
Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Mommy Likes That Lady 

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Keira’s eyes flickered with confusion, and Alice quickly clarified. “It’s the boy who called you today. He was the last artist 1 signed before I was deceived into signing that contract.” 

Worried that Keira might refuse, Alice assured her. “I will take responsibility for his breach of contract. I will work hard to earn money and repay you.” 

“At eighteen, he debuted through a talent show and signed with me. He caught the attention of higher–ups in the company but was unwilling to be suppressed. Already facing significant pressure and compounded by my circumstances, he has been under my management for three years without making any breakthroughs. After I was deceived, all the artists under my guidance left, except for him. He remains steadfast in not changing his manager, leading to his being put on hold,” 

“He has a contract with the company for a specific duration. When the contract expires, this young man will truly be ruined, but he will regain his freedom. He is still young and can find another path.” 

Recalling the slender, melancholic–eyed boy, Keira reflected on the significance of three years in an era where early fame is imperative for aspiring artists. In talent shows, these three years almost embody the golden period. His decision to postpone rather than betray left a lasting impression on Keira, earning him a newfound respect.. 

“Okay.” Keira nodded. “If he wants to continue in this industry, he can continue to follow you.” 

Alice felt an overwhelming joy akin to the sun breaking through heavy clouds, revealing a glimmer of brightness. As she laughed, tears welled up and trickled down her cheeks. 

Seeing Alice cry uncontrollably, her tears and runny nose flowing, Keira’s heart instantly softened; she was moved by the apparent purging of years of accumulated grievances. 

In her previous life, Keziah had indeed targeted Alice. But having experienced a life full of twists and turns, Keira felt fortunate to have still time to make the most of her current life. 

“Alright, stop crying. I didn’t know you’d cry easily.” Keira sighed, helplessly grabbed a tissue from the side, and wiped Alice’s 


Meanwhile, Victor waited outside the cafe with his child, frequently glancing inside through the car window, 

He expected Keira to leave soon but was surprised when Alice suddenly stopped her. 

Although he couldn’t hear their conversation, Victor could sense Keira’s gentle and caring attitude towards Alice. 

A sudden pang of regret hit him. 

He could assign a more influential agent for Keira, but he didn’t want to appear too controlling, especially since Alice is a female. He decided not to make any changes since he didn’t see Alice as a threat. 

Unbeknownst to Victor, Keira gave Alice noteworthy attention and care, causing him subtle unease. 

“Mummy is comforting that lady, Luna’s soft voice lulled from behind. 

Landon quickly rushed to the window and leaned against it. He was looking outside and exclaimed, “Where? Where?” 

“Right here at the entrance. That lady seems to be crying, and mummy is comforting her, Luna pouted and softly recalled, “Mummy used to comfort Luna like this before” 

“Is that so!” Landon exclaimed as he noticed Mommy inside the café and happily resumed his seat. “Really! Mommy is talking to the lady and even hugging her!” 

“That lady is pretty, too. Though not as pretty as mommy, she looks very gentle!” 

Looking at his father, who maintained a stern demeanor, Landon whispered to Lucien beside him, “Unlike Daddy – Always so serious, as if someone owes him money. No wonder Mommy doesn’t want to comfort him!” 

Lucien tilted his head and glanced at Victor’s stern expression. Lucien nodded approvingly. “Exactly!” 


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Chapter 29 Mommy Likes That Lady 

“Mummy, it’s nice if you know how to approach her. Daddy needs to be smarter, Landon muttered quietly. 

Luna quickly joined in, hearing the quiet conversation, asking, “What are you guys talking about? I want to know, too 

Landon quickly checked that Victor remained oblivious to their hushed conversation. He then whispered to his sister, “We’re talking about how much Mommy likes that lady.” 

Yeah, yeah! Mommy also likes Luna a lot,” Luna, who was a little dissatisfied, pouted. “Luna thinks Mommy likes Luna more!” 

Landon swiftly reassured her. “Yes, Mommy likes you more” 

“That’s right,” Luna, feeling affirmed by Landon, proudly shook her little braided hair. “Mommy even braided Luna’s hair! Mommy likes Luna the most!” 

“If Daddy and Luna were as cute as this, Mommy would like Daddy. Maybe Daddy wouldn’t have a sour face every day.” 

Lucien and Landon exclaimed. “She is right!” 

Sitting advantageously at the front, Victor successfully eavesdropped on every conversation among the children. 

Undoubtedly, they were all expertly wielding their knives, accurate reflections of his child. 

In the cafe, Keira calmed Alice and said. “Head back, gather your things, and discuss it with Tom. Once you’ve made a decision, let me know. We’ll handle the termination process tomorrow. 

Alice nodded obediently and then queried, “Um… may I ask, after the termination, do we need to sign with a company or start our studio?“. 

“Ally, I’ve been away from the industry for a few years, and I think making a comeback on my own might not be easy. So, I don’t think starting a studio right now is a good choice. Instead, let’s look for a company to sign with. But don’t worry about finding a company; my husband will take care of it, Keira said nervously. 

She wanted to avoid a studio to put Victor at ease and allow him to arrange her future signing plan. 

Among domestic entertainment companies, Sapphire Entertainment ranked first under Byron’s. In comparison, Starzoid Agency wasn’t even worthy of carrying Sapphire Entertainment’s shoes. 

However, Keira didn’t intend to disclose her plan to sign with Sapphire Entertainment to Alice at this point. Otherwise, she would keep bombarding her with questions 

“Um…. Kay, you didn’t marry an old man like the news shared, did you? 

Alice, who had shrugged off previous news exposés, reevaluated today. Keira’s generous offer to cover the termination fee and her prompt arrangements for the next company raised doubts in Alice’s mind. 

Considering Keziah was the only young lady in the Sunter family and debuted alongside Keira, treated like a sister, Alice speculated that in such a prestigious family, girls from collateral branches might serve as bargaining chips for marriage and benefits. Keira could find herself entangled in such a situation. 

Kay was a kind and innocent girl. Alice is concerned that the family will eventually manipulate and harm her. 

“Hubby?” Keira turned in surprise, locked eyes with Alice’s concerned gaze, and then her thoughts wandered to Victor’s face- handsome despite his cold demeanor. A smile graced her lips involuntarily. 

“Alice, what are you thinking?” Keira lightly tapped Alice. 

Alice wanted to say more, but he realized Keira might not like her scars exposed by others. So, he held back and patted Keira’s shoulder and uttered, “It’s nothing!” 

“Kay, I understand now! Don’t worry; from now on, I will work twice as hard with you. When you succeed, you can stand on your own and won’t be controlled by the Sunters anymore! 

“If you have a divorce or anything, I will have your back! 


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