Chronicles of Fardel: The Rise of Syphon

Chapter Rags to Riches

Chapter 4

Wake up, it's time for breakfast. You will eat, then I will give you a short time before your lessons." Kelpon shook Doon awake and he rubbed his eyes and yawned.

have thought The two walked side by side not saying a word. One may them strangers. The dining hall was a huge room, big enough to seat five hundred men. The floor was made out of pure crystal gold and two huge chandeliers hung above the long table. The floor clear enough to see your reflection, but distorted enough to make the reflection humorous.

Doon discreetly made faces at the floor and laughed quietly to himself. Then he heard a very loud and charming laugh echo through the room. He looked up to see an old man dressed all in white with long white hair and beard. The man stood about six foot eight and he held a white staff that reached his shoulders. The bowed out at the summit and had a cross carved in the center. The old man was bending low and making various faces at the floor. When something caught his fancy he laughed loudly ignoring the many who frowned at him.

"Why don't you act your age, Eloff?" Kelpon frowned.

"Act my age? I dare say, but that would be no fun. And when you've lived as long as I have, there's two main things you learn. What others think of you doesn't matter, and enjoy the little things."

"And to think you've put armies to flight," Kelpon said smugly with a grin.

"Eloff, when did you get here!?" Doon ran up and hugged him. "Doon, it is good to see you; unchanged yet by these people and their teaching. I got here last night at roughly six thirty. I had the meetings with your father." Eloff sighed and a tear welled up in his eye as he gave a sidelong look at Kelpon. Almost as if he was lamenting something that once existed in him. But he turned back to Doon and presently his smile returned as he whispered into Doon's ear.

"You know what's stranger, though? I saw someone that looked much like you climbing a rope to your room." Doon shuddered.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. Now let's see what passes for food around here."

The seating arrangements were rather surprising to Doon. There were nine jarls from all over the world, and the top two wizards from Elcor's council. Eloff being the top wizard.

Neshes the aqua elf, jarl of Naru, sat opposite Kelpon. He had bluish black skin and turquoise eyes and hair. He wore a small silver crown with fish and the elven star imprinted on it. He also wore a shimmering blue and that had the appearance of moving water.

Melek a wood elf, jarl of Farmell, sat next to Neshes. He had long hair, brown like his eyes and clear pale skin. He wore a small silver crown with vines and the elven star and a mossy-looking green robe.

Heth a high elf, jarl of Hemen, sat next to Melek. He had long blond hair and sky blue eyes. His skin almost seemed as if it glowed and was tannish in color. He wore a small silver crown with hyssop and the elven star imprinted on it and a golden robe.

Faren a skinchanger sat next to Heth. He was the jarl of Wolden and was a very big and broad man. He had long, thick blond hair in braids and catlike yellow eyes. He was roughly seven feet tall and wore a small silver tree with evergreens imprinted on it and a brown robe. On the opposite side of the table sat Brock and next to him sat Carlon, the second highest wizard. Only an inch shorter than Eloff but having black hair and beard and a black robe. Next to him leaned up against the table was his black staff that twisted in circles from base to summit.

Next to him sat Tolin, a human who was jarl of Zolon. He had clear pale skin, short black hair, and blue eyes. He wore a small silver crown with eagles imprinted on it and a blue and white robe.

Braum a human, jarl of Orlo, was short but built like a tank. He had dark skin and black hair and eyes. He wore a small silver crown with ships printed on it and a yellow robe.

Kodeem a human, jarl of Beryl, had pale white skin and slanted dark eyes and short black hair. He wore a small silver crown with gems in it and a red robe. and black eyes Mivia a human, jarl of Mel, had dark skin and slanted dark hair. His silver crown looked like it was made of scales and he wore a black robe. They ate in silence except for Faren who made an empty compliment about the food. Which in truth wasn't that good. Think of a cold stale lump of rice and you have an idea of what it tasted like.

Eloff looked questionably at his food, and then at Faren, obviously not believing him. At long last, he finally tasted it and an even grimier look appeared on his face. He grabbed a napkin and spat it out, then hovering his hand over the food he spoke a little enchantment. He tasted it again and nodded with approval.

