Cheeky Romance (Billionaire Dads)

Cheeky Romance: Chapter 25


The lights are bright on my face and the heat on stage is unbearable. Thankfully, my makeup team did an amazing job setting my foundation. To melt this makeup off, you’d have to melt my face off first. Nothing short of a volcano eruption would do damage.

“Thank you for coming back to Women’s Wellness, Vanya. My, my.” Marge, the host, leans back in her chair. “A lot has happened since the last time you and I spoke.”

“Yes, I recently published my cookbook called ‘The Best Kept Secrets of Chai’ and I’m working on a catering service that serves dishes exclusively from my recipes.”

“Oh, that’s not what viewers are curious about.” Marge swats a hand in the air. “News of your pregnancy has swept the nation. I’m told the nude photoshoot that you did a few weeks ago was your sneaky way of announcing your pregnancy to the world.”

I smile serenely. The truth is… I was caught by the paparazzi while on a date with Hadyn. Now that I’m in my second trimester, it’s impossible to hide the baby bump and the tabloids plastered the news of my pregnancy all over the internet.

Rather than let strangers spin the narrative, I made a plan to take control of my own story. Lorenzo had a few candid shots where I was subconsciously rubbing my stomach. I published those pictures as evidence that my pregnancy announcement happened long before the press caught up.

It was amazing for my career.

“Congratulations, Vanya!” Marge exclaims. Confetti rains down and someone brings out a bouquet of pink roses.

The studio erupts into applause.

I keep my bright smile and dip my head modestly.

Marge leans forward. “Is it true that your husband is Hadyn Mulliez, heir of the Mulliez sports and media empire?”

“Marge,” I let out a soft laugh, “I thought this was a show about women’s health not random gossip?”

“And a woman’s health is often tried by a man, honey. Why do you think so many wives experience high blood pressure?”

I sigh primly and rub my baby bulge. “Yes, I am pregnant and my wonderful husband, Hadyn, is here today.” I point to the director’s chair where Hadyn is sitting and looking proud.

She nods at him and focuses on me again. “What’s next for you, Vanya? Because your pregnancy doesn’t seem to be slowing you down.”

“I recently signed a new contract with Madam Wong’s Fashion House.” I grin. Nancy Priskin was fired and the international brand begged me to come back. “I’ll also be walking in a maternity fashion show. A cooking show is in the works, but I can’t say more than that.”

“I’m impressed. You’ve managed to rise to even higher heights despite your controversies.” Marge looks mildly disappointed.

“There were plenty of people who have been rude, disrespectful and doubtful of me.” I give her a pointed look. “But I’ve never let external opinions stop me from doing what I want to do.”

“What an inspiration you are.”

I can’t tell if that’s sarcasm.

And I don’t care.

My eyes find Hadyn’s. “I didn’t make it here by myself. I was surrounded by people who have been quietly caring for me. I owe some of this success to them as well.”

Marge tosses me another fake smile and closes out the interview by announcing where people can get my new book.

When it’s over, Hadyn is right there by the stage to help me down the stairs.

I’ve tottered around in seven-inch heels on moving treadmill runways, but the man thinks I can’t climb down the stairs without falling.

“Thanks.” I squeeze his hand because he’s cute even when he hovers.

And boy can Hadyn Mulliez hover.

He’s been stuck to me like glue since the re-do wedding. Thinking we’d lost Project Vegas did something to him and now he’s cautious to the point of being paranoid.

Usually, I’d feel crowded, but I’m okay with his sexy presence and attentiveness. Especially since I’m in my second trimester and my need for him has been insatiable.

We spend so much of our time naked that I don’t bother pulling on pajamas anymore.

“That was much better than last time,” Hadyn says, dropping a kiss on my forehead. “You good?”

I stare into his silver eyes and nod. “I’m glad I didn’t have to stop you from overturning their cameras today.”

“They don’t deserve you after how they treated you the first time.”

“The best kind of revenge is doing better and showing off to the people who thought I couldn’t make it.” I wink.

“Vanya!” Juniper hustles toward us. “What do you think about flying to Spain for a real-quick fashion shoot?”

