Champions of Serenity :Gathering the Circle

Chapter Chapter Forty Two

Chapter 42

A thundering silence surrounded Debra in the midst of rubble and darkness. What used to be Emily and Darin’s home was now in ruins around eight bodies. Debra was the first to move, throwing a mattress off of her and standing.

She looked around and counted heads, everyone was there, but not everyone was showing signs of waking up. For a moment, she had a hard time focusing on where she was and the danger she and the others were in. When she understood, she started digging out the others.

Phil stood up before Debra could get to him and tossed a chest of drawers to a pile of other furnishings. He dusted his hands and saw Debra lifting a section of ceiling off of Emily’s still unconscious body.

“Debra?” His voice sounded strange in his own ears, he had no idea how it sounded to the woman before him.

“Not now, Phil. We have to dig the others out. I’m worried about Darin and Mike the most, they hadn’t joined us yet in Sandeenai. I don’t even know if they will wake up here or not.” Debra had no idea of the changes that had occurred to her during the short time on Sandeenai, but Phil could see them and he approved.

Without waiting to be told a second time, Phil started to look for the two who had yet to join the Circle. He paused a moment wondering why he called them that, but somehow, it seemed to fit. He was just pulling Karen out from under a pile of wood and insulation when another aftershock hit and sent them all to their knees.

Karen cursed as she fell and she didn’t bother getting up for a moment after the ground had stopped rumbling. She looked around and saw Jared pull Grant up and Emily digging out Darin. Debra was building something out of the debris and Phil was carrying Mike to where Debra was working. Both Darin and Mike were pale and not breathing.

“What the hell is going on here?” Karen demanded. She remembered the weird trip she had just gone on and wondered if anyone else had shared it.

“I would think it’s self-explanatory, Karen. We have been called back to deal with our physical safety until such a time as the catalyst is closed and we can begin our jobs as Serenity’s Champions.” Debra said as she finished putting the last mattress inside the shelter she had constructed. “Mike and Darin have yet to join us in Sandeenai, although I know who they are and they are coming to join us in Meckadon.”

“Wait just a damn minute. That was my crack dream, not everyone else’s.” Karen said, getting angry to hide the fear of actually hearing that other place spoken of so glibly.

“Actually, Karen, it wasn’t a crack dream.” Debra said softly. She looked out over the ruins of the houses that had made up this once beautiful neighborhood. “And I started having this “dream” as you call it a few years ago, so if it’s anyone’s crack dream, it’s mine. I chose to think that it’s real, especially if you look at the changes in us all.”

“What changes?” Karen demanded, tossing Darin’s five foot speaker over her shoulder like it weighed only a few ounces rather than the more than one hundred pounds it actually weighed.

Debra didn’t say anything, just pointed. Karen looked around and saw Grant toss half a wall out of the way with the ease of throwing a basketball. Then she noticed that Debra had built a shelter out of tables and mattresses that went together as if it were made of dominoes instead of heavy furniture. Debra simply lifted an eyebrow and then climbed into the shelter.

When everyone had joined her, and Darin and Mike were put into the circle, Debra took a deep breath. “We need to check and see if we have more than unusual strength and youthful looks.” She pointed to Phil. “I noticed that your thinning hair has thickened up again and the grey at the temples is gone. And Jared no longer favors his left knee.”

“Now wait here a minute. Who made you boss?” Karen asked, her voice whiny.

“Karen, knock it off. Who do you think Tris is here? It isn’t you, that’s for sure.” Grant said, irritation at his one-time girlfriend showing in his voice. “I know that I’m Fini and Emily is Tyra, I know that with all my heart. Just as I know that Debra is Tris. It’s right. And I don’t want a repeat of Sandeenai where Debra leaves us because you are being stubborn, Karen. Got it?” He warned.

“I’m just asking.” Karen sulked and closed her eyes. She gasped and her eyes flew open. “Oh my god! I just saw us helping rebuild the city. The red cross won’t be here until tomorrow afternoon…Earth time.” She added the last because it sounded right. “Does anyone know how long we’ve been gone?”

“I would say about three hours if we are in the same day.” Jared said, scanning the sky. The horizon was lit up with a pulsing red-orange as buildings burned uncontrolled. Sirens sounded in the distance as those who could, raced to save as many as possible. “If this isn’t the 'big' one that everyone has been talking about happening to California, then it’s pretty darn close.” His handsome face was lined with pain as he felt the fear, injuries, deaths, and gaping wounds in people’s hearts from all over the city. He would have to learn how to shield against such an over-whelming pressure.

“I’ll take it from Karen’s exclamation that the powers we have in Sandeenai we have here. So gather around, hold hands, or at least touch together and I’ll take us back to Sandeenai. We have to get Darin and Mike with us.” Debra said and her eyes turned a deep purple as she drew on the strength she didn’t know she had until now to use her magic.

“But who are they in Sandeenai?” Karen asked.

Before an answer could be given, a purple and blue tinged mist surrounded the eight friends, now the Champions of Serenity and they woke up back in Sandeenai.

“That went better than expected. I’m glad that Debra has been tempered against such things as Karen’s whining. I don’t know how long it’s going to last before there is another blow up between Debra and Karen.” Chaos said as he turned from the window. It was done, the prophecy would now be filled and nothing anyone did would change that.

“How are you doing on my prophecy, Sheagnek? You should be started on it now.”

“Don’t worry, Chaos, when the time comes for it be fulfilled, it will be done.” Sheagnek said firmly and picked up a quill and dipped it into a red henna ink. She began with a bold stroke and followed it with a gentler curve; another prophecy to build for another of her brothers and sisters.

“I had better go check on my servant; he’s bound to blow things out of proportion now that he can no longer stop the Champions from happening. I need to make sure that he leaves enough of Sandeenai to rule.”

Chaos left the library of Sheagnek with a swirl of poppies and plum. One day, Sheagnek thought, he’s going to add something to those colors and make it easier on the eyes.

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