"Kelpon, you are King of Fardel, the literal king of the planet. You get tribute from all nations, you live in the grandest of all castles. But I can't stomach your food." Eloff laughed and kept eating completely ignoring the frown Kelpon was giving him.

Doon longed to have Eloff put the enchantment on his food, but he knew his father wouldn't hear of it. He stomached as much as he could and then asked to be excused.

"You have a half hour and then your lessons!" Kelpon yelled as Doon ran off.

"Boy, am I going to get it when I get back."

Doon quickly changed into the elven clothes and used the grappling hook to climb down. He quickly went off to wake up Syphon.

"What? Why have you come so early? The sun is only just beginning to peek out."

"Sorry, it was the only time I could get out."

"Alright, well let's be off. I wanted to show you something in the woods." "In the woods?"

"Yeah, I found Averil, the heart of the forest. Have you heard of it?"

"Yes, I've read about it. Only half believed it, but I'd love to see it." So they went through the southern gate and stepped into the woods. Syphon blew on the whistle a couple times and Gordon dug his way up from just beneath him.

"What in the blue blazes do you want at this hour, Syphon?" "Sorry, Gordon. It's his fault, can I borrow your wagon?"

"It's round the corner; bring it back in one piece."

"I will, you can trust me."

"I know, otherwise I'd say no."

"Thanks, little guy," Doon said.

"Little! Why you little punk you wake me up, you take my wagon. Show some respect!"

"Sorry, don't mean to disrespect."

"Alright, well since you're with Syphon, I'll let you off easy, but show more respect next time."

They walked round the corner to get the wagon and Syphon patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't mention his size. He's kinda sensitive about it."

"I noticed."

They got in the wagon and headed toward Averil. The sun was beginning to chase the shadows away and Syphon sat silently for a while wondering what had caused him to do this. And then he began saying something just barely loud enough for Doon to hear.

"Standing on the edge of the abyss. My life in ashes, my strength fails. How do I begin again? To build with ashes a new life? But Your strength is found at the end of my own. To make something beautiful out of ashes is Your specialty. Mankind's fleeting praise, treasures that slowly fade; too small things to live for. I peek out over the abyss; do I dare to believe that You could do something with me. I hear Your voice, a small whisper. Jump You say, jump and let it all go. I stand rooted, a slave to my own emotions. How do I let go? I know I have a choice; to stay here and wallow in the ashes, or leap into the unknown. To trust You that if I do You will give me glory in exchange for my ashes. My breath comes hard, my heart aches and my mind races at warp speed. Do I trust You even with my emotions? I know that leaping off the abyss is to surrender all. My hopes, my dreams, my desires, and even my emotions.... So I will. So I will yield myself into Your tender hands, when I trust You, I don't need to understand. Break me down so You can build me up. Mold me and cut me where I need it, because only You can bring new growth. In between doing good and doing great is always a knife. There must be a crushing area, a squirming time. Whatever it takes I'm ready to jump.... What have I done to deserve love like this?"

Cipher and Phex walked close beside the wagon. They were both on high alert looking this way and that for wraiths.

"This is risky, what if we lose him or Doon?" Phex asked, looking over at Cipher.

"I know, but we have no choice. The fate of the world depends on him. The orcs plan to take matters into their own hands soon. Kelpon also is planning war, and the trial of fire is just around the bend. He is the one chosen to open the gate, nobody else can do it."

"You know Saiyr will have a chosen gate opener as well. Have you figured out who it is?"

"You never know until it happens, you know that."

"Elohiym surely knows. Why does He not tell us?"

"It must happen this way, Phex. They must be tested by fire just as we all are. If they pass, we'll have another four thousand years of relative peace."

"And if they fail?"

"Fardel will be no more, the believers will get paradise after death. But Fardel itself will be a continual waste."

Phex stared off, the weight of the situation finally hitting home.

