Cherished By Seven Sisters Novel

Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle Chapter 979

Chapter 979 Cannot Meet Him Now 

Even if they were in the wrong, what of it? 

Would Chanaca dare to have them return the relics? 

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Would they even bother to respond if Chanaca asked for them back? 

The answer was no. There was no way they would bother. 

This was in the past, however. 

Now, if Kenneth dared to utter a word of refusal, it was unimaginable what kind of madness the formidable Sky Devourer Lord might 

resort to. 

Before his father, Ragnar, returned, Kenneth had no choice but to comply with Emrys. 

“I understand what you’re implying, My Lord. Once my father returns, I will certainly persuade him to return those cultural relics to Chanaea.” 

Emrys cast him a cold glance and said, “Wait for him to come back? You think my time is free, don’t you? Take me to Ragnar right now. If he doesn’t know what’s good for him, I’ll make sure to use my own. fists to beat those cultural relics out of him! And as for that traitor, Endre, I’ll be the one to personally pass judgement on him!” 

Kenneth, however, wore a troubled expression as he said, “My Lord, I’m afraid it might not be possible for you to see my father at the 



700 + 50 

1 Coins = 1 Pearls 

Emergency calls only 

Chapter 979 Cannot Meet Him Now 

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Emrys‘ gaze turned icy, as though becoming a cold, sharp sword piercing into Kenneth’s body. 

Kenneth trembled violently as he quickly spoke in fear. “Please, hold your anger for a moment and hear me out! It’s not that I’m unwilling to take you to meet my father, but because he has already taken Mr. Hermansen to meet the White Snake Immortal, and the location is known only to him. Even we, his children, have no idea where the White Snake Immortal resides.” 

“Really?” Emrys furrowed his brow, casting a doubtful gaze at Kenneth. 

Kenneth responded with a solemn nod, saying, “I swear I wouldn’t dare to withhold even the slightest detail from you, My Lord.” 

“So, are you unable to contact him either?” 

“That’s right. My father will definitely turn off his phone as taking a call in front of the White Snake Immortal would be a massive sign of disrespect. It could potentially enrage it.” 

Emrys mused, In that case, wouldn’t I have to stay in Jetroina for a while, waiting for Ragnar and Endre to return? 

If I were to assign Elduin to remain here in my stead, it likely wouldn’t be much use. Someone like Ragnar will definitely not surrender so easily

It seems like it’s up to me to give Ragnar a good beating. Wouldn’t that mean I’d have to make another trip here in the future

Emrys asked, “”How long might they take to come back?” 


700 +33 

1 Coins 

1 Pearls 

Emergency calls only pe 

sapter 979 Cannot Meet Him Now 

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past, my father would pay a visit to the White Snake Immortal annually, imploring for it to bestow us celestial power. These visits never exceeded a month. Even though he’s bringing Mr. Hermansen along this time to become a mentee, I reckon it won’t take too long.” 

If the White Snake Immortal truly wished to take Endre as its mentee and grant him celestial power, it shouldn’t take much time. After all, it was a shortcut, a fast track to power. 

If the White Snake Immortal was unwilling to take Endre as a mentee, then the required time would be even shorter. 

After a moment of contemplation, Emrys suddenly tapped into his spirit power, leaving a spirit imprint on Kenneth’s mind. 

Kenneth seemed to sense it as he fearfully exclaimed, “Are you planning to kill me, My Lord?” 

“No.” Emrys shook his head. “I’ve merely planted a bomb in you, but there’s no need to panic. As long as you behave, the bomb won’t detonate easily. Now, repeat what you just said.” 

Kenneth was struck with terror. 

Just what kind of terrifying entity is this Sky Devourer Lord? How can his methods be so mysteriously unpredictable

Kenneth dared not defy Emrys‘ wishes, so he recounted his previous. words once more. All the while, Emrys listened quietly, the spirit. imprint allowing him to easily discern whether Kenneth was lying. 

A moment later, Emrys nodded, saying, “I’ll give you one more month. No, I’m giving your Xanthos family one month. If you dare to 

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