Hadyn folds his arms over his chest. “How many hours will she be on her feet? What are the conditions of her contract? Do they expect her to work as soon as she lands? What kind of accommodations will they provide? She’ll need time to recuperate.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Enough fussing. You’re not my assistant anymore.”

He clasps his hands around my waist. “Watch me cancel all my appointments at the company and take my old job back.”

“Why are you so annoying?” I hiss.

“Why are you so beautiful?” he rumbles.

“Flattery will get you nowhere.”

“Baby, flattery has gotten me a lot of places doing a lot of things with you,” Hadyn says, pressing his body to mine.

Shoot. He’s right. I’m a soft touch for a good compliment.

Hadyn brushes his nose against mine.

I laugh softly and swat at him.

“Is that obnoxious display of marital bliss a yes?” Juniper asks hopefully.

I’d completely forgotten he was standing there.

I push Hadyn away so I can concentrate. “That’s a no. I already told you that I won’t accept international requests.”

“But they keep rolling in.” Juniper’s vibrating with excitement. “Everybody wants a piece of you, Vanya. Now that they know you’re pregnant and the public opinion is good, it’s like the floodgates have opened.”

“Not interested.” I lift a hand.

Juniper takes the hand I’ve raised and swings it between us. His dreadlocks sling to the front of his shoulder. “Please. We gotta ride this wave of momentum while it’s there.”

“Fine. I’ll consider taking on a few more projects in the US. But no international shoots. I want to be close to my friends and to the hospital.”


Hadyn steers me away. “If you’ll excuse me, Juniper, I’m taking my girl home.”

“Nice work today.” Juniper gives me two-thumbs up. “And Hadyn, don’t stress her too much. She’s got an early day tomorrow.”

Hadyn dismisses him with a wave and takes me home.

Inside our apartment, my phone rings.

I pick up. “Dad?”

“I found a house. It’s got a nice swimming pool. A big backyard. Not too far from you and Hadyn’s place.” He clears his throat. “I’m going to take it.”

I frown.

Hadyn squeezes my hand.

I sigh and fix my tone. “That sounds nice, dad.”

“I’ll invite you and Hadyn over for Sunday dinner.”

The pressure on my hand increases a bit. I grudgingly agree. “We’ll be there. Just tell us what to bring.”

“Bring an appetite.”

“That much I can guarantee,” I say. The other part of pregnancy I didn’t expect? How hungry I am. Project Vegas does not care about healthy or balanced diets. I inhale everything Hadyn puts in front of me.

After I hang up, Hadyn gives me a scolding look.

“What?” I whine.

“Why are you still upset with your dad? It’s been months, and I’ve already forgiven him.”

“That’s because you’re a push-over.”

“Me? A push-over?” He looks offended.

“Dad blew a hole in your heart and you just shrugged it off.”

“He did it for your own good,” Hadyn argues. “And he said he’s sorry. If I could forgive my dad, you definitely can forgive yours.”

“I have forgiven him,” I say stubbornly.

“Then why were you being weird on the phone?”

“Because if dad moves closer, then I’ll have the two of you hovering over me. And I can barely survive living with you.”

He teases my shoulder with his finger. “That’s too bad. You’ll have to put up with me for the rest of your life.”

“Oh, the horror,” I say dramatically.

Hadyn smiles and tries to wrap me in a hug, but my belly stops him like a chaperone yelling ‘leave room for the Lord’.

I pout. “I’m getting bigger every day. You can’t even hug me now.”

“Nothing I can’t handle.” He walks behind me, slides his hands around my waist and hugs me from behind. “Better?”


Hadyn tilts my chin up and plants a languid kiss on me.

Easing back, he whispers, “Better?”

“I’m not sure. I think I need one more to decide.”

“And I think you’re tired of being in that dress.” He lifts me into his arms.

I squeal. “Hadyn, I’m too heavy.”

“You’re light as a feather to me, baby.” He grins and carries me to the bedroom.

Weeks later, I wake to something leaking down my leg.

