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Chapter claimd and 158

Chapter 158

The walk back to Jax’s home was quiet and more awkward than he anticipated, but mostly since he was trying hard not to stare at Lorraine while they walked to his cabin.

“F**k this,” he thought; his wolf was barely in control, his desire to touch her and know what she tasted like underneath all her clothes was more than tempting, but right now he could barely see her face under the cloak.

“Um, I don’t think I thanked you for this.”

“You did,” he cut in quickly, and for a short moment their gaze locked; he could see a blush on her cheek spread before she turned away. Why did she choose me?

He couldn’t help wondering; he barely recalled opening the doors to his home with Lorraine trailing in after him. “And don’t worry too much about your sister; she is in great hands, and Abby will take care of her, but now you need to take care of yourself. You need rest,” he adds.

“Thank you..”

“Jax, my name is Jax Kullin.” He tells her he could see interest glistening in her gaze, with Lorraine responding with a nod.

“And I’m Lorraine Mayfield,” she muttered, watching as Jax reached for a light switch, turning all the lights on and leaving her in awe. She admired his cabin, the dark brown walls a warm contrast to the black curtains. They were in the living room, and she peered around her, spotting the open floored kitchen and then stairs that led to two rooms upstairs.

Her reaction was awe and shock, especially since a lot of things like this weren’t allowed or seen in the Silver Night pack because of Dexton’s wicked rule to keep them all in the dark about the new world for years.

“Come with me,” Jax mutters, leading her up the steps that Lorraine quietly followed. He passes the first room,

the first room, which was his, before he leads her to the room just opposite his. “This will be your room,” he calls, opening the door to the cr**my and beige room with a connecting bathroom.

He opens the bathroom, waiting as Lorraine enters, looking enthralled by the whole space. “This is the shower; you can use it to clean yourself up. Wait, let me get you a towel,” he calls, quickly exiting the bathroom. He heads to one of the



drawers, slipping out a fresh towel.


“Ahh!” He hears Lorraine scream from the bathroom, leaving the beta racing back into the bathroom in worry when he comes across the cloak, soaked and wet on the floor, and Lorraine wet from head to toe and struggling to turn the shower off.

Jax quickly stepped in, turning the very cold shower off. “Are you ok?” His voice faded off because turning around was his biggest mistake and torture of his life.

He peered down to see that not only was her thin dress now soaked with water, but he could see everything, from her perky breasts and hardened nipples to the flat expanse of her belly button and that tempting V line leading to her sex; everything was on display, and Jax felt his wolf thrash to the surface to take her.

“I’m sorry, I think I should have told you the right button first before leaving you in here,” he muttered, covering her with a towel.

Jax had expected to get screamed at, but he hadn’t expected the cute giggle from Lorraine, then peers down to see genuine amusement in her eyes as their gazes locked with each other.

“I’m pretty s**d, huh?”

“You aren’t st**d… But you are right about the pretty part,” he utters before he can stop himself. Her smile contorts into one with surprise. Jax feels he’s gone too far, too deep, as the beta pulls back away from her. Feeling his hands itch from wanting to touch her skin.

“The left for cold and the right for hot, I’ll, uh, leave you to it,” he muttered, closing the door behind him. “Better control yourself, you ba**d p**rt,” he muttered to himself.

Now that he was showering, he had little time to think; she needed clothes and food; he could whip something up for her in minutes, but the problem now was the clothes; he had no female clothes here, so he rushed to his room looking for the smallest thing in his closet to give to her.

He heads to the door, giving a slight knock before his hands. A shy gaze peers out of the door. “Here, come down when you’re done; I’ll whip something up for you to eat,” he calls, passing her the clothes, and with another shut to the door, he steps


Moons, why the hell was he so nervous like a pup that just had his first crush? He


Chapter 158

showered quickly before heading downstairs, taking the faster option of frying and making some savory fries while the steak cooked.

It wasn’t long till he heard the door to Lorraine’s room open and the sound of uncertain feet paddle down the steps, “There you are.” Jax’s words freeze when he comes face-to-face with Lorraine, fully cleaned and showered.

Gone was the temporary bottle-dyed red hair, now a dirty blonde lock with greenish blue eyes; it fit perfectly to her polite soft lips and button nose, and she had the most doll-like eyes that could pierce you into a trance.

She left Jax speechless, especially when the beta looked down to see her legs bare and naked, and when he realized, in his nervous attempt to get her clothes, he forgot pants.

But Lorraine seemed unbothered by it; maybe since his shirt was so big it reached the lower part of their thighs, her damp hair was combed up slightly to the left, showing off the soft feature of her high cheekbones.

“Take a seat,” he pushed himself to speak, hoping he wouldn’t sound like a weirdo. Lorraine quickly took a seat on the kitchen stool, her hands pacing early on the island, watching as Jax quickly dished fries on a plate for her, her mouth watering in anticipation as she takes a piece and bites into it.

She unconsciously lets out a moan from how good it tasted, a sound that went straight to the beta’s d**k. ‘Oh moon, f**k me… he thought to himself. Everything she did was like a test, and he’ll, eh was gorgeous even though it was just biting on fries.

“This tastes divine; thank you.”

“That’s just the starter,” he then calls with a kind smile before he turns back to the stove, taking the steak off it and plating it with much-needed sauces before he passes the plate on the kitchen island.

And Lorraine dives into the hearty meal with a big smile and appetite, one that makes Jax feel satisfied, yet pi**d that Kyren could lock such an angel up; she should have just ended that a**e herself.

He knew he wanted to protect her; his wolf felt an attachment to her. “There is still more meat if you want more,” he muttered as he instinctively reached forward when he saw a smear of sauce by her lips and wiped it off, licking it before he could fully think of what he’d done. The beta froze, catching himself in shock at




what he’d just said and done.

The night was still young, and there was more to come. And he wondered how much longer his wolf could stay patient while being close to her.



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