Champions of Serenity: Destiny Fulfilled

Chapter Chapter Two

Chapter 2

Debra woke before the sun and found herself the only one awake. Quietly, she slipped from the house and went for a walk. On her return, she met Richard again and he let her pass with her arms full of groceries. He sent one of the neighborhood children to help her carry the bags to Phil’s house. Inside, she was still the only one awake and she quietly went to work.

The others woke to the smell of fresh coffee, bacon, and pancakes. The dining room table had been set with plates and had butter, syrup, cream and sugar set strategically in the center. Debra was humming as she finished flipping blueberry pancakes onto a serving tray and taking them to the sidebar in the dining room to join the covered bacon, sausage, and the carafes of steaming coffee.

“Good morning, everyone,” she said as they filed in, following their noses and grumbling stomachs. “I thought a solid breakfast before we begin the day’s adventure. I hope you all like pancakes.” Debra had brushed her long, reddish brown hair up into a ponytail and looked like a teenager without any makeup. During her early morning shopping trip, she had picked up some new clothes for everyone but Phil who still had all of his and she was wearing a new pair of jeans and a beaded tie-dyed blouse.

“Wow, Leader Deb, this spread looks fantastic and so do you. We not only get a great looking leader but one that cooks as well.” Mike said as he took a seat and filled his plate with food. Pouring syrup over everything, he took a huge bite. “Oh my god, this is heaven. Grant, I think you have competition in the pancake department.” Mike finished and then didn’t say anything as he was too busy shoveling food into his mouth.

Grant agreed they were wonderful as he kept his mouth full as well. Phil sipped his coffee and looked around at his friends and wondered himself why he hadn’t had them over before now. He guessed that it was his turn to learn how to trust again.

“You cooked twice in a row, so I guess it’s my turn for dinner tonight.” Grant offered, finally pushing away his plate, sated.

“Nope, I already have that covered as well. It’s in the fridge and just needs to be baked when we return. I made lasagna this morning as well. Phil, I hope you don’t mind, but I had to do a little rearranging of your kitchen to find everything.” Debra said around a bite of pancakes. Jared groaned as he thought of the treat for dinner.

Emily and Phil did the dishes after the meal while everyone else took a turn and showered, changing into clean clothing. When everything and everyone was cleaned the house was locked up for the day. Phil gave Debra a spare key so if her group finished their area first they could get in. Then the two teams raced off for the first day of competition.

Jeff and Ben, in a van this time, met up with Debra’s group before they left the neighborhood. When they asked after the others and were told of the competition, they laughed and got into the part, driving Debra and her group to a valley area to clean up for the day. The damage was extensive but manageable with their special talents.

Debra and Grant had paired up for the day and ran into a Red Cross doctor and his team of national guards. The doctor was rather huffy when he watched as Debra pulled a girl from under a collapsed wall and didn’t take into account her injuries. When Debra, tired of the guff from the doctor, healed the girl in front of him he was speechless.

Sitting across from Debra at a fast food drive in they had just helped get power restored to, Grant studied her. “You know, Deb, you have changed and more than just losing the weight. I can’t put my finger on it, but you have more confidence now than before and it looks good on you. Is something wrong with the hamburger?” He asked as Debra threw hers aside and bit savagely into a fry.

“It’s meat and I still haven’t won the battle with Tris about it. Yes, I know, I ate meat this morning but I wasn’t tired then and I am now.” Deb answered and looked at Grant. The dark purple t-shirt she had bought him looked good with his golden blond looks. His large aqua blue eyes danced mischievously as he waited for Debra to finish her thoughts. “What are you getting at, Grant? I mean, about the compliments and all.”

Grant sat back and crossed his arms across his chest. “Well, you’ve made it with Darin, kissed Phil and Jared. I guess Mike and I are the only ones you haven’t had a chance to get to know more intimately and I was letting you know that I think you are well worth getting to know better.”

“Now wait just a minute, Grant Thomas. What makes you think I’ve made it with Darin and kissed Phil and Jared? And that I’m working my way through the group of you?” Debra said, pushing the rest of her food away, not having any desire to eat anymore and wondering if she should worry about Grant or not.