It’s either I peed myself or…

I turn my head to the side. Hadyn’s sleeping naked next to me. As if he can sense that I’m awake, he cracks an eye open.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” he mumbles.

“I think the baby’s coming.”

His eyelids burst apart. He jumps out of bed so fast he almost trips and cracks his head open. “No.”



“Hadyn, if you argue with me one more time, I swear I’ll wring your neck.”

Hair askew and chest heaving, he stampedes to the closet to get the baby bag. “Okay, we’ve practiced this. Bag. Shoes. Keys. Bag. Shoes. What comes next?”

I roll out of bed as a contraction hits. “Holy crap!” I bend over from the wave of agony. “Why do women sign themselves up for this pain?”

He hurries to me. “Baby, are you okay? Hold on. I’ll drive to the hospital.”

“Not like that you’re not.” I grab his wrist and struggle to catch my breath. “The only person… who gets to see your… sexy body… is me.”

Hadyn glances down, realizes he’s swinging wild and nods. “Clothes. Then we go.”

He throws on a shirt and a pair of sweatpants and ushers me into the car.

On the way, he calls the hospital. And then he calls Dawn.

“You’re freaking kidding!” Dawn screams. “She’s having the baby?”

“My worst nightmare. Another Hadyn is finally coming into the world,” Max says wryly.

“Dawn, can you smack your husband for me?” I ask.

A thump follows.

“Done,” Dawn says proudly.

“Hey, we do not condone marital violence,” Hadyn scolds them.

Max chuckles. “You’re going to do great, Van.”

“Yeah,” Hadyn says, looking at me with loving eyes.

I squeeze his hand hard as another contraction hits.

“Ah!” I scream.

“Baby, baby. Remember what the doctor told you. Hee-hoo. Hee-hoo.”

“Hee-hoo. Hee-hoo,” I say.

“Hee-hoo. Hee-hoo,” Dawn says.

Max grunts. “Hold on, Van. We’ll meet you at the hospital.”

Turns out, Max isn’t the only one to greet me at the hospital.

The entire crew shows up.

Kenya and Alistair.

Sunny and Darrel.

Even Mama Moira.

She wraps her arms around me and I’m drowning in love and cocoa butter. It feels like an embrace from my mom and I hug her tight.

Hadyn appears in my line of sight again. “I just called your dad and my parents. They’ll be here soon.”

I’m about to answer when the pain hits again.

“Ah!” I scream.

“Ah!” Hadyn bellows in pain as I dig my nails into him.

Max looks like he’s ready to faint.

A flurry of activity ensues. Nurses swirl around me. Hadyn is running alongside my wheelchair. Mama Moira is yelling at me to be ‘strong’.

But I don’t want to be strong right now.

I want the pain to stop.

“It looks like her contractions are coming closer together. I’ll get Dr. Puma!”

I’m wheeled into a room and what happens next is a blur of pain, sweat, and swearing at Hadyn that I will never do this again.

What feels like an eternity later, I hear a baby’s cry.

“It’s a girl,” Dr. Puma says, his eyes shining from between my open legs.

Immediately, all the pain is a forgotten memory and my heart swells with love.

“You did so good,” Hadyn says, holding our baby and taking her over to me.

“Hi,” I say to the squishy little human. Project Vegas has a face and two eyes and ten little toes. She’s perfect.

I burst out crying from exhaustion and gratitude.

The nurses take our baby away for a bit and Hadyn stays by my side.

“You’re so amazing,” he tells me, kissing my head and wiping off the sweat from my neck. “You’re incredible, V. I love you so much.”

“Love you too,” I whisper. “You’re a dad.”

He makes a sound that’s half-sob, half-laughter. “I became a dad the moment I heard she was coming.”

The nurse returns and sets our baby in my arms. “What are you naming her?”

Hadyn looks down at me.

I glance up at him. In a quiet, meaningful voice, I tell them, “Her name is Ollie.”

His eyes fill with tears. “What?”

“Don’t get too touched,” I tease. “Her full name is Olivia, but we’re gonna call her Ollie for short.”

“I love you.” He swoops in and kisses me. And then he kisses our baby.

Project Vegas.


The light of our lives.

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