Chase: and the girl who came back

– Chapter 31

It’s Christmas day. Christmas has always been hard for me. Millie and I have never had a real Christmas day. Dad always worked and Mum was either drunk, hungover, or not even home. Chase promised this year would be different. And so far he’s been right. We’re all at Mumma Nat’s. Dad even managed to switch his shift so he could spend the morning with us and join us for lunch.

Millie and Julia are helping Nat prepare the food. and Dad and GW are setting up everything out on the deck while Chase, Arden, Rhys, Ally, and myself exchange gifts in the lounge room.

Arden already gave everyone else their presents but wanted to wait for Rhys and Ally to be here to give us our presents together.

Chase and I exchanged gifts earlier. He gave me a signed set of paperbacks from one of my favourite authors. Apparently, he stalked her on social media and with some help from Arden managed to get me a set. I loved it. Because it showed he listens when I go off on a tangent about books.

I bought him the socket set he’s been wanting. His eyes lit up when he opened it. I guess our gifts showed that we both listen.

We all exchange our gifts. Arden wanted to wait until last to give us our presents.

Of course he does.

Rhys bought me a limited-edition copy of Alice in Wonderland and Ally got me some new pyjamas. I love both my gifts. It shows me that my friends get me. Rhys also got Ally and I each a beautiful purple daisy book sleeve. It was incredibly thoughtful of him.

“Okay. My turn,” Arden says over-excited.

He turns the TV on and a video starts playing.

Arden is front and centre talking into the camera. He’s standing in the entry of the new house.

“Yasmin and Ally. I wanted to get you both something that you’d love and use every day. I really hope you enjoy this.” He heads up the stairs and through the hallway on the second floor until he gets to a door. If I remember from the plans this was the big empty space I wasn’t sure what he was going to do with.

“This was a team effort. Everyone around you today contributed in some way. We love you both.” He says right before opening the door and stepping inside.

Ally and I gasp at the same time, both of us sitting on the edge of our seats.

No way.

The camera pans around the room, showing us everything slowly.

There’s wall to wall book cases that are filled with all kinds of books. The room is massive. It’d be at least half the third floor. There’s some desks, armchairs, and even a day bed scattered around the room. At the end of the room there’s a glass door that opens out to a small balcony. It’s beautiful and perfect.

A tear falls down my cheek. I can’t believe they did this. For us.

“Arden. This is too much,” Ally says. “Even for you,” she adds.

“I disagree. You both deserve this and so much more. This isn’t from just me. It’s from everyone.” He says motioning around the room.

It’s then I notice that Dad, Millie, Julia, Nat and GW are all standing around watching us.

“Do you like it?” Arden says a little uncertain as he looks between Ally and I.

I feel Chase’s hand on the small of my back. His touch is comforting.

“Arden, I think it’s safe to say we love it. Thank you,” I choke out, more tears streaming down my face.

I walk over to him and pull him up for a hug. Ally taps me on the shoulder so I scoot to the side and let her in on the hug. Arden kisses us on the top of the head, his brotherly love surrounding us. I can’t help but smile.

We pull away and go back to our seats.

“I made the desks,” GW tells us. “I wanted something big and sturdy for you.” I knew GW was good with woodwork. His comment causes me to tear up a little more. These people really consider me family.

“Wow. Thank you GW. I can’t wait to see it in person once we move in,” I tell him with a smile. Wiping the tear off my cheek.

He nods his acknowledgments and Nat pats him on the back reassuringly.

“Julia, Nat and I unpacked the books and decorated,” Millie tells me excitedly. “You’ll need to change it, but we did what we could.”

“That’s where you were last weekend?” I ask. It all makes sense now. Nat took the girls to New Hope for the weekend but never did tell me why.

“Thank you.” Ally and I say to the room.

“We love it. Is it January yet?” I ask and everyone starts laughing.

“Chase and Rhys, you have to wait until we move for your presents.” Arden tells us. This earns him a suspicious look from both of them.

“What is it?” Chase asks, even though he knows he won’t get an answer. Well, not the one he wants.

“You’ll see.”

My phone rings indicating an incoming facetime call. It’s Smalls.

“Merry Christmas,” I say as I answer. Smalls’ face appears on the screen smiling.

“Merry Christmas to you, Shorty,” He responds. Millie pops her head over the couch so she’s in the frame.

“Merry Christmas Mildred. You cleaned up with the gifts,” he tells her. We’d messaged him earlier.

