Champions of Serenity: Destiny Fulfilled

Chapter Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Twenty Nine

“Drianne, if you don’t let us see her, we will find a way to break your branches and pull her out.” Shrina said with real anger.

Within the protective shielding of the Dryad’s branches, Tris stirred finally. She looked into the worried eyes of her heart sister and nodded softly. “It’s alright, Drianne, it’s time to finish the ceremony.” Her voice sounded harsh and weak in her own ears.

The weeping birch branches moved and some reached high to pull down a slight breeze to help Tris feel a little better. Standing just outside the protective ring of branches paced Noshtra and the others of the Circle. Tris coughed a moment, her whole body wracked with the simple effort. She didn’t need to see the horror on the faces of her family to know she didn’t look good. Bracing her hands on the ground, Tris tried to rise and found that after the four days of purging, she didn’t have the strength.

Airidon gently lifted Tris to her feet when he saw she couldn’t stand on her own. She looked transparent; her skin was papery and dry with a grayish tone to it. She was more skeleton than person and he was afraid that even his gentlest touch would break her fragile appearing frame. “Tris?” He asked, fear and worry coloring his voice and making it almost as harsh as her own in her ears.

“I need to get back to the cave first. I have to walk on my own feet to finish this.” She whispered and holding on to his arm, she slowly stumbled her way from Drianne’s glade to the Circle’s cave.

“What kind of stupid Demon thing is this that demands you almost kill yourself with four days of starvation?” Shrina demanded as she followed behind Tris. When Jehro hit the back of her head, she turned and glared at him. “Don’t tell me you don’t want to know either, because I know you have been going nuts not being able to reach her mind through Drianne’s protective ring.”

Korol rolled his eyes and stepped up to Tris’s other side and carefully took her other arm to help her on her journey. He whispered to Tris as they led the small parade back to the cave. “If you wanted to be like me, Leader Tris, there are easier ways than half killing yourself, a sip from the Favie as it runs through a special valley in the Shadow-dream Mountains for one.”

Tris looked up at him and gave him a ghost of a smile and then started another coughing fit as she tried to take a breath to respond. She finally was able to speak, but again, her voice was extremely weak. “Korolwyn, you are an imp.”

Once they got inside the cave, Airidon helped Tris to sit in her normal place and Tyra offered her a water skin. Tris looked at the skin and shook her head. She reached into her cloak and pulled a black bottle from her pocket. The bottle was covered in a wire mesh and she had to struggle to get the wooden plug out of the mouth. When the others would have helped her, she shook her head. “I must have the strength on my own to finish, or…it won’t end well.” She said and the others watched as she struggled to do the simplest of tasks.

When the plug was gone, she dropped the wooden stopper into the flames and whispered something the others didn’t hear. “I proclaim weakness overcome and return strength to the nation.” Then she took a deep drink of the spicy crimson liquid within the bottle. She allowed a single drop to spill from her mouth and roll down to her chin before she wiped it away. When she looked at it, she was impassive. It lacked the bluish glow to it that blood had but to the others watching her, that is what it would appear to be.

“Tris?” Fini asked again, shuddering at watching her take a drink of something that smelled and looked like blood.

“I must finish this wine, Finbrahner, then the ceremony will be over and I can eat and regain my strength.” Her voice was stronger and some of the papery quality in her skin was fading to a more healthy cream.

“This is all ceremonial? What happened to you, Tris? Who was that man you killed in Saldowns? Why did all those Demons appear to keep us all out?” Airidon asked, searching his mate’s eyes for some kind of answers to why she almost killed herself.

With another long drink of the special wine, Tris felt more strength return to her. She took a long, cleansing breath and didn’t cough this time. “Yes, Airidon, it is part of a ceremony.” She looked around at all of her family’s faces and sighed softly. She dropped her eyes to the fire and watched the flames dancing on the burning logs as she took another drink. Just a few more long drinks and the bottle would be empty and would join the wooden plug in the flames.

“It’s called the Sibling Sacrificial Ceremony. To prevent inbreeding within the Demon nation, Demons poison their blood against blood relatives. It’s done at birth and is instinctual. As siblings grow, there are fights between them to destroy the weak Demons thus insuring that only the strong survived to breed.

“The man in Saldowns was my brother, half-brother, and one term older than I am. Both of my parents had other children, I am the only child of both of them together. Jarqukis, the man I killed in Saldowns, was half-Demon as well, only his other half was human. It isn’t uncommon to find half Demon half human mixes and some of them even survive the ceremony to breed.

“The other Demons were there to witness the fight and to ensure it was done correctly and then to take the news with them to the Demon nation that a weak Demon was destroyed and a strong Demon has passed the trials and is now given the permission to breed. To finish the ceremony, the survivor must purge what was devoured in the fight to mourn the loss of a Demon and then must drink this specific wine to acknowledge that a strong Demon joins the nation.”

Tris didn’t look up from the flames, afraid of what she would see in the faces of her family. She had tried so hard to keep her Demon side from them, so they wouldn’t have to deal with all the details that make most races fear and loath the Demon race. The memory of what their reactions were when they found out what her heritage was still stung from time to time, especially when she needed to use her Demon side and she saw them all flinch or cringe just a little from her when that happened. She didn’t want to see their revulsion this time.

“I’m sorry you had to witness it.” She said softly and closed her eyes, taking an even longer drink than normal, finishing off half of what was left in the black bottle.

A hand fell on her shoulder. “Trisinda Jaqukwen, you have the oddest notion of us. Even before we knew of your duel heritage, we made a place for you in our hearts, which will never change, no matter what you do. Yes, we were predictably surprised when we learned of your Demon side. So we went to Catira to find the prophecy that would force you to stay with us, even when you couldn’t stand yourself for what you perceive to have done wrong. Our blood will never be poisoned against you, sister, ever. So finish your ceremony, eat something, and then we will plan our next strike on Handsome.”

One hand became six hands and a cold nose. Tris opened her eyes, finally, to see them all gathered around her, the only thing on their faces and in their eyes were concern. She didn’t know what to say or think, this was beyond anything she had ever experienced. She reached for Debra and asked her to help her understand and express the swelling in her heart that made her want to cry but she wasn’t sad.

She took several breaths and made just as many false starts as the knowledge flew from Debra to her. They watched as she struggled with the emotions that were overwhelming her and they finally understood just how difficult it was for Tris to understand and express something they had all had their entire life and she only a very short time.

“Thank you.” She finally said, her voice thick and her blue eyes sparkling with unshed tears. They all nodded and return to their seats. She finished the bottle of wine and threw it into the flames and watched as it melted in the heat of the fire and vanished. Then she accepted the plate of cooked and seasoned vegetables and some bread and a cup of tea and fed her body to finish regaining her strength.

Chaos sat back as he watched this. He really needed to learn more about Demons to help him figure out Tris a little more. But Debra had also been affected by this so he took a