Chasing Us: A Second Chance Love Triangle (Dark Love Series Book 2)

Chasing Us: Chapter 20

“Welcome home, roomie!”

Lex scratches his jaw, trying to hide the smile which has been a permanent fixture since last night. After a tiring drive back into the city, we are officially home. And I officially have a live-in husband.

The whole concept of having a husband who actually lives with me is rather exciting, and I can barely contain my enthusiasm. But I also have no idea what I’m doing, never having lived with a man before, except my dad. Wait, let me rephrase that—I have never lived with an unbelievably drop-dead gorgeous man who makes me weak in the knees every single time he looks at me.

“Roomie… hmm, did you secretly consume some sugar on the way here? You’re extremely hyperactive,” he teases, placing our bags beside the couch.

“Nope, just high on love.”

“Oh, that’s kind of corny.” He laughs

“Wow, so it turns out that I’m not one of those I-love-you-and-I’ll-post-it-on-Facebook-so- everyone-can-see-it kinda chicks?”

“You lost me?”

“Oh, I forgot you refuse to join the rest of our generation and get on the social media bandwagon,” I mock with a sneer. “There are some people who constantly write on their partner’s walls how much they love them. It annoys me so much so that Eric purposely does it to me all the time now.”

“Firstly, what the hell is a wall? Secondly, don’t think that because we are ‘roomies,’ I’m opening a Facebook account.”

“Will you tweet with me?” I ask, batting my eyelashes.

He pulls me into him, then places his hands under my thighs, lifting me as I wrap my legs around him. Pushing my back against the wall, his lips forcefully finding mine. I still crave him, even more so than last night, wondering how this man can do this to me every time.

“It’s funny how you think that you’ll have time for all that bullshit,” he breathes, tugging at my bottom lip.

His hands wander to the bottom of my sweater, and in a quick move, he yanks it over my head, leaving me in my bra. Like a fire raging within his eyes, they burn as they fixate on my chest, feverishly squeezing my breasts, making my body convulse. I can’t possibly come again.

Not after four hours of slow lovemaking last night.

Not after the five, that turned into fifteen-minute quickie this morning.

Not after the blow job on the interstate.

And yet, here we were again, ready to explode like it’s the first time we have touched in years.

He lifts my skirt, sliding his hands along my ass cheeks before cupping them firmly. His lips never leave mine, and yet, somehow, I manage to get his jeans undone. Damn, I’m getting good at this. I slide my hands inside and free his cock, his whimper brushing past my ear. So hard but smooth, I stroke it slowly, feeling him buckle under my touch. With shallow breaths, I tug on his ear gently with my teeth. “I could get used to it… you inside me at all times.”

Lex pauses, catching his breath. His fingers now trace my lips and trail down my body until he finds that spot, the one making me weak in the knees, the one possessing every inch of my body causing it to ache until I can’t take it anymore. His hand slides against my clit so effortlessly as the pool of wet drenches his fingers.

“This is how I always want to find you, soaking wet, ready, knowing that you ache just as much as I do. I want you desperate around me, I want you to want me every moment we are together.”

The sound of his voice, his dirty voice, piling on the pleasure, drives me to the point of no return when everything dirty crosses my mind, and I want to do everything to his body in the roughest way possible.

“This is how I always want to find you,” I repeat stroking his cock, its hard form throbbing against my small hands. “Hard, throbbing, knowing that you ache just as much as I do. I want you desperate for me, I want you to want me every moment we are together.”

His eyes are wild, understanding he needs from me what I need from him. Unable to resist, he slams his cock inside causing me to gasp. He continues to watch me, our eyes on each other. This time we remain silent, but I can see it in his eyes, he’s close. His movements speed up until I feel a final thrust, and he grunts my name, his grip leaving red marks on my arms. It’s all I need as I follow him down this splendorous path of pleasure.

We hold onto each other, our bodies covered in sweat against the wall. Carefully, he places me down, my legs wobbly and unable to hold me up. I hold onto his forearms, trying to balance myself. His muscles are so defined, much more than I remember from years ago.

Fuck, he is so sexy.

Calm down, Charlie, he’s yours, and you can bang that wanger anytime you want.

Oh, for fuck’s sake, I knew Eric’s catchphrase would catch on, much to my mortification.

He pulls himself out causing me to wince. “Are you sore?”

“My head is from the wall-banging, but I’m assuming you must be referring to my lady parts, and the answer is yes. You are well-endowed, my dear husband, and it’s been a while since we had this much sex.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” he answers with a cocky grin.

