Chasing Us: A Second Chance Love Triangle (Dark Love Series Book 2)

Chasing Us: Chapter 17

“You know, Elijah, the car’s got a full tank of gas… it’ll get you as far as D.C.”

“Thanks, but I’ve been waiting for this day my entire life…” he pauses, waving to a few guests who have arrived. “Thank you, Lex, for helping me, you know, to be able to kick cancer’s butt, but most importantly to be able to marry my girl. I know this isn’t easy for you… but thank you.”

I pat Elijah on the shoulder. “You’re taking on the responsibility of Adriana, I should be thanking you.”

“Soon, it’ll be you, buddy.”

I’ve always had a close relationship with Elijah even when things were strained between Adriana and me. Unlike everyone else, he never meddled or judged my behavior. He listened, offered advice if deemed necessary, and I could always trust him.

“I married her, Elijah, the last night at The Hamptons.”

Elijah’s mouth falls open as he tips his head to the side.

“Huh? How? For starters, you need to apply for a marriage license, and then there’s a twenty-four-hour waiting period. Is this some wedding prank you’re pulling on me?”

“I bribed the city clerk, offered to pay for a new community hall he was currently trying to fund. It happened, Elijah, but after the way I treated her, I don’t know if she still wants to be married to me.”

“In the words of Rocky, dude, far out. For what it’s worth, congratulations, man.” He went in for a quick man-hug before the other groomsmen arrived.

We take our place at the altar, and suddenly, the nerves begin to eat away at me. I mean, Christ, I’m not the one getting married here, but after a month of not seeing her, well, this is it.

This is the decider.

Will I be able to look at her the same and still love her despite it all? Will I see my Charlotte or will I see this baby, his baby?

Taking deep breaths, my palms begin to sweat, and almost like he knows, Elijah places his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it tightly. The guy isn’t breaking a single sweat, and that, folks, is love in its purest form. I swear, my sister is lucky to have found him.

I push aside the nerves to the best of my ability as the music begins, focusing on Adriana and Elijah’s moment.

Adriana is anything but traditional, depending on her mood. I expected the wedding march to play on the piano but, instead, a string quartet plays as the two flower girls walk down the aisle. I have to admit, they are kind of cute in their little dresses, and I’m never one to think kids are cute.

Next comes the bridesmaids. I know there are two walking down the aisle, then Charlotte will follow. I watch in anticipation as Adriana’s friend and Elijah’s cousin walk down the aisle. The girls are pretty, but my focus isn’t on them, and I don’t even notice I’m holding my breath in anticipation until my chest tightens.

My heart stops when I see her standing at the entrance of the church wearing a pink-like strapless dress, the fabric and lace sitting perfectly against her skin.

I scan her face, searching for something, and instantly, her eyes meet mine.

The force of her presence is powerful, encompassing, and perfection is underrated when describing her beauty. In just one glance, one stare, every beautiful moment we have shared overshadows the pain we have managed to survive.

With my hands clasped over each other, respecting the ceremonial duties as I stand here as best man, I watch Charlotte walk down the aisle.

And once again, my heart starts beating.

How can we make this work?

Every step closer to me, the warmth rushes over my entire body. With a look of contentment and a gentle smile playing on her lips, she fixates on Elijah until she takes her position on the opposite side. Almost instantly, her eyes fall upon me again.

My mind dares to explore this moment, just us, one day her walking down the aisle to be my wife in front of everyone. A proper ceremony. Maybe that’s why this all went wrong? Like fate saying ‘hey, you rush me, so I’ll fuck up everything for you guys.’

And just like that, our future is sealed. One moment, a simple act of the woman I love walking down the aisle is all I need to guide my heart and head in the same direction.

I want her and everything that comes with her, including this baby.

We have to make it work. I have to find a way to deal with him in our lives, but it’s that or nothing. If she loves me the way I love her, we can make this work. We can do therapy or co-parenting bullshit. Maybe the universe can work me some favors and have him give up all rights. Fuck, will you listen to yourself? She’s already your wife, and so far, the universe has at least given me that.

I just need her to know that nothing will change her being Mrs. Edwards.

The music plays louder, and Adriana walks down the aisle with my father holding onto her. My mother is a basket case, sitting at the front dabbing her eyes with a tissue. It’s all so overwhelming, and Adriana looks amazing.

The ceremony starts, but I can’t help sneaking a look at Charlotte every chance I get. She still looks the same, definitely a lot healthier than when I saw her last. Her skin appears more sun-kissed, her eyes shine again, the light has been switched back on, and her smile—when I catch her smiling at me, I can’t help but smile back.

I wouldn’t be a man not to notice her tits. Pregnancy looks good on her, but this isn’t the time nor place to imagine her naked. I almost need a dose of holy water to wash away the sinful thoughts lingering in my mind while standing here in the church.

And then, I notice the phoenix pendant sitting on her chest. That has to mean something.

My gaze is broken when the priest announces them as husband and wife. The crowd claps loudly, and the newlywed couple exchanges their first kiss.

Mr. and Mrs. Evans.

