Chronicles of Fardel: The Rise of Syphon

Chapter Parlon

Kephiyr woke to Bear I'm his face.

"I liked it better when we were on the road. Can we go on the road again?"

"I'm sure we will soon, besides I have a lot of work to do. I need to get allies and Kelpon will probably want me to build Parlon soon."

"Good cause this castle sucks."

"Agreed, but it's not really the castle, it's the atmosphere."

"Yeah, it's so negative around here."

A servant came to the door.

"Begging your pardon sir, but the King wishes to see you."

"Speak of the devil." Kephiyr thought and Bear laughed.

"Tell him I'll be there in a moment."

Upon washing up and dressing Kephiyr met the King in the throne room. In the throne room everything was overlaid with gold. Great pillars were on either side of the red carpet leading up to the throne. Nobles busyed themselves with plans for upcoming events. The air was tense and they all eyed Kephiyr, implying that they knew something of which he was not aware.

"You called me sire?"

"Yes, I'm sending you and my son just North of Lake Gawleel to establish Parlon. I've already decided how it will be built. Before you leave I will establish you as jarl."

"Thank you my leige. How shall it be built if you don't mind my asking?"

"You shall build it out of wood, we will man one thousand men there. You should make a wooden wall, and I want an escape tunnel dug between Parlon and Zolon. The other small details you can manage." Kephiyr swallowed hard obviously trying to bite his tongue.

"May I suggest a better local, as that location would make us vulnerable to attack."

"No, you may not. The land is already paid for, and it's perfect to keep Wolden and Omar in check."

"You wish to cut off trade between the two?"

"I do."

"You realize that won't gain you support from Wolden? It will only stir the pot."

"My intentions exactly, I'm not worried about gaining Wolden's support." Kephiyr clenched his fist and cleared his throat, then he smiled and asked.

"Very well, is that all your grace?"

"It is you may go."

Kephiyr met Doon by his room and he was already ready to go.

"Our thousand men are awaiting your command jarl." Doon said with a smirk.

"Not yet I'm not."

"Actually you are, he signed the decree this morning, and here is your crown." Doon handed him a small silver crown adorned with topaz.

"Hardly customary." Kephiyr said with a shrug.

"Did you really expect him to be according to custom?"

"No, but he could show some respect, it wouldn't kill him."

"No, it would only kill you, you'd die of a heart attack."

Kephiyr laughed and dawned his crown and they all headed toward the port. Within two weeks they were at the spot where they would build Parlon. Kephiyr set up a blueprint and explained how he wanted it done.

"Are you not staying? Surely the jarl of this town should be part of it's construction." Doon said.

"I am leaving you in charge brother. I must attempt to get us more allies for the up and coming war. You will get it done, I know you will."

"Very well what of Abah and Abeh, are you taking them with you?"

"No, just Bear and I will go. I'm even going to leave my horse, practice flying you know."

"Very well, good luck brother."

Kephiyr fixed a harness to his back and had Doon strap Bear into it.

"You sure you'll be able to fly with her on your back?"

"No, but no time like the present to find out."

"I don't like the sound of that." Bear said but before they could argue further Kephiyr was up in the air. Gliding just fifty feet off the ground. The land spread abroad beneath them and they could see the entire landscape for miles around.

"Isn't this amazing, never thought I'd be seeing Fardel from this sort of view. How you holding up Bear?"

"I would much prefer the ground!"

"I know but I want to cover a lot of ground in a short time. And I want you with me."

"Awe, that's sweet, but I'm kind of scared of heights. I understand what you mean though, where to first?"

"Wolden, I'm pretty positive they're on our side, but better know for sure."

About a hour later Kephiyr was touching down in Forn.

"Well we're here, did you enjoy the flight?"

"Not exactly, but at least we're here."

"I'll let you down and have Bren strap you back in before we take off again."

"How many stops on this flight?"

"At least two more, possibly four." Kephiyr unstrapped Bear and she shook her whole body and ran around. Then they walked in the palace to speak with Faren.

"I see he's already named you jarl, not wasting any time. I know his intent for building Parlon, you don't have to go over it."

"I'm not here for that, I'm here on the dwarves side. Honestly this visit could be considered treason. Will you fight for the dwarves?" Faren leaned forward eyeing Kephiyr and stroking his beard.

"Hmm interesting." He said at long with a laugh. "Of course I'm on the dwarves side in this conflict."

"Good, so am I. I am going now to hopefully get Elcor, Farmell, and Hemen on our side as well."

"Well, that's the best news I've heard in some time. Do you have a plan?"

"If I can get Elcor to join, yes I have a plan. Farmell and Hemen have said if Elcor joins our side, so will they."

"Splendid! Let me know of the outcome."

"I will send word as soon as I know."

"Is there anything I can do to assist the process?"

"Give me a declaration of your intent in this war, that will assist."

"Right, I'll write it up immediately and put my seal on it."

"Good, can your servant Bren strap my dog to my back so I can fly with her?"

"Of course, Bren come here."

"I know I heard."

Bren strapped Bear to his and once it was finished he handed him the declaration.

