Chronicles of Han: Preserving Creata: Part 1: Learning Curve

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Three

On our way over to the Dungeon, Tucker commented, totally oblivious of my experience of the previous night, “You should take things more slowly. You still have dark rings under your eyes and you are looking downright sick. Even after all that food you packed away.

I’ve also been thinking about yesterday. I’m going to time you when you have a vision. We’ll work out what your limit is and spare ourselves the embarrassment of having to drag a dead body out of the office every night.”

“Do you think I’m going to be stuck in the office all the time? I would really hate that.”

“I think it is only going to be an initial process, until the Captain can figure out exactly what he can use you for.

Racewater made such a comment this morning. Apparently, the Captain was inquiring from other cities for what, and how, they use their people that have your type of talents.

Under the pretence of trying to find someone like you, of course! He’ll never let anyone on to what he has here.”

“So I’m really only an asset and not my own person.” It still made me upset that anyone could be considered ‘property’.

“Don’t worry Han. We’ll look after you really well. The Captain too. He knows that the Government wants to know about all of you. He’ll keep it quiet as long as he can. Simply fly under the radar as you’ve done so far and we’ll all be okay.”

I relaxed back into the seat and stared out of the window, thinking about Creata’s Planetary Government policy upon people like me.

For the last few generations, people with my skills have been born on a regular basis. We are called psychic, telepaths or super-skilled persons.

For the last decade or so, anyone presenting with any unusual gifts in this line had to be registered and eventually tested by the Government.

These people were used as the new first line of defence against crime, corruption and anything else ‘They’ did not like.

How easy it was to get the Psychic in. Let him or her examine the crime-scene or situation. Let them tune in to see what had happened or what can happen.

Then the psychic gives the description and/or location of the perpetrator or event and the law Enforcement agencies go into action. Get warrants, pick the perpetrator/s up; match DNA or evidence and case closed.

Quick, easy, accurate.

And the cost to the psychic?

It depended on training and resilience. Those trained to correctly suppress the violence last for a while. Others do not even finish the first stages of training. And then there are the excellent ones that seemingly go on forever.

Until now, I’ve managed to avoid the Government.

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