The two of them are overcome by joy while holding hands and proceeding their walk down the aisle as the happy newlywed couple, leaving us to go next.

Extending my arm out with my mouth curved upward into a smile, my body is hyper-aware as she gracefully links her arm in mine, and a jolt ricochets into every crevice within me lying dormant since the last time I saw her. Beside me, she jumps slightly, and I’m certain she feels the same thing.

As we walk down the aisle, all eyes are on us, and being so close to her is driving my senses wild. With the scent of her perfume and the essence of her skin, I so desperately want to pull her aside and talk to her, but not before kissing her beautiful lips and owning her in every possible way.

But cameras are shoved in our faces and surround us wherever we turn.

Outside, people throw rice at the happy couple.

Rocky, being a sports junkie, throws a hard shot at Elijah, smacking him in the face. I burst out laughing alongside Rocky, but Elijah shoots us an annoyed look while spitting out rice from his mouth.

Charlotte is pulled away to take photographs, the loss of contact unbearable, but I have to ignore the pang as I stand there watching her and the beauty she portrays, and I can’t help feeling sick but a good sick. Like that butterfly feeling that makes you want to puke. Okay, that came out wrong, but all I know is that I can’t take my eyes off her no matter how hard I try.

The photographer steps back for a moment, allowing me to talk to her. With every step I take, the words jumble in my mind unable to form a sentence. This feeling of no control is unsettling.

“Hi.” It’s all I manage as I stare into her eyes, completely at a loss for words.

“Hi, yourself.”

The photographer grabs us once again, and before we know it, we are lost in the wedding chaos. The Rolls Royces pull up to the church, and we’re separated yet again.

It shouldn’t be a long drive to the reception, but, of course, in wedding tradition, a million pictures need to be taken from a pose by the pond, under the tree, against the cars, in the cars, you name it, and it is done—three times! It’s fucking freezing out here, and Bridezilla demands we take our coats off for the pictures.

The photographer suggests a picture of the bridal party with their respective partners.

Again, I think it might be a chance to speak to her.

As we pose beside the frozen pond, the fussy photographer snaps pictures, directing us every which way. Beside me, Charlotte’s skin is shivering, and I don’t blame her since she wore only the dress with nothing covering her. Adriana has a death wish, I’m certain of that.

With disregard for the photographer’s directions, I remove my suit jacket and place it around Charlotte’s shoulders, worried she’ll experience hyperthermia and so will the baby.

“Thank you.” She smiles, her teeth chattering.

“Um… Lex, what are you doing? We need one more photo?” Adriana barks.

“It’s fucking freezing. Seriously, for the love of God, let’s go.”

“Fine.” Adriana’s teeth chatter as she crosses her arms to protect herself from the cold. “You win. Now, let’s get this party started.”

Once again, chaos disrupts as the wedding coordinator commands everyone to back into their designated cars but not without warning us of our upcoming responsibilities upon entering the reception hall.

On the drive over, sitting with Elijah’s cousin and friend, we crack open the bourbon and cheer to the groom sitting in the car in front of us. When we finally arrive, and with the alcohol settling nicely in my nervous system, we’re asked to escort our partners once again for the grand entrance into the room.

“We meet again, and thanks for the jacket,” Charlotte offers with a smile as she laces her arm in mine.

“Remind me never to get married in winter…” The second it leaves my mouth, I instantly regret it. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Charlotte’s shoulders move up and down as she laughs. “I don’t like winter either, so at least we agree.”

“Sorry, I meant—”

We’re interrupted as our names are called. Together, we walk through the double doors to a cheering crowd, then take our seats at the table.

I’m seated next to Elijah. It doesn’t bother me until he keeps leaning over to his other side and kisses Adriana. It’s fucking awkward, and the champagne they serve is for pussies. Just before the starters is to be served, I decide to make a quick dash to the men’s room then grab something hard at the bar.

On my way there, I run into Rocky and Nikki in the hallway. I could swear she had her hair in a bun at the church, and now it’s out, sitting messily on her shoulders.

“Babe, can you excuse us for a second?” Nikki asks Rocky.

He walks back into ballroom with a giant smirk on his face. That fucker just got blown. Nikki’s lipstick appears fresh as if it was reapplied minutes ago. I wouldn’t put it past them.

“First of all, that prank you pulled wasn’t funny. However, it serves him right for begging for the floorshow.”

“I can’t argue with that one,” I reply with a small chuckle.

“Look, you know me, I’m just going to say it how it is. I was there when Charlie found out. She’s very fragile right now… I want you to take that into consideration.”


“No, Lex, look… I’m butting out. This is your business. She’s your wife now. All I ask is that you take good care of her, okay? She’s family to me.”

I nod in silence. Charlotte means a lot to many people, and in no way, moving forward, do I want to hurt her anymore. Then, I remember Nikki just said Charlotte is my wife now. So, Charlotte told her. Does that mean what I think it means?

Nikki walks away, leaving me standing alone thinking about what she said and forgetting my urgent need to take a piss.

