Chronicles of Han: Preserving Creata: Part 1: Learning Curve

Chapter Chapter Forty-Seven

Panam stormed into the room.

“I’m here. I heard you! I came as fast as I could.

Dear Universe. What happened here?”

I did not answer. I was totally depleted and lying on my back on the carpet.

Panam left for a while and returned with a small bottle, placing it to my lips.

“Drink, you will feel better instantly. Guaranteed!”

I took a sip and swallowed quickly.

It was the most bitter, disgusting stuff I have ever tasted. It burnt all the way down to my stomach.

It had the desired effect though. I immediately felt better and struggled into a sitting position, wincing when I moved my ankle.

“I told you you will feel better right away. What happened here anyway? The door was wide open when I came back.”

“There were some men with firearms. They did not see me inside the dark room, above the door,” I tried to explain my narrow escape.

It sounded lame, but it was the nearest to the truth I wanted to venture at this stage.

“They left and I did not make a graceful landing,” I continued.

He seemed to believe me. “Okay, I am going to get hold of Racewater before seeing to your foot.”

He left me there and I could hear him requesting backup from Racewater. He brought me some water when he came back.

“Racewater is sending backup so long. They should be here in the next few minutes. There is a squad patrolling not far from here.”

He started examining my ankle.

“What is in that potion you gave me?” I wanted to know from him.

“It is actually something Racewater gave me this morning. He apparently received it from some or other herbalist that he knows. I am more inclined to think it comes from his own Clan.

You know he comes from a highly psychic Clan?”

I shook my head in the negative.

“That is odd. Tucker used to speak of it all the time. Anyway, I am glad the medication works.”

I pulled my leg away under his probing fingers.

“Sorry. It does not seem broken, only badly sprained. I am sure you can heal it if you tried.”

I looked at him. The thought never occurred to me.

“How?” I asked, intrigued.

“I have seen a lot of miracle healing being done at the facility. The psychics there call it energy healing. They place their hands over an affected area, either themselves or another person, and heal them. As easy as that.” Panam clicked his fingers.

Energy healing rang a bell.

So this is how the downloads worked!

You do not have access to the information until you actually needed it. And then sometimes, you needed a trigger to unlock the knowledge.

A floodgate opened in my mind with that one phrase.

Energy healing!

Anything from broken bones to walking through walls. Only not with the energy depletion I have just experienced, because one used Universal or Source Energy and not one’s own.

I placed my foot between my hands. Cupping my ankle loosely, I opened the top of my own auric field to the Universe and felt the energy racing into my head, down my arms and out the palms of my hands. I could see a golden orb surrounding my hands, engulfing my ankle.

It felt like pins and needles and I could see the tissue and cells’ vibration increasing. Now it was merely a part of my body’s cells being raised in vibration to be healed, not my whole body as to become invisible.

It felt odd and it looked even worse. From dark purple to greenish to yellow and then back to normal. I had a warm feeling around my whole foot and knew the healing was complete. The energy orb dissipated to nothing.

I felt strangely revitalized, not drained as usual.

Wow. How many things did I not learn today?

I became aware of Panam staring at me.

“I knew you could do it,” he congratulated me. “I just did not expected to see it happen before my own eyes. I do not want you to ever say to me you feel sick again. You can heal yourself.”

“Only if I can focus on what I am doing.” I smiled up at him, impressed with my newfound talent and suddenly aware that I could have saved Tucker.

*Not so.*

The eternal Sensaii was constantly there.

*If I had access to this knowledge I could have healed Tucker,* I countered.

*Even if you were aware that you could have used this, you still would not have been able to bring Tucker back from the other side,* Sensaii insisted.

*None of this makes sense.*

*It was Tucker’s time to go home. He knew that and would not have allowed you to keep him here. You can only heal people when they ask and want healing. Source Energy will only flow if someone chose complete healing.*

We were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Panam opened it to the Uniforms Racewater had sent. One of them came inside my apartment and took a stance near the door. The other stayed in the passage.

They insisted that we lock the door.

It was not broken, as I almost always found it unlocked. I have come to suspect that Sensaii took charge to keep the door unlocked.

We busied ourselves with replacing some of my lost energy, with me doing the cooking! I ate a bit, but was surprisingly, not as hungry as I used to be.

We were almost finished with coffee when flashes of visions started dancing and quivering in my minds eye. It was incredibly hard to concentrate on what I was doing or saying physically.

The visions came so fast and were so varied that I found it almost impossible to keep track of any one of them.

Panam was looking at me with some concern, but I could not concentrate long enough on his face to figure out what he wanted. Eventually I felt a hand on my arm and was led to my room.

“Where is a travel bag? We better start packing. Racewater will get you away from here. It is no longer safe for you.”

I heard and understood the words, but did not bother to respond. It was as if everything happened from a far distance away. I watched as Panam scrounged through my cupboards until he found my travel bag.

It amused me to think that I had last used it at the academy. It was not so long ago, yet, it felt like years.

He went through my drawers, placing an assortment of clothes into the bag.

I sat in the chair, watching him finish packing.

Tucker’s memories continued to surface. Important knowledge kept on coming to the fore, playing off in my mind’s eye. It stayed for a few seconds, and moved on, to be replaced by the next image.

I somehow managed to slow things down a little, or my brain was adjusting to ‘read’ it more slowly. It felt as if I was trapped in a kind of half-life. Not asleep and yet not awake.

Somewhere, I was concerned to stay alive in this body. Somehow, it did not matter. Not really.

Panam left the room for a few minutes.

He returned with Racewater.

“He is having some kind of episode,” Panam informed Racewater. “He is not really responding, but you would be able to handle him. He does what he is told.

Please be gentle with him. I have packed essentials only. I have also prepared three knock-outs if you need them. Use them only if you really have to.”

He placed the three syringes in the top of my bag and zipped it closed before coming to stand in front of me.

“Han, I will join you as soon as you are settled. Tucker expects better of you.”

“I know. Thanks,” I managed to reply, getting up.

I took my bag and followed Racewater out to his vehicle, relieved to leave New Haven.

END of Part 1

The Chronicles of Han, Creata Adventure currently has 13 parts published with more to come!

Visit chroniclesofhan dot com for complementary copies of Part 1, 2 and 3.


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