Chronicles of Fardel: The Rise of Syphon

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Chapter 1. Simon Simon landed a punch on Syphon's jaw, and he fell to the ground, spitting out blood. Syphon chuckled and looked at his friend Feldor with a grin, saying, "Well, that'll wake you up." Meanwhile, Effen held a bag of silver sheckles in his hand, and Bren and Feldor looked at him worriedly, also holding bags of money.

Simon cracked his knuckles and smiled, saying, "They aren't going to help you, Syphon. You better focus on me." In response, Syphon rubbed his mouth and grinned, saying, "Your money is going to be mine, Simon. You can't beat me and my boys. I think you chipped my tooth."

Simon landed a couple of punches to Syphon's gut, and he fell to the ground again. "Give it up, Syphon; just stay down!" Simon growled.

Syphon looked at Feldor, who seemed quite impatient. "Seriously, I think I could take two?" Feldor shook his head no. "One?" A nod of approval. "One more punch, and I'm done."

"One more punch, and he said he's had it!" one of Simon's friends yelled with excitement and tossed up his bag of money.

Syphon danced around Simon so that he was between him and Feldor. Then he dodged a punch and caught Simon in the ear with an elbow, followed by a fist to the kidney.

"Come on, Simon, we need the money. You don't give it up," Syphon whispered in his ear. Just then, Simon uppercut Syphon, and he staggered back and waved his hand to Feldor.

Without missing a beat Feldor jumped on Simon's back crushing him to the ground face-first. Immediately he sent fist after fist into the back of his head, bouncing his head off the ground.

"You know I did say me and my boys. Did you think I was going to play fair?" Syphon said as he knelt next to the wailing Simon.

"I yield, I yield!" Simon screamed between bounces.

Feldor jumped off and Syphon helped him up. He looked at the other two of Simon's friends with a glance that said I dare you to fight.

"Any other takers? No, then pay up fifteen sheckles a piece." They all threw their money down on the dusty road and ran off.

"Now that was fun." Feldor said, cracking his knuckles. Bren sighed and

shook his head.

"When are you going to learn to hustle guys you can hustle, Syphon?" Bren asked.

"I do. It's just all the ones I can beat are broke right now. Usually, I don't resort to fighting, but that was the only game Simon felt sure he could beat me at." Syphon laughed and spit out a little more blood.

Syphon, a human, was a young boy of only thirteen who had already learned to survive in the streets like a seasoned hustler. He had a lean body, tanned skin, and buzzed-off black hair that gave him a tough appearance. His deep black eyes, which reflected the city's harshness, were his most distinguishing feature. The years of smoking had left his voice rough and husky, adding to his street cred. Despite his homelessness and orphanhood, Syphon was known for his party skills, and his infectious energy was always the life of the gathering. He was confident and never let his raggedy clothes, which spoke of his poverty, diminish his self-assurance.

Feldor was a young dwarf prince who visited the city frequently. He was short and stout, with a fiery red beard and long red hair that looked like a halo around his head. His golden hazel eyes sparkled with intelligence and humor, giving him a charismatic personality. Feldor's fashion sense was unique and bold, wearing a black short-sleeved shirt with an unbuttoned flannel vest and black fingerless gloves with tiny metal studs. He carried himself with an air of authority, accustomed to being obeyed.

Bren, also human,was a friendly and helpful young boy who was always happy to lend a hand and earn some extra pay. He was shorter than Syphon by a few inches and a bit chubby, with short strawberry-blond hair, green eyes, and freckles all over his face that gave him an innocent and boyish charm. Bren stood out in any crowd with his yellow shirt and red overalls. Despite being empathetic, Bren was willing to do whatever it took to earn some money.

Effen was an elf who looked dreamy with his long blond hair and sky-blue eyes. He was taller than the others, standing at about 5'8", with a slender build that gave him a graceful look. His pale skin was flawless, and his long ears were pierced with the elven star, which had six points. Effen's outfit was a matching forest green and black, interwoven with vines, and the same elven star embroidered on his chest, a symbol of his elven heritage.

"Forty-five sheckles, how shall we spend it?" he asked greedily, shaking the bags next to his ears. Effen, knowing Syphon's intentions, retorted with a laugh, "As if we didn't know you were using your cut to take Ember out."

Syphon couldn't help but grin sheepishly at this, but he had another idea. "Well, yes, but we could all go out. You guys want to meet us at the Golan Inn?" Effen and Feldor agreed, and Syphon set off to find Ember.

As he walked, he didn't notice the young prince riding up on a tall white horse. He had a small golden crown on his head above silvery golden hair. His eyes were a deep purple and he wore a red and white robe. He was an amot, fairer than elves but not as long-lived.

