Chasing Rainbows

Chapter Part Twenty Five

“Seriously you’re ok?” Isobel reached for Emma’s hand and squeezed it. It wasn’t that Emma was upset, inconsolable or distraught that concerned Isobel, it was quite the opposite; he friend had been bright, happy and enthusiastic over the last ten days of wedding build up, the ten days since she’d thrown out her husband. Not that Isobel knew the details of what had happened, another thing that caused warning bells to sound in her head. Emma was open, honest, a book. The fact that Isobel had no idea why things had so dramatically ended between her friend and Jacob confused and worried her.

“Seriously Isobel Prior, you are literally about to walk down the aisle and you’re worrying about me? I’m happy, SO happy to be here with you today. Honestly.”

Isobel wasn’t convinced, but then she’d failed to wrestle the truth out of her friend in the days before this point. How upsetting must a wedding be when you’ve just seen your own marriage, albeit a rather unusual one break down?

Her father was coughing, the other bridesmaids were pacing, they couldn’t wait any longer, she’d hopefully get chance to talk to her friend later in the day, before she left for three weeks in Bali, because when Isobel returned as a married woman, her friend would be headlong into filming in Hollywood.

The day passed beautifully, everything was perfect. The church, the flowers, the food, the speeches, even the weather.  It was no lie that Emma had not had time to think about Jacob Coren and his devastating effect on her life, which was a good thing. Once she’d spoken, told everyone gathered about the intricacies of her friendship with the bride, the trouble they’d perpetually got themselves into, and the pleasure that she was passing the role of Chief Confidante on to someone as wonderful as Nathan. That had led to a round of ‘Ahs’ and the look that passed between her and her best friend was the most special moment, but as the bride and groom took to the dance floor, Emma slumped back in her chair, there was no hiding the fact that life was about to change, Isobel was becoming a wife, their relationship would continue, but she’d never drop everything at three am to come collect her from the date from hell, there’d be no more midnight ice cream feasts, morning long Sunday brunches dissecting the talent on display in the pubs the previous evenings.

Emma felt the pain start to return to her heart and needed to escape, especially before David the best man dragged her up to the dance floor. Reaching for her wine glass, she dashed out of the room, making for the sun basked terrace, and fresh air. It was deserted, and she’d never been more glad to be alone. Taking a minute, she looked out at the sculptured gardens, the sun reflecting on the catch pool of a large fountain. It was the perfect place.

Emma sighed, it was easier to circulate, to chat inanely than be alone, as stood outside all she could think about was the gaping hole that the annoying and frustrating Jacob Coren had left in her life. And she hated him for that, she hated him for everything.

By the time she reached the room, dancing was in full swing, the sounds of laughter, happiness echoed around the room. Emma was about to make for the bar, get another drink when her parents appeared in her path. Damn! She’d forgotten that they were invited to the evening part of the wedding.

                “Mum! Dad!” She gave them both a hug. “I forgot you were coming.”

Her mother smiled, “you look beautiful. That dress really suits you.”

Emma chuckled, “really? When I’m stood between two supermodels? I feel frumpy at best.”

Her father made for the bar leaving the two women alone.

                “So Jacob isn’t here?”

Emma groaned, she was in truth amazed they’d made small talk first. She’d not explained anything since he’d left; she had no idea how to deal with this. Did she lie? Did she tell the truth? Her mother had that same look of optimism on her face that had been a permanent fixture since Jacob’s arrival in their lives.

                “He got called back to California Mum, business. He tried to change it but couldn’t.”

Nodding knowingly, her mother leaned closer, “you were hardly nice to the boy at our house, I hope you haven’t scared him off. I mean you’ll not get anyone better than him!”

If the comment hurt Emma, she refused to acknowledge it, she’d spent the last ten years being this disappointment to her parents, and meeting Jacob for just two days had seem them change allegiance rather dramatically. It didn’t surprise her, “mother, you don’t know him, so please don’t presume to.”

Her mother sighed, “I didn’t mean to offend’s just so nice to see you settled, happy.”

Emma rolled her eyes and her mother added, “It hurts that we didn’t have this...” She gestured around her at the glory that was the wedding, “but both me and your father are happy knowing that you’ve met that special someone, that you’re settled.”

The conversation was filled with such paradoxical comments that she had no idea how to respond, and she was never more happy to see David the best man approach for the dance she’d avoided earlier.

                “You going to be ok in Hollywood?”

Isobel had just changed into a beautiful blue mini dress and chunky heels, her and Nathan were heading to a Heathrow hotel from the reception, and flying to Bali for a three week honeymoon. The thought of Emma being in LA when she returned, of her struggling with all that had happened made Iz worried, but she also knew that this was the least likely time and place for her to be honest about how she felt.

