Chasing His Kickass Luna Back

Chapter 36

#Chapter 36: A Hopeful Effort


My fingers tap anxiously against the table as I dial Adam’s number. After a few rings, his voice, smooth

and deep, answers. “Hello?”

“Adam,” I start, trying to steady my voice, “It’s me.”

There’s a slight pause on the other end. “Hey, Abbs. What’s up?”

I take a deep breath. “I’ve been thinking ever since what happened the other night… we’ve been so

caught up lately with everything, and I thought maybe we could have a candlelit dinner tomorrow night.

Just the two of us. No distractions.”

Another pause. Then, a soft chuckle comes through. “Sounds… unexpected. But I’m in. Why not?”

The relief is immediate, but I need more assurance. Adam has been late or flaked on me way too many

times for me to take his initial word for it. “You promise you’ll be there? Eight o’clock?”

There’s a sigh from the other end. “Abby, you know I’m always busy, but if you want this, then yes, I

promise. I’ll be there.”

“But Adam,” I say, my voice quivering slightly, “I need you to really promise. Swear on it.”

“Okay, okay,” he laughs, the tone light, “I swear on it. I’ll be there.”

I can’t shake off a nagging feeling. “I just… I need this, Adam. I need to feel that connection again, that

it’s just you and me. No distractions. And I need you to be on time. It’s going to hurt me a lot if you’re

late or if you flake out on me.”

There’s a few moments of silence. Then, in a tender tone, he says, “Abby, I know we’ve had our ups

and downs, and I know I’ve been…preoccupied lately. But I promise I’ll be there tomorrow. I wouldn’t

miss it for the world.”

His words soothe the unease in my heart, at least for the moment. “Thank you, Adam,” I reply. “I just

want us to have a night where it’s all about us.”

He chuckles again. “It’s been a while since we had one of those, hasn’t it? I’m looking forward to it. Just

you, me, and a candlelit dinner. Sounds perfect.”

My heart flutters, a surge of hope blossoming within. “It’ll be special. Just like old times.”

He hums in agreement. “I’ve missed those times, Abby. Tomorrow night, it’ll be just like that. I promise.”

We talk a bit more, laughing about some shared memories, planning a little for the dinner. And as I

hang up, a weight has been lifted from my chest.

This could be the turning point, the moment where Adam and I rekindle the love that’s been buried

beneath layers of misunderstandings and busy schedules. A chance to forget all about Karl and the

complications he’s brought back into my life.

As I lay down for the night, one last thought drifts through my mind: Adam just has to show up as he

promised. Just show up, and everything might be okay.

I stand in front of the boutique’s window, my eyes darting over the various dresses displayed. I need

something special, a dress that would leave Adam speechless. Pushing the door open, the bell chimes

overhead, and I’m greeted by a rush of perfume and the gentle hum of conversations.

“Abby! Over here!” Chloe waves from one of the dressing rooms. She’s already trying on a svelte black

number, its shimmering fabric hugging her curves.

“What do you think?” she twirls, looking at herself in the full-length mirror. Her auburn hair cascades

around her, a stark contrast to the black dress.

“It’s stunning,” I say genuinely. “But I need something to… reignite a spark.”

She grins, her green eyes twi kling with mischief. “Say no more.” And with that, she pulls me deeper

into the store, past rows of soft silks and delicate laces, until she halts before a rack of co cktail dresses.

She pulls out a deep blue dress, its fabric gleaming like the night sky.

“This. Try this,” she insists.

I hesitate, but she shoves it into my hands and pushes me into a dressing room. The dress feels

luxurious against my skin, and when I step out to show Chloe, she gasps.

“Adam won’t know what hit him,” she declares.

I give her a grateful smile. “Thanks, Chloe. I really want tonight to be special.”

She nods knowingly. “Sometimes, we need to remind our partners why they fell for us in the first place.”

By the afternoon, my hair has been transformed by the talented hands at the local salon. Waves fall

over my shoulders, framing my face perfectly. My nails are painted a subtle shade of blue to match the

dress. And after a run to the grocery store, I’m ready to prepare for my dinner date with Adam.

Entering the kitchen, the scent of fresh ingredients fills the air. I’ve splurged on Adam’s favorites—

truffle oil, a fine cut of beef, organic vegetables, and a bottle of the best wine I could afford.

As I slice the vegetables, Chloe pops her head in. “Need any help?”

I chuckle. “You? In the kitchen? Last time you tried to cook, we almost had to call the fire department.”

She shrugs playfully, her freckles dancing with her smile. “Worth a shot! Just wanted to say that

everything looks amazing.”

I pull her into a quick hug. “Thanks for being here today, Chlo.”

The setting sun casts a warm orange glow over the dining room as I light the candles. The table is

covered in a white lace tablecloth, the silverware gleaming in the soft light. The ambiance feels perfect

—romantic and intimate.

The centerpiece, a vase of fresh roses, adds a splash of color and a fragrant aroma. As I set the plates

down, I imagine Adam’s reaction. He’s never seen me go to this extent for a date night, but recent

events, especially my lingering feelings for Karl, have made me desperate to reconnect with my fiancé.

I check my reflection one last time, smoothing down the dress and applying a fresh coat of l*pstick. The

anticipation is electric, almost tangible. The wine glasses reflect the flickering candlelight, and I pour a

rich red wine into each, the scent a tantalizing promise of the evening to come.

Just as everything is set, Chloe peeks in. “Everything looks divine, Abby. He’s going to be blown away.”

I take a deep breath. “I hope so. I just want tonight to be about us. No distractions, no past mistakes.”

She smiles understandingly. “He’s a lucky guy, you know.”

The soft chime of the clock indicates that it’s time. Adam should be here any moment. “Thank you,

Chloe. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

She winks. “You’d be surprised at what you can do. Now, I’m off.” She pauses, checking her own

l*pstick in the mirror with a smack of her l*ps. “I’ve got my own hot date tonight. Thanks for letting me

get ready here.”

With one last look around, ensuring everything is in its place, I seat myself, taking a sip of wine to calm

my nerves. The seconds tick by, turning into minutes.

I pull out my phone, checking for any missed calls or messages, but there’s nothing. A sinking feeling

starts to settle into my stomach, but I try to push it away, telling myself that he made a promise to be


The apartment feels quiet, save for the soft ticking of the clock, each second sounding louder than the

last. I try to shake off the unease, reminding myself of Adam’s promise. He swore he’d be here.

But as the seconds turn into minutes, and the minutes almost turn into an hour, doubt begins to gnaw

at me. I glance at the clock again, and my heart sinks.

Adam is late.


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