“I didn’t mean to offend you, Deb and I’m sorry if I did. It’s just that evidence points to you and Darin being closer than just good friends. That look last night and the kiss prove that you have a much more intimate relationship with him than you might want people to know about. And knowing Darin and how he called you his girlfriend for so long, it only makes sense that the two of you have had sex at least once.” Debra conceded the point there but demanded proof for the others. “Well, that two minute dare turned into a ten minute session with Jared at Em’s house. Darin was about to charge into the kitchen after you when the two of you returned. Putting two and two together, that counts as a make out session to me.”

“And you can’t possibly think of anything else we might have been doing besides making out. It might interest you to know that Darin is the only one I’ve kissed and had relations with. Jared and I talked because I couldn’t do the dare he wanted me to and he wanted to know why. As for Phil and I, again, no kissing only talking, something he enjoys doing with someone who will listen and not chase after him. You and I are talking right now, but what if some of the others thought we were off doing something else. What would you tell them? Gods above and below, why is everyone so interested in my private life?” Debra said, standing and letting a little of her frustration show in her restlessness. Grant was surprised by the venom in her voice and held up his hands in protection, searching for any green creeping into the blue of the tiny woman’s eyes.

“Look I didn’t mean to offend you, Debra, really. And I’m sorry if it seems I’m overly interested in your private life. I guess I’m just so used to being around those I know so well it seems strange to not have that with you. You feel like someone I’ve known my whole life and I want to get to know you better. Is that wrong?”

Debra sat back down and picked up her shake, taking a long sip. She looked over at Grant and looked a little deeper than just the skin. “Maybe you should be asking Emily out instead of me, Grant.” Deb said finally. “I’m not saying this just because of Fini and Tyra but because you’ve had an interest in her since she started dating Jared. And there was that midnight walk in Coeur d’Alene. As for getting to know me, I’m happy to answer questions as long as they don’t get impertinent.”

“Then why haven’t you made out with Jared and Phil? I know both of them want to. I don’t know about Mike, but I know that last night you broke Darin’s heart with something unsaid.” Grant asked, taking the last bite of his hamburger.

“Darin and I are no longer a couple and I’m sorry if that broke his heart. He knew it was coming from Coeur d’Alene. As for why I didn’t make out with Jer or Phil I have my reasons and they both know them.”

Grant nodded and finished his lunch and the two of them started working again. Across town, in another area, Darin and Phil were talking as well over a similar lunch.

“I’m sorry if I’m trespassing, Darin, but I want you to know that I have the intention of winning Debra’s heart for my own. And no, not because of Airidon and Tris, but because she is the only woman I have ever met who hasn’t been interested in anything I have, only in me.” Phil said, watching for Darin’s reaction.

Darin shrugged and took a deep drink of his soda. “She broke up with me last night, Phil. I guess I’ve known it was coming before we came back here, I just wished we could have lasted a little longer. She’s a special person, Phil and she deserves the best.”

Phil thought about what Darin had told him and realized that explained the look and the kiss from last night. He felt sorry for Darin, knowing that Debra had tried to let him down easily but still it broke his heart. He smiled at the soft blue t-shirt that Debra had bought Darin, knowing it looked good with his dark blond hair.

“I know that, Darin. I also know that you helped her after the rape and I wanted to thank you for that. It takes a special man to show the kind of patience such a woman needs.” Phil said, biting into a fry. He was still watching for Darin’s reactions and saw him flinch a little with the mention of Debra’s experience.

It took a little longer for Darin to respond this time. He took a deep breath and nodded finally. “I’m glad you know about that, especially as you are trying for her heart. I’m glad the creep is dead or I would have killed him when I saw how badly he had used her. She doesn’t know how hard I cried when I found out about it and the scar on her stomach where he stabbed her hoping to kill her. Then when she asked me to help her learn how true love should feel. She’s a generous lover, Phil, once she gets over the fear of being touched.” Darin said and then looked at him square in the eye. “Phil, if you hurt her I’ll find a way to kill you. She may not be mine to protect for all time, but I will always feel something special for her. I want you to know that.”

Phil smiled at Darin. “Believe me, Darin, hurting her is the last thing on my mind. I’m more afraid she will hurt me. Have you noticed how close she seems to be getting to Jer?”

