CJ Fisher Finds Love

Chapter 12

Waking up the following morning they both had smiles on their faces.

“I hope you’ll keep that outfit. We can play doctor again, only this time I will be the one to examine you,” CJ said as he looked at the outfit crumpled up on the bed.

“We’ll see,” she purred, snuggling into his arms. “I’m so hungry, let’s go down and make breakfast.”

He laid her down flat on her back and got on top. Pushing her hair away from her face he smiled down at her. “I love going to sleep at night with you in my arms and waking up next to you in the morning.”

“Me too,” she said, smiling back. “But get off me, I need food and coffee.”

Laughing he jumped off the bed and yanking the sheet away from her naked body pulled her up and dragged her to the bathroom. “OK, but first we need a shower.”

He watched as she ate her bacon and eggs, she even made eating look sexy. “I meant to tell you last night that my mom invited us over for dinner Saturday night. Parker and his family will also be there. We don’t have to go if you’d rather not.”

“Why wouldn’t I want to go? I like your parents and the others.”

“That’s great and they like you too. I need to go to work. Do you have to work today?”

“Yes, but not until noon.”

He got up and gave her a kiss. “I’ll call you later.”

She washed up the dishes and the ones from last night. He had offered to help but she knew he had to get ready for work. She went out to feed her horse who she named Ace. “I will take you riding soon buddy, I promise.”

It was busy at work and when CJ called she could only speak for a few minutes. Still, it was nice hearing his voice. Since they both had to work late they agreed to see each other tomorrow. But he did call before she went to sleep.

“Are you in bed?” he asked.


“What are you wearing?”

She giggled. “My nightgown silly.”

“Take it off and take a picture of yourself naked and send it to me.”

“I will not,” she said, shocked that he would even suggest such a thing.

“Well, then I’ll just have to picture you naked in my mind. I miss you, Sam. I miss having you in my arms.”

“I miss you too but we’ll see each other tomorrow when we go to your parent’s place for dinner. I stopped and bought some wine to take with us. What time will you be coming over?”

“Early, after I do my chores, say around noon.”

“I’ll make us lunch. Night CJ.”

“Night baby.”

Next day: Sam was making sandwiches and a pitcher of lemonade when she heard a horn honking. Knowing it had to be CJ hurried to the front door and opened it. Just seeing him she realized how much she had missed him and ran down the front steps and jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. His mouth claimed her lips in a hot and passionate kiss before he carried her inside, kicking the door closed with his foot.

When he saw her running towards him his heart swelled. It was only one night that he hadn’t seen her but to him, it felt like a lifetime. They didn’t speak, he laid her down on the sofa, got on top and started kissing her as if his very life depended on it.

As they kissed and groped each other pieces of clothing were removed until they lay naked, their bodies becoming one as they made love.

“Hi,” he finally said, smiling as he looked into her eyes.

“Hi,” she answered back, tracing his lips with her fingertips. “Are you hungry? I made sandwiches and lemonade.”

“I am now,” he said, getting up took off the condom and going into the kitchen to toss it into the trash. When he turned around she was there, wearing his shirt and holding his pants for him to put on.

“You better put these on before your willy gets cold.”

Reaching for his pants he grabbed her arm, pulling her up against him. “I know where I can put it where it will be warm.”

She laughed, putting her arms around his neck. “Later Doc. I’m starving, let’s eat.”

Sandwiches finished CJ went with her to tend to her horse, Ace. “I really have to take this boy riding more often,” she said, stroking his ears. “Maybe we could go together again.”

“Anytime.” He looked at his watch. “We should get ready to go to my parents soon, mom wants us there early.”

She nods. “It won’t take me long. Should I wear something fancy or is it casual?”

“Casual,” he answered her.

At the Fisher’s Ranch: Dawn greeted them at the door, giving CJ a kiss on the cheek and giving Sam a hug, welcoming her.

“I brought you some wine, I hope you like red,” she says, handing it to Dawn.

“My favourite, we’ll have it with our dinner. Come on into the living room, the others are here and the children are dying to see their uncle CJ.” She led them into the other room.

“Uncle CJ,” the two children yelled and ran into his arms. “Did you bring us a treat?” they asked at the same time.

Putting the kids down he reached into his pocket and pulled out two candy bars. “Now judging by your mother’s face you better wait till after dinner before you eat these.” He laughed when they tried to make their escape from the room but was apprehended by Parker who grabbed a hold of them and taking the candy placed it on the fireplace, out of their reach.

“Ah Dad,” they whined.

“Don’t ah dad me, you know the rules.”

The kids wrestled with CJ on the floor, the others watched on and talked to one another about a variety of topics.

Chad looked at CJ and then Sam and blurted out. “Dad says Sam is your girlfriend. I thought you said she wasn’t.”

