Champions of Serenity :Gathering the Circle

Chapter Chapter Forty Four

Chapter 44

Tris left the Circle once they had returned from that other strange land and the other group. She was just as confused as the rest, but the blood lust was making it impossible to think about what it all could mean. She hunted the back streets of the city, killing the small wild life that called Meckadon home. As the green mist clouding her vision faded, she started to allow herself to think and when she saw the mist was gone, she returned to the inn.

Meanwhile, at the inn, Airidon had taken control and was comparing notes with the rest of the group. Jehro was the one who had the most to say about it and was the most excited about having someone else to share mind space with. Shrina hated the whole thing, especially as it seemed she and her other part couldn’t test each other and both were extremely paranoid. Tyra and Fini didn’t have a whole lot to say about it as they were still thinking it all over. As for Airidon himself, he was rather glad that he didn’t have to share the responsibility of second in command alone.

When Tris entered the room, it was silent for a moment and then the questions started pouring in from Shrina and Jehro faster than water running over stones. “Quiet!” She demanded, holding up both hands in front of her. “To begin with, I know very little about that other place. I know that it exists and that we have someone there that matches us personality wise that we are paired with to save both places. I know that we will only meet in our minds and never face to face. I know that there are two more that must join us here but are already with them there. And finally, I know that all of us are chosen of Serenity and are Her Champions.” Tris said simply and then sat down. She pulled a pitcher of wine toward her and poured herself a mug of it and slowly sipped it.

“Who are the other two, Tris? Do you know who they are?” Tyra asked softly, silencing Shrina from asking a million more questions; passing a plate of crusty yellow bread and a sweet white cheese toward Tris.

Smiling, Tris shook her head at the proffered meal and finished her wine and set the glass down. “Thank you, but not right now. As for who, I don’t know names, but I know what we are looking for. We are looking for a Wer and Shadow thief. But you all knew that as well, it says so in the prophecy you brought back.” Tris’s voice trailed off as she remembered Meckin and sadness passed over her. Damn Debra and her time as Dina for showing her what human emotion was like! Things were so much easier when she didn’t feel anything. “But I’m too tired to speak more about it tonight. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

Jehro showed Tris where she would be sleeping and wished her a good night and then joined the others to discuss the events of the evening. To say the night had been eventful would be to say that the rain was wet. Each of the champions staggered to bed when they could no longer stay awake, the last two to fall into their beds were Shrina and Jehro.

Mid-morning sun filtered through rough shutters and hit Tris in the face. An argument was brewing outside, competing with the sun in making Tris’s mood black. She wished for more sleep but wasn’t going to get it.

She was tying the last laces of her boots when her door was burst open and Shrina stood on the threshold. “There, see, I told you she would be up and ready.” She announced triumphantly. “I didn’t think she would be a lay-a-bed like some.”

“Actually, Shrelannasha, I would have been asleep still if you hadn’t woken me with your yelling. I hope you have something for breakfast and a reason for the shouting. I will say this one time and next time I will simply silence you for a month with a spell, you are not to waken anyone again by yelling. Am I clear?”

Shrina nodded and covered her mouth so she wouldn’t be tempted to say anything. At the table, the others were in various stages of waking up and eating. Tris thanked Fini for the bowl of fruit porridge and thick yellow toast. As she ate, the conversation was about last night.

“We talked about it, and we think that we might know a Wer, Tris.” Airidon began.

“His name is Meckin and we met him on his way to Meckadon when we were looking for you and we think he might still be here and… Tris?”

“Nothing. Tell me about this Meckin.” She thought to herself there had to be hundreds of men named that. The chances of it being the same man were impossible. She took another bite of her breakfast, trying to push away the very inconvenient emotions.

The group had a private dining room with a large single table running down the center of the room with benches on both sides and chairs at the ends. Tris was sitting in the chair facing the window, her back to the entrance. Doors to five bedrooms opened onto this room as well as a large fireplace between two of them.

’Well,” Jehro began, “He was looking for someone he had lost and cared for a great deal. He wouldn’t tell us who. And he was going to meet his brother, Jonas, here in Meckadon for the Autumn Carnival. Tris, you can’t hide from me. What is it? If you don’t tell me, I’ll peek.”