“Did I hear my name being taken in vain?” Jared asked as he and Emily came up with their own lunches and joined Phil and Darin. “Who are you talking about when you say ‘her’?” He finished taking a big bite of his hamburger. He was wearing red and it looked good with his dusky skin. His black hair and golden brown eyes sparkled with curiosity. Emily just looked at the three men with a raised eyebrow.

“’Her’ is Debra and yes, we were talking about how close the two of you seem to be getting.” Phil said simply and finished his sandwich. Emily looked at Jared and then at her brother and then to Phil. Her long white blond hair was pulled back into a ponytail like Debra’s had been this morning. A creamy white t-shirt with beaded butterflies looked surprisingly good against her peaches and cream complexion that normally only saw pastels.

The fast food joint was starting to get busy as others came for some hot food in the ruins of the city. The owners of the restaurant had given the four of them their lunch for free in thank you for all the help they had been in getting it up and running days ahead of schedule. The popular chain was one of the first of its kind to open doors for business, less than two days after the quake. It was nice to know that the building was sound and had been built to the right code.

Jared finished his bite before answering. “Well, Phil, I wish she would get close to someone. But I have a feeling it’s going to take some time before she’s ready to let anyone as close as he would like to be. I can only hope she considers me a friend enough to talk to me when it really matters.”

“Why do you say that, Jer? Deb has always been very easy to get to know and get close to.” Emily said. “Just because she isn’t ready to jump into everyone’s bed, a refreshing change from Karen by the way, doesn’t mean she won’t let people close.” The three men exchanged a look and Emily just about threw her lunch at them. “I only hope that Grant and Mike are behaving themselves with her. I would hate to get home and have them turned into frogs or something.” Emily finished and took her lunch to a different table to eat by herself.

None of them noticed the man lurking a few tables away trying to hear their conversation. He took out a notebook and wrote a few things down in it and then left them. He looked around the now busy fast food place and smiled to himself.

Chaos nodded as he saw the reporter and put the idea of where to find Debra and the others in his mind. This was just the piece of mischief he was looking for. He sat back to watch how things played out.

Debra and her team had just pulled some children from a burning elementary school when Mark Geffries from Channel 9 news pulled up in a studio van. The children had gotten into the almost destroyed building and were playing when a gas pipe exploded. Mike was bringing out the last two while Karen and Grant where checking them all over for injuries other than fear and Debra was healing them with soothing caresses to hair and backs.

The sudden news lights flashed on the four of them and Mark shoved a microphone under Debra’s nose. “This is Mark Geffries of Channel 9 news with the heroes of Roosevelt Elementary and other places within the district. Moments before these four brave people pulled this group of children from the burning school without thought to their own danger. Why did you do it?” He asked Debra, the camera light shining into her soot covered face.

Without saying anything, Debra pushed the microphone away and walked from the reporter. The other three followed her silent retreat. But Mark wasn’t about to let them escape. He had spent all day on this story and he wasn’t about to let it get away from him.

“Miss, please, won’t you tell us which organization you are with at least?” He asked, jumping in front of Debra and again pushing the microphone under her nose.

Shaking her head, Debra again tried to get away from the reporter. She knew that it would take something drastic but she wasn’t sure what when Mike caught her eye and showed her the growing darkness surrounding the nearby houses. Fire trucks were arriving to put out the fire and neighbors were gathering up their children helping Debra and her friends to break for the cover of the shadows. Once they were in the darkness, where Mark couldn’t see them, Debra nodded for Mike to take them to shadows near Phil’s house. With a reporter on the spot, there was nothing more they could do in this area. At least they had managed to save the kids first.

“Gods, why won’t they leave us alone?” Karen asked as she sat down to watch Debra put the lasagna into the oven to bake. Garlic bread and a tossed green salad finished the meal with ice cream for dessert. Grant and Mike were setting the table as Debra asked them to when they got back and found they were there first. “I hate annoying people like that. Couldn’t he see we didn’t want to talk?”

“Well, Karen, I guess we were the story he was after and he wouldn’t stop until he got it. I just hope we have lost him and don’t have to keep ditching him every day. Could you please mix up the apple juice I bought this morning? I think I remember seeing pitchers in that cupboard over the refrigerator.” Debra asked as she finished slathering the garlic butter on the French bread. They then heard the front door open and Jared call out to them.

