Chronicles of Araxx - Forever Broken

Chapter 12

The sun would be going down soon, and Jay and Adz had spent the majority of the day on the train. They had to catch three different trains to get to London.

The Institute was situated in northern Scotland, and as a result, it took more than one change to reach the capital of England.

Their first train had been delayed, something about a fallen tree on the tracks, meaning they missed their train to London. After waiting another hour for a train, Jay and Adz were finally able to continue their journey.

However, they were unable to sit in any of the seats, as their tickets were not valid for reservation, and had to stand all the way from Glasgow to London.

When they finally arrived at London at three in the afternoon, they exited the train and made their way down to the underground.

Adz had decided they should purchase their Oyster cards then, before heading to the hotel as he thought it would be easier.

He was wrong.

They both had the joy of waiting in a long queue of people who all had the exact same idea.

It was half past four when Jay and Adz had finally checked in at the hotel and put their bags in the room.

It was a large room, with two double beds and a sofa. The facilities were basic, but it was all they needed. They had a strong internet connection, and the room had plenty of storage.

They did not know how long they were going to be staying in the hotel, and they were booked in as being in London on business.

Adz had a feeling the hotel manager knew the truth, though, from the way he looked at them when he welcomed them to the hotel, showing them their room personally.

It probably meant he was informed by the Institute of their arrival and he knew about their mission, which was a good thing in case they needed some backup.

Adz told Jay they would have to keep anything which might lead to suspicion of either of them, with them at all times or hide it very well.

Simons had given them a lockable case, which they would use for the weapons they’d brought, but this in itself might look suspicious to the maintenance and cleaning staff.

Adz suggested they should not start their search for the Hemplesworth girl until the next day. “It’ll be like looking for a needle in a haystack anyway,” he said.

“And it will be getting dark soon. Besides, I’m knackered,” Jay agreed with him.

They instead took themselves off to Leicester Square, after working out the tube system and finding out which line to take, to a pizza house they’d been told was good.

The restaurant they found themselves in served the best pizza either of them had ever tasted. Neither of them had eaten all day, and the cheesy dough hit the spot.

“So where do we start looking?” Jay wondered, his mouth full of pizza.

“I don’t know,” Adz answered. “Where would you go if you were in London?”

“We are in London.” Jay was confused by the question.

“I mean if you were her?” Adz took a bite of his Cajun chicken pizza. “She’s with another girl right? Or she was in that picture.”

“Do you think they’re staying together?” Jay asked.

“I think so, yeah.” Adz took out the picture of the two girls. It was CCTV footage, and the blonde was the only one in focus. “We could start with her. Ask if anyone around knows her,” Jay agreed.

“Tomorrow, though. I’m beat.”

“Tomorrow,” Adz agreed then called for the bill and they left the restaurant feeling full and satisfied.

By the time they got back to the hotel, it was pitch dark. They were both tired, but still had work to do before the next day.

Jay headed into the shower first, leaving Adz to inspect the guns, making sure they both had full clips. They did, and although Adz doubted they would need to use them, he was going to make sure he had his on him the whole time.

Jay was fantastic at hand to hand combat, he’d grown up learning it, but Adz was not as good. If they got into a fist fight, he wouldn’t stand much of a chance. He was, however, extremely athletic and flexible. He could outrun almost anyone, and his gymnastic skills were second to none.

Adz picked Jay’s jacket up off the floor and felt something hard in the back. Upon closer inspection, it appeared Jay had brought his sword with him.

It was in a special casing which made it look smaller, some kind of magic sword Simons had acquired for him. It didn’t look like anything but was deadly sharp when out of its sheath.

Adz laughed. Of course, Jay was going to bring the sword. He never expected anything less.

Once both men had showered, talk turned to tactics.

“So we start early tomorrow morning,” Adz started. Although Jay was the one who had been with the Institute the longest, it was usually Adz who took charge of situations. He was more level headed and by far the most mature.

As he spoke, Jay had flown his drone out of the hotel window and was intently watching something through his glasses.

“Are you even paying attention at all?” Adz asked.

“Shh...” Jay hushed Adz.

“What do you mean shh? This is important Jay,” Adz said. He was about to continue but stopped himself. Jay wasn’t paying him any attention at all and Adz knew Jay could have a short attention span, but this seemed like more than that.

He walked over to Jay and pressed the button on the side of Jay’s glasses, projecting the image for him to see as well. Sound soon followed, and Jay removed the glasses from his face.

Outside the window, the drone hovered steadily in the air. Jay had good control of it.

He’d positioned the drone behind a large potted plant, so it wouldn’t be spotted easily. Although he had a short attention span, and he was edging on the side of immature, Jay was not stupid.

The lobby of the hotel was almost empty. It was late, close to midnight and the guests staying at the hotel were all tucked up in bed.