“You do, Jehrones and I’ll lock my mind to you and you’ll never be able to get in again.” Tris said sternly. “I, too, have met this Meckin.”

“I’m glad you remember me, Tris. I’ve only searched the whole of Nasinih for you.”

The door closed as quietly as it opened and Tris closed her eyes as the voice touched her. When the hands rested on her shoulders, she couldn’t help but shiver. “Meckin,” She whispered. “I told you not to follow me.”

He still looked haggard and haunted. His hair was shaggy instead of well-kept like it was when Tris first knew him. His eyes were blood shot and he drank in the sight of her like a starving man would a king’s feast. His dark brown leathers showed signs of hard travel and little care. His voice was as ragged as his appearance.

“Well, I didn’t listen. Something about you pulled me and I had to follow you. Then I found out that I wasn’t the only one you spent time with and left in a hurry. Seems you are good at that, Tris. Tell me, now that we have you pinned down, are you going to leave us all again? Jehro found me this morning and asked me to come here. He said they had found the person they were looking for and he thought she might be the same person I was looking for. Turns out, he was right. How did he know it was you? Why were they looking for you too? What are you, Tris, that people trust you against all wisdom?” Meckin asked, wanting to know. His voice filled with rough emotion, tears falling down his strong face.

Tris looked up and mentally asked Jehro for the prophecy and handed it to Meckin to look at. After giving him a moment to read it, she answered him simply. “I’m the Demon Elf, Meckin. I’m the voice for Serenity, the leader of her Champions. And I’m asking you to join us.”

Tyra and Fini sat back and hid a laugh as Airidon took a seat as close to Tris as he could while Meckin had his hands on her shoulders. It would be interesting to see how this trio played out. Meckin sat down opposite Airidon and read the parchment a second time. He paled when he read about himself and looked at Tris.

“Do you know what this says?” When she nodded, he looked back at it and re-read it yet again. “All right. I’ll do it. It sounds like suicide to me, but then so did going in search of you, Tris.” He looked over the table to Airidon and then to Tris and back to Airidon. He shrugged. “It’s your problem. I’ll have enough of a problem just staying alive once it’s known I’m part of this group.” Meckin got up and walked down the table to where a large pitcher of beer sat and poured himself a huge mug of it and drained it in a single drink. Then he walked to the window and looked out into the sun of Meckadon.

“Now all we have to do is find a thief.” Shrina said.

“No, all we have to do is allow our Shadow a chance to show himself. I think we already have one nearby and helping us.” Airidon said simply. He stood up and joined Meckin at the window, only facing into the room. “I think we picked up a Shadow in the mountains and he’s been helping us. And I think he’s still around, he just needs something to encourage him to show himself to us.”

Tris finished her breakfast and put the dishes with those to be cleared by the barmaid. She walked around the room, thinking, cupping her chin and not really aware of her pacing. “I would think some bait… a rare and precious jewel… impossible to get without being a talented thief and Shadow on top of it… Shrelannasha’s crown jewel…”

“No way! No one is getting anywhere near that.”

From the far corner, opposite the door, came a laughing, baritone voice. “That one was far too easy to take, Leader Tris. You will have to do better than that. Oopps.”

“No, I think I did just about right. Next time, don’t try to steal from my cloak. And return Shrelannasha’s jewel to her.”

A smoky column grew in the corner where the voice had come from and then a man stepped from it. His eyes were the color of smoldering coals and his hair the color of darkest night. His skin was dusky, like burning embers, and he was wearing black leather. He handed Shrina her jewel with a courtly bow. “I’ve read that prophecy, I did it while Meckin read it; made me have the shivers. Count me in, Leader Tris. Korolwyn Sheevez, Korol for short, at your service.”

“Now that we are eight, what do we do, Tris?” Jehro asked. He was soothing Shrina’s ruffled feathers about having her crown jewel stolen. Shrina cast one more look full of threatening promises at Korol before turning to see what Tris would say.

Tris stopped her pacing and sat down again. She had to decide just how much of a magical splash she wanted to make in getting back home; and home is where she was headed as the safest place she knew. As her thoughts chased each other around her head; she stood again and paced, unaware she was doing it.

