Chasing Rainbows

Chapter Part Nineteen

That last comment had changed everything. Until then Emma had felt in control. But now Jacob had voiced all that had been silently passing between them. It angered her that he thought she’d not be able to sleep, that she WANTED the very thing she was fighting against. Her marriage. She groaned and headed into the kitchen, needing to do something. As she poured herself a drink she could hear Jacob bumping around upstairs and the reality of the whole situation seemed to hit her between the eyes.

Bracing her arms on the work surface, she hung her head and fought the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes.  Suddenly she missed her dingy flat in London and her crappy temp job, she missed her friends horrendously, Isobel would know what to say, what to do. She even missed her eternally disappointed parents. This whole trip from Hollywood to this very house was fake, she felt like an imposter, as though she was viewing everything that happened from a distance as a critic, and was almost laughing at all her mistakes...and there were plenty of them.

                “God Emma!” She chastised herself. “Wake up and grow up!”

She almost physically shook herself, then finished her drink, praying she wouldn’t have a hangover the next morning; she had to get her things and get to the airport asap. With a sigh she washed the glass and dried it, placing it in the cupboard she’d found it in, then made for the stairs. Stripping out of her dress she was never more glad to pull on her pyjamas, and never more glad that she’d packed the unsexy cotton version and not the lacy ones Isobel had tried to make her purchase before she left.

The bathroom was across the hall and it took Emma several steadying breaths to build up the confidence to make the journey. Empty bladdered and with clean teeth and make up free skin she felt MUCH better, more alive. But she still had the final trip back along the hallway.  She rued every creaking floorboard as she crept in fear of Jacob’s door back to her room. Jacob’s door was slightly ajar, only a few inches, and it made her pause, she couldn’t help herself. There was a lamp on partly lighting the room, and she could see his bed, dark wood, pale linen, and then him. He was lying on his side, his back to her, smooth skin illuminated by the soft glow.

Emma gulped, was sure he heard her then skittled into her room like a naughty child!

Lying on the bed, her heart pounding, she was unable to decipher whether it was the glimpse of him, so secretive, SO naked, or the fact that he almost caught her peeping that scared her. Either way, she could barely regain her breath.

Twenty minutes later, or was it forty? She was still lying there, looking at the ceiling...then the wall. Then the ceiling again. His last comment was echoing around her, and she knew that he’d done it on purpose. Deliberately wrong footed her, knowing that it would cause her brain to over think, to be overactive.

Eventually she could take no more. She had to tell him that his plan wouldn’t work. That was the ONLY way she was going to get sleep, get over this and move on.

There were no creaks or sounds ironically as she tiptoed back out of the bedroom and to that open door. And like a magnet it sucked her towards him almost faster than she was happy with. As the door opened further she gasped. Jacob was flat on his back, a sheet low across his waist, all naked chest, and body. Her eyes were absorbed with studying him, he had an arm across his eyes, his lips parted as he breathed deeply, his muscular chest rising and falling with each breath. She had no memory of the last time she saw him like this, the night they’d spent together, and he was more beautiful than she could ever imagine. He had just the right amount of dark hair, smattered across his firm chest and swirling around his flat, dark nipples that were perfect. Her eyes followed the trail of hair down across his flat stomach to the ridge of white sheet that covered but barely concealed his lower half.

She bit her lip, suddenly all her anger had gone, instead she was fighting her attraction to this bloody specimen, and she had to escape before she did something she regretted.

Turning away was hard, but she managed it with a deep breath, but as she reached for the door, a voice caused her to freeze.

                “Oh, don’t run away! I was quite enjoying feeling like the Mona Lisa, being studied and dare I say appreciated!”

Emma felt sick, the last thing she wanted was him to know that she’d been in such awe of him, and now he did. She didn’t turn back, couldn’t cope with seeing the gloating look on his face, but as she pulled the door open, she could hear him move.

“Don’t go. I’m sorry!” When she slowly turned he was sat up in bed, fortunately the sheet still covering him. “I shouldn’t keep goading you like that.”

