Chosen: Book 1 in the Dragon Queen series

Chapter 22 – Taking Flight

I craned out of the window, hoping something might have changed, but the ground was as far away as ever. I wished I’d paid attention to Mim’s lessons for Brunna, then perhaps I might have somehow leapt to the washing line and swung to safety, but I was sure I’d break my legs if I even attempted it.

Turning my back on the window, I faced the door, the only other way out.

I crossed the room, crouching to peer through the keyhole. I couldn’t see through – the key was filling the hole. I expected to hear footsteps on the stairs any moment, but the only murmur of sound was from the kitchen. I should be glad of Pa’s avarice: I’d bet the delay was him trying to wheedle a bigger reward from the hunter.

An idea pricked at my mind. There was a slim chance it could work, but I’d try any chance at all.

Fetching a handkerchief from my drawer, I stretched the thin fabric as wide as I could and fed it through the gap under my door. When I was satisfied it was in place, I prodded a hairpin into the keyhole, proggling around until the key was forced back and fell to the ground.

I tugged the handkerchief carefully back under the door, giving thanks for my ramshackle home.

My heart beat so hard my chest vibrated with the force of it, while my ears strained for noises from downstairs. I hissed with relief when the key came into sight and snatched it up.

With the door open, I crept to the edge of the landing, peering down. The shop downstairs was in darkness, and only the tiniest sliver of light spilled through from the kitchen. The curtain separating the two was pulled across.

I debated taking my boots off so I could move more stealthily, but decided the ability to run was more important. I bumped softly down the stairs on my backside and checked the kitchen again. Voices were rising and falling, although I couldn’t hear individual words. I didn’t want to hear Pa bartering away my safety. I crept to the front door and slid the bolts soundlessly, glad I’d greased them while I’d been in charge.

A final glance back to ensure the curtain into the kitchen was still closed and I rose on tiptoes, holding the bell over the door so it wouldn’t ring and give me away.

It wasn’t noise that gave me away, it was movement. As I swung the door open a breeze slid in. The curtain that divided the rooms billowed.

“What’s that?” Pa demanded.

My heart surged. I didn’t wait for him to investigate, I ran.

At first all I needed was instinct. I fled down the street, then ducked into a side alley. Over my heaving breaths I heard the shouts as Pa, Ma Fowler and the hunter spilled into the street after me.

I needed a destination. Danger urged me on, but I had nowhere to go. My heart called out to my friend, Brunna, but I knew I couldn’t go to her. If I went to her home, Pa would soon find me there, and if I ran to the troupe I’d only get them into trouble. Even if they wanted to help, I couldn’t reach safety at the pace of a lumbering carthorse. I needed wings on my feet to escape the hunter and the man I couldn’t think of as anything other than my Pa, who knew the town and its hiding places as well as I did.

Tears pricked at my eyes and I dashed them away. I was on my own, but I had two sound feet. I’d run for the woods and hide myself there overnight. In the morning I’d come and speak to Pa when the hunter wasn’t here; make him understand I had no information anyone would pay for.

Acid burned bitter in my mouth. I was spinning myself a fantasy tale, and I knew it. It didn’t matter what I said to Pa. If he’d made the decision that my only worth was in the payment he could get for me, no amount of reason would change his mind. Only hard cash would do that, and I didn’t have a penny to my name.

And I wasn’t prepared to let Pa make my decisions for me any more. If we were no relation, then that freed me from my obligations to him. A sob rose in my throat and I choked it down. I was all alone in the world and I’d look at that as liberation, not loneliness. He didn’t know half of what I’d experienced while I was away from home. I was a survivor. I’d find a new home, somewhere I’d be safe.

Pounding footsteps echoed on the street around the corner and fear flew up my spine. My journey started now or it never started at all. I ran in the opposite direction, along the alley taking a left when I reached the end, into a smaller back alley.

I needed a place to hide until the hunter passed by. And quickly. This alley ran behind the row of houses opposite Magpie’s. I smiled as an idea occurred to me. It was either brilliant or completely stupid. I didn’t pause to decide which, just set off at a run.

After half a dozen steps I slowed, sacrificing speed for stealth. I counted the gates and tried the one I needed. Locked. I cursed under my breath, glanced back, and grabbed the top of the fence that was only a little higher than my head. I wasn’t Mim, and I didn’t know how to do Surranese acrobatics, but I was determined, and that would have to suffice.

Bracing my boots against the wooden planks, I heaved myself up, half-falling over the top into the back garden. I landed with a thump, but nothing stirred in the garden or the house. Of course it didn’t; I knew exactly where this house’s occupant was right now.

The sudden clatter of footsteps made me freeze. The wooden fence was rough against my back as I crouched low in case the hunter peered over. I pressed a hand to my chest, trying to slow the beat of my heart and the speed of my panting breaths. The footsteps drew close, then passed by.

I forced myself to count to fifty. Nothing. He wasn’t coming back this way. I scrambled to my feet and strode the six steps to reach the back door. Ducking down, I shifted the herb planter beside the doorstep, smiling when I found the key left there by a woman who was old enough not to be so foolish. Really, she was inviting thieves to ransack her home. The key turned silently in the lock and a moment later I was inside. I re-locked the door behind me, which would give me time if I needed it. I wasn’t safe yet, but breaking into Ma Fowler’s house had gained me some time.

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