Chasing Rainbows

Chapter Part Twelve

Third stage of testing for his game was complete. For Jacob he was on the verge of making his dream a reality. He’d had the first game concepts years ago when he’d been a student, but it had taken time and technology to get himself to this stage. Not to mention money! Now here he was about to present it to the gaming world in a huge launch. Nervous didn’t come close.

He slumped back in the chair and loosened his tie, as the last of the suits left the boardroom, he hated these meetings, projections of sales, profits and losses, they were all words from a world he rejected. But he had to do this.

Closing his eyes he was pinching the bridge of his nose when he heard the door open.

                “So you nailed it Coren! Well and truly!”

Jacob opened his eyes, “you think?”

Andy, acting in his role as lawyer nodded, sitting opposite him, “sure do. But think you have to act over the marriage now friend, if you leave it any longer, then you’re liable to lose half of this deal at a stranger.”

Jacob groaned, this was what he’d been dreading. He’d not spoken to Emma since sending her the underwear. He knew she’d be angry, but he’d wanted to make a point, now he had to admit to both Andy and himself that he’d blown it, that she wasn’t answering her phone, she’d stopped working, her office had told him that. It left him with no leads, after being handed her location on a plate by Andy; he had no idea where to find her. Unless he headed across to London...but the next two weeks were looking to be the busiest of his life to date.

                “I don’t know where she is. Ok?”

He hated the knowing look that appeared on his friend’s face. Since when had Andy become the law on everything, they were friends because he was the least likely to act like this, but he’d been smug since he’d found out about Emma, smug in a kind of controlling way.

                “Really? Funny that!”

Jacob looked up as Andy tossed a buff coloured file onto the table. As he took it and opened the cover he gasped, just as Andy offered, “at least dating a film star are grounds for ending this farce!”

And he was right, there were several surveillance photos in a pile, and rifling through him he froze, there was at least six of Emma, her arm tucked into the elbow of a tall dark man who he instantly recognised as Theo Samuel, the rich, handsome and famous actor. Rather than anger...or relief at the potential ‘out’ from this relationship, he felt gutted, how could he ever compete with this man?

                “That is what you HAVE to do Coren, as your friend and legal representative I have looked into annulling the marriage...not easy, but I’ll sort it. I’ve already got Selena on the case, after all new people in town cause waves of gossip. And she can get access to Samuel via her agent quite easily.” As he explained all that his actress girlfriend promised to find out, Andy failed to realise that Jacob was less than enthusiastic.

For Jacob didn’t know what to think. He had grown quite keen on the idea of getting to know her better. There was enough that had intrigued him about her that he had ended up marrying her! No matter how inebriated he was there was no way he’d have married someone he didn’t like...a lot! What he could remember of the two nights they spent together was great. They’d got on well, had fun. He’d almost felt as though he’d known her for years.  There was something familiar and comforting about her, and exciting. Seeing her with some jumped up Hollywood head was grating on his nerves. There was nothing else for it, he had to go to LA, he could scarcely spare the time, but that was his only option, before she disappeared again.

Theo Samuel had proved himself to be the ultimate in hosts. He seemed to know everyone and everywhere in that part of California. Emma was stunned. In all the parts she’d ever had, though none had been this significant, she’d turned up been lucky to be given lunch, then left after she’d uttered her lines. She had no reference point as to whether this was normal. After all they hadn’t filmed a minute yet.

It was on the second day of her whistle stop tour that Theo and his assistant a dark haired woman called Consuela stopped for lunch. As the PA made phone calls, Theo ordered champagne then turned to Emma.

                “You may be wondering what all this is about?” He gestured around himself, and she wondered if he could read her mind. When she didn’t answer he smiled, “I suppose I have a confession to make. After your outburst in London...the audition...well I just knew you’d be perfect for the part...but then Consuela was concerned that you hadn’t been to Hollywood before.” He filled their glasses, “this series is my baby, I’ve put more than my money and my time into it, I’ve staked my reputation on it. So I couldn’t cope if you pulled out, or found this all too daunting.”

He spotted the anger in her eyes and smiled, “sorry this sounds awful! But I remember how hard I found my first part out here...I couldn’t risk you blowing it for me! You are the only truly unknown in this project. Not that I’m objecting at that...I’ve wanted you in this since the moment I set eyes on you. You’ve got spunk girl, and that’s what this part needs! And I’m so glad that you’re loving the attention and the hubbub of LaLaLand!”

Emma took a second to digest all that he’d said, “I don’t know whether to laugh or slap you! How can one man put SO many insults and compliments into one monologue?”

Theo waggled an eyebrow, “THAT’S what I’m talking about!”

Emma laughed shaking her head, he slipped between staunch British colloquialisms and then very American speak. It was SO disconcerting, but quite sweet too. “I am born never to understand men!”

Laughing he called over the waiter and they ordered lunch.

                “So tonight!” He grinned, “party - Viper Lounge. I’ll pick you up for dinner first. You’ll meet the rest of the cast tonight, ok?”

Emma watched as Consuela drove him away, then when she was sure he couldn’t see her, jumped up and down on the spot. THE VIPER ROOM!!! Giving a whoop and several skips around the pavement, she suddenly fished in her handbag and pulled out her phone, Isobel would DIE when she heard this.

                “You cannot wear a Top Shop dress to a night like this! What if you get photographed?”

Trust Isobel to be practical. “I hadn’t thought of that! I presume all the other women will be designer dress-ed up!”

Isobel chuckled, “then isn’t it just your luck that my sister and her best mate know every designer contact on the West coast? Don’t turn off your phone; I’ll get one of them to call you back! And enjoy! If you can’t photograph it, then remember EVERY second! Ok?”

Two hours later and Emma was ever indebted to both Isobel’s twin Eve and her credit card company, but she was the owner of a beautiful coral pink dinner dress, the small but by price presumably exclusive designer assured her it was perfect for dinner, followed by a celebrity party. And the bonus was her beautiful shoes, the shoes from Jacob...

Damn if his name didn’t confuse the most simple situation.

Theo, accompanied by Consuela, arrived in a limousine and stopped that thought. Though it was more of a panic than a thought! She still didn’t know what she thought about Jacob, other than that the word marriage made her shake with fear.

Theo looked divine, he was classically good-looking, like a modern day Rock Hudson, dark hair, dark eyes, and an angular strong jaw, yet soft, full lips that were infinitely kissable...she knew that first hand. Over the previous thirty six hours he’d shown her around and introduced her to wardrobe, casting, various other team members on a really casual basis, arse hugging jeans and a t-shirt. But tonight, in his charcoal suit, dark tieless shirt, unbuttoned at the collar, a smile on his face...he was lethal!

Slipping into the back of the car next to him Emma smiled, then nodded in acknowledgement at Consuela.

                “You look perfect!” He offered with a smile. “Just what the paparazzi want to see!”

All her life she’d wanted to be successful as an actress, and naturally with that would come fame. But the thought of appearing on Theo’s arm in front of the media scared her for several reasons, she wanted to be seen for her own talent, she’d be judged as a ‘friend’ of Theo, and there would be speculation that she had got the part because of a perceived relationship with the actor. Then there was Jacob, he’d find out EXACTLY where she was.

But as she settled beside the famous man, Emma had to admit that she wanted this to work, to be a success more than anything. So that was her priority. And if she was photographed with the man, well then that was part of the bargain. And Theo Samuel was the ultimate deal!

After dinner in a luxury restaurant where she met five other cast members, they all climbed into the limo and headed for the Viper Room. For Emma it meant only one thing, River Phoenix. She remembered the night he died, she’d been maybe ten. Her and Isobel had loved him after seeing him play the young Indiana Jones years earlier, it had been immediate lust for two young girls, and they’d watched Stand By Me for the first time just a few weeks before the man himself had died.

They’d been devastated. Their young hearts just finding love for the first time only to hear that he’d died. As the limo cut through the dark Los Angeles streets, Emma was hardly able to believe that she was about to visit the very club that had become as infamous for that death as they had for the celebrity owner at that time Johnny Depp.

Emma rolled her eyes; this was becoming a night of true fantasies. It was no wonder that she had never become the actress she had wanted with all her hang ups and being this star struck. She really was a waste!

For all the clubs she’d ever been to, Emma had never been in a club like this. Every table sported a famous name, and even more famous faces, it was like a who’s who of Hollywood. She had to fight her jaw dropping, and her eyes staring agog.  Apparently the event was being held by a large production company, and everyone was maximising their opportunity to network. The really big names were scattered amongst a lot of people like her, unknowns. Most had their own entourages to keep the riffraff away, though there was no one in here who wasn’t linked to someone.

Theo was the perfect host once again, accompanying her as they circulated the room, introducing her to everyone he met, and even dancing with her. There were two current charting bands performing, there really was no expense spared. She felt a bit like a cross between a trophy and a sympathy case as he devoted time to explain everything to her.  She wasn’t overly comfortable with everything, she was brought up with the understanding that you didn’t get something for nothing, and she dreaded some sort of request for recompense. When Theo finally did leave her side to talk to his fellow producer for the upcoming show Brad, and whilst they were deep in conversation, Emma sipped at her champagne and smiled at the faces milling past her.

It was Consuela who rescued her from the awkwardness of not knowing anyone else.

                “Hey Emma, how are you getting on?”

Emma turned to the other woman and smiled in relief, “I’m using my greatest acting skills to not look like a fish out of water!”

Consuela giggled, “I like your honesty, there aren’t many here who have that quality I can tell you! And underneath all these stars are crapping themselves most of the time! People think that celebs surround themselves with cronies to keep people away, but really it’s because they draw confidence from them.”

Was that what she was? Another layer of support for Theo Samuel? Shaking her head she laughed and patted the other woman’s back, “I know what you mean, I feel a little like a lamb to the slaughter stood here alone!”

Joining her in humour, Consuela whispered, “let me give you a one stop guide to who you can trust!”

She then proceeded to point out many people and their Achilles heel, one had a drink problem, the other a penchant for underage girls, then there were the ‘wives of Hollywood’, dangerous women and the men they’d married. Those to avoid, those who could be a stepping stone to greater things, and most importantly those who were blatant womanisers...those to be avoided at all costs!

                “I wish I had a notebook, this is invaluable information!”

Consuela turned to her, “have to say, I won’t admit to passing any of this on!” With that she gave a huge wink. “Right let me get us another drink. Stay here and definitely don’t head in his direction!” She gestured towards a man she recognised from TV, “womaniser extraordinaire. THE worst!”

Alone, Emma found her view of the room had changed indescribably, and she was so glad for that insight. When she sensed Consuela return to her side, she smiled, and offered, “I’m really seeing this room in a different light.”

                “Really? Me too!” The husky voice was a million miles from the softly spoken female Mexican voice she anticipated. Turning slowly to her right, she almost collapsed. Sat in the chair next to her, looking every inch the film star she knew he wasn’t, was Jacob Coren...her husband.

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