She nodded, “you’re right! You shouldn’t!” Her voice was shaky and she was stuck, unable to move from her place at the doorway. It was Jacob’s turn to study her, and his eyes leisurely looked her up and down with a smile.

Eventually his eyes met hers again and he sighed, “come here.” His voice was a whisper, and was met with a head shake from Emma, her teeth had snagged her bottom lip and she suddenly looked terrified.

Jacob sighed “I’m not going to hurt you...far from it!”

                “I can’t do this,” she finally managed at a rasp, and it was greeted by a soft chuckle from him.

Jacob swung his legs around and made to stand, all of a sudden she grasped that he might soon be stood in front of her naked. That was more than she could tolerate.

“Don’t!” She protested, and Jacob sighed reaching out with a hand.

“Emma, just come here.”

He watched the torment in her eyes, the tension in her body as she fought her conscience and her desire. Jacob knew he wanted her, their kisses earlier had been electric; there was a connection so great between them. He knew if she stepped towards him that their future would change, that if their relationship developed here, tonight, then he’d get what he wanted, Emma, a wife.

When her eyes finally lifted to look at him, the torment almost caused pain within him, “Emma, this is special, you and me...You know that.”

Even as she started shaking her head she was moving slowly towards him. A painstakingly slow step in his direction. And for Jacob it was the most erotic, arousing thing he’d ever encompassed, his body surged with desire and anticipation, completing the job that she’d started when he’d woken to feel her eyes on him.

As she stepped ever closer, Jacob stood, tossing the sheet back over the bed and halved the distance between them.

Emma gasped, despite everything, to see Jacob moving towards her, naked, proud, and definitely excited was terrifying. Her breath caught in her throat and the boom of her heart filled her ears.

                “Jacob...” she whispered.

                “I know...” he whispered back, lifting a hand to cup her cheek, finger tips sliding into her hair. “It’s ok Emma, really.” With that his lips dropped to hers.

Emma wanted to fight this, she needed to, but his lips were an instant drug, dragging hers into a duel. Her hands were clenched in fists at her side, in defiance to his actions, but with every passing moment her defences were crumbling, and he was getting ever closer to her.  As his tongue teased at her lips, she felt his erection press against her stomach and gasped. That moment, that lapse, gave him the opportunity he was looking for, access to her mouth, and his tongue invaded shyly at first.

Emma was drowning, his hands, one at her jaw, the other at her hip securing her close to him were causing flutters of excitement to shudder through her, and suddenly she had an overwhelming desperation to feel his skin under her hands, she’d fed crazily on the sight of him, now she needed to touch him, but it was hard to give in, hard to concede.

With a moan of self loathing, her hands finally reached out to sit either side of his waist, her thumbs edging towards his abs, her fingers wrapped around towards his back. He flinched, actually jumped, and that both pleased her and gave her confidence. Sliding her thumbs up his torso, trailing her finger tips behind them she started to return his kisses, actually kiss him back, dominate his mouth. All the while her hands climbed up until they were settled over his chest, ran through the light hair she’d seen when she’d scrutinised him earlier. He was firm, hard, masculine, without being obscenely muscled, and it was exquisite to touch him so greedily, without restraint.

Jacob felt as though he’d been holding his breath since he’d sensed her in his room. He’d fought desperately against the arousal that threatened to reveal that he wasn’t fast asleep. Now that he was stood so close to her, the smell of her perfume confusing his senses, her hands that gently stroked over his chest were driving him wild. He was all but ready to explode there and then.

Tugging at her bottom lip he ensnared it between his teeth and was rewarded with a moan, those gentle fingers tensing, and Emma swaying slightly. Releasing his teeth, he nuzzled his lips over her jaw and towards her ear lobe, smiling into her skin as she shivered. Lashing out with his tongue, he circled her ear before nibbling on the lobe, and she leaned heavily into him. His arms were now wrapped around her and he knew she needed that support. Sliding his hands under the edge of the t-shirt that was demure, yet painfully erotic, he stroked the smooth silk like skin over her spine.