A young man stood in the lobby. He looked to be about the same age as Jay and Adz. He was well toned for someone so young and showed off his large arms and toned chest by wearing a tight, black top. His hair was dark and messy, but in that bad boy way that made young girls swoon. He had a strong jawline, and near perfect features, with deep green eyes, with just a hint of gold in them.

He looked like the epitome of the perfect man, but his attitude was off as he stood in front of the reception desk, his arms folded across his chest, making the muscles on his arms more prominent. “I demand to speak to the manager,” he said, his deep voice louder than it needed to be.

The pretty receptionist was flustered and nervous.

Since flirting with the blonde receptionist didn’t work, the man instead resorted to intimidation.

“I’m sorry, Sir, but the manager will be asleep now. If you leave your name and number, I will ask him to call you as soon as he is able.” She was stuttering, her nerves and confusion getting to her, and it was obvious that the young man was becoming more and more agitated.

“Now listen here, girl,” he said to her, unfolding his arms just a little. “You call your manager and you tell him I need to speak with him now. Tell him Kane sent me.”

The receptionist, feeling defeated and scared, picked up the phone and dialled her manager’s number.

“Did I just hear him right?” Jay asked, turning to Adz.

“If you heard the name, Kane, then, yeah, you heard right.” He scowled. “Can’t be the same person, though, can it?

“Let’s keep listening, see what we can find out.”

“Yes, Sir. Sorry to wake you, Mr Mason... There’s a man here to see you... I know it’s late Sir... He says Kane sent him, told me to...” The receptionist paused, listening to her manager.

The young man waiting at the front desk had a smug look on his face. He crossed his arms tighter and puffed up his chest.

“Sent by the Kane we know or not, I already hate this guy,” Jay spat.

“Yes, Sir,” The receptionist said before she put down the phone. She turned to the man. “He’d like you to wait here and says he’ll be down shortly. Would you like a coffee?” She offered.

“No, thank you.” Mr Charming was back. “But I would like your number.” He winked at her. “What’s your name?”

“Maria.” The receptionist blushed.

“Maria.” He let the name roll off his tongue. “A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. My name’s Jacob, pleased to meet you.”

“What a sleaze,” Jay said. “I can’t believe she’s falling for that act.”

“Jay?” Adz said, pulling Jay’s attention away from the hologram in front of them for a moment.


“What if he was sent by the same Kane? He could be a werewolf,” he said in a serious tone. “What do we do if he is?”

“I’d love to say we apprehend him and take him back to the Institute, but we have other work to do. I think we just leave him be.”

Jay was about to turn off the hologram, but Adz stopped him.

“Hold up,” Adz said.

“I thought we were going to do nothing?” Jay said. “That’s the smart thing to do, right? That’s what Simons would want us to do?”

“Yeah, it’s totally the smart thing to do,” Adz agreed with a slight glint in his eye. “But if we listen in on their conversation, we might be able to find out more about the Hemplesworth girl, and maybe even where Kane is now.”

Jay had the same mischievous smile on his face now.

They agreed they wouldn’t intervene with the man’s plans, but instead use the drones to get information from him without him even knowing.

The manager arrived from the lift looking flustered and red. He clearly was not expecting Jacob to turn up in his hotel in the middle if the night.

Jay and Adz focused on the hologram again.

The manager stepped briskly towards the young man, holding out his right hand to shake, although there was sweat beading his forehead and his hands looked sweaty. “Arnold Mason,” he said as he took the young intruders hand, shaking it firmly.

“Jacob,” he said a smile on his face. The manager’s hand felt sweaty. He was nervous and for good reason. “You know why I’m here, I take it?”

“Should we take this to a more private room?” Arnold said, his nerves clearly getting to him.

“It’s quiet here.” Jacob smiled.

“Yes, Sir,” Arnold said.

The receptionist was shocked by this. Her manager, the small greying man who ran the hotel, the man who commanded so much respect from his employees, was calling someone no older than herself, Sir.

“Maria, please lock the front door, lock the lift and then leave us. I will contact you in due time,” he said without looking at her.

The receptionist did as she was told, then exited the reception area, very confused and a little scared.

Now alone in the foyer of the hotel, the two men began to talk.

Jay and Adz listened intently to the conversation.

“Not to mean offence in any way, Jacob, but what is Kane doing sending a pup out to do his work?” Arnold asked.

Jacob didn’t seem to like this word, pup. It implied he was too young to be working solo, away from the pack.

“He sent me because I am the best.” Jacob bristled, boosting his own ego.

“The best he has left,” Arnold said, a little under his breath.

Jacob heard this but pretended he did not. “He sent me for information,” Jacob continued.

“That I understand,” Arnold said. “What I don’t quite get is why he didn’t come himself. Kane has never had a problem with coming here and...” He was cut off.