"Fear not, my friend, for the believers' death is a release not a punishment. If it comes to it, just be strong through death. Remember fear not those who can destroy the body and then lose all power over you. Fear Him who can destroy the soul."

Syphon looked over at Doon and asked, "What do you think your father has that makes his army immortal?"

"I don't know for sure because none that I have read of offer invincibility. Power over elements, ability to open gates to other planes, and other such powers. But not invincibility, none of them."

"Well, obviously he found one that does."

"Obviously, but I don't know what. He either has a new form of magic or an artifact I am not aware of."

"Is there any way to stop him?"

"I hope so. I don't know what it will take, but I hope somebody stops him." "This coming from his son." Syphon laughed and pulled the wagon over next to Averil.

"Alright, well I'm going to take a little nap. You can swim in Averil until I get up," Syphon said and lay down. Doon jumped into Averil.

"I don't like this. I can see the wraiths already. Goblins can't be far off," Phex said with a worried look on his face.

"I know just stay calm, panic is the enemy."

"There's at least five; can we take them?"

"We must worry mainly about distracting the goblins; give them a fighting chance."

"Won't fighting their wraiths do that?"

"To an extent; they will feel the conflict and that should distract them some. We may need backup. I hadn't expected that many wraiths. Put a thought in Syphon's head to use the spiders; it may help." Phex knelt next to Syphon and whispered in his ear.

"Should I blow the horn; call for backup?"

Cipher stared into the distance as five black wraiths flew over a goblin hunting party; almost as if he didn't hear him.


"Yes, blow the horn; I'll wake up Syphon."

Syphon awoke suddenly, he felt strange as if danger lurked just around the corner. His eyes saw nothing, but the feeling would not leave him. He walked over by the wagon just as Doon came back up laughing. Syphon ran his fingers across the wooden wheel and glanced down at the pin holding the spiders to the cart. He glanced at Doon and again quoted poetry.

"What will it be like to die? This question I have often asked. Will it be like flying high? Or lying in the sun to bask? Someday I know the answer will come. I will travel that road. Death will come for me as it does for everyone. And I will finally be free of this life. A burden slowly growing heavier. Will I be lighter then air? Will I be finally free to be me? Will it be peaceful? Will it be fair? Will I finally hold the key? Who can say? Who can know? I will just have to wait for the day, and then I will pass and then I will go."

"I can answer yer questions, youngin," said a horrible-sounding voice, almost like a gravelly growl.

Syphon looked up to see four goblins, one of which had a silver crown covered in fairy skulls. The crown also had a green gem in the middle that off a faint light. But the light was a dead light that illuminated nothing. With an evil grin, the goblin king drew a short crooked scimitar.


"Peaceful and fair, I can't offer; but death that's an easy one.

Cipher and Phex immediately began to keep the wraiths at bay and hoped backup would come soon. The wraiths looked almost like flying skeletons they were so thin with huge bat wings and bright red eyes. They screamed with a shriek that pierced the ears. Despite looking like pushovers the wraiths were just as strong as either of them. Luckily they had lain low until the last second and caught them off guard. They each beheaded one sending them back across the planes with a scream to regenerate. However, they immediately had to run. Dodging precariously through the trees.

"Oh, Phex what are you doing out here? Why are you guarding a little peasant boy!? Moving down in the world?" the wraith said in a breathy voice as it chased him through the trees.

Great, Diabolos, out of all the wraiths why him? Phex thought as he flew through the trees. "Better than guarding a dumb goblin, old friend."

"At least mine is a king, what's so special about him?"

"You don't really think I would tell you that, do you?" Phex looked back and noticed the other two had chased Cipher. He stopped and crossed blades with him. Evenly matched neither moved an inch as they clashed swords back and forth. The two knew each other well, having done this thousands of times.

"You know, Phex I'm looking forward to killing you... again. How many times will this make in a row?"

"I've killed you many times as well."

"By my calculations I'm at least a hundred kills ahead."

"Arrogance isn't fitting on you, old friend." Phex blocked a high attack and went for a low attack but met only air. Diabolos had dodged behind him and formed a fireball in his hand.