“I know. It’s great. I’ve been helping Nat cook,” Millie speaks a mile a minute making him chuckle.

“Ease up on the sugar kiddo.”

Millie blows him a kiss and takes off over to sit with Julia. She’s been so happy today.

“I can’t talk for long. Amelie’s home and she’s not happy. Is Chuck there?”

Arden appears in the same place Millie just vacated.

“What’s up Gigantor?” Arden says by way of greeting. There’s definitely a bromance forming with these two.

Smalls holds up a box in front of the camera.

“Thanks Chuck. These are awesome.”

“I didn’t want you to miss out. Do you know how hard it is to find size fifteen shoes? I had to talk to some ballers. They sent me to a person who custom made them,” Arden explains.

“You’re telling me. Finding kicks in my size is a pain in the ass.”

“I don’t envy you at all.” There’s some commotion on Smalls’ end of the chat.

“Sorry guys. I’d love to stay and chat, but I’ve really got to go. I’ll talk to you all later. Love you Shorty.”

“Love you too,” I say just before the call disconnects and the screen goes blank.

“You’re just full of surprises today,” I lean back, tilting my head to talk to Arden.

“I couldn’t leave him out. He needed a pair of the graduation shoes. I’m never one to back away from a challenge. You should know that by now.” He taps me on the nose right as almost every phone in the room buzzes.

I look at the notification and start to stand. I already know what’s about to happen. My sensor has just alerted the room that my sugar levels are dropping.

Dad looks around confused.

“I guess it’s time for lunch,” Nat announces to the room.

“What’s going on?” Dad asks.

“Judging by the looks around the room, Yasmin needs to eat,” Nat explains to Dad as she heads to the kitchen.

“We all have the app on our phones. It alerts us when her sugars get to high or low,” Chase tells Dad.

“All of you?” He asks with disbelief as he looks around the room. Everyone nods.

“Wow.” Dad turns to me. “I’m sorry I haven’t been more supportive in regards to your diabetes. I’m trying to learn,” he says looking a little sad.

“It’s okay Mr T. I’ll fill you in on the basics,” Arden says to Dad, distracting him. “Yas, go and grab something in the kitchen on your way outside. I’ve got this.”

I mouth a thank you to Arden and leave the room.

Arden really is one of the best people to explain this.


Lunch was great. We’re all laying around the house in a food coma. Dad left for work and Nat and GW have gone for naps.

Chase taps me on the shoulder. “Wanna go for a walk?” He whispers in my ear.

I nod and he helps me up from the floor.

“We’ll be back,” Chase announces to the room as we slip on our shoes and head out the front door.

“Where are we going?” I ask as he pulls me in the direction of my house.

“I wanted you to myself for a while.” He says pulling me into his side as we walk. “How you doing?”

“I’m okay. It was a lot at one point, but I’m happy. I’m glad Dad was there.” I tell him, taking in the surroundings. My thoughts go back to the first time I walked along the street the morning that I met Chase again.

Everything changed for the better that day. Chase and his friends came into my life when I didn’t even know I needed them.

“I can’t even picture what today would’ve been like without you there,” Chase tells me in a soft voice. “How are you feeling about the move now?”

Chase and I have discussed this over the past few weeks. He knows why I’m worried and feeling guilty. “I still feel guilty. But your mum spoke to me again this week and put my mind at ease. Dad also told me I was doing the right thing. Him coming around more often has helped settle the guilt. I just hope he keeps showing up.”

“I know you’re worried. But they’re right. You’re doing the right thing. I’m sure Arden will keep us distracted. Did I tell you we met the tenant?” Chase reassures me again. I love him even more for it.

“No, when?” I ask, happy that the conversation has changed direction.

“When Rhys and I went to check on the renovations. She barged in. I have a feeling that she may provide some entertainment when we move in.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because she’s the opposite of Arden and isn’t afraid to speak her mind and stand up for herself. A lot like you and Ally.”


“Yeah, oh. I can’t wait for Arden to meet her,” Chase says with amusement in his voice.

“You’re mean.” I poke his side. “Have you warned Arden?”

“Nope, where’s the fun in that?”

Shaking my head, I walk over to the swings at the small park around the corner from our houses. I sit on the swing and Chase pushes me gently.

“Hey Yas?”


“I love you.”

“I love you too.” I say right before Chases gives my swing a big push causing me to squeal.

This has been the best Christmas ever and it’s not even over yet.

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