“Hello in the house. It smells wonderful, Debra.” His body followed his voice into the kitchen and he grinned at the two women. “Ah, what a wonderful sight for weary eyes.” He lifted first Karen and then Debra into the air and kissed them both soundly. Karen just giggled and mock punched him. Debra was stunned and didn’t know what to think; she lifted both eyebrows at him. “I’ll just go get cleaned up then for dinner.” He said backing out of the kitchen with hands raised in surrender.

Grant had seen both the kiss and Debra’s reaction to it. He caught her eye and made a tick mark in the air before ducking out himself. Phil saw the gesture as he entered his kitchen and lifted an eyebrow in Debra’s direction. “What was all that about?”

“I really don’t know, Phil. How did your day go? Did you have any trouble with reporters?” Debra said, turning back to her cooking.

“Not that I know of, but we worked in two teams and I don’t know if Emily and Jared had trouble. Did you?” He answered and took a big glass out of a cupboard and filled it with water. “How did your team do in the competition?”

“We had one reporter following us around since lunchtime; one Mark Geffries of Channel 9 news.” Phil nodded knowing the name and liking the reporter’s news segments. “Considering we had to keep ducking away from him and his camera and crew, we did pretty well. Cleaned up a nice little valley Jeff and Ben showed us. How about you?” Debra said and tucked the garlic bread into the oven to brown.

Phil finished his water and rinsed the glass, setting it in the drain rack. “We cleaned up a pretty good sized chunk ourselves. We ran into some red cross people who were a little upset that we didn’t leave people to be tended in the rubble.” Debra nodded her agreement at that as well. “But Jer handled them easily enough. Another day of this and the city will be pretty much back on its feet and we can move on to other projects. I still have an office to put back together and run and the others have lives as well. What do you say?”

“That sounds like a good plan to me. It’s nice to know that someone other than me is looking past the here and now. I’m glad you were made second in command, Phil.” Debra said softly and noticed Karen was discreetly heading out the door.

Phil leaned back against the sink and watched Debra move about his kitchen and smiled. “Yes, so am I, Debra. I think we will make a great team.” He came up behind her as she was cutting tomatoes for the salad and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against his chest. He reached around and took the knife from her and turned her in his arms to face him. “I mean that, Debra, I think you and I will make a great team.” He lifted a hand to caress her face and felt her lean into the touch and his heart sped up. She was generous as Darin had said. “I think we could be more than just a leadership team, Debra, if you’ll let me.” His face was inches away from hers and he saw the desire in her eyes as well as just a little fear. He wouldn’t press her, but he did want her to know what his intentions were. Slowly, he leaned forward and brushed her lips with his.

The electricity between the two of them was strong enough to draw Jared to peek in and then duck back out quickly with a smile. Maybe she wouldn’t be so hard to get close to after all, just as Emily had said.

Debra broke the kiss and had to hold on to Phil to keep her balance. She bowed her head and let his taste linger against her lips for a moment before licking it away. “I don’t know what to say, Phil.” She finally breathed. “I’m flattered that you would be considering me as more than just a friend.” She looked up into his eyes. “I can’t say I don’t want this to happen…”

“I hear a but in there, Debra.” Phil said softly, keeping close watch on her eyes.

“Yes, there is a but in there, Phil. I think it’s too soon. I think we need to get to know each other a little better first, as Phil and Debra, not as Tris and Airidon.” She reached up and touched his face butterfly soft. “I want this to happen, Phil, at the right time. Please.”

He smiled at her and kissed her again, holding her tightly against his body. When they broke apart this time he nodded and let her go. “I understand and thank you for giving me hope. I’ll give you the time you need, just don’t take a hundred years, please.”

Debra laughed and promised it wouldn’t take that long. Then she pulled dinner from the oven before it could burn and finished making the salad while Phil left to finish cleaning up for dinner himself. Her hands trembled as she worked the taste of the kisses still sweet against her lips.

