Chronicles of Fardel: The Rise of Syphon

Chapter A New King

Kephiyr woke early the morning after the battle, Ember lay motionless in the bed next to him. He tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear and a smile crossed her face.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" He whispered, then he got up and started preparing breakfast.

Some minutes later he woke her with bacon, eggs, pancakes, and coffee in bed. She sat up and they both began to eat. After some time Ember broke the silence.

"So, we won, it's over right?"

"Yes, there's just one thing left I have to do. I have to go to Legionor and talk to the King. He'll be at deaths doorstep at this point."

"Can't you send a messenger, do you really have to go?"

"Yes, the dream was specific that I had to go. I'll head out around noon." Ember nodded her head and sipped her coffee.

"Well, then I'm going with you."

"Are you sure you want to, it might be dangerous."

"Precisely why I should go, I already rose you from the dead once." She giggled and punched him in the shoulder, he chuckled slightly.

"Yeah, that was weird... I don't suppose there's any talking you out of it."

"Nope, you're stuck with me. I'm not leaving your side if I can help it."

Alright, well we should get packing what we'll need, it's going to be a long stay if I guess right."

"What's your guess as to what happens?" She looked at him curiously, searching his eyes for a clue.

"I'm not sure." He said after a long pause. "But perhaps a new treaty that will have to be made with Doon. Afterall he's about to become King, I just hope he's easier to deal with then his father."

"I think he will be, assuming this war hasn't hardened him. He's always been a fairly good guy. I think it's his elvish side that makes him different."

"Yeah, he's always been much different from his father, perhaps you're right, that his elf mother's blood will be the difference maker." They got up and began packing for at least two weeks, then they boarded a ship bound for Legionor.

Sometime later they met Kelpon in his bed chamber, and to their surprise Kelpon greeted them with gladness.

"Welcome, welcome." Kelpon said smiling at them. "Well fought son, well fought."

"But sire, I was a prisoner of war." Kephiyr said hoping to divert the subject of his betrayal.

"Oh poppycock, you were the leading commander against me. You don't need to deceive me anymore, I am no longer a threat to Fardel. Again I say, well fought. You have done me proud, even if you were fighting against me. I'm glad you did, if you hadn't I would of crossed the land like a plague."

Kephiyr was so taken back by the blunt honesty and seemingly harmless nature Kelpon displayed that he didn't answer. As Doon began to walk toward them Kelpon continued explaining.

"I finally realized my folly Kephiyr, thank you for having the courage to fight against me." Doon was at his side and hugged him.

"Well fought brother, I wish I would have thought of it. Quite ingenious." Doon said and patted him on the shoulder.

"I am glad you have come before my death, I have something I wish to bestow to you before I pass." Kelpon said.

"What would you bestow to me sire?" Kephiyr asked, a little hesitant to hear the answer. Doon turned and looked at his father, his hand still on Kephiyr's shoulder. This was obviously news to him as well.

"My crown, the weight of Fardel will rest on your shoulders."

All three of their jaws dropped. Doon suddenly yanked his hand away from Kephiyr's shoulder with a quick jerk of his arm, and gave him a sidelong look.

"I leave my noble son as your steward." Kelpon continued and Doon snorted and walked off in anger. Ember put her hand to her mouth in disbelief and sat on the edge of the bed. Kephiyr knelt down by the King and gasped for a moment.

"But Sire, I don't know how to run Fardel. I'm no King, I'm a warrior." Kephiyr replied.

"Oh sure you do. Just follow your heart and your courage. Rule justly and fairly. When I heard that the Guardians helped you win the last battle, I seen the error in my ways. Ask Elohiym to guide you and I have faith that He will. I remember a saying I heard when you were just a little guy, God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. It's as true today as it was then. And I fear, I may have passed my hatred onto my son, which is why you will be King, not him. I'd watch my back for while if I were you though, he didn't seem happy about it. But it's already official, in writing and signed, you're the new King of Fardel."

"I wouldn't be happy either if I was him, he was expecting to be top dog soon and instead he's second in command." Kephiyr replied with a slight smirk.

Just then Doon came back in walking quickly, his hands behind his back, face red with anger.

"Doon, calm down." Kephiyr said calmly gesturing with his hands. But Doon said nothing he merely hit Kephiyr on the head with the pummel of a small sword. Then he bore down on his sick father stabbing him multiple times. Kelpon screamed, and breathed his last. Then Doon turned his rage on Kephiyr. Kephiyr dodged the first attempt and punched Doon in the face. He then tripped Doon and the sword flew out of his hands clanging on the floor, he pinned Doon to the ground.

"You're lucky we've been friends so long, I could have you executed for murdering your father." Kephiyr said staring down at him.

"That's rich, coming from someone who had him assassinated." Doon sneered back.

"That was war time strategy, this was cold blooded murder. You're banished from Legionor, and the new Parlon I'm going to build."

"I'll get what belongs to me Kephiyr, mark my words, this won't be the last time you hear of me."

"I mark them, but I'm not worried."

"Neither was my father." Doon retorted. Kephiyr handed Doon over to the guards.