"What's this I hear about three boys being cheated out of forty-five sheckles?" the prince asked, addressing the boys.

"Your Majesty, we cheated them not," Syphon began with a bow. "I bet each of them fifteen sheckles that they couldn't beat me and my boys. Is it my fault that only one fought and the rest ran like cowards?"

The prince looked back at the boys who hung their heads in shame. Their reaction said all he needed to know. He dismissed them, and they went away empty-handed. "Thank you, sire. Most authorities take one look at me and side with the other guys," Syphon said, bowing again.

"Enough with the sire and Your Majesty crap. I may be a prince, but I don't exactly like the titles. My name is Doon; you may call me that," the prince said, smiling.

"Well, I beg your pardon, Doon, but we'll be going now. We're rather busy," Syphon said, starting to walk away. Effen, however, had other ideas. "So a royal who doesn't like titles, eh? Do you actually have fun?" he asked, a mischievous smirk on his face.

The prince looked suspiciously at the boys. "Fun meaning what?" he asked.

"You ever played a drinking game with an elf and a dwarf?" Effen said, a mischievous glint in his eye. Syphon looked at Effen, worried.

"No, but I can handle my own," the prince replied, a confident look on his face.

"Care to prove it, laddie?" Feldor asked gruffly. "The first thing I nursed on was a bottle, not me mother's teat."

"I would, but no place will serve me ale. My father has forbidden it," the prince explained.

"And what if I could make you look like an elf? With the proper clothes and some fake ears, you'd pass for an elf," Effen said a crafty smile on his face.

"If you can do that, count me in. I don't want to do what I'm supposed to right now anyway," the prince said with a grin.

"Wait here; I'll be back," Effen announced confidently, walking off, with Syphon following him.

Syphon couldn't help but feel uneasy about the situation. "What are you doing? He's a royal," he whispered to Effen.

"We have forty-five sheckles; that's enough to get us all buzzed. But a prince who likely has money on him, that will get us drunk," Effen laughed.

"True, but I don't like authorities. Bad luck with them," Syphon said, feeling even more uneasy.

"Relax and go get Ember. We'll meet you at the Golan Inn," Effen said, reassuringly.

"Fine, but mark my words, something's going to come of this, and it might you in a dungeon," Syphon said, still feeling uneasy as he walked away to meet Ember.

Syphon walked away and nervously began to run over what he was going to say. He had plenty of time. It was about a twenty-minute walk. Legionor was a fairly big city, roughly twenty miles in all. It was circular in shape with stone and wood buildings and dirt roads. A twenty foot stone wall stood around the city with four gates, one to each direction of the world. The Hange River ran through it and outside the walls stood the Mira Forest, one of the largest woods in the world.

As Syphon arrived at Ember's home, it seemed all his thoughts along the way deserted him. He knocked on the door and nervously put his hands behind his back and began to rock back and forth while he waited. Ember's father, Levillian, answered the door and glared down at him.

Levillian was tall, roughly 6'8" with long sandy blond hair and sandy- colored skin and honey-colored eyes. He was an elemental elf, the most powerful of the elves. He was gruff when it came to protecting his daughter; however he was a rather agreeable and charming person.

"What is it you want, Syphon?" he asked gruffly.

Syphon choked on his words and twiddled his thumbs behind his back for a moment.

"I... um, I wanted to see if your daughter would like to come to the Golan

Inn with my friends and I."

"What friends? What will you be doing?"

"Effen, Bren, and Feldor. We will be playing darts and pool and drinking

a few cold beers."

"It better be just a few if she comes home drunk or pays one rat cent, I'll make landfill outta you."

"I promise she won't be drunk, and you can make sure she has no money to spend. I won forty-five sheckles today."

"I wonder, does that cut lip have anything to do with your sudden wealth?"

"Possibly, sir. Um... may I have your permission?"

"Yes, Syphon. I'm just giving you crap. Any guy willing to get beat up for money to spend on my daughter is okay with me. Besides I know you're safe, unlike some other boys around here."

Syphon smiled as Levillian called Ember into the room. She walked in and as always Syphon's breath was taken away. She had jaw-length blonde hair with bright blue eyes that had streaks of honey gold. Her smile could light up any room and her body was perfect in all respects. She wore an outfit similar to Effen's. Her voice rang out like a sweet melody, almost as if an enchantment of love clung to every word.

"Hi, Syphon. Long time, no see. So you want to play darts and pool with me, huh?"

Syphon nearly melted and stood speechless a moment. "I... um, yeah I..."

"Shut your mouth, boy, before a bird poops in it." Levillian grumbled and Syphon quickly clapped his mouth shut and started to blush.

"Daddy, don't embarrass him."