“That’s two, my lady Debra.” Grant said coming in and getting the hot pan to carry into the dining room side board. “I told you they both wanted to but needed a sign from you that it would be welcome.” He left before she could think of anything to retort with, but he had been right.

Over dinner, each team compared notes and Mike told all about Mark Geffries and his persistence. When the meal was cleared away, Debra let them all know they would be working for one more day with the other rescue workers and then they would work on rebuilding their own lives.

“Does that mean you’ll be going back to Coeur d’Alene, Debra?” Emily asked softly wondering if they would be breaking up the Circle so soon.

Debra shook her head. “No, I belong here, with all of you. I’ll just have to find something here to do so that we can build the Circle here as it needs to be built. I will have Kim send me my stuff from my apartment once I find a new one here.” Everyone breathed a sigh of relief that she was staying and Debra picked up on it and grinned. “I take it the prospect of my leaving wasn’t something anyone wanted.”

“You’re right on that count, Leader Deb. Over the years we’ve kind of gotten used to having you around and these last few days, even more so. Honestly, I don’t think we could survive without you here to keep us out of trouble.” Mike said and flopped down next to Deb. He was lying on his stomach and looking up into her face, his chin in his hands. “Besides, this gives the rest of us the chance at you that Darin has had all these years to himself.” A pillow hit him from behind and he turned to look across at his cousin. “What did I say? I know I’m not the only one interested in our leader for more than just a friend. I just thought I would get in my bid before anyone else could.”

“This isn’t happening.” Debra said and stood, walking out of the house into the cool night air. She heard someone follow after her and shook her head, not wanting any company right now. Gathering her magic about her, she found a ruined house that was empty a few blocks away and took shelter in its darkest shadows. She knew that sooner or later someone would find her but at least she would have some time to gather her thoughts together. Too much was happening too fast and she really wasn’t sure where to go next.

The night progressed and the moon rose. Stars lit up the night sky as most of the unnatural lights were out because power had yet to be restored to the entire city. She knew it was only a matter of time before she wouldn’t be able to see the stars through the neon lights of Los Angeles. So she savored what she could see when she could see them. Several times she felt the probes of Jared and Karen and even Grant as they tried to find her and each time she fed them a false image of where she was and so lost them for a time. Debra just wasn’t ready to go back yet.

Near dawn, she felt the shadows stir next to her and Mike stepped out and sat down beside her. She hadn’t felt a probe and figured Mike had used some other power to find her and shrugged in the darkness. “I’m sorry if I said something that drove you away, Leader Deb. I didn’t mean to.”

“You didn’t, Mike. Today was a crazy kind of day and to end it with yet another declaration of affection for me was just too much. Why is it a person can go through life without a single person noticing her and then suddenly in less than a day have five different men let her know in one way or another that they want to be more than friends? I just don’t get it, Mike. Maybe you can explain it to me.”

Mike whistled long and low. “I can see why you would want to leave; what with all of us hitting on you in one day and you not used to it. Look, Deb, all I can say is that sometimes you can’t see what’s before you until something major happens and it brings it to your attention. You’ve been there, sitting sweet and tight in Coeur d’Alene all this time and we’ve only thought of you as Emily’s pen pal and Darin’s long distance romance. Then we got to know you during this crisis and we’ve all seen you in a new light. And it’s a turn on. What can I say, a woman who can remain calm even though her entire life has just been turned upside down isn’t something you find every day. Karen and Emily have both broken down and cried in the past days and besides, we’ve known them our whole lives. I guess this is just another stage of initiation into our little circle of friends. Phil went through it with Karen and it looks like you get it from all of us guys.” He nudged her with his shoulder. “So, who’s the lucky one you picked? You know, it doesn’t have to be like on Sandeenai.”

Debra shook her head. “So I’m the calm one even though you have all seen me shaking from reaction and…”

“And who thought of getting food in the house and fixing both breakfast and dinner for everyone? Who had the foresight to keep us from becoming press idols? Who is it that has managed to keep everyone from freaking out over all the loss we are dealing with right now? It isn’t Santa Claus, Sweetie. You might shake and tremble from reaction, but that doesn’t impair your thinking, if anything it makes it sharper. I might be the only one who doesn’t want to wrap you up in lamb’s wool and keep you safe in my pocket. I would love to see what you are going to do to the world once you break out of your shell completely. And yes, I’ve seen how you retreat into yourself whenever things get to be just a little too much for you. You haven’t answered my question of who’s the lucky one.” Mike stopped her from putting herself down and pointed out strengths in her she would have discounted.