Sure, he will take that as a compliment. He’s large, and my vagina is sore. I don’t think any man can be offended by a woman telling them they have a big dick.

“How very humble of you, Mr. Edwards.”

“We still have tonight and tomorrow and the day after, Mrs. Edwards.”

His words once again go straight to that place causing me to contract, and that feeling of cum oozing down my leg becomes hard to ignore. I excuse myself and go to the bathroom to clean myself up.

Wow, how on earth can he come so much… I mean, like, isn’t it supposed to get less every time?

“Okay, time for the grand tour,” I announce while bouncing back into the living room. “Welcome to the living room. This is how you work the TV.”

“Charlotte, I know how to work a TV.”

“Okay, but it’s a smart TV.”

“I’m pretty confident I can get my masters in all electronic-device handling.”

“Well, let’s move onto the kitchen, then.”

“How about you show me our bedroom?”

His seductive gaze does not go unnoticed, and I can’t believe my legs quiver as he mentions our bedroom.

“Sure… follow me, roomie.”

I pull his hand, but instead, he wraps them around my waist, placing soft kisses on my neck. Distracted, I introduce the bedroom but know he has other ideas.

“Take all your clothes off,” he demands.

Inside our bedroom, I follow his request and strip off all my clothes. Naked in front of him, I can’t help but feel sexy as his eyes look so desperate, fighting some sort of internal battle. He continues to gaze at me while tracing his fingertips down my torso, the goosebumps apparent as I close my eyes, savoring his touch.

“So fucking perfect,” he whispers

I open my eyes, desperate to watch him.

“Lie down in the middle of our bed and spread your legs as wide as you can.”

I love it when he uses the word ‘our.’ How can such a simple word have so much meaning behind it? How can one word define a whole relationship? I follow his instructions and lay on the bed, my head against the pillow as I half-sit up on my elbows and spread my legs wide before him.

He stands at the end of the bed, watching me, watching between my legs. Like a lion hungry for its prey, he licks his lips, and I can’t stop my hand wandering down to graze my swollen clit, letting out a small cry as the two come into contact. Placing a hand on my knee, he pushes my legs further apart.

“So fucking perfect… always so ready for me.”

Lowering himself, he traces his tongue along the inside of my thigh. My body waiting in anticipation, he knows how much I want him just to go straight for the prize, but instead, he continues to tease me, blowing softly between my legs. Tilting my head back, I lift my hips desperate for him to taste me. But no, of course, Lex is all about self-gratification, and in this case, he’s happy teasing me while I go insane waiting.

“So eager… what exactly is it that you want?”

With another blow of warm air against my thigh, my entire body shakes, and I’m desperate to have him devour me, now.

“I want your head between my legs. I want you sucking every inch of my pussy. I want to hear you moan knowing you can’t get enough. I want you to thrust your fingers inside me, in every hole… really hard. I want to come, and I want you to lick every inch of me clean.”

He stands in front of me, his devilish grin taking over. “My dirty girl… your wish is my command.”




“So, I must really suck as a tour guide, then?”

“Mmm, let’s just say your audience had other things on their mind.”


“Mmm…” he hums.

Okay, so I don’t know why I’m going to bring this up, why I decide this is a perfect time to open up a can of worms, open the dark closet, the one you dread because it’s full of spiders and other scary creatures. Except mine isn’t, it’s just full of other men.

“When are we going to talk?”



“Be more specific”?

“I don’t know. I just feel like we haven’t talked about other things, and I’d rather get this out now. I don’t want you speculating and conjuring up your own thoughts on certain situations.”

He shifts up, looking at me cautiously, but instead, I face the other way and pull him into me with my back against his chest. I can’t look him in the eyes, they give away everything.

“About the past… Julian.”

“Charlotte…” he warns.

“I get it, Lex, you’re a guy. You don’t need to hear this, and you have some inbuilt capability of being able to box things off, ignore, and move on. But I’m a woman. It’s part of my genetic engineering to talk about these things.”

He remains silent, so I continue to talk, “I did love him, Lex, but it was a different love. More like comfort love. He was everything on paper a woman would want from a man.”

His body clenches, but I pull him in tighter refusing for there to be any distance between us. “Every time I got close to a man, it felt wrong. Every first date, I had a nagging feeling. I knew why, I just never admitted it to myself, but Julian made it easy, maybe too easy, but I didn’t want that. When I saw you in the restaurant, it all made sense. I knew at that moment it couldn’t be anyone else, but stubborn Charlie wasn’t going down without a fight.”