"Be careful Kephiyr, you're playing with fire."

"Better to play with fire for a righteous cause then to sit in evil safety." With that he took off heading West until they reached Mount Sarcon then he landed letting Bear down and entered Omar. He met jarl Delador, Feldor's father, in the throne room. The throne room of Omar was all white stone with columns and statues of Dwarven Kings leading up to the throne.

"Hail Delador jarl of Omar, I come with tidings in this dark time."

"I've heard somewhat, my son has said you are on our side. What news do you bring?"

"In three years time the treaties will expire, you know Kelpon has no intention of renewing them. I fear his intention is to wipe the dwarves out completely. Wolden is for sure on our side I have a declaration here sealed with Faren's seal. Afterward I will go to Elcor to attempt to get their support. If Elcor joins Farmell and Hemen will also. If so I have a plan. The first part of my plan involves you. When I send you word, surround Parlon and burn it to the ground. In the process help me stage my death."

Delador leaned forward and pushed up his crown.

"I hope that isn't your only plan."

"Nay, Farmell and Hemen will fame allegiance to the crown, with their help we will take control of Zolon without firing a shot. Then once Kelpon sends his army there we will have them surrounded and wipe them out. Then we will focus on Legionor and have a convoy on the Ara Sea."

"Very good, I will follow your lead. Go now to Elcor and bring back good tidings."

"Thank you my leige, now I will take my leave. Wish me luck." A dwarf strapped Bear back in and Kephiyr headed off toward Elcor.

Elcor was a coastal country, or city state rather. Though it was quite large, nearly one hundred square miles. It had the Baylon Sea on it's East coast and the Cephen Sea on it's West coast. Much of it's profit came from the sea, between fish, crustaceans, and sea salt. On it's Southern border the Quern Mountains stood between them and the country of Hemen. Kephiyr had made good time, it was only just then night. He met Eloff outside the council building.

"Eloff, is Carlon here?"

"No, he isn't. Can I assume we're ready to proceed?"

"Yes, thus far we have Wolden, Melton, Omar, and Mendenhall. If all goes well we will also have Elcor, Farmell, and Hemen."

"Melton, Omar, and Mendenhall were a given. Of course the dwarves will fight their own extinction. Do you have a declaration from Wolden? I have ones from Farmell and Hemen."

"Yes, here it is. And you know my plan for Zolon, Legionor, and the convoy on the sea. Present that as well."

"Good, I have all I need I will hold an emergency meeting now."

"Do you need my say in there?"

"If you want to be on the casualty list and not the treason list, no. If things go wrong you will not be safe, and I can't promise Carlon will not hear of this."

"Fair enough, I'll wait outside."

Kephiyr and Bear waited outside by a little creek for about three hours. Skipping stones and just talking. Finally Eloff reappeared looking rather defeated.

"Well I did my best." Eloff said sadly.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Kephiyr yelled. Eloff laughed.

"I am, the vote passed by a landslide. After all sides presented their case, three hundred and fifty out of four hundred voted for us."

"That's not funny Eloff!"

"I don't know the look on your face was quite hilarious!" Eloff laughed.

"Ha well I'll spread the word."

"No need, I've already sent word to Farmell, Hemen, and Wolden. I left you with informing Omar."

"Very good, can Bear and I spend the night at your place?"

"No, I'll let you sleep in the street! What kind of question is that? Of course you can stay."

Eloff's house was rather small, right around one thousand square feet. But it was quite beautiful. Everything was carved designs set in the walls. Deer and Bear and plant life. The ceiling of the main room was a huge carved open rose made of many large pieces of wood. And a fragrance that reminded one of spring seemed to fill the air. Airidel greeted them warmly with meatloaf and fried potatoes. Then she turned to Eloff.

"You might have told me we were having guests. I'd of made more food and better." Eloff shrugged.

"I didn't know myself until just a little bit ago."

"No matter, I'll fix up the guest room for you. Luckily I always make extra food."

They sat to eat and talked for a bit before heading to bed.

"Do you think we can win now?" Kephiyr asked.

"Well, we definitely have a much better chance. I can never guarantee victory, after all we have five armies to face."

"But we have armies as well and a plan to take out two of the five."

"Yes, but no plan is fool proof. But we do have a fighting chance now. Are you going to keep Parlon?"

"No, sadly I think Parlon will be the first to go."

"Pity, but if we win you can build again, where and how you want."

"My thoughts exactly, I think we need to get some rest though."

"Alright, have a good night."

"You as well."

They awoke early to Biscuits and gravy. After a good breakfast Eloff strapped Bear in and they flew to Omar to speak again with Delador. It was a quick visit, simply a quick informing of Elcor, Farmell, and Hemen have joined. Kephiyr and Bear then returned to Parlon.

"I never want to travel like that again, do you understand?" Bear said.

"By the time we travel again, you'll be too big to travel like that."

"Good." Bear retorted and lay down licking her chops.

"Any luck getting allies?" Doon asked.

"Indeed, Farmell and Hemen will be on our side. Send word to Zolon and Legionor."

"Yes sir. What's your plan now?"

"Build my empire..."

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