“Tris?” Airidon asked after several minutes of complete silence.

“I’m sorry, did I miss something? I was trying to figure out the best way to get out of Meckadon without making too great a stir.” Glancing about the room, she noticed that everyone was still watching her. Before she could say anything, Hervin Gessup, the owner of the inn came in breathless.

Jehro rushed to his side, not used to seeing his friend so befuddled. “What is it, Hervin?”

“The Emperor, he’s coming early to the Hunter’s Festival. Rumor has it he’ll be here by the end of the week. Rumor has it he’s searching for someone as well. Some girl he wanted as consort who managed to escape his grasp. Thought you might like to know, seeing as how you arrived all secret like and have three of the prettiest girls this town’s seen in a long time with you.”

“Thank you, Hervin.” Tris said and gave the flustered man a small smile that didn’t quite touch her eyes. She waited a moment until he returned the smile and then left. Turning to the others, she started. “We have to leave Meckadon and quickly. There are two ways to go; the first is by disguise and leaving in a normal fashion, the second is by magic. There are drawbacks to both. The first way is slower and could risk detection. The second is faster but would let Handsome know we were here.”

“Wait a minute, Leader Tris, Handsome?” Korol asked.

“It’s what we call the Emperor. He’s linked his name to a spell that makes it so anytime any of us speak his name he knows where we are. He knows us and has been hunting us for some time now. But where would we go, Tris?” Jehro answered and asked.

Tris pulled herself back from some deep thoughts, memories of her time trapped as Dina in an upstairs bedroom. “What? Oh, we are going to my forest. There are some things we must do without worry of Handsome interrupting and it’s the safest place I know of to do it.”

“You own a forest? How is that possible? Where is it? Why didn’t you tell us before? If you own it, why did you leave it? What do we still have to do? You know about us but we still don’t know that much about you, Tris.” Shrina fired off, happy to at last be able to get the chance to further examine their leader.

Looking at Shrina, Tris decided which of the questions to answer first. “We have to complete the ceremony making us Serenity’s Champions. I left for the same reason you all left your homes, Handsome invaded and made it impossible to stay. I wouldn’t say I own it but no one else wants it so I claim it and protect it. It’s near the northern wastes of Taniry. And there is a lot I didn’t tell you before because of what I am and what your reaction was to that information.”

“Wow, I didn’t think you would answer, Tris. Thank you and about that… I’m sorry again, I just have this hard time trusting people, you know. So, have you decided which way we are going to go?” Shrina finished, settling down next to Jehro and picking up a glass, filling it with wine.

Tyra and Fini were sitting next to each other on one side of the table, Korol was standing next to Meckin by the window, Airidon had moved to sit down at the table opposite Fini, and Tris was pacing. Jehro and Shrina were sitting at one end of the table arguing quietly over the quality of the wine. Everyone seemed to wait as Tris kept pacing, lost in her thoughts.

The morning passed into afternoon and still Tris hadn’t decided which the best way to go was. The others were getting restless, waiting. Lunch had been brought in and breakfast cleared away, the inn still ran. They could hear the common room beginning to fill for the dinner hour and the laughter was enough to make the silence in the private dining room seem deathlike.

Fini and Airidon were playing at a game of hinds and hounds, Tyra and Shrina had braided each other’s hair, and Korol had re-read the prophecy and did the math. “You know, Meckin, it looks like you and I are the odd men out.”

“What do you mean?” Meckin asked, looking up from the game Fini and Airidon were playing. Jehro was softly strumming a lyre in the corner, learning new music he heard from the common room below them.

“Well, there are eight heroes and only three of them are female. That means you and I, the last to join, won’t have permanent partners. It seems that Fini and Tyra have made a couple of it and Airidon has claimed the chance to win Leader Tris and Jehro over there seems a might protective of Shrina.” Jehro lifted his head and gave Korol a feral grin to let him know that he had read things right. “So, that leaves you and I out in the cold as far as females go. Unless there is another prophecy somewhere that makes a provision for us.”

Tris stopped her pacing and looked at everyone. Her sudden stillness brought everyone’s attention to her. “We will do both. We will use disguises to get out of the city proper, after Handsome has had a chance to arrive, and then when we are clear of Meckadon we will use magic to travel to Taniry. As for Meckin and Korol, I don’t think that Serenity would leave you two out in the cold as you put it unless she didn’t have a choice. Now all we have to do is to come up with the disguises.”