"Throw him out of Legionor and never let him in here again."

"Yes Sire." The soldiers escorted Doon out of the city and left him to fend for himself.

Some months later Kephiyr and Ember were to be married on the edge of the cliff, where they shared their first kiss. Linen decoration hung from the trees, along bouquets of roses. Fireflies lit up the evening, and two small rows of chairs were set out for close friends and relatives. Kephiyr wore a quite dashing blue suit as did his three closest friends, Effen, Feldor, and Bren. Eloff was officiating the wedding, wearing a dazzling white suit that seemed to sparkle. Airidel being the maid of honor wore a flowing turquoise dress that seemed sway without moving, almost as if one could see waves being tossed. Lenan played the music on his flute, using a bit of magic made it quite captivating. Ollen, Abah, and Abeh sat up front. Ethoras, Nolan, and Meni were also present, along with every single Jarl. All of Ember's family and many of her friends had come as well.

The brides moment had come, and as Lenan played the music, Levillian began walking Ember toward Kephiyr. Ember's dress was sparkling, with a train that followed far behind her. The base color of the dress was obviously white, but as she moved you would catch glimpses of every possible color. It was as if rainbows danced off her dress hidden inside the sparkling stars that seemed to move with the music.

"I knew I should've roasted that little whipper snapper when I had the chance." Levillian whispered to his daughter.

"Daddy, don't embarras me." Ember whispered back, without loosing her smile. Kephiyr was already somewhat working on that, standing there with his mouth gaped open.

"Look at him, are you sure you wanna marry him? A bird's gonna poop in his mouth, then how will you kiss him?" Levillian whispered.

"Daddy, shut up and smile." Ember whispered.

"Who gives this woman?" Eloff asked as they reached the front. There was a fairly long pause and Levillian made no effort in any way. He stood there, seemingly fighting within himself. Ember kissed his forehead and hugged him.

"It's okay daddy, I'll be okay, I love you." Levillian burst into tears and choked on the words.

"I... I do." He finally stammered and let go of his grip and slowly sat down.

They said their vows and kissed as Eloff pronounced them man and wife. Then Kephiyr proceeded to recite a poem he had written for the occasion.

"Love, is sharing completely, nothing less. And trust eachother with faithfulness. To be open, and never try to hide. The love or feelings we held inside. Love, is understanding in every way. So that our love may grow, from day to day. Being patient, and endure all things. No matter what tomorrow brings. Love, is when my fingers softly trace, a line across your smiling face. To feel love flowing without a word. It's love's silent voice, which cannot be heard. Love, is the little things in life. That makes the oneness of husband and wife. So may we share these things today, that our love may grow in every way. Love, it is this, and so much more. For we have only begun to open the door. To a new life for you and me, where love and joy will always be."

They spent the rest of the evening dancing, eating, laughing, and just being in the moment. Roughly six months later their son Petros was born...

Fifteen years later.

Doon sat in the cabin eating a litte dinner in the cool of the night. Sitting on his porch looking up at the stars in the moonless night. That's when Kaz suddenly appeared to him. It was so sudden that he nearly jumped out of his chair.

"What took you so long!" Doon shouted at him after a few moments of silence.

"It was not yet time. But now, come with me and we will get back everything you lost." Kaz extended his hand and Doon immediately took it. All at once they were in the air flying at a remarkable speed. Out over the Ara Sea in what seemed like a moment. They flew to an island that was rather mountainous, Kaz stopped at what seemed to be a small door in the side of the mountain.

"What is this place, it's totally dead here?"

"This is the Isle of Shadow you have simple to open that door and take what's inside. Then you will command hordes." Kaz said, a slight smirk on his face.

With a trembling hand Doon opened the door to see a perfectly round stone on a bed of bones. The stone was on fire, but the fire was not a natural fire. Near the base the fire was blood red and further out it was blacker then the blackest darkness Doon had ever seen. He hesitated, breathing hard and trembling.

"You must take the Stone of Shadow, this is how to begin the Trial of Fire. With you assuming control over hordes the power of which you have only dreamed of."

"The Trial of Fire? I just want my kingdom back, not the world destroyed..."

"We had a deal! Take the stone!" Kaz interrupted pulling out a blade and the intent was understood. Doon trembled, battling within himself for a moment and then took the stone. Immediately he felt something similar as when he shook hands with Kaz, though much more powerful. He bent over in pain as he gripped the stone, unable to release it. He watched, as his skin turned as black as the flame. Claws replaced his fingernails, his teeth turned to fangs and a crown of horns grew from his scalp. His eyes turned blood red.

"What have I done?" Doon gasped just before it seemed to take him over completely. At that point it was almost as if he took a backseat in his mind. His will still somewhat present but distant and weak. He knew now that he was playing with powers far beyond his control. A great roar filled the air and he looked up to see wraiths and dragons flying in circles, the sound of marching feet approached him.

One tremendously large black dragon landed in front of him.

"Aphelah and his hordes at your service my King." The dragon said bowing his head. And then Doon heard his own voice answer beyond his own control. It was a hollow echoed voice and yet also still his own.

"Let it begin..."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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