Chase: and the girl who came back

– Chapter 10

I keep a careful eye on Yasmin while Mum tells her everything about the past. She slowly eats her breakfast. But I notice subtle changes in her demeanour the more that mum talks. She tries to keep herself composed.

After breakfast, GW heads out to the garden and Mum asks Millie if she would like to go with her to meet Ally for their weekly coffee catch up. I get a feeling that they are trying to give us some space.

Millie jumps at the chance to go with Mum. From what Yasmin has told us so far, she is the only female figure in Millie’s life.

Ally and Mum have been meeting once a week since Ally’s parents died when we were ten. It started off as a distraction and quickly became part of their weekly routine. I have no idea what they talk about but it makes them both happy, which in turn makes me happy.

Yasmin is quiet. Processing all the new information. I pull her up from the chair and take her down the hall to my room.

She follows behind without protest.

“I hate him,” She whispers as she crawls into my unmade bed and pulls the cover up. I watch her inhale deeply. I crawl in beside her, and it takes her no time at all to tuck herself up against my side. Rubbing my hand up and down her back in a calming motion, I wait for her to talk again. We lay in the dark and when I think she’s fallen asleep she speaks softly again.

“I don’t understand why he would take me away. It doesn’t make sense.”

“I don’t know Yas. I guess the only person who can answer that is him.”

“I’m so mad at him. What if things would’ve been different if we stayed? I would’ve gotten to grow up with you. I would’ve had your mum in my life. Maybe I wouldn’t have been so alone…” I feel her body shudder as she starts crying again.

“I’m sure he had a good reason. Wait until you are ready and then talk to him. It’s all you can do. Until then, spend as much time as you want here. You are always welcome. You are part of the group. Hang out with Ally, do whatever it is girls do together. Get to know us. Let us in. I promise you we won’t hurt you.” I mean every word. I would give her my whole world if it meant she was happy.

“Thank you, Chase. Can I have your phone number please? I’d like to be able to text you,” she whispers. She hands me her phone and wraps her arm around me and holds me tight.

I program my number and then send myself a text so I have her number as well.

“No need to thank me. Just promise you won’t run away from me. I see you Yasmin. All of you.” Her small gasp lets me know my words hit her hard. She’s quiet again. I let my eyes close and the gentle rhythm of rubbing her back lulls me to sleep. Just as I am drifting off, I hear her whisper,

“I see you as well.”


“Arden, don’t you dare go in there.”

That’s the only warning I get before my best friend barges his way into my room. I have just enough time to move Yasmin closer. Arden launches himself at us and somehow manages to wiggle his way between us.

“What the hell, Arden?”

Yasmin starts giggling as Arden makes himself comfortable. She rolls onto her side and puts her arm over him so she can gently run her fingers up and down my arm.

“Not even sorry. You’ve had Yasmin to yourself all morning. Not my fault you chose to sleep. It’s my turn.”

“Not happening.” I respond a little to gruff. I know he means well, but with everything that happened this morning, I want to keep Yasmin close to make sure she really is okay. Before Arden gets the chance to comeback with a smart-arse comment, Yasmin speaks.

“How about we all hang out together? I have to go home to get changed and I’d like to help Mumma Nat with getting stuff ready for dinner. But otherwise I’m up for a beer and Cards Against Humanity. If you’re both game?”

“Wait, you drink beer?” Arden sounds shocked.

She mentioned during the week that she and her friend Smalls used to have a beer while working on Wander. Biggest. Turn on. Ever.

“I’m hurt. Did you think I drank that pink girlie crap?” Yasmin jokes.

“Yes. No. I don’t know. I think I’m surprised you drink.”

“I’m just full of surprises.”

“Hold up? Mumma Nat? Didn’t you only meet her this morning?”

I answer before Yasmin can. I’m not sure how much she wants Arden to know, but there are no secrets with him and I. He’s bound to find out sooner or later. I chose to give him the condensed version. I’ll fill them all in on the details later.

“About that. Turns out Yasmin and Millie pretty much lived here until Yasmin was about four. Mum looked after them until their dad left town with them. Yasmin and I were close as babies. Mum was upset when they left.” Yasmin continues to run her fingers along my arm as I speak.