Jacob had launched himself at the hotel manager, seizing him by the throat and lifting him, with one hand, clean off the ground. “Don’t think for a second, you Faye scum I won’t snap your neck right now,” Jacob spat.

Jay and Adz looked at each other in shock. They had no idea the hotel manager was Faye, but it made sense now.

They turned back to the hologram to see Jacob putting Arnold back down on the ground. He gasped for breath while Jacob continued to talk. “As you well know, the pack was hit hard earlier this month.” Jacob started pacing as he spoke, ignoring Arnold’s gasps for breath. “Luckily, half the pack, including myself, were away from the castle at the time of the attack. Two things were lost that night.” He laughed a little. “Well, two things of any importance anyway. Our pack master was taken, and so was Annaleah.”

Jay and Adz looked at one another again. They finally had a name to go on.

“Kane managed to escape the Araxx and is now in hiding. He cannot talk with you himself because the Araxx is still looking for him, and he can’t be seen in public.”

“So what information do you need?” Arnold finally managed to ask.

Jacob turned to him, a smile on his face so evil it could only have come from him.

“I need information on Annaleah,” he said. “And before you try telling me you know nothing, I know the Araxx are searching for her too.”

Both Jay and Adz breathed a sigh of relief. They both thought they’d been found out, but Jacob was specific. He clearly knew something, but not who was sent or where they were staying.

Jacob continued. “If you get any information on where she is... If you see her, hear her, smell her or have the faintest whisper of her whereabouts, you tell me first. Got that?” He spat.

Arnold nodded, saying nothing.

Jacob then left, saying nothing more about his reason for being in London

Jay shut off the hologram.

“Do you think he knows we’re here?” Jay asked.

“No,” Adz said with confidence. “He would have said something if he knew we were in the hotel. He seems like the cocky type who would brag about being able to kill us if he knew we were here.”

“What do you think we should we do?”

“We need to tell Simons. He needs to know his suspicions were right and that Kane is in London too, looking for the girl.” With that, Adz hit the button on the side of the glasses which called Simons.

Simons watched the hologram from the beginning and listened as Jay and Adz explained everything, then sat quietly for a while. When he finally spoke, Simons sounded worried, “I don’t like this at all boys.”

“Well, it’s not good, but they don’t know it’s us, and they don’t know where we are,” Jay started.

“So as long as we keep a low profile...” Adz continued.

Simons cut him off. “No. I don’t like it al all.” He was looking very sombre. “I’m pulling you off this mission.”

“What?” They both chorused. It was their first mission, and they were excited to be given an opportunity to prove themselves.

“You can’t pull us off. This is our mission.” Jay was becoming angry.

Adz sat in silence, thinking it over.

“I’m sorry, boys, but I can’t risk anything happening to you. This mission has become too dangerous.”

“But, Sir...” Jay started.

“That’s enough!” Simons shouted, stopping Jay from his complaint. “I will not hear another word from you about this. I’m pulling you from the mission. Stay in the hotel until your train tickets arrive. I will order them now, and they will be with you by tomorrow.”

“Yes, Sir,” Adz said.

“But...” A dig in the ribs from Adz shut Jay up quickly. “Sir,” he said instead.

Simons ended the call, leaving Jay to open up a torrent of rage. He shouted for a good couple of minutes about how unfair it was for him and Adz to be sent home, and how he could easily take on the werewolf—no problem.

Jay was getting more and more irate the more he shouted and complained, and all the while Adz just sat on his bed, watching the news.

“Adz?” Jay asked after his complaining calmed down to a moan. “Aren’t you mad about being sent back?”

Adz just smiled, leaning back against his bed head, his arms folded behind his head. “We’re not going home.”

“What do you mean we’re not going home? You heard what Simons said,” Jay started, but something about the look on Adz face told him he had a plan.

“Jay, do you remember where I was before the Institute found me?”

“Course I do. You came from an orphanage, didn’t you?” Jay said, knowing he was right because he was there to pick him up too.

“Yeah. Well, I’ve been keeping a secret from you, and from everyone at the Institute,” Adz said.

Jay moved from where he was standing to sit on the bed opposite Adz. He had a feeling the story Adz was about to tell might be a long one.

“You have to promise to keep my secret though Jay, I mean it.”

“If your secret is that you’ve been stealing my hair gel for the last five years, I already know,” Jay joked.

“Jay, I’m being serious. There are more lives at stake with this secret than just mine,” Adz said.

This took Jay by surprise. Lives at stake? What was that suppose to mean? “Sorry man. Serious Jay is in the room,” he said.

Adz paused.

“Maybe it’s easier to show you, rather than talk. You up for a move?”

“What have we got to lose?” Jay smiled at his friend.

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