She is not Clara but Vera and yes, we were heading in that direction. We’ll show you where he is. Laleh came to stand by me and took my hands, leading me away froth the new addition. 

Of course, she didn’t stay behind, as we left, I could hear the echoing sounds of her shoes, and somehow I kept thinking of Emily

Maybe there was some truth in what she had said; maybe she wasn’t as crazy as everyone thought; maybe I was really making a mistake. 

In all fairness, I just met Blaise a couple of weeks ago but we haven’t spent more than two days together in all those times. I didn’t know him. Yet I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. What if Emily was right and I was making a mistake? 

But I kept my thoughts to myself and followed beside Laleh -who had grown stiff and vexed. I could feel her energy reduce and I knew it was because of the new woman, Jasmine. 

We soon stopped in front of Blaise’s office and Laleh gave a hard knock before pushing the door open. 

“What the Blaise was going to curse who had opened the door but the second he laid his eyes on Jasmine -he froze. 

“Oh baby,” Jasmine cooed, running to him. She wrapped her hands around him, in a fierce hug. 

“I have missed you so much!” She added, rubbing herself shamelessly against Blaise

My wolf twisted not because of what she was doing but because Blaise received it. 

He didn’t push her off. He stood there and let her touch him however she wanted. 

“Jasmine I thought you were dead?” Blaise’s voice filled the space around us and the pain in his voice said it all. 

He still loved her and whatever might have separated them was something they didn’t plan. 

“It’s a long story, babe.” Her fingers went on his cheeks and she smiled so brightly, I felt the rays reflect in my heart. And like a prism wall, it shattered. 

Their sounds became muffled. I was no longer there. My mind was transported to a dark pit full of painful pins that tore into my skin, breaking into my very soul. 

My legs developed a mind of their own and they started taking slow steps backward, afraid if I stayed there any longer. I would break more than I already did. 

Blaise was chatting with her; laughing even. He had gone past his shock and was now more than thrilled to see her again. 

Aiya became irritated. She wanted to tear Jasmine away from Blaise but I couldn’t let her do it because it was going to be childish. 

I am back Blaise and I am back for you,” she said giggling like a child, and then she delivered the finishing move. 

She kissed him. 

Blood drained from my body as I watched, Blaise held her and kissed her back right before my eyes. 

I couldn’t watch, so I turned and ran, hoping the wind wiped those memories off my mind forever. 

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