“Holy shit. You pair really are soul mates? This makes so much more sense now. Mumma Nat looked like she’d seen a ghost this morning when I spoke to her. She refused to tell me what was wrong, and I was running late so I couldn’t stay to push it.” Arden doesn’t even hesitate before speaking, changing back to the previous conversation.

“I’m down for beer and games. I don’t think Mumma Nat and Millie will let you in the kitchen to help though. They seem to have it covered. I’ll text Rhys and ask him to pick up more beer on his way over. He’s picking up Ally.” That’s odd. Why is Rhys picking up Ally? She normally choses to drive herself.

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll go home and shower.” Yasmin says as she tries to get up from the bed. Arden pulls her back down.

“Not yet Shorty.” He says as he pulls her into a hug. She doesn’t try to get back up, just letting him hold her. They grew close this week; it no longer makes me jealous. Much.

“Why is Rhys picking up Ally?” I ask Arden.

“No idea. When I told him earlier what the plan was, he told me he’d tell Ally and pick her up. It’s odd but I didn’t want to argue with him over the phone.”

“Ally told me her car was making a funny noise, so she was trying not to drive it. Asked if I would pick her up for school next week. I went for a drive with her in it. I think it’s the timing belt,” Yasmin fills us in.

“Why didn’t she say something? We’d look at her car.” I’m upset. She knows we’d do anything for her. Fixing cars is what I enjoy doing. I don’t get it. I quietly wonder if Yasmin’s assumption is right.

It feels like she’s pulling away. I’m happy Yasmin knows what is happening though. It means that even if Ally is trying to get away from us, she is still letting Yasmin in.

“Don’t be upset. She said she would talk to you about it this weekend. She just didn’t want to add more onto your plate this week. Apparently I was enough.”

“We’ll always have time for her,” I say. There must be more going on. This isn’t like Ally.

“I know that, but maybe you should tell her. I didn’t mean to shake up the group dynamics. I’m happy to stay home tonight if you’d rather just hang out together.” As Yasmin speaks, I can detect the uncertainty in her voice. She would step back if it was what we wanted.

“Don’t be silly Shorty. Ally would likely blame me if you weren’t here. She’d be quick to assume I did something to offend you and scared you away. That girl scares me. You NEED to be here, if only to save me.” Arden says.

“Are you sure?” Yasmin chooses to ignore the rest of Arden’s statement.

“Positive.” We say in unison.

“Okay.” Her response is quiet. Now is one of the moments that I am jealous of the fact that Arden has her laying in his arms and not mine.

“Let me walk you home.” I say, itching for a chance to get her alone again. I’m pretty sure there won’t be another chance this afternoon. Unless I corner her somewhere away from everyone. I’m not against doing that. Arden sits up pushing her forward and helping her off the bed.

I follow suit and slip my shoes on as I stand up. Walking around the bed I grab her hand and lead her out the door, leaving Arden sitting on my bed.

“I’ll be back, just walking Yasmin home so she can have a shower.” I yell out to everyone in the house.

“Okay, don’t be long. Lunch will be ready soon.” Mum yells back from the kitchen, Millie pops her head out and waves goodbye.

I drag Yasmin out the door, across the street and wait until she unlocks her front door before, I push her through and close it behind me. I spin her around, push her against it and let my mouth descend on hers. Yasmin doesn’t stop me; she pulls me closer wrapping her arms around me and meeting my tongue stroke for stroke. I push myself against her, relishing in the feeling of her soft body against me. She starts moaning as she pulls me as close to her as she can.

My hands roam up and down her side, eventually making their way between her and the door to grab her ass. The minute my hands touch her there, she jumps up and wraps her legs around my waist, allowing me and the door to take her weight.

She’s rubbing against my crotch and moaning into my mouth. I’m the luckiest guy alive right now. I want her. I want all of her. Now isn’t the time. I want to cherish her, take my time to appreciate her. But I can give her the release she is so desperately seeking. I deepen the kiss and let my hands wander.

It doesn’t take long before Yasmin throws her head back. Moaning loudly.

“Don’t stop Chase. Please don’t stop.” She moans.

I don’t stop. I give her everything she needs.

Once Yasmin catches her breath, her eyes meet mine and she has the most beautiful smile on her face.

“Wow” she breaths “Just wow. When can we do that again?”

“Whenever you want pretty girl.” That’s the only thing I get to say before she’s kissing me again.

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