Choices of the Moon Book 2 : the human and the wolf

Chapter 14


Louis was a wolf.

Louis was a fucking wolf.

This explained so many things, at the same time it raised so many questions.

I still didn't understand, but my wolf acted for me, she took a few steps forward and stuck her nose through the bars, Louis' wolf seemed scared, but instead of taking a step back, he took a step towards forward, approaching me, until our noses touched, I felt his wet nose touch mine and my body shivered.

I wanted to talk to him, I took a deep breath and my wolf gave way to me, and when I returned to human form I saw Louis go into despair, his wolf took two steps back until it collided with the wall.

"Calm down kid, take a deep breath and ask your wolf for your place." Clarck said and Louis, still in wolf form with wide eyes, looked at me scared.

"Just take a deep breath, and talk to him in your mind, he'll give you your turn." I said, trying to remain as calm as possible.

Louis then took a deep breath, and I saw him regain control as he returned to human form. My mother soon got me a robe, opened the bars and handed one to Louis.

"You're a wolf..." I said the phrase that was dancing in everyone's head there.

"I am? You didn't turn me?" Louis asked me in a shaky voice.

"No, you can't transform anyone, you have to be born that way." I said and saw Louis' gaze become distant, trying to understand. "You said you were adopted..."

"I was three years old." He started to say, as if he was trying to remember. "So my biological parents were wolves."

"Sure, kid." Clark started to say.

"We will cross-reference all the data we have on wolf deaths at the age of your adoption, send us all the documents you have about them. We will find out who your parents were." My father said it like an order, but at the same time it was gentle, it was like he was comforting Louis.

"Louis dear, how old are you?" My mother asked and I saw her hold on to my father's arm, as if she was afraid of the answer.

"I have 28." Louis replied.

"So you were three years old when the whole hunter thing happened, it was the year you were adopted..."

"The Nightfall betas were attacked and killed, they had a son who was never found, we were afraid he had been taken by the hunters..." My father started to say and I felt the pieces starting to fall into place.

"We're going to find out where you came from, and you can count on me to help you with your wolf, but first come, let's get you out of that cage." Clarck said, extending his hand to Louis who walked slowly outside the gates.

"How did you know?" I asked my mother directly and she looked at me for a few seconds before breaking into a smile.

"It was a hunch, a hunch from the way you told me you loved him, and how out of it you were about him. I was once in love with a human, and I know what it's like to have a mate, the way you talk about him, he's a mate material. I'm sure that later today, he's the one who will reveal himself to you." My mother said, and I felt my eyes sting with tears, before I felt two of them run down my face.

Would I be that lucky?

Of Louis being a wolf and still being my mate?

"Speaking about the Ball, we have a lot to sort out about you." My father said speaking directly to Louis, "But being a wolf, you have a place in my Pack, welcome boy. Excuse me, I have a Ball to lead, stay at the Ball, and tomorrow we'll see how to proceed." My father completed holding my mother by the waist. "Ellie, will you help him find a suitable outfit and make room for our host?"

"I got it." I said smiling and my dad gave me a kiss on the forehead before walking out the door, and Clark followed behind him.

In a few seconds, we were alone.

"I don't even believe it." I said sighing, still not really believing it.

"I think it'll take me a while to digest." Louis said and I approached slowly, I didn't know exactly what to say, but with him it seemed like our bodies were speaking for us, he opened his arms and welcomed me inside, feeling his scent up close, the touch of his skin on me, my heart accelerated at the same time as it calmed me down, there I finally felt at home.

I'm not sure how much time passed with the two of us hugging there, but then I took him to my room and took one of my father's tuxedos, I answered the questions that Louis had, from the silliest to the most complex, and I felt good guiding him in this new world, even though I understood that it would take time for him to digest everything and understand what it was like to be a wolf.

I put on another dress and prepared another mask for both of us, we went down to the Ballroom, the decoration was incredible, my mother had gotten it right, once again.

I felt like I was in a fairy tale, I felt like I was floating with so much happiness.

I knew it was all very new to Louis, I understood that was a huge change for him to the wolf world, it was like starting to live in a completely different world, but I knew we would live one day at a time.

"So this is the Moon Ball you told me about?" Louis asked me as we walked through the salon doors.

And I noticed some looks on both of us, but I knew it was because he was a stranger, and because he walked in arm in arm with the Alpha's daughter.

"Exactly, on that night the mates predestined by the Moon feel each other and their wolves take their places, the bond is felt and minds mix."

"Do minds mix?" Louis asked without understanding.

"Yes, there is a mental connection between the mates, and one reads the other's mind, it is as if they were one in spirit and mind."

"And your mother thinks I'm your mate?" Louis now asked me raising his eyebrows.

"Me too." I responded with a smile, leading him to the bar, he helped himself to a glass of whiskey, and I helped myself to a glass of champagne.

"When you first saw me, you said I was too handsome for a human, now I understand what you meant."

We talked and drank, and I thought I liked the freedom of parties with humans, but the truth is that I loved his company, with Louis everything was lighter and sweeter at the same time.

Then the time came, there were a few seconds left before midnight, the full moon was at its peak, my father stood at his table, the music stopped and he projected his voice into the crowd.

"Beloved people, I declare the Moon Ball started, in a moment the mates of the night will be revealed, I wish good luck and much love to the new couples, and may the Goddess be with you."

The end of the sentence was followed by screams and howls of joy, and I saw a smile form on Louis' lips.

I was very nervous.

Was it that night?

Was this the night I would meet my mate?

And it was then that I felt my entire body tingle, my legs practically stood up on their own, and at the same time I felt nervous, I was flooded with love, I stood up and walked to the center of the room, I was finally finding my mate.

It had to be Louis.

But when I looked at him, Louis was sitting there, staring at me with wide eyes, not understanding anything. At this point he should already be in front of me.

If it wasn't Louis, who could it be?

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