Chasing Rainbows

Chapter Part Three

Las Vegas! What was there left to say about the place that hadn’t already been said SO many times? It was Emma’s first trip there, though the others had all been there before. At Angelina’s insistence - because she’d dated one of the junior managers there when she’d been modelling, and he got them a huge upgrade, they were booked into the Bellagio. And whilst the whole of the Las Vegas strip was jaw-droppingly amazing, she was really pleased that they were staying there.

The two bedroomed suite was high in the hotel and had a spectacular view of the fountains. It was mid afternoon when they had actually arrived at the room, and initially they’d sunk down onto the luxurious beds for a rest, it had been a long journey.

Eve stood in the middle of the suite and shouted to them.

                “Come on girls! We have just five days to experience ALL that is Vegas!” She handed each of them an itinerary, “this is the plan for the next five days, EVERY moment is accounted for.”

Emma glanced at the paper handed to her and groaned, a swim/relax at the pool until five, then shower/change, dinner in the a la carte restaurant was booked for eight, then they were hitting the slot machines in the casino.  Tomorrow was pool, then spa, then Tom Jones was at the Venetian...they had front row tickets...there was no let up in the plan from breakfast each morning to the entertainment into the early hours. This was going to be harder than she imagined.

                “So let’s change girls!”

Within half an hour they were poolside, reclining on loungers and soaking up the rays of sunshine. A rare treat after the weather of London. Clothing had been another extravagant expense for Emma; after all she couldn’t lie beside two ex models in anything but a new stylish bikini. Though next to them she felt like a whale. She’d lost weight over the last year, but she still had more curves than was fashionable. She’d struggled with her body image when Damien dumped her for a skinny blonde not far off half her age. It was bordering on illegal, and that was the only thing that Emma could take out of it.

She’d loved Damien, with all her heart. They’d met at freshers’ week at their university. He was an architect student and made it onto the football, cricket and rugby teams, he was tall, good looking and the epitome of charm. Emma had repeatedly wondered why he had chosen her, when he really could have had anyone, and she meant that literally.

With the benefit of hindsight, and a perspective that took her a long time to find after weeks of tears and depression, she realised that negativity, the feeling that she was never good enough was her downfall. She’d become desperate, keeping him had become a fulltime job. It was neither healthy, nor promising. But she’d been blind to that back then.

Now she no longer felt completely inadequate beside the other three women, but she hadn’t fully restored her confidence. Saying that reclining beside the pool, in the warm sunshine, with a liveried man more than happy to bring them ice cold drinks, made a lot of things worthwhile.

Eve and Angelina were like a comedy double act, they complimented each other, and they were both infectious, and a magnet for everyone in the hotel. The only time they weren’t plagued by groups of men, was when they were sat in their rather expensive seats at the front row for Sir Tom.

It was the perfect venue for that first night, and none of them could deny that they were shattered and glad to turn in early.

Day two saw them suffering a little with jetlag, but fortunately Eve had left the day fairly low key. They had a late breakfast, then strolled the strip and explored the hotel, trying to orientate themselves. The afternoon saw them cooling off in the pool.

The night was the best restaurant in the hotel. Followed by cocktails in the lounge. It was a giggle and the four of them got on well. Eve and Angelina were the centre of attention as usual, their poise and elegance was an instant spotlight, and Emma and Isobel were happy to watch the evening unfold from behind a glass of champagne.

A few hours later they ventured into the casino. They were only brave enough to play the slot machines, but the lights, the sound of falling coins was addictive, then there were the hostesses who were only happy to bring ‘refreshments’ so the fun went on late into the night.

The next morning Emma woke early. She always did. And she forgot that Isobel was dreadful in the morning, as was her twin and their friend. She was sharing one of the bedrooms with Isobel, who groaned in protest at the movement within the room.  Dressing into shorts and a strappy vest top, Emma left the room. She needed breakfast, and fancied a little people watching. Or maybe exploring the hotel that was the size of a small town.

She settled on a breakfast burrito, hot, spicy and exactly what she needed, coupled with gallons of strong coffee in a small fast food cafe on the ground floor, and being near the hotel reception it also provided a great spot to observe the comings and goings. Perfect. The hotel was busy every moment of the day, and this breakfast time was no different. The range of people amazed her, rich looking men wearing Stetsons that in her mind were a relative of JR Ewing, then there were high powered couples in suits, rushing with laptops attached to their hips. A young couple obviously doe-eyed in love were meeting with the wedding planner. Then there was the gang of British guys who loudly broadcast that they were there for a World Title Boxing match.

Emma checked her phone several times, but there was no message from the three sleeping beauties, so she decided on a walk along the strip. She had her camera, and snapped at the sights that really did need to be seen to be believed.

