Chronicles of Han: Preserving Creata: Part 1: Learning Curve

Chapter Chapter Fifteen

After finishing up, I joined Slick outside. As we reached my vehicle, I saw Tucker coming out of the back door, heading towards his own vehicle.

Slick required my attention and I turned back to him. He counted the Crata notes in front of me.

I knew Tucker was watching and tried to ignore it.

“And I’m taking my commission, so that leaves you with a healthy profit of 115.”

I realized I had only caught the last part of the sentence, but could not care.

My mind was racing with all that had transpired today, as well as a perception of hostility in the locker room.

Taking the money from him, I secured it in my wallet before squaring off against my friend.

“What is going on Slick? Why is everyone so upset with me?”

“You really do not get it.” Another statement. It was infuriatingly irritating.

“No, so spit it out!” I held onto his arm, getting very upset.

“Please let go of me.” He was firm but sympathetic toward me.

I released him. “Sorry. Please, let me know what I’m missing.”

“That seems strange, coming from you. But okay.

First, you have all five sergeants right. That confirmed beyond a doubt that you are definitely psychic.

We feel that you had an unfair advantage in all bets since the Academy.

The stories of the arrests made by Tucker and yourself today have spread like wildfire through the Precinct.

To the few people that know you, it was most unlikely that you would act like a pro on your first day out, strengthening their conviction that you must have had ‘help’ through psychic abilities. They feel cheated that you did not confide in them about your abilities.

Secondly, Jack is jealous of you because of your abilities, Ryan hates your guts because you used your abilities for self gain. You know that he can be self-righteous at times.

And of course, Jack and Ryan both have a crush on Stacy, but realized today that their chances have been dashed. All of us could plainly see that Stacey is head over heels in love with you and if you cannot see that, then you are definitely not psychic.

To recap your first day on the job, what the hell did you expect was going to happen when you start working?

Pre-sight is like cancer. Start fiddling with it and it grows out of control.

You somehow slipped passed the Government.

Why do you think the Government takes control of people with your abilities?”

He tapped a finger on my chest.

I backed off half a step.

“To train them how to use their powers wisely, without fear of accidental misuse,” he concluded.

He sighed before continuing in a softer, more sympathetic voice.

“You know, I pity your kind. You do not have a life of your own. Whatever path you choose, you’ll always end up serving others.”

He backed up a pace, gaining some space in case I wanted to hit him.

But I felt no anger towards him. I felt drained and tired.

I knew he was right. I’ve never felt like my own person.

“I understand. And our friendship?” I wanted to know from him.

Slick sighed. “You’re a great business partner Han. You’re loyal and fair, but I simply cannot relate to you socially. I never could.

If you need a bookie, give me a shout.

I’m sorry man, but you really scare me, scare all of us. Get control over your abilities. That will make things easier for all of us, including you.”

He turned to go.

“Will the guys keep quiet about me?” I asked.

He turned back, looking me straight in the eye. “Your abilities have nothing to do with them. They merely want to get on with their new lives, no complications. None of them will rat on you.”

I knew he was right.

“Thank you.”

I watched him as he drove out of the precinct parking area.

What a day, I thought to myself as I slipped behind the steering wheel of the Commoner.

Glancing over at Tucker’ parking bay, I saw him patiently sitting in his vehicle, waiting for me to leave. He probably knew what this conversation was about. I needed to practice keeping a straight face.

On the way home, I picked up the food Stacey had ordered for me from Hankley’s take-away section.

It was a full warm dinner. The kind you have on Seventh Day with your family. I was thankful for her wisdom as I drove back to my apartment.

Avoiding the Highway, I took the quieter streets through the business district which was mostly deserted after dark. I reached my building as full darkness swept over New Haven.

The basement light had been replaced but the lift was still out of order. The stairs really kept my body in good condition, so I did not mind too much having to climb up to my apartment.

But not today. By the time I reached my door I was out of breath and soaked in sweat.

Maybe I was really coming down with something. I unlocked, took a shower and finished Stacey’s dinner.

I had probably lost three friends today, was bought dinner by a woman that apparently loves me, and having to eat it alone only served to confirm the great divide between me and normal people.

I fell into bed, hoping that tomorrow would be easier.

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