Cheat with my boyfriend best friend by Jane E.L.

Chapter 569

Chapter 569 The Lost Necklace

But in this way, I couldn't avoid working overtime

During this week, I was the person who stayed the latest in the Meiling Company building, but I was no longer 1n a hurry like before

Because I had a top-notch nanny named Jenny, she would prepare dinner for me before I got home and soothe the children. I only needed to fill my stomach after work and then relaxingly follow her to do tactile training with my two daughters

I have never enjoyed such a pleasant after-work time before, but even so, the high-intensity work still took up too much of my energy. I found that

my memory was constantly declining, and there Were even several times when I realized that my briefcase was left at the company after I got home, and I had to somewhat embarrassedly return to the office building again

"Fortunately, the new house was close enough to the company. If we were still living in the old apartment, I would probably have to sleep in the office tonight."

After I retrieved my briefcase, I entered the door with a smile and made a gesture of shrugging my shoulders to Jenny, not forgetting to mock myself in the midst of exhaustion

Jenny has always been good at providing emotional support for me. During the time when I went out to get my briefcase, she had already adjusted the water temperature for me and threw in two of my favorite bath bombs according to

my usual habits. She also placed the freshly washed loungewear in the bathroom

"Don't think about work anymore when you get home. I still want to learn from the beautiful Mrs. Morris on how to stay young and energetic. Don't exhaust yourself first."

She pushed me into the bathroom with a smile on her face, while responding to my earlier statement. My exhaustion was completely wiped away by this amusing girl

However, as I soaked in the bathtub, I remembered Jenny's gloomy expression when she returned last Sunday, and compared it to her recent sunny and lively smile. I truly feel fortunate that I didn't press her further when she repeatedly avoided my questions and let her resign

There is nothing more satisfying than watching the people I have helped become happier day by day

However, I really needed more rest myself

After getting out of the bathtub, I touched my neck and suddenly realized that the necklace I usually wear had not been on my body since that morning

What's even more outrageous 1s that I have already forgotten when was the last time I wore it out

That was the ruby that Cinder brought back for me from Italy when he went on a business trip one year. I had been wearing it around my neck all year, and it had become even more transparent with time. When I suddenly realized it Was missing, a wave of sadness rushed over


What if it really got lost by me when I wasn't paying attention..

The mood that I had just gotten up with suddenly dropped to a freezing point as I searched through boxes and cabinets for my necklace, from the bathroom to the bedroom, and then to the living room, but I couldn't find any trace of it

"Madam, what were you looking for?"

Jenny seemed to have just hung up a phone call and came out of the kitchen holding a freshly made milk powder. Seeing me looking anxious, she quickly came over to inquire

I lifted my head and thought for a moment, but then I decided not to bring my negative

emotions to others. So I waved my hand and said, "It's nothing, I just can't find a necklace

But it's okay, I think it's because I recently moved and the positions for storing things have changed, so I just couldn't remember for a moment."

"Perhaps it was just because of being too busy with work, or maybe one day when you stop thinking about it, 1t will emerge from some corner."

Jenny paused for a moment after listening to me, before comforting me with these words. I looked up and noticed that her smile seemed a bit forced. Thinking about the phone call she had just ended, I immediately pushed aside the matter of my necklace and tentatively asked her if something else had happened, as she seemed distracted

But Jenny shook her head hurriedly, "No,

ma'am, I'm not worried because I saw your necklace missing. It's okay, I will carefully search for it at home after you go to work


I was about to say that there was no need to bother her so much, but the next second, the sound of Jasmin's protest of not getting her milk formula came from the nursery. Jenny hurried over to comfort her, so I didn't pay any more attention to the necklace

But overall, the days of my small family were passing by calmly yet interestingly

The day of the children's first birthday party was approaching in the blink of an eye. On a weekend before the party, I drafted a list of people to invite, prepared some invitations and party favors, and conveniently brought them to

the office on Monday. I distributed them to everyone in the office area of the research and development department

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