Charmed By A Steel City Hustler

Chapter 47 — Tie Off Loose Ends


Washington D.C.

"There is no place like home Juggy baby."

"Yo boss lady don't be calling me that sweet shit. The only time I wanna here pet names is when I'm deep in them guts pounding out that cream goodness."

"Boy that is just too much fucking information, eeww!"

I said screeching at the mere visual of Juggy's young ass getting some pussy. We had landed back home after attending Adonis' funeral. That simple Simon fool had no idea what he got himself into. When Mrs. Jennings rung me up a week age stating that Lois needed me. I hopped on the first thing smoking. I reached out to my people here and the story was the same.

Adonis had been poisoned and suffocated. Officially it was being ruled as a homicide. I had an idea on several people that could have done the deed. Bash was my initial thought, but that would just bring hella heat to him. The news of his affair with Lois had been brought to the forefront by Zeus. I can only imagine the damage control and havoc going on with that family right now.

Then there was the high-profile crook hoe Yasmine Tate. Adonis was tapping her ass and probably got snitched on to her husband. My heart went out to Lois because she was dealing with so much right now. The loss of her estranged husband, slut sister in a coma and pregnant with a mystery baby.

I touched at my stomach then cleared my throat and walked into my home. The abortion was quick and painless. I felt fine until reality set in the next day.

The ringing of my cell brought me out of my thoughts. Juggy handed it to me as he rolled my suitcase up the steps.

"Hello Caesar."

"Well damn, dry ass greeting Denise. You left town so fast I didn't get to see you."

"Yes, well I was only there to support Lo. Besides what do we need to discuss?"

I wasn't in the mood to be bothered with his ass. Caesar had relocated a few counties outside the Allegheny border to get his business started. I don't know why he was ringing my line all crazy. I wasn't fucking with him business wise or personally any longer.

I meant what the fuck I said the last time we were face to face. He not only broke my heart again, with lies and bullshit. He didn't give two fucks about my pregnancy. The puppy dog love I felt for him slowly melted away as I sat on that table replaying our history. All while that machine wiped my uterus clean of our creation.

"Anyway, you said a fool needed to call prior to visiting."

I pulled the phone from my ear to make sure I heard right. Caesar barely stepped foot out of PA for pleasure. He was a homebody and only traveled to the islands on special occasions. I removed my shoes and pants as he stated he wanted to come see me. I was still at loss for the reasoning behind it all.

"Well? Yo ass is super fucking quiet Nise. Acting like you don't miss King Caesar's dick deep within those walls. I know your ass ain't had a quality lay since me."

The sheer arrogance in his voice was enough to make me vomit. But I had something for that ass. I told him sure, we could set something up soon. I hung up in his ear and proceeded to get in the shower. The water was steaming hot. I melted into the comfort of the soothing feeling, and the intercom went off. Juggy was going to catch hell if this was about some bullshit. I removed my body from under the cascading waterfall and hit the button on the wall. "What fool?"

"No, the fool is at the front gate boss lady requesting to see you."

"Who?" "Cease."

"Ugh fuck. Let his ass in and don't let him roam around my damn house," I said instantly getting an attitude and wishing I never answered his call. Cease wasn't slick at all. I knew exactly why he was here. I washed my body rapidly as my serene feeling had left me and got out of the water. I handled my facial and mouth hygiene and slipped into the fit hanging on the back of the door. Walking out the bathroom.

I grabbed my comfy ankle boots that matched the black slacks and purple low-cut V-neck blouse. I heard raised voices as I came into the hallway and down the steps. Juggy was debating football stats with Cease. That type of shit gave me a headache for days.

"Alright, break that shit up. Cease you literally just got off my phone. Now what if I said no you couldn't come?"

"You wouldn't do that Nise. Tell your little errand boy to bounce, we got business to discuss, alone."

That comment had Juggy's right eye twitch slightly. I shook my head at him and gave a hand signal he recognized. His eyes narrowed, and a smirk crept up to his cheeks. He excused himself and went out the front door. Caesar made himself comfortable on my Italian leather couch awaiting me to join him. I stood in the exact same spot with hands planted firmly on my hips.

"Damn, baby, get comfortable. I got a lot to say. I know we have been through some shit recently and you in yo lady feelings. But this is about business and maybe we can make another prince soon."

I had a small coughing fit and wondered if he was serious. He just stared at me and continued his speech on his new ventures. I was getting bored five minutes in because he was popping a lot of nonchalant bullshit. Ten minutes later he was done talking and wanted to know what I thought. I put my head to the ceiling, feigning thinking about what he said, and shook my head. This fool was delusional.

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"Caesar, you know I have a friendly business association with Bash. You two are separate now and you just expect me drop that long-term collaboration? For what? Your start-up venture that you want me to front you some guns for? None of this seems like a benefit to me at all. More like a hassle and messiness. I am glad that you are striking out on your own, but baby you gotta crawl before you can walk."

The look on his face was pissed and I had to smile at him.