"He's embarrassing himself." Levillian retorted as Syphon offered his arm to Ember.

Ember gently placed her hand on Syphon's elbow, and they walked side by side in silence. Syphon looked up at the sky, visibly trembling from nerves. The shadows cast by the elm and sycamore trees fell across their path as they walked. Ember noticed Syphon's nervousness and let out a soft, cheerful giggle.

"Don't be nervous, Syphon. I like you too," she said, leaning over to kiss his cheek.

"Thank you, Sunshine. I needed that," Syphon replied, his voice still quivering.

"Sunshine? Can I call you Honeybear then?" Ember asked, smiling.

"I don't mind. It's just that your smile reminds me of sunshine. Your smile lights up my day," Syphon said, blushing.

"That's so sweet of you," Ember replied.

"I'm just being truthful, Sunshine," Syphon said, blushing even more.

"I know, and that's what makes it so beautiful," Ember said, smiling.

Syphon stopped in front of the Golan Inn, took Ember's hand, and looked into her eyes.

"Ember, I think I love you. I know it's a little early to say that, but I've never felt this way about anyone before," he said.

"Syphon, we've only known each other for two months, but I think I'm falling for you too," Ember said, smiling.

Suddenly, Effen interrupted them.

"Alright, break it up, you two. Syphon, I told you it was a good idea. Doon's got us a fair amount of ale, and we haven't spent a cent yet. You coming to play beer pong?" Effen said.

"That's mean, man. Does he know what he's getting into? Does he know how hard it is to get an elf or a dwarf drunk?" Syphon replied, laughing.

"Don't worry, we set it up so he can play without getting up from his seat. He'll be tanked before he knows it if he just sits there," Effen said, grinning.

Syphon and Ember walked into the wooden building of the Golan Inn, lit by lanterns. The wood of the building was enchanted and seemed to dance in the lantern light. The main room was filled with a cloud of smoke and many regulars, and a band was playing on a small stage. Two bartenders were busy mixing drinks and taking money, hardly having time to stop and breathe.

"Do you want to play pool while we have a couple of cold ones? Then we can go out to the woods. I know a good spot to watch the sunset," Syphon said, handing Ember an ale.

"Sure, that sounds like fun, Honeybear," Ember replied, smiling.

Syphon blushed and began to rack up the balls, while Ember grabbed a cue and played with it while she waited.

"The key to this game is knowing the geometry of the table," Syphon said, trying to sound smart.

"You don't say," Ember replied, giggling as she broke and sank three balls.

"Something tells me I'm happy I didn't bet on this game," Syphon grinned.

"My dad and I have played pool ever since I can remember," Ember said, shrugging.

"Well, at least I don't mind losing to you," Syphon replied.

"How good are you at darts?" Ember asked.

"Darts is my specialty. I can throw a hat trick like snapping my fingers," Syphon replied confidently.

"Oh, really? Well, I'll have to see if that's true after I beat you," Ember said, smiling.

Ember quickly ran the table and Syphon lost without taking a shot. He downed his ale and laughed.

"That's not how you hustle. You're supposed to pretend to suck until money's on the table," he said.

"Yeah, but I'm not hustling you, dork," Ember replied, laughing.

"Alright, new game. You're in trouble now. Nobody beats me at darts," Syphon said, grabbing the steel-tipped darts.

"Hmm," Ember said, shrugging.

Syphon threw the darts knife-style, one by one, each hitting the bullseye.

"Told you darts was my specialty; beat that," he said, grinning.

"Not bad, for a human," Ember replied, grabbing her darts and placing her arms around Syphon's shoulders, with the dartboard behind her.

She looked deeply into his eyes and smiled. "Silly human, you can't beat an elf," she said, tossing all three darts at once over her shoulder. All three hit the triple twenty.

"Hmm, this isn't really fair, is it?" Syphon said.

"No, I'm an elf, Honeybear. You're a human. It's no contest. But that was very impressive for a human," Ember said, smiling.

"Well, you're still my Sunshine. Do you want to go to the woods?" Syphon asked.

Ember drained her glass. "Sure, and you can show me this great spot of yours," she said, giggling and taking his hand as they walked out. They had only just left the bar in time to see Bren dancing on the table, while Doon ran for the bathroom, looking like he was about to throw up, and Feldor wasn't far behind.

"It looks like they're having a special moment in there," Ember said, smiling.

As they strolled leisurely towards the southern gate, which was just a half block away, they stepped out into the Mira Forest - a dense and hilly forest with towering trees that stretched up to the sky. The forest was alive with the sounds of chirping birds, rustling leaves, and the occasional snort of a wild animal. Butterflies and other various insects fluttered around, and a few deer scattered as they walked out. Suddenly, a large boar came charging towards them, but the boar had a passenger on its back - a little hobgoblin named Gordon.