                “I’m going to be fine! Hectic but fine. But not TOO hectic that I won’t have time to hear about all the clean bits of your three weeks in paradise. Ok?”

Isobel studied her face for a moment, feeling tears well in her eyes, “you’re the best friend a girl could ask for, you know that?”

Emma laughed, “you just get off on my drama, admit it!”

But despite her playing down the affection and emotion that was passing between them, when Isobel leaned in for a hug, they held onto each other for grim death. Both was about to embark on a journey that was set to signal a huge change in both their lives. An attention seeking cough caused them to pull apart, and there stood Nathan looking devastating in his jeans and t-shirt, the confidence as he looked at his new bride made him seem more attractive than ever.

                “Didn’t think I’d find my wife in a lesbian encounter on our wedding day!”

Both women punched his arm, and it was Isobel who managed to laugh, “in your dreams Mr Matheson!”

He chuckled, “as long as it’s not your dream Mrs Matheson, because right now I’m hoping your dreams involve, sun, sand...” he stalked seductively towards Isobel and she was putty in his hands as his mouth dropped to her ear and finished the sentence.

                “Don’t mind the lesbian lover either of you!” Leaving them alone, their amused laughter echoing after her. She loved her friends so much, and had never appreciated them as much as she had the last few weeks.

July plus Los Angeles definitely equalled HOT. Emma was glad that the apartment Clarence had arranged for her three month stay was overlooking the Santa Monica sand, and the sea breeze hit the balcony in the evening giving her a place to relax after a long day on the set. She was scheduled to film for the next eight weeks. The pilot had already been filmed when she was back in the UK, she didn’t figure in that episode, but now she was here ready for her six out of ten episodes. And so far it had gone well.

She checked her watch, forty minutes until Theo arrived. He was taking her out to dinner. He knew she didn’t know anyone in town, and as he told her, any publicity was great publicity for the show. So she’d better shower, and get ready. But it was too tempting to just close her eyes and let the breeze blow away the heat of the day.

She woke to an incessant banging which she soon realised was the front door to the apartment, dazed she pulled herself out of the sun lounger, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, a glance at the clock in the lounge as she made for the door told her it was seven thirty, she was late.

Opening the door she smiled, Theo looked devastating, leaning against the door frame, a dark shirt over his dark trousers didn’t look out of place on such a warm night, and as he gave her a knowing smile she groaned.

                “Do I look THAT bad?”

He laughed, “you look adorable with your bed hair and pillow face!”

Emma groaned again, “really? I am SO sorry; I am so not cut out for this Hollywood lifestyle.”

Theo followed her into the lounge laughing, “lifestyle? We’re hectic when we’re filming, then promoting, then it’s followed by barren months when we do NOTHING! You’ll see. Anyways, I imagine this is still a bit of jetlag?”

It was Emma’s turn to laugh, “I love your optimism Theo, but I’ve been here a week, there’s no excuse of jetlag, you know that.  This is purely me not used to working full time on set...and living in such heat! How do you cope?”

He pulled a hand from behind his back, she’d not noticed him concealing it, and waved a bottle of cold champagne, the condensation running off it. “With ice cold drinks and relaxation! Now get changed, I’ll pour this.”

Emma had to shower, that was imperative, but she also had to be quick, so she dived under the cool jets, scrubbed herself as quickly as she could, then found the denim hot pants and vest top she’d selected earlier to wear. It was a rather outrageous choice for her, but she was going out with Theo Samuel, last time they’d made it to the gutter trash, this time she at least wanted to look a little trendy, fashionable, groovy as Isobel persisted in saying, she ignored the voice that told her she was hoping the paparazzi found her and photographed her hanging on his arm, purely to hurt Jacob, she wasn’t that malicious, was she?

When she re-emerged, Theo was sat at her breakfast bar on the telephone, the champagne poured into the only two flutes that the apartment possessed. He gave a silent wolf whistle as he gave her a long look up and down, then turned back t o his call, an argument of some description. She took her drink onto the patio, using her shades to block the evening sun that was lowering in the sky.

Eventually Theo came out and leaned on the railings beside her, “sorry, some people just don't get basic instructions, you know?”

She nodded, but didn’t turn to face him, her mind had wandered to Jacob and she was finding it hard to focus on anyone else. Shaking her head she smiled, “so where are we going?”

Theo downed his drink, “got a driver coming in half an hour, then he’s taking us to a party up in the hills, you all set for a night of partying?”

Emma nodded, “I don’t have any filming until after lunch tomorrow, so I’m ok!”

Refilling her glass, Theo grinned, “then let’s drink this, and paint the town red!”

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