When he saw her stood in his room, nervous and shy in just a sleeveless t-shirt and ridiculous short shorts he’d realised for the first time that exotic lingerie wasn’t the only way to present a body. She was the hottest thing he’d ever seen, and despite the fact that the pyjamas covered her, he could sense everything about her, from the curve of her hip to the generous swell of her breasts, and the hint of the nipples that were hard against the cotton.

Emma threw her head back; his arms held her and his lips were causing devastation in their assault on her neck. She’d never felt so much anxiety, anticipation and desire in one hit, and she’d never realised that it was possible to be so weak with desire. Her fingers were spread over his pecs, splayed in a defensive gesture, but she felt anything but defensive. Sliding them back down his body, she caressed his skin before reaching around to his spine. For a moment she forgot he was naked, but as her hands lowered to cup his buttocks, he groaned against her neck.

Lifting his head, Jacob looked down at her for a moment and she stared back, his face still bore the imprint of his pillow, but the tiredness was now replaced by something far more basic. His eyes glittered, his lips were parted, and it was a lethal combination.

Giving her a smile, he started to raise her shirt as his hands slid up her spine, pulling her closer with every inch that he climbed. He pecked kisses at her lips as his fingers slid over her skin, his thumbs brushing the sides of her breasts as he encouraged her arms above her head.

A voice screamed to stop him, to back away now, but it was barely audible over the pounding of her heart. And with a sigh her final defences came tumbling down at the same time he tossed her pyjama top across the room.

Jacob was about to implode, he could feel Emma’s body against his, skin to skin, her soft breasts tight against his own chest, her nipples hard bullets pressing into him. From his position kissing her, something he was rapidly becoming addicted to, he couldn’t see the body he’d just revealed, and the suspense was killing her, since the moment he’d set eyes on her in that shopping arcade in Vegas he’d been dreaming about her breasts, she had fantastic legs, and her ass looked amazing in whatever she wore, but it was her breasts that had been driving him wild all this time. He wished he’d remembered more about their time in Vegas, but he couldn’t, so this was his first chance to truly see her, and the suspense was killing him.

Taking each of her hands in his, he held them at her sides, then slowly lifted his head away from hers.  As his eyes started to lower slowly, he spotted the panic in her eyes, then the telltale thickening at her throat as she swallowed nervously. But he couldn’t process that now, he was driven, he had to see her.

And he was anything but disappointed, she was perfect, her breasts were round, her dark nipples hard with excitement and begging for his mouth, the natural taper of her waist, and the curve of her hips, he took it all in, wishing he had a photographic memory.

Emma swayed again, she was desperate for him to say or do something, anything. Standing under his scrutiny was hell. But her body didn’t seem to comply with her anguish, as his eyes again swept over her, she could feel her breasts swell, the impossibility that her nipples could grow harder.

Then suddenly his eyes were back on her, “perfect!” He breathed.

As he lowered his head to capture a hard, excited peak in his lips, her knees swayed and with a chuckle, he turned and lowered her to the bed. Once she was there, he lavished more attention to her breasts, fingers and lips alternating in their torment. Emma crossed her legs, squeezing her thighs together, trying to assuage the torment that seemed to have centralised in her pelvis.

Jacob spotted her torment and steadied her with hand on her thigh, when she froze; he started to kiss his way down her body separating her thighs, to kneel between them. Taking in every inch of her displayed like a beautiful gift across his bed, he gave her what he hoped was a dazzling smile before his hands and lips lowered once again to her body.

Emma closed her eyes, it made it easier to absorb the sensations he was creating in her body, but then every time he changed the tempo or the way that he touched her, she had to lift her head and crane to watch him, the sight of his dark blonde head moving so purposefully over her body was the final straw to catapult her off the planet.

It was a minute before he could untangle his limbs from her limp exhausted body, and to see her replete, exhausted with that look of pleasure across her face was the greatest reward for Jacob. Then she reached out and took him in her hand, and he knew that he couldn’t last much longer. Reaching to the bedside cabinet, he pulled a condom from the drawer, never more glad that he’d bought some a few days earlier, then turned back to her.

She took it from him and slid it on, torture in its own right, and then he pulled her onto him, slid into her, and it was everything he’d dreamed it would be.

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