“Do you have any ideas on that, Tris?” Airidon asked.

Music from below was echoed in the corner and drew Tris’s attention. Slowly she began to nod and a slow smile filled her eyes. “Yes, but not all of you are going to like it. Meckin, think we can get a spare wagon from your family?”

“Minstrels? Tris, I have to tell you, I can’t sing to save my life.” Fini began but was waved quiet.

“No, not just minstrels, but a complete show of traveling entertainers; we need a strong man, a fortune teller, a dancer, a magician, minstrels, and a couple of guards.” Tris pointed to Fini as the strong man, Shrina as the fortune teller, Tyra as the dancer, Korol as the magician, herself and Jehro as the minstrels, and Meckin and Airidon as the guards. “But, this has to be okay with everyone or it won’t work.”

“I can tell fortunes? That would be so much fun! What do I get to look like? I’ve always wondered what it would be like to look like a gypsy instead of this blond princess that I was born. How are you going to do it, a magic spell?” Shrina’s eyes glowed with excitement at the thought of changing shape.

Tris shook her head. “No, that would make too much of a magical stir. Glamour charms won’t and only those who can’t change themselves would need one.”

Tyra frowned. “Who but you and Jehro can change shape at will?”

“Actually, Meckin can, but normally just into animal shape. And Finbrahner has some talent with the elements, but again, that doesn’t cover human. And then there is you, Tyrandeannah. I know you haven’t ever practiced, but now is a good time to start learning how to use the other side of your heritage.” Tris answered simply.

Shaking her head, Tyra tried to deny she even had that side of her. Tris walked over and sat next to the other women and placed her hand on Tyra’s shoulder. “I know the prospect frightens you, Tyrandeannah, but if you don’t learn how to use your magic, one day, it will rise up and use you. Then I will have no choice but to control you, and that is something I don’t ever want to have to do.”

“But why would Tyra be afraid to use magic? I think it would be wonderful to have something other than just a silly third eye.” Shrina asked, confused.

“It’s something a lot of people fear, Shrelannasha.” Tris answered then turned back to the black haired beauty. “I’m not asking you to master it all at once, my friend, but I do need your help in this. Your magic isn’t something Handsome is familiar with, so he won’t pinpoint us so quickly. Mine he knows and has tasted it, several times. We can only assume he has somehow gotten a copy of this prophecy from Chaos, which is how he knew who to hunt. It then means he will be looking for Wizard magic, but not yet. You are still a warrior only. I will guide you, I will be by your side, and catch you when you fall. Something I never had.” Tris made her voice gentle, something Debra and her time as Dina taught her was calming.

Tyra looked at Tris, swallowed a few times, and looked at the others in the room, then swallowed again. Closing her eyes, she gave a shaky nod that she would at least try to use her magic to help Tris and the group get out of Meckadon. Tris, still on new and shaky ground herself, reached out and gave her friend a quick hug. “See, even I can learn something new. If you think learning magic is hard, try learning human emotion.” Tyra blinked, seeing Tris for the first time all over again.

“How do I start?”

“First of all, stop thinking of magic as something to be feared. Think of it as a different kind of weapon, one that needs to be mastered. The most common of Wizard gifts is of incantation. So we will start there and learn what else you can do in the safety of my…our…forest. We will begin with you and how you want to look as a dancer. Put that image so firmly in your mind you believe it.” Tris waited as Tyra struggled with that first step.

Slowly, with her knowledge, Tris entered Tyra’s mind. She helped to guide the creation of the dancer and then made it real for Tyra. Tyra was sweating with the effort, but didn’t give up. It had sounded so simple, just form an image and make it real in her mind. When Tris joined her in her mind, it had seemed like a godsend, but it just got harder. Tris wasn’t doing the work for her; she was just showing her how to do it. As promised, Tris was there to guide and catch her when she fell.

Fini moved closer as he saw the struggle on Tyra’s face, as she struggled with this new ability of hers. He wanted so badly to just take it from her and make everything all right. But he knew that Tris was right, it was something that Tyra had to master soon...or later it would use her. Time passed and still the sweat beaded and dripped down Tyra’s face, Fini would wipe it away, knowing that somehow she knew it was him helping her.