“Right now, no one, Mike. I have too much on my plate to be thinking about any kind of romance. Friends are about all I can handle at the moment. So how did you find me?” Debra wanted to know, so next time she could hide a little better.

“Just a little trick I picked up from Korol. And no, I’m not giving you details; I don’t want you to be able to hide from us for long periods of time like you did tonight. Everyone is worried sick about you, you know. C’mon, let’s go back to Phil’s so he can stop pacing a hole in his carpets.”

Standing, Mike held out his hand and helped pull Debra to her feet. He then kissed her softly on the cheek and took her arm. “I’ll get us back the fast way, like before.” And Mike took them both back to Phil’s house, just outside the front door.

When they opened the door, the house was silent. The Circle looked up from card games and word puzzles at the two of them. “Three.” Grant said and wasn’t too surprised when Debra picked up the nearest pillow and threw it at his face. He easily ducked it, but he wasn’t laughing, he was serious.

“Three what, Grant.” Karen wanted to know.

“Nothing, Karen. It’s between Debra and me. Something we spoke of during lunch yesterday.” Grant said and stood, yawning. “A couple hours nap and then back to work. No rest for the wicked.”

“I feel like saying Debra, Debra, Debra, but I don’t think it would help any.” Karen said and threw a confused look at Debra’s pale face. “Are you okay, Deb?”

“Just tired, Karen; thanks for the concern. Let’s all try to get some sleep.” Debra said and went up to the room she was sharing with Karen and Emily and laid down on the bed. She pretended to be asleep when the other two came up a few minutes later, but she didn’t sleep the whole night. Her thoughts kept racing around what happened with the men in the Circle the day before.

“Can I intrude, Debra?” Jer asked from his room. He was also lying on his bed staring at the ceiling. “Why did you hide from me tonight?” He sounded hurt.

“I had too much to think over, Jared. I didn’t want anyone around. Surely you can understand that I needed a little room to breathe and collect myself. A lot has happened over the past few days and it’s a bit overwhelming especially to one who is used to hiding in the background all the time. Jaime is the one who always wanted the spotlight.” Debra returned and rolled over to her stomach, resting her chin on the backs of her hands. “I miss her. She would know better what to do right now. I’m just fumbling my way around in the dark and hoping none of you realize just how unready I am to lead.”

Jared thought about that and nodded his understanding. “What did Grant mean by three?”

“He told me to expect to be kissed today by at least you and Phil. I don’t think anyone counted on Mike also kissing me.”

“Did Grant kiss you?” Jared was suddenly jealous of his friends and then realized that Debra wasn’t for him and tried to tame that ugly beast before she could sense it in him.

“No. I told him he would do better to ask Em out and forget about me in a romantic light. After all, he’s had a crush on Emily since he first met her, but you got to her first in the boyfriend/girlfriend department. Why so curious all of a sudden? I can feel how you feel toward Karen…”

“Oh shut up.” Jared broke the connection as Debra hit a little too close to home. She had given him a few things to think about.

Chaos laughed and laughed. He hadn’t thought about using romance, not something he was really up on, as a form of chaos. Yet here in one day it had broken the peace about Debra and Jared as well as making the other men rivals. Things had settled so fast and easily on Sandeenai that Chaos just didn’t think about using it on Earth.

“What’s so funny, Chaos?” Serenity asked as she once again peeked in to see what her brother was doing.

“Oh, just watching our friends on Earth. It seems they are doing my job for me and creating chaos within the Circle by fighting over which of the men will win Debra’s hand.” Chaos stepped aside and let Serenity see what was going on. “See what I mean?”

Serenity frowned; one more thing that Debra would have to overcome. “I think it will resolve itself sooner than you like, brother. I came to ask you for a few more days for Sandeenai’s Circle so that those on Earth could get settled.”

“Oh, I give it freely, Serenity. I’m enjoying myself watching things unfold.” Chaos said and turned back to watching Debra and the others.

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