Gordon was about two feet tall with green, scaly skin, webbed hands and feet, and golden, catlike eyes that glimmered in the sunlight. He reined in the boar and stopped just in front of them.

"Gordon, what are you doing, adding more critters to your list?" Syphon asked, amused.

"Indeed, I love critters, prefer them to people honestly." Gordon's voice was very raspy and long-breathed.

"How do you manage to tame all these beasts?" Syphon inquired curiously.

"The key to taming any beast, no matter the size, is to know their favorite food and where to scratch," Gordon replied with a wry grin.

"Ha-ha, well, we're heading up the hill to watch the sunset, so I'll catch you later."

"Oh, romantic. Did you bring any food?" Gordon winked at him.

"There's raspberries up there and I have a few sweets in my pack."

"Well, pay the toll, one sweet and I'll leave you two alone."

"I figured that's why I brought more." He threw him a sweet roll.

"Smart man, didn't want a third wheel, planned ahead." And Gordon rode off while they headed up the hill.

"You know him, huh?" Ember asked with a giggle.

"Yeah, although last time I saw him, he was riding a giant spider, and before that a griffin."

"Wow, he does tame a lot of critters."

"Yeah, he has a new critter every time I see him." Syphon stopped and picked up a blue and red wildflower that looked something like a paintbrush. Its petals were soft and velvety, and it emanated a sweet fragrance that wafted through the air. He stuck the flower behind her ear and kissed her cheek. "Do you like poetry, Sunshine?"

"Of course, Honeybear. Are you going to recite me something?"

"When we get to the top of the hill. We should reach it right before sunset, I think."

“So, are you biding time to get the most romantic spot; or are you trying to come up with a poem?"

"Maybe both; you'll never know."

"You're not that crafty, it's definitely both." She giggled. They walked in comfortable silence for another few minutes and then they reached the summit of the hill.

"Beautiful, absolutely beautiful," Ember gasped. They were at the top of a fifty-foot cliff overlooking the silver lake. The view was breathtaking - the Hange River fell in a waterfall about fifteen feet to their right, and the shimmering silver lake stretched out before them, glistening in the orange and pink hues of the setting sun. Red, gold, and purple streaks danced across the sky, and just a few stars could be seen over the Ara Sea, which was on the edge of their view to their left. Syphon leaned over behind her and wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on hers. Then he began whispering in her ear.

"It's a flower you can't see with your eyes, smell with your nose, taste with your tongue, or feel with your hands. But here's a flower from me to you. Prettier than a beautiful sunny sky of blue. Has a fairer fragrance than the sweetest scent known to man. It tastes better than chocolate that melts in your mouth and not your hand. It's soft and smooth and has not a thorn. It contains all the colors of the rainbow, yet it's so easily born. Close your eyes; can you see it? Can you smell it? Think of your favorite color or the most beautiful thing you ever saw. Neither rivals the beauty of this flower. It's you."

Ember turned to him with a new look in her eyes and kissed him deeply. "I'm not much of a wordsmith, but I have a gift for you too."

She put her hands over his eyes and whispered something in the elvish tongue, then she kissed his forehead.

"For a short time, you will have elf sight, now look."

Syphon gasped; now he could see the sunset and a billion stars all at once. The lake appeared as though the light glanced off in dancing crystals, and each drop of water from the waterfall was like a little light crystal flying through the air. Several animals that had been hidden from him before suddenly leaped into view. He could also hear the waves of the distant sea and the beat of butterfly wings. He turned to look at Ember, and she shimmered with a reddish-gold light, and every detail of her was amazingly brilliant.

"Wow, is this how you see all the time?"

“Yes, not all elves, only elemental elves see the world this way."

"What's the light you glow with?"

"We can see emotions and moods."

“So, there's no hiding what I feel around you?"

"No, it's pretty hard to fool me."

"No fair, so you've always known how I feel about you, but I don't know what the colors mean."

"Well, you look reddish-gold if that helps."

Syphon melted and kissed her again.

"Could this night get any better?"

"No, cause we're going to have to head back soon. My dad will have a fit if I'm out much longer."

"Yeah, we should head back. I love you."

"I love you too, Syphon."

They walked back hand in hand, and Syphon dropped her off at home. Syphon headed to his home, which wasn't really a home. His "home" consisted of a sleeping bag and a pillow under a stone archway in the cemetery. He lit a quick campfire and his pipe and glanced over at two headstones.

"Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad; I got a girlfriend today. She gave me elf sight, wish you could've seen it. Effen befriended a prince, hope he's not in a dungeon. God has been good to me, just like you said. Goodnight."

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