Champions of Serenity: Destiny Fulfilled

Chapter Prologue

Champions of Serenity: Destiny Fulfilled

Chaos paced in his palace. Dreybrenic had been unchecked for a season and the world of Sandeenai was falling further and further into darkness. Evil alone wasn’t chaotic enough and that is what was happening. He couldn’t wait for the season of peace granted to Serenity’s Champions to be ended so that once again chaos could reign.

The only true pleasure was watching the way Dreybrenic kept beating his head against the stone wall that was the magical barrier around the forest where the Circle made their home now. Chaos had tried to explain over and over about the power of Serenity, but his servant couldn’t or wouldn’t believe there was anything he didn’t deserve to overcome.

One day, and one day soon, Dreybrenic was going to come up against the Circle and find what the price of his pride had really cost him. Chaos wondered which of the Champions would be the one to finally kill Dreybrenic Greshinea.

Chaos tossed his golden colored hair away from his face and ran a hand down his lilac and candy apple red robes. Perhaps it was time to pay a visit to Tris. It would be the first, but Chaos hoped, not the last. He had grown rather fond of the Demon Elf and hoped that when this battle was over, they could be friends.

“Shrina, can you get anything?” Jehro asked again. His voice was anxious and it drew Tris’s attention away from the pouch she was sewing.

“I’m sorry; Jehro, but I still can’t get anything. I know you are worried, but I’m sure there is a reason why he’s blocked as he is. And I don’t think it’s because he’s dead, it isn’t that kind of block. Why don’t you ask Tris?” Shrina answered, her voice showing annoyance and Tris wasn’t sure if it was at Jehro or at her lack of ability.

During the past couple of months, the Circle had gotten much closer, learning to read each other and becoming more like a family. Tyra and Fini were pairing up, so had Tris and Airidon, Jehro was still trying to convince Shrina that he was the best bet of the other three men and both Korol and Meckin were trying to help him.

“What do you need help with, Jehrones?” Tris asked, tucking the pouch into her cloak.

“I can’t find Hervin and I’m worried about him. After the latest news about inns and their owners, I can’t rest easy until I know he’s okay.” Jehro said, dropping to his haunches in front of Tris. “I’ve asked Shrina to use her third eye to find him, but with no luck. I don’t know who else to go to.”

Tris nodded and closed her eyes, opening them so they could see the blue had changed to purple. Silently she wove the spell that would track their friend, the inn owner, Hervin Gessup. “Meckin, can you help me.” Tris said after a few moments of silence.

Meckin lifted his wolf shaped head and looked at her. He had been playing with the youngest of Noshtra’s pups, teaching them human language as part of a game. “What do you need my help with, Tris?” His voice was thick with wolf accent as he wasn’t in human form. There were still moments when Meckin was hurt by Tris’s choice of Airidon rather than himself, but he understood the binding was part of a larger picture.

“I’ve tracked Hervin to Jonas’s caravan, but I can’t penetrate the shielding the Wer have around their companies. Jehrones wants to be sure that Hervin and his wife made it safely out of Meckadon before Handsome’s latest raid.”

Meckin nodded and took his own form from that of the wolf he had been. “There is only one way to get past that mist, Tris, and I’ll have to do it.” Meckin joined Shrina and Jehro in a circle around Tris. Then he bowed his head and cracked his neck, and relaxed completely. Jehro was curious and tried to ride Meckin’s thoughts, but Tris stopped him. Meckin was unaware of the mental exchange. After an hour, Meckin pulled himself together and shook out his hands and legs, which had gone to sleep as he sat so still. “Hervin made it to my brother’s caravan before Handsome arrived in Meckadon. He’s safe and enjoying life as a gypsy.”

“How is Jonas, Meckin?” Tris asked and was rewarded by one of Meckin’s rare smiles.

“He’s enjoying his normal good health and popularity as a haven. Don’t worry; he’ll stay one step ahead of Handsome until we can rejoin the fight. Speaking of that…when will it be time to leave here and take up our duties?” Meckin asked.

Tris knew they were all getting restless and the more news the birds brought them from Nasinih and the world in general the more restless they became. She was waiting for something, she wasn’t sure what, but she knew it would happen soon. And once they left this haven here in her forest, now their forest, it would be a long time until they had such peace again. “Soon, Meckin, very soon, Serenity will let me know.”

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