“What is going on? Why isn’t Tris helping her?” Fini asked.

“She is, Fini.” Jehro said. “She’s in Tyra’s mind, guiding her through paths that are choked with brambles and thorns.”

Airidon frowned. “Brambles and thorns, I don’t understand?”

Jehro sighed and put down his lyre. He stood and assumed his normal shape. His hair flamed red and his eyes glowed green. When his thin lips parted, they could see the multiple rows of teeth and his common took on the distinctive Chameling hissing lisp. “For those of us who have used our abilities, the paths in our minds are clear.” Then Jehro shifted back into his familiar half-Elf with blond hair and blue eyes. “For those who have never used the abilities the paths are new and winding.” Then Jehro became a black haired, brown eyed, human with a handsome face, his disguise. “For those who are afraid of their abilities, the paths are blocked with thorns and brambles of their own making. Tyra must overcome her fear as well as learn how to use what she was born with. So the paths are winding and blocked; thus, the struggle and excellent teacher to help guide her through the wilderness.”

“It’s nice having two mind readers in the group. Then one can tell us what the other is doing.” Korol commented. He pulled out a deck of bejeweled cards. “Anyone up for a game while we wait?”

Meckin and Airidon joined Korol in a game of luck, watching his deft fingers move through the cards like the magician Tris claimed he would be. Jehro went back to his music while Fini and Shrina kept vigil beside the unmoving forms of Tris and Tyra.

“Wow.” Shrina breathed softly calling all their attention back to Tyra. She was no longer a black haired beauty, but a blond bombshell. Her figure was curvaceous and she was dressed in gauzes of rainbow hue. She opened eyes a shade darker blue than her normal eye color and looked around.

She met Tris’s smiling face and sighed and the vision about her wavered then held firm as Tyra focused again. “Thank you, Tris; I couldn’t have done that without you. I had no idea it was so simple and yet so difficult.”

“Now, Tyrandeannah, can you cast a glamour on the others as well?” Tris asked, her own voice echoing the tiredness in Tyra’s.

“I think so. But not tonight, I’m too tired. Can we finish in the morning?” Nodding, Tris agreed that after the day’s lesson, tomorrow would be the better time. “Good, now I’m starved, when is dinner?”

As if on cue, the knock fell and a barmaid came in to ask what was wanted for dinner. When the order was placed, Tyra practiced changing from her dancer form to her normal form until she was exhausted and it was so routine she could do it in her sleep. Another knock a while later brought their food and Hervin with more news.

“The Hunter’s Carnival will start next week and people are gathering already. Do you have any idea how much longer you will need these rooms, Jehro?”

“Actually, Hervin, we were thinking of helping you out for a few days before leaving; that is if we could keep the rooms. We are going to put together a traveling show and need a place to start. We have a magician, two minstrels, a dancer, a fortune teller, and a strong man along with two guards. Will you front us to start out?” Jehro asked.

Hervin thought it over. “I’ll have to see it before I agree. I do have a reputation to uphold. But if you are good enough, then I’ll front you. When can I hear you?”

Jehro looked at Tris and Tyra and then back to Hervin. “Tomorrow afternoon. Then we can start tomorrow night. Okay?”

Hervin agreed and left as the barmaid brought their dinner to them.

The images clouded over and Chaos stepped away from the window. “How did she know I gave a copy to Greshinea? No one was supposed to know about that.” He turned to question Shægnek and found her busy with a mosaic of Na. “Shægnek, how did Tris know I was the source of Greshinea’s knowledge?”

Without looking from her work, the goddess of fate, whimsy, and prophecy, answered. “She’s the one chosen to lead, she has information the others don’t. Not even I know where she learns it all, that’s the fate and whimsy part of my nature. I give life to prophecies, but to do that a certain amount of caprice enters as well. Deal with it, or stop watching them so closely, either way, I have work to do.”

Chaos stormed from the room, dissatisfied with what he had learned about Tris. She could be even more dangerous than his servant, if she chose. And the other gods were afraid of his servant? He started to laugh at the irony.

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