Chasing the Unexpected

Chapter CHAPTER 389


never have brought her to such an event, risking embarrassment.

His coldness and impatience made Jordyn feel a pang of disappointment. “Alright.”

Jordyn walked toward the restroom. Five minutes later, she emerged with a smile, casually washing her hands at the sink.

“What did you say to that waiter just now?” Rebecca’s voice suddenly asked.

Startled, Jordyn turned to see Rebecca, her eyes flashing with


“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replied.

Rebecca stepped closer, her tone dripping with sarcasm. “I’m warning you don’t act recklessly. If you mess up my plans, I won’t let you off the hook!”

Jordyn sneered. “What do your plans have to do with me? Rebecca, don’t think that just because you helped me once, I’ll do whatever you say.”

She couldn’t forget how Nyla and Valarie had humiliated her earlier. She wasn’t going to let it slide.

“If you make a move against Nyla at this auction, you’ll definitely get noticed. Do you really want to risk being dumped by Clark again, right after winning him back?” Rebecca asked.

Jordyn bit her lower lip, clenching her hands at her sides, her head lowered in silence.

Missing this opportunity meant she might never get another chance to deal with Nyla. She was reluctant to give up so easily. Just thinking about Valarie slapping her brought a wave of nearly

unbearable humiliation.

Seeing the hesitation in Jordyn’s eyes, Rebecca smirked. “I know

you want Nyla gone. Believe me, I feel the same. But you don’t know anyone here. Even if you bribe a waiter, what’s stopping him from betraying you for more money?”

Jordyn’s eyes widened as her face turned pale. She knew Rebecca was right, but the thought of letting it go was too much to bear.

Noticing her uncertainty, Rebecca added slowly, “I’ve said my piece. What you do next is up to you. But if you get caught, I hope you can deal with the consequences.”

With that, she turned coldly and walked away.

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100.000 dollars!”

Clark’s displeasure was evident. He felt that Damon was deliberately trying to outbid him.

480.000 dollars”

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At fisk others joined in the bidding war between Clark and Damon, But eventually, they backed out. The necklace, while undeniably beautiful was worth at most 300,000 dollars. Anything higher seemed unreasonable.

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