CJ grinned, his eyes shot over to look into hers. “Things changed buddy, she’s now my girlfriend and I’m her boyfriend.” Seeing the solemn look on Ellie’s face he pulled her down onto his lap and cuddled her. “But you’ll always be my number one girlfriend.” This made Ellie happy and she giggled when he tickled her.

When dinner was served and eaten the women cleaned up and the men took the kids outside to play. The guys drank beer and watched the kids playing in the sandbox Calvin Sr. had made for them.

A while later Dawn called them all in and seeing that kids were yawning she insisted they spend the night, giving the parents a night to themselves. Sam went with Dakota to help get them ready for bed. Since Dawn and Calvin Sr. were like grandparents to the children they had bedrooms that were theirs for whenever they stayed over.

With the kids tucked in and asleep the grown-ups sat down to enjoy a drink and each other's company. CJ sat on the sofa with Sam, his arm placed over her shoulder.

Calvin Sr. stood and stretched, bending over to kiss Dawn’s cheek. “You all enjoy yourselves. I have to go feed the horses, I won’t be gone long.”

“I’ll come help you,” Parker said, standing.

But CJ jumped up, giving him a light shove back down. “It’s OK, I’ll go, you stay here with the other women,” he said, laughing at his own joke.

Normally he would have wrestled him but he sensed that CJ wanted some time alone with his father. So he sat back quietly, letting him off the hook for shoving him.

CJ winked at Sam before walking out with his father, following him out to the barn.

In the barn, they laid fresh straw and got the feed ready in silence until Calvin Sr. spoke. “So what’s on your mind son? I’m guessing it has something to do with Sam. Things seem to be getting serious between you two.”

“I really like her dad.”

“You must, she’s the first girl you’ve been with longer than a few days and the first one you’ve brought home to dinner.”

“I’m in love with her.”

Calvin Sr. stopped what he was doing to look at his son. “Have you told her that and does she feel the same way about you?”

“No I haven’t told her and I think she feels the same way. I’m going to ask her to move in with me.”

“Aren’t you rushing things a bit son? You’ve only known her for what? Three or four months and only been dating for a month.”

“I know it’s quick but it feels right.”

Calvin Sr. scratched his chin. “So does this mean you’ll be asking her to marry you?”

“I want to, but that’s not possible.”

“Why not?” Calvin Sr. asked, concern showing on his face.

“She’s already married.” CJ waited for the lecture to come, he didn’t have long to wait. He sat down and so did his father.

“Married, we didn’t know she was married. CJ what are you thinking boy? You can’t get involved with a married woman and where is her husband? Don’t get me wrong, son, I like Sam, she’s a really nice woman but if she’s married you’ve got to stop seeing her, it ain’t right.”

“Dad, if you’ll calm down I’ll tell you everything. She left her husband over a year ago and has been trying to get a divorce but he refuses to sign the papers.”

“Maybe that’s because he loves her and wants to make their marriage work.”

CJ shook his head. “You don’t know the story, Dad. He was mentally and physically abusive to her.“He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before going on. He didn’t like thinking about what that man did to her much less talk about it. “Sam had to endure a year of him forcing himself on her. Dad, her own husband raped her, not just once but constantly.”

Calvin was shocked. He never liked it when a man put his hands on a woman in violence and he clenched his fists. “Why didn’t she leave him sooner?”

“She tried, no one believed she was raped by her own husband. It took a lot of courage for her to finally leave him. Having her grandparents farm she was able to get far away from him and start over.”

“That poor girl,” Calvin Sr. said, sadly shaking his head. “You’re telling me all this for a reason, what would that be?”

“You and Mom know a lot of rich and powerful people from all around the world. I was hoping you could talk to them, maybe there’s something they can do or know a way how she can get the divorce without him signing.”

It was true, over the years with them being a billionaire and Dawn a famous artist they have met many powerful people, judges, lawyers, politicians, etc. “I’ll make some calls on Monday. I’m sure there is a way to get her out of that marriage. Men like that I could beat to death with my bare hands.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

Calvin Sr. placed his hands on CJ’s shoulders. “It’s been my experience that pricks like that don’t like to lose what they think belongs to them. If you really love this girl you might have to be prepared to fight for her.”

“I do and I’m more than ready to do just that,” CJ replied.

“You won’t be alone son, you have me, Parker and this whole town. We’ll have your back anytime you need us.” Letting go of him he stood back. “We best be going in now before they send out a search party for us.”

“Um Dad, before we go in, I think it’s best we don’t tell Sam about our conversation. She’s a private person and wouldn’t like that I told you what she went through.”

“OK son, I won’t say anything.”

It was getting late so they all decided to leave. Parker pulled CJ over to the side.

“I’d invite you and Sam over but seeing that Dakota and I have the place to ourselves we are going to take advantage of being alone. If you know what I mean.”

“I hear you, buddy. See you tomorrow, have fun.” He too was excited to be alone with Sam, tonight he was going to ask her to move in with him.

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