"So predictable. That's how I killed you last time," he hissed and threw the fireball at him charging after it. Phex quickly turned and hit the fireball with his sword and it struck Diabolos sending him across the planes with a hissing scream.

"Don't announce your moves, old friend." Phex chuckled to himself and flew to help Cipher. Backup had arrived and the remaining wraiths had fled.

"Doon, take refuge in Averil they won't dare touch you there!" Syphon yelled and pulled the pin to release the spiders. Each of the spiders killed a goblin biting it several times with fatal venom. One of the goblins fled and abandoned the king. While the king staggered by the sudden change in atmosphere stood dumbfounded for a moment. Only a moment but long enough for Syphon to grab a sword from one of the dead goblins. The two crossed blades four times, and then Syphon kicked him toward the death-trap tree. The tree enveloped him into a slow death that would last a few days. Syphon blew on his whistle and sighed as Doon approached him.

"Well, Syphon, you won't be a peasant any longer.”

"What do you mean?”

"You saved my life, you now get to live at the castle. You also get two things no matter what they are."

Gordon popped out of nowhere riding on a griffin. "What happened?" "We were attacked by four goblins; I had to lose the spiders to even the odds. Can you help me wrangle them?"

"Of course, at least you're okay."

Gordon wrangled the spiders and Syphon took the swords as proof. They rode back in silence and Doon spoke with the guards to let Syphon in the


"Wait here. I'll get my father."

Syphon stood gawking at the huge chandelier and pearl floor. He had never dreamed he would see such things.

"Elohiym is good," he said under his breath, taking in the thought that this was his new home. "And to think just this morning I woke up under a stone archway in a graveyard."

Kelpon came storming in with Doon's hand in a vise grip.

"He says you saved his life from goblins!"

Syphon began to speak, but Doon motioned him not to. So Syphon presented the swords as evidence.

"You will live at the castle, and our law says I must grant you two requests!" He looked down at Doon with a look that said what have you done?

"I want to be a jarl of my own kingdom called Parlon, and I want to be trained as a warrior."

"Alright, when you're not training, you can attend to the dungeon, bring the prisoners food and such. Anything else you can do?"

"I can cook pretty good." Doon smiled.

"Very well, come to dinner."

They walked to the dining hall, Syphon gawking all the way. As they entered the dining hall, Doon discreetly showed Syphon the floor, and the two of them made faces at it. Then they heard Eloff's laugh as the old man stooped low to laugh at his reflection. At this moment Syphon was beginning to feel a little out of place as he was still wearing rags. Surrounded by jarls and the king was a bit unnerving, but he kept it to himself. Until Eloff's eye caught a glimpse of the rough clothing. He slowly looked up Syphon's body until he was looking him in the face.

"Amazing...," he whispered to himself.

"Kelpon, it appears the security of your house has failed. Life has wondered into our midst. This boy knows who he is and he's comfortable with it."

"I suppose you mean to call me and my house a house of zombies? But it hasn't failed. He is to be living here now."

"He is to be living with you and you haven't provided him proper clothing!?"

"That will be taken care of soon."

"It should have been done immediately! What has he done to be living with you!"

"Ask him, he can go into more account then I."

"Fine, but I want the whole story, start from the other night when Doon got out."

Syphon went into a full account leaving nothing out except names. He even went into a full account of how Doon described his escape including Kelpon's conversation with Brock. Kelpon moved uneasily in his seat at that. Through the whole story Eloff kept looking at Kelpon getting angrier and angrier. After he had finished, Eloff patted him on his shoulder.

"Well, you certainly are a hero, sir knight. May I ask your name?" "Certainly my name is Syphon." Eloff shuddered.

"I am sorry, sir knight. Had this happened in Elcor, you would have been honored. Kelpon your son would be lost without this boy! Yet you have left him in rags! And allowed him to keep a lowly name like Syphon! He should be given a kingly name like Kephiyr.”

"Very well. Servants bring him clothes. And Syphon your name henceforth will be Kephiyr."

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