Lex restrains his words, his breaths heavy and muscles tense even in my embrace.

“I have never been so jealous in my entire life,” he says in a bitter tone. “It drove me to do things so out of character for me. It cost me a lot with my business.”

I pull him tighter, regretting the hurt and pain I caused him. “I’m sorry.”

“It consumed me, this jealously. It was ugly, and I was nothing but a monster to everyone around me.”


“Yes, Kate. She definitely was first in the firing line. Honestly, I had no idea you were her friend with the ‘fucked-up love life’…”

“I had no idea you were that hot boss in love with a woman you couldn’t have.”

He hugs me tighter, spreading his hands on my stomach, the gentle caresses on our baby warming my heart. In just twenty-four hours, he proves to me he wants this just as much as I do.

“I never did brunettes.”

“Huh?” I ask in confusion.

“You always said I preferred blondes, but that wasn’t the reason behind it. After you, I couldn’t go near a brunette. It reminded me too much of you, and each time it got harder to climb out of that depressive self-destructive spiral.”

It makes complete sense, I just never expected him to be so affected by our parting. I honestly thought he had moved on, and our affair had become an afterthought, assuming men weren’t emotionally capable of feeling such loss.

“Why didn’t you look for me?”

“Why? Because I wasn’t stupid. I knew how I left you, and as the more time passed, the more I knew you would move on, despite what I wanted.” Burying his head into my neck, his grip around me becomes tighter. “Charlotte, this right now, this is what I’ve dreamed about since the moment we ran into each other in my parents’ kitchen. I’m so happy right now it actually fucking hurts because I don’t know what to do with myself. I’m obsessed with you, every part of you. You are my addiction, but one I never want to stop.”

“Then, I’m glad I am not the only one.” I smile, elated to hear him say exactly how I’m feeling too. “You are so stuck with me for life. Let’s be obsessed together forever.”

“Oh, that sounds like a bad eighties song.” He laughs, then kisses my shoulder. “I can’t think of a better way to put it, let’s be obsessed together forever.”

We continue to lay down, although it’s only the afternoon. Shortly after, there’s a knock on the door. Mrs. Landry, my neighbor across the hall, wants to make sure the noise was me and not some burglar. Unfortunately, I greet her in only my tank and bed shorts forgetting to wear a bra. It happens to be the same time my other neighbor, Mr. Garcia, walks past. I use the opportunity to grab Coco back from Mrs. Landry and thank her repeatedly for taking care of her.

“Oh, by the way, I want to introduce you to my husband, Lex.”

I call for Lex to come to the door, much to his annoyance.

Standing in only his boxers, his torso shirtless, Mrs. Landry eyes him from head to toe.

“Well, Charlie, I see you’ve been busy.”

Lex extends his hand which Mrs. Landry shakes with a flirtatious smile across her face.

“Oh my, quite a handshake.” She presses her hand against her chest. “Well, I’ll leave you two honeymooners alone.”

As the door closes, I introduce Lex to Coco.

“I’m not a cat person.”

“You’re a pussy person, so I’m sure you can love Coco just the same.” I mock, a smile playing on my lips.

“I’m not a pussy person… for the love of God, can we not compare anatomy to your damn cat?”

I cover Coco’s ears. “Shh, she’s sensitive and can sense your negativity toward her. Anyway, if you’re not a pussy person, what are you? Tits or ass?”

“When it comes to you, Charlotte, everything…”




I wake the next morning when my alarm clock threatens me with its abrupt beeping. Six o’clock is too early. I roll over expecting to find Lex, but the bed is empty. The smell of coffee lingers in the air. I head for the shower, get dressed and ready for work. I choose a simple loose blouse, although loose being the operative word because the ladies are barely behaving themselves—damn pregnancy hormones.

“Good morning, roomie.” I smile while walking into the kitchen.

Lex looks so delicious in his dark gray suit. Too delicious, and I have just applied my lipstick.

“Good morning.” He lifts his head to greet me, but his expression swiftly changes to angst. “Take the glasses off.”

“But I need them to read?”

“Are you reading now?”

“Well, no, but it’s just easier to wear them all the time when I have to work, and lately, my eyes have gotten worse.”

He places his phone on the table. I’d be a fool not to notice the giant hard-on prodding through his pants.