I quickly duck in and out of the bathroom, then make my way back to the table. Entrée is served, and we all sit there chatting amongst ourselves. I know it’s almost time for the speeches, but some moron in the crowd keeps tinkering with their glass. It’s that stupid tradition where one person starts tapping their fork against the glass and the whole room follows which forces the couple to kiss. It’s like the tenth time it has happened tonight, and after close examination, I realize it’s Rocky who always starts it.

Looking over at Rocky, I shoot him a fuck-off-and-stop-doing-that look. With a wide grin, he raises his glass to me before drinking it all in one go.

A few moments later, the MC announces it’s speech time. Thankfully, I’m second in line though I’m not worried about speaking in front of everyone. This is nothing compared to the large auditoriums where I have given speeches and presentations in front of the most powerful people in the world.

But I’ll have to follow my dad.

And that’s something else.

Dad is up first, and I know his speech will be emotional given Adriana is his only daughter. I recall my first wedding, his speech, and how everyone cried. This will be ten times worse.

“Thank you all for coming here today to celebrate the marriage of my beautiful and only daughter, Adriana, and my new and hopefully only son-in-law, Elijah.”

The crowd lets out a small laugh. My father is always witty, engaging people when needed.

“Even since Adriana could talk, she was obsessed with weddings. Her first failed marriage was at three. I walked into the living room and found all her dolls and bears dressed up sitting in rows. Adriana was wearing a Cinderella costume with a crown. I asked her what she was doing, and she said she was getting married and waiting at the altar for her groom. I couldn’t help but be amused by this little girl’s imagination, so I asked her who her groom was, and she simply replied, ‘Alex.’”

Laughter fills the room as I recall the memory. At the time, I was nine and having a little sister around was rather annoying.

“Her second failed marriage attempt was at the age of eight. We were due to move to Carmel in about a week. Adriana came rushing through the house with a basket full of items. I asked her why the rush and what was she doing. She explained that she was eloping in the backyard, and that we all needed to be there because she was marrying the next-door neighbors’ kid before we left. I explained to her again that marriage wasn’t something you committed to with just anyone. I still remember her exact words to me. ‘Daddy, if I don’t lock him down now, then God knows who I could end up with.’ I’m thinking little Jimmy next door must have been glad we decided to move three days early.”

The crowd, again, let out a laugh, my mother beaming as my father continues, “As for her third marriage attempt, now this one will last. Elijah,” he says, raising his glass toward him. “I have never seen a man so in love, so taken with a woman as much as I have seen you with my little girl. You’re the light in her day, the contentment in her night. You have given her so much joy and happiness, and anyone who can make my little girl smile the way you do, well, that’s the only thing a father can wish for his daughter. So, to a lifetime of happiness. Please raise a toast to the newly-wedded couple.”

My mother, an absolute wreck, is sobbing into her pile of tissues. I have to admit, it was a pretty good speech. My father hugs my sister tightly before leaning over to give Elijah a quick man-hug.

Rising from my chair, I button up my jacket before walking toward the stage. I clear my throat, ignoring my sweaty palms. Why do I feel like I’m the giant elephant in the room, and the only person watching is Charlotte?

It is now or never.

I straighten my posture, it’s showtime.

“They say love is a noble act of self-giving, offering trust, faith, and loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you don’t become less of who you are, you end up being complete with your loved one. This couldn’t ring any truer as I tell you the story of how I watched their love for one another unfold…”

From my left side, I see Charlotte staring intently at me, never turning away.

“The first time I met Elijah was when I came home from college. Adriana had this habit of waiting for me on the porch steps every time I came home, something she had done from the moment she could walk. On this particular day, she hadn’t, something I thought she had outgrown, which saddened me somewhat. As I walked into the house, there was only one sound I could hear, the laughter of my sister. I made my way to where the sounds came from, and I saw Adriana with this scrawny-looking boy who reminded me of Beetlejuice with his scruffy hair. She was sitting there intently, listening to a story Elijah was telling her about his horses when he grew up. Now, for anyone who knows Adriana, sitting still and being quiet were skills she never displayed. In fact, it’s almost like she repelled them. However, she sat there, perfectly still, listening intently. I had never seen this side of her. After a quick cough on my end, she saw me. She wasn’t afraid, neither was Elijah. She simply introduced him as a very good friend of hers.

“From that day on, I did lose a small part of my sister for I saw that she was finally growing into this woman, and this so-called friend. Elijah, I knew he had everything to do with it. Not many people can say they held onto their first loves, not many people can say that it was only ever one person who has captured them. Elijah and Adriana, you have conquered love at first sight, remained true to one another after all these years. Your strength and unity as one never cease to amaze me. Your trust in each other, most importantly, has gotten you to this day, the day that if anyone deserves it, it’s the both of you.

“Today, you both become complete with one another and let this be a lesson to others. Place your trust in those you love and accept their trust with the greatest of appreciation. Love like there’s no tomorrow, live like today is the end, and have faith that tomorrow will come. Sometimes we are given the easy road, sometimes the most challenging, but if we can end up being as happy as both of you today, then any road taken is well worth the journey.”

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