“So, what about us then? You just going continue to fuck me and make a life together, but still do business with that fool? I'm trying to come down here and make shit happen, your brothers will have no problem folding me into the family business."

I busted out laughing and had enough. I swiftly pulled the nine-millimeter from my back holster clipped to my bra strap and cocked it. Cease held his hands up in a surrender fashion with a bewildered look on his face. He should have stayed his ass at home! When Bash rang me up a few weeks ago about a job my panties got wet.

Selling guns was my pride and joy, but hired gun was my passion. I loved knocking off fuck fools. I was dead silent when he said that Cease was the intended target and the reasoning behind it. I was baffled that Cease would turn on him. His behavior had been erratic and questionable lately.

Bash also stated that his disloyalty extended to me as well. I never believed I'd hear that, so I went digging. I found that Caesar had a five-year-old son with Tressa Jones. Tressa was one of my workers years ago and also a friend. She had given me a story about wanting to get out the game and go to college.

I was super supportive and gave her a few stacks for tuition as a parting gift. She was loyal and always on time with my money. The truth is, she took my fucking money to raise the son she conceived with my fucking man! I lost it when I saw birth certificate and photos of the three of them together. They were not a couple and Cease was a dead-beat ass daddy. He still was visiting her dumb ass regularly for pussy.

I had to let the news marinate for a while before I called Bash back and accept payment. I told him the deed would be done when I returned to the Burgh in a week or so. Caesar had delivered himself in a bow tied box today! I would drop his caveman ass then pay his bitch ass baby momma a visit. No one disrespected me in such a manner and lived a long life.

"Nise what the fuck is this? Some new form of dangerous foreplay baby?"

"No fool this is a woman on a mission. You should ask Tressa to front you some hardware. How is your son doing?" "Nise what the fuck are you-"

"Shut the fuck up! When Bash asked me to cancel your bitch ass like Christmas, I was shocked. Not in a million fucking years did I think the fuckery he told me would be true. You are way worse than Daryl could have ever been."

"Did Bash tell you that fucking shit? Don't you see that fool is trying to come between us? His life is a disaster, and he is trying to suck us into it. Fuck that fool, we are not even in the Burgh. This is us C&D in the D.C. We can run shit together baby." POP! POP!

I put a bullet in his right shoulder and left knee cap. I was going to be pissed later about replacing this furniture. That shit could wait for another time. Cease screamed out in agony. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell, dialing Bash to put on speaker phone.

If you're loving the book, is where the adventure continues. Join us for the complete experience-all for free. The next chapter is eagerly waiting for you!

I yelled at Cease to admit he put Kwame on Bash. He continued to lie and appeal to my feminine side. This was business once my gun was aimed at him. A body always dropped when it did. "Fuck Bash! He should have stepped down like he originally planned to. That fool wanted to be Toni Montana and make me Manny. Fuck that shit!"

Bash cleared his throat expressing his disappointment in his former right hand. Cease could not believe it when I held the phone up. I saw his heart break in a million pieces. It hurt me that I had no remorse for it. The look on his face is how I felt watching Tressa play with a mini version of him on my telephone.

I hung the phone up throwing it to the table. Cease was losing blood at a decent rate. I never imagined that this was how we would end. Money talks and bullshit walks. I was a businesswoman first and lover second.

Bash paid me a pretty penny to take out Caesar and make it appear as if he had just fell off the grid. His small team back in the steel City were being eliminated as I stood here watching him die a slow death. My brothers were initially shocked by my taking this job. They understood the penalty for disloyalty in the streets.

"Nise you dirty bitch. All this time you been sucking Bash's dick behind my back. That is exactly why I never gave you all of me. You couldn't just back the FUCK down! I'll see your slutty ass in hell."

POP! One last bullet between his eyes and the life left Cease in an instant. A tear dropped from my eyes at the view before me. Then a flash of his betrayal rolled through my head. I swiped the tear away as Juggy walked back into the house. "I got a crew outside waiting to handle this. I'm taking you out for dinner and shots on me. This shit could not have been easy on your mental boss lady. I ain't taking no for an answer either."

"Little boy, do not be trying to take advantage of my vulnerable state," I said with a smirk on my face as I made my way upstairs to change clothes. Juggy belted out a hearty laugh then spoke again.

"Shiiiit! Hell, to the muthafuckin naw. Nise you are the type of woman the old heads warned me about back in the day. I would rather be on your team then in your bed. A lethal temptress is more dangerous than a woman scorned." Juggy continued his rant as I closed my bedroom door. He was right though. I was dangerous in every form of the word. I needed a man that matched my crazy and respected my authority all at once.

Kalvon had shown interest and just maybe he could be it. Then again, he could also end up dead by my hand like the last two dickheads. I pulled out my new fit and changed with a lot on my mind. The sound of my business cell went off and I checked the screen.

Speaking of the sexy young devil. Kalvon was texting me that he would be in D.C. next week. Why the hell not entertain his ass? I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. If his ass got out of line, I would rock his ass into permanent slumber.

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