“Those glasses make me want to bend you over this table, take your perfect, firm ass in my hands, and fuck you until you tell me to stop. But, I have an eight o’clock meeting across the city, so for now, it’s easier if you just take them off.”

Oh, poor baby, it sounds like someone needs attention.

“Well, Mr. Edwards,” I say in my seductive I-can-be-that-hot-librarian-you-want-to-fuck tone. “How about we settle for me getting down on my knees and sucking that beautiful cock of yours?”

I unbuckle his pants, pulling his boxers down, his cock springing free before me.

His hands rest on my shoulder. I watch him watch me as I slowly slide his cock into my mouth. He groans, gripping on my shoulder tighter, his breaths uneven as I take him in deep, relaxing my throat muscles to allow him to go further.

“Fuck… take it in deeper.”

Knowing he wants more, knowing he is coming undone drives me on. It makes me want him to remember this moment for the rest of his day when he sits in meetings trying to concentrate on important matters. I want this image ingrained in his mind. Placing my hand on his shaft, I pull his cock up and down while moving it in deeper. His body shakes before he grips the table causing a glass of water to spill followed by, “I’m coming… I’m fucking coming.”

With warning, I suck harder, enjoying the taste of him filling my mouth. As his body slows down, I slow my movements, licking the tip of his cock clean.

“Jesus, you know how to give head,” he utters, breathless.

“Well, it helps that you have the most perfect and deliciously inviting cock in the universe.”

He zips his pants and buckles his belt making himself presentable again.

“Come here,” he commands.

I sit on his lap, placing my arms around his neck before running my nose against his skin. He smells so damn good I catch myself closing my eyes and inhaling his scent.

“Did you just sniff me?”

“Uh… umm, yep.”

“I don’t want to be away from you for the next ten hours.” His voice remains still, but I can see he’s struggling.

“I love you. Nothing will change in the next ten hours, especially that. We need to get back to the real world.”

Stroking his face, I lean in and plant a soft kiss on his lips.

“I want to see the baby.”

I pull away, slightly confused by his request. “Sorry, sweets, but you kinda got to wait until it comes shooting out of my vagina.”

His expression tightens like he’s trying to find the right words. “I mean, I want to see the baby… you know, in an ultrasound. I want to hear the heart beating.”

I continue to gaze at him, trying to figure out what he wants, what exactly is bothering him. “What’s wrong?”

“I need to know this is real, that this isn’t a dream. I want to hear our baby’s heartbeat. I need to confirm with my own ears that it’s beating strong.”

Bowing his head, it takes a moment to click. He’s scared that first of all, this is the only reason we are together, and second, if anything happens to this baby, that I wouldn’t want him.

“Lex… look at me.”

He lifts his head, looking like a little lost boy, afraid and unsure. “I love you, Alexander Matthew Edwards. Whether it’s with or without this baby, we still would have found a way to be together. No matter what happens, I’m here. Remember, obsessed together forever? I want to hear the baby’s heartbeat, too. I will book it. Now promise me you’ll try to be productive today.”

“How can your simple words calm me?”

“Because that’s what we do, calm each other during a storm or mini-meltdown.”

“I love you, Charlotte.”

“I love you, Lex. Now, please get to work because I need that coffee. It’s been torturing me all morning.”

With a smile, I hop off his lap as he places his laptop in his bag. He kisses me goodbye, promising to call me throughout the day. I pour myself a coffee, and with much delight, take a sip. In an instant reaction, I spit it back out.

“Oh, by the way, it’s decaf,” he yells before closing the door. “Sorry, no regular for you.”

“That witch! She got to you, didn’t she?”

“She got to everyone.” He laughs as he walks out and leaves the apartment.




There’s something comforting yet odd about sitting at my desk. This has been my home away from home, but today it feels slightly off. It’s because I miss him, and it is only eight forty-five. Ten hours is a long time.

I make my way to the boardroom for our weekly Monday meeting. I’m not surprised when Eric drags me into the most random conversation with Emma, but I have to admit it makes me laugh and takes my mind off this separation anxiety consuming me.

After the meeting finishes, I look up the number and book in the ultrasound. Sitting back at my desk, I open my text messages, not surprised one bit there’s already one sitting in there from Lex.


Lex: So, I’m sitting here listening to why we need to sell our shares in another division, but all I can think about is your morning breakfast feast this morning. This is driving me crazy.


