Chronicles of Han: Preserving Creata: Part 1: Learning Curve

Chapter Chapter Eight

We took breakfast in the vehicle.

Half a slab of chocolate later, I was starting to feel mellow again. Tucker had a few of his pastries. He offered me some, but I declined.

After he had finished up, I started the vehicle, looking at him for directions.

“Take it slowly up and down the streets. That is what I usually do, merely showing everyone that the Law is around.”

We were both silent for a few blocks. I concentrated mainly on my driving, avoiding further incidents.

When we reached a deserted Dunn Drive, we made our first turn back to the city. There were no further houses beyond Dunn. It was all wild brush. The NHSF Academy lay somewhere beyond that wild patch.

Tucker was watching me again.

“You are not a talkative type, are you?” he inquired.

I smiled at him. “No, I cannot be accused of that.”

Silence for another few blocks.

This was becoming extremely uncomfortable.

I thought of trying to scan his thoughts again, but decided it was too dangerous to do while driving.

“What happened to your father?” he suddenly asked.

Right, so that was what he was thinking about.

“Nothing. There never was one.” I kept my eyes on the road.

“Oh?” It was a question that was not to be answered.

Pre-sight invaded.

I stopped immediately.

“Wait a minute,” I held up my finger to Tucker as I jumped out of the vehicle.

While opening the gate to a property on the right-hand side of the street, I saw four youths in the back yard, trying to break into the house.

No, that was not right.

They were thinking of breaking into the house.

I found all four as I had seen them seconds before they went into action in my vision.

“Okay, guys, break it up. You cannot play in this yard,” I ordered. “Now go! Get back to school before you get into serious trouble.”

They were stunned, then scattered in every direction.

Two made it over the high wall. The other two ducked past Tucker through the gate. They were all well gone by the time Tucker joined me at the back door.

“You know those kids?” he asked.

“I’ve seen them around the neighbourhood. I do not think they will trespass again any time soon.”

I tried to look as innocent as I could before carefully closing the gate behind us.

We resumed our interrupted drive.

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