Chasing His Kickass Luna Back by Jane Above Story

Chapter 15

#Chapter 15 – Fair Play
“Leah, I really need to go.”
She grins. “Oh my Go d, they’re going to fight over you, aren’t they?”
I shake my head. “You’re talking nonsense.” The more time I spend speaking to her about this, the
more likely it is that Karl does something stup id and aggressive. “I need to go.”
I already know that Adam and Karl won’t get along. Not just because they both want to be with me, but
because they’re too different. Karl is aggressive and passionate. He’s unpredictable and exciting and
used to getting what he wants. Adam, on the other hand, is safe and reliable. He comes from a
completely different background.
She sighs. “Alright, fill me in later.”
I give her a quick hug goodbye, promising that I’ll call her, then I push my way through the crowd. The
urgency to get home propels me outside and down the street. I get a cab and sit impatiently in the
I can’t believe this is seriously happening. I swear, if he does something to hurt Adam, I’m going to lose
it on him. Why does he have to do this tonight, of all nights?
If he thinks he can win me back by fighting my fiancé, he’s very wrong. And he knows, as well as I, that
it wouldn’t come close to being a fair fight. I never thought he’d be the type to pick on the little guy, but
here he is, trying to use his position as Alpha to intimidate Adam.
G od, I’m going to kill him.

Karl pounds on the apartment door, and a moment later, it swings open. Adam stands in the doorway,
and Karl rises to his full height, forcing Adam to look up at him.
“Excuse me.” He pushes his way inside, and Adam closes the door behind him. He stalks further into
the apartment, looking around for Abby. She’s nowhere in sight. Good. He needs to talk to her fiancé
alone for a minute.
He turns and surveys Adam. Abby clearly has a type. They’ve got the same hair, and muscular build,
though Karl is much bigger. Adam doesn’t exude the same power and authority, but he wouldn’t, would
he? He’s not an Alpha.
“Adam Mitchell,” he says, finally addressing him. “Corporate investor. Popular foodie. That’s you, isn’t
“Sure is.”
“You’ve been making quite a name for yourself recently.”
Adam has a smug smile on his face, and he leans against the island in the middle of the kitchen,
crossing his arms. If he’s intimidated by Karl, he’s doing a better job of hiding it than the last time they
met. Karl almost smiles when he remembers his uneasy expression, hiding behind Abby like he wanted

to turn on his tail and run.
“You’re Abby’s ex-husband, aren’t you? Did you compensate that bar after you shattered their wine
glass? You really know how to make a scene, don’t you?”
Karl looks at Adam dangerously. Of course, he compensated the bar, but he doesn’t have to explain
himself to him. Who is he to question an Alpha? Sure, that wasn’t his greatest moment, but emotions
were running high. He was already a little drunk and seeing Abby going out with multiple different guys
just sent him over the edge.
“I never properly introduced myself,” Karl says.
“No need. You made quite the impression.”
Karl snorts. So, he thinks he’s clever, does he? “I’m afraid I can’t say the same.”
The two men glare at each other for a moment, sizing each other up. Adam wouldn’t stand a chance
against him, but Karl isn’t interested in fighting him. He’s here to get Abby back and beating up her
fiancé wouldn’t do him any favors. The thought of them together might make his insides twist with rage,
but he plans to play this game fair.
It doesn’t matter what it takes, he’s going to win Abby back. They’re meant to be together. They’ve

always been meant for each other, and he’s not going to let this guy stand between them. Abby might
think she wants him, but they hardly know each other. It’s not like they’ve been together that long. Plus,
Karl and Abby have history. Sure, some of it’s bad, but a lot of it’s good. Really good.
“I just wanted to come here and inform you I have every intention of getting Abby back.”
He knows he doesn’t owe Adam anything, but he was telling the truth when he told Abby he doesn’t
like to go behind people’s backs. If he wants something, he’s going to be upfront about it. Has no
interest in being sneaky and conniving. It’s not really his nature.
Adam shakes his head. “Look, you’ve already hurt my fiancé once. I’m not going to let you do it again.”
Karl can’t help but smirk a little. Does he really think he can stop him? Abby’s his mate, and he will get
her back. His wolf snarls in agreement. He’s already sized Adam up, too, and arrived at the same
conclusion. It doesn’t matter if they’re engaged. He doesn’t stand a chance.
He’s too boring for Abby. Too normal. Karl and Abby always had a fiery relationship, and he knows
that’s what they both loved most about it. He can’t imagine her having much passion with the boy-next-
door type that Adam clearly is. Sure, he’s nice, but is nice really enough for her?
Karl looks Adam up and down. “I’m not sure you have the ability to let me do anything.”
“I don’t care who you are, or what you once were to her. There’s no reason for me to wipe your as s for
you. You’re not my Alpha.”
“Yet I’m the only Alpha here.” Karl grins. “I know for a fact that you guys aren’t mates. I’m just trying to
be chivalrous and tell you in advance that Abby’s fair game. And she’s going to choose me. It doesn’t
take a psychic to predict that.”

“That’s all very interesting, but Abby and I are going to get married, and she’ll never look back.”
He seems extremely confident for someone whose fiancé hasn’t even set a date yet. When Abby and
Karl were engaged, Abby was so excited they practically had the wedding all set by the end of the
week. When she wants something, she’s all in.
“How do you know she hasn’t already?” Karl says. Adam’s jaw clenches. Does he suspect what Karl
does? That, even if Abby protests, she isn’t as over Karl as she wants to make it seem.
Before Adam can come up with a retort, the door slams open. Abby rushes into the room, her face
slightly red. She pulls to a stop between them, her breaths coming in heavy gasps. Did she run here?
She’s wearing narrow heels and a tight green dress. It hugs her curves, and Karl can’t stop himself
from admiring her.
She turns her back to Adam, shielding him from Karl. He can’t help but grin a little at the sight. Did he
really call her here when Karl buzzed the door? He might act tough, but he clearly needs Abby to stand
up for him.
She turns her sharp gaze on Karl. “What are you doing here?”

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