Me: Hmm, by morning breakfast feast, I’m assuming you’re referring to my protein shot? Yes, it has crossed my mind, too… Okay, maybe like a million times. Do you realize it’s only 10 am???


Lex: Yes, I do realize that. Time has never dragged so slow. Was the stock market always this boring?

BTW… your glasses will be the death of me


Me: I think you need to get your mind out of the gutter and back into the boardroom, Mr. Edwards. A productive CEO always sets positive examples for his staff. By any chance is Kate free for a coffee at 2 pm? And BTW my glasses actually serve a purpose, not just for your pleasure.


Lex: My employee says hello and that she is free for coffee at 2 pm if you are. And yes… I said you will order tea. FYI, this is the last message I am passing on between the both of you.


Me: Tell her I said GREAT. And Boo! You’re a party pooper. I’ve got a client who just arrived. Love you, Mr. Uncooperative Edwards.


At two o’clock on the dot, I sit in the coffee shop in front of Kate. It’s so good to catch up with her now that everything’s out in the open. I just didn’t know how our friendship would work when all I want to talk about is Lex fucking me a dozen times in the past forty-eight hours.

“So… how’s everything going?” she asks while taking a sip of her latte.

“Is this going to be weird? You know, talking about him?”

“As long as you veer off the subject of anatomy, I think it’ll be fine.”

“Please, I’m not Eric.”

“Ahh, touché.”

“I guess it’s been great, I mean, you know like it’s surreal. All of a sudden, I’m living with him and pregnant with his baby, but you know, it’s only been like a day. We both have busy schedules, and it’s going to be hard for us to find time just to chill in this moment.”

“Right, Mr. Edwa… I mean Lex is a workaholic, but I know he is making time to clear his schedule. Just this week is crazy with a business summit being held downtown. We have a merger riding heavily on a few discussions, so Lex is really under the pump trying to get this all finalized. I’m surprised he let me have coffee with you. Then again, he probably wants me to check up on you.”

“Well, you can tell him I’m fine, and I won’t shy away from having a catch-up with a good friend.”

Kate smiles. “Yes, a very good friend.”

“This is weird, though, right?”

“Totally weird. I get it, he is Lex to you, but to me, he will always be Mr. Edwards. Blimey, he is a lot to handle.”

“You’re telling me. I can only imagine what he’s like in the office.”

“Uh, let’s see… control freak… obsessive… to put it mildly.”

“Mmm… kinda hot, though. Tell me what’s going on with you.”

“Hmm… bugger all, I haven’t gotten laid in like two months. I believe I’ve been re-virginized. The men in New York suck. Seriously, I cannot find anyone decent.”

“You won’t find anyone going clubbing with Eric, that’s for sure. In fact, if you want to go on a manhunt, do not involve Eric. Since my manhunting days are over, I’m more than happy to accompany you, just for support.”

“Oh, please, and get fired in the meantime? Lex would kill me for dragging you along. No, it’s okay. I wish to live a long, healthy life. Just without mind-blowing sex. Seriously, though, how long before I become a virgin again?”

“I don’t know… a year? Can we google this?”

So that’s what we do for the rest of our time, look at Google images of ladies who believe they are virgins again. I can’t stop laughing, it’s one of those things that Eric would never do, and just looking at a vagina sends him into heaving vomit-like symptoms. We say our goodbyes, and I head back to the office to drown myself in work so time can pass quickly.

The afternoon becomes busier, and I barely find myself able to catch up on emails or even Eric. I look at my schedule. It’s jam-packed this week, but hopefully, it will settle by next week. Christmas is just around the corner, and I haven’t even begun to think of what to buy for everyone. I mark in my calendar to organize a shopping day with Eric. He’s been quiet today, not his usual flamboyant self.

Before I know it, darkness falls outside my window. The office is quieter, and I realize I’ve buried my head in this brief for the last four hours. I quickly check my emails before closing the office and heading home.

It’s after eight when I sit on the couch, reading over a case, waiting for Lex to come home. Coco is in her element beside me, probably wondering why I’m fully clothed since yesterday had me walking around the apartment naked.

With my eyes heavily focused on a witness statement, my phone chimes, the loud sound startling my focused thoughts.


Lex: Sorry stuck downtown. Won’t be home till late. Sleep well beautiful, I promise I’ll make it up to you.


My shoulders drop as I fall back into the cushions, disappointed at the text. I know Lex has work commitments he can’t get out of. This is Lex’s life. I don’t know why part of me expects it will be different now—that we will both be home by six every night, cook dinner together, and have a lovely meal followed by hot sex and mindless television.

He is a fucking billionaire for God’s sake and obviously worked hard to get to that position.

That night, I climb into bed and take out my What to Expect When You’re Expecting book, but fall asleep soon after conception.

It’s dark, but I feel him slide in beside me. His body smells amazing, freshly showered, and with heavy eyelids, I open them slightly to see my clock. It is just past midnight. I stir, trying to wake myself up.

“Shh,” he whispers.

“It’s late.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

Struggling to maintain any sort of conversation, I fall into a deep sleep until the morning light creeps into the room. I’m awake again, but this time his lips are all over me, his cock pressing hard against my thigh.

“Good morning,” he murmurs into my ear before sliding in.

I gasp, unprepared for the pleasure to spread throughout me since I just woke up. Plunging further into me, he fucks me hard before I call out his name, riding out the orgasm which only takes me two minutes to reach.

Catching my breath, I clear my throat to speak. “That’s a nice way to wake up.”

“I’m sorry about last night.”

“It’s okay, Lex, you work. I get it.”

“But it’s only our second night together here.”

“We’ll have plenty more nights.”

He pulls himself off me and lays by my side, resting on his elbow. “I have some bad news.”


“I have to go to California on Saturday but just for a day. I’ll be back on Sunday night.”

Of course, I’m disappointed. I mean, it will be our first time apart, and it hasn’t even been a week. I try my best not to show it, but my damn hormones are all over the place.

“Okay. Will this happen all the time?”

“No… I mean, occasionally. I’m sorry I can’t get out of this one. Look at me, please.”

I turn to face him, trying not to cry. I blame the hormones—always blame the hormones.

“This is an adjustment for both of us. I’m not used to having to factor someone else in just like you aren’t. But I’m learning the word delegate… please be patient with me.”

“Of course, I’ll be patient with you. This is a huge adjustment for me, too.”

He wraps his arms around me, burying his head into my chest. Stroking his hair, I remember the ultrasound appointment, scolding myself for forgetting to text yesterday.

“I booked in the ultrasound, it’s at midday. I’m sorry I completely forgot to tell you. Will it be okay, or should I reschedule?”

“I’ll be there… wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

At midday, we are in the ultrasound room as the sonographer moves that wand-looking thing around my belly smeared with lube. Oh gross, it so reminds me of Eric’s endless KY stories.

“Okay, so I’m just going to take a few measurements first.” She continues to click on buttons and type as Lex sits beside me, resting his hand on my forearm. Both of our eyes are glued to the screen, waiting in anticipation for her to finish the important stuff.

Having a medical background, Lex is analyzing the image, his face serious as he watches her do her job. Secretly, I think she is intimated by his persistent stare.

“So, this here is your baby,” she says, pointing to this little pea-shaped thing on the screen.

“And judging by the size, you are about nine weeks along.”

“Nine weeks already?” I ask, stunned.

“Give or take a few days. Now time to hear the heartbeat.”

She turns up the dial on the monitor, and I wait, holding my breath until the loud thumping sound echoes through the room. It’s like music to my ears, the tell-tale sign that our baby exists, but this time I treasure this moment. This unbelievable life-changing moment consumes me so much I’m ready to burst into tears.

My eyes refuse to leave the screen as I watch our baby, in its tiny form, move up and down on the screen. It may be black and white, making absolutely no sense, but that little pea is our baby, and I cannot take my eyes off it.

“You have a very happy baby inside there.”

I glance over to Lex, who is unable to hide his happiness, his eyes dancing so bright as if the emerald lights up the dark room. His grin is infectious as I watch him experience this moment he has been so desperately waiting for.

“Do you hear that? Our baby is happy.” He beams.

The sonographer hands us a picture of the baby, my hands shaking as I stare at the image until Lex asks to hold it for a moment. He takes out his phone, snapping a photograph of it.

“What are you doing?”

He shows me his phone, the wallpaper is now our baby.

“Doesn’t matter where I am, I can see our baby anytime now.”

It’s his heartfelt words that cause a single tear to drop down my cheek. Wiping it with his thumb, he kisses the spot where it falls. I pull him into me, sobbing into his perfectly pressed suit. He gives me a moment before lifting my head, so our eyes meet.

“I love you. Obsessed together forever,” he whispers, rubbing his nose against mine.

“Obsessed together forever.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.