She realised she’d walked quite a long way, but before turning back, she spotted some shops under one of the hotels.  A quick browse then she’d head back and wake the girls. It was after ten o’clock already!

But Emma was suddenly in shopping heaven...and hell. The mall was all marble and gleaming signs, and all the shops were designer, infamous household names producing luxurious items that no one needed, but everyone wanted! She was feeling a little self conscious in her vest and shorts, especially when she realised that there were a lot of “ladies who lunched”. Glamorous older woman dripping in designer clothing, looking like Joan Collins, flitted between the shops, charging credit cards as though it was going out of fashion. As she reached the point of despair, she spotted them. THE greatest pair of Christian Louboutin shoes. They had literally stopped her in her tracks. She’d walked through the mall with wide eyes, like a child in a sweet shop, but outside this shop she felt her jaw drop in amazement.

The description said they were python skin, but the spiky heel and platform soles were multi pastel coloured. They were amazing. She stood in the window looking at them for far longer than was necessary, but the $1100 price tag meant they were truly an extravagance that she couldn’t afford, not on top of this trip. If she’d got the Theo Samuel part maybe she could have, but she hadn’t heard anything, and in showbiz no news was definitely bad news. She should have held her tongue rather than chastised him for the inappropriateness of his kiss, after all HE was the Oscar winner, and HE was the director!             

Groaning she tore herself from the window, and stepped straight back into the hard shape of a body, and the resulting clatter meant that she’d caused more than a little chaos. Turning slowly Emma held her breath, then groaned. A man stood behind her looking down at the broken remnants of something made of glass. In a designer mall that screamed expensive...she’d NEVER have the shoes after she sorted out this mess.

                “I’m so sorry!” She was honestly devastated. A sick feeling was welling in her stomach.

The man looked up and smiled, giving a shrug he offered, “shit happens! I hear shoes have that affect on women.”

Emma hated that she guiltily glanced back at the shoes for a moment, “they were a little distracting! Let me pay for this. It’s the least I can do.”

The man shrugged and gave another of those killer smiles, when she wasn’t panicking she managed to settle her eyes on him for a moment, “don’t worry about it. This was something my mother wanted! And it was hideous. Honestly don’t worry about it...” He glanced to the shoes that were still absorbing her attention, then slowly looked her up and down, “they would look amazing on legs like yours! You’re right to desire them!”

His words were like a seductive caress, and the look should have made her skin crawl, but it didn’t, it flattered her, a warm glow washed over her. Thought she was more than aware of how inappropriate the shorts were, they were designed for lounging around the pool, and not an air conditioned posh shopping mall. But he didn’t seem to mind, in fact he was rather casual too in combat shorts and flip-flops. He was smiling, clear blue eyes and shaggy blonde hair made him look younger than she presumed he was. And he had an amazing smile.

                “Do you want a coffee? Once this is cleared up?” He was already calling for a cleaner to come and assist them.

As she was about to say yes, that she’d love too, her phone rang, and she knew it was going to be Isobel. Looking at the man apologetically she connected the call.

                “Where are you!?” Her friend squealed down the hand set. “We’re booked for a hot stone massage at twelve!”

                “I’m taking in the Vegas experience. You know I’m the early bird! Have breakfast, then I’ll be back by the time you finish. Ok?”

With that she hung up and looked at blondie with one eye closed. “Sorry, gotta go.” She rifled in her bag, embarrassed that she only had $100  in her bag. “Please take this...I can get you more...”

He shook his head, “my mother wouldn’t hear of it, and to be honest, she expects me to screw up, so what the hell. Shame about the coffee, but a hot stone massage? I know what I’d rather.”

She smiled, then blushed as his eyes widened, then rushed off. Mortified.

Jacob Coren watched her go and shook his head, no lie his mother would blame him for the $400 vase being obliterated. Pulling out his phone he snapped a picture to prove he’d made the effort to collect the extravagance, even if it ended up in a million pieces, then he turned back to watch the blonde head disappear from view.

Wow! Was all he could think. The moment he’d seen her staring googly eyed at the Louboutin window, he’d been immediately intrigued. She had reminded him of Bambi, all long legs and doe eyes, and she was natural, unlike everyone else in his plastic world. And honestly, it was his own fault that he’d sidled up to her, he wanted to see her a little closer, and as he stepped towards her, she stepped back and they collided. The vase was the casualty. He should have told her that made her feel a little better, but he’d felt a little hypnotised at the thought of sliding those shoes onto her bare feet, rather like a modern day Prince Charming, and instead he’d acted like a love sick buffoon.

 But she’d served to distract him, and that was crucial. He was here for a few days, and that was it. After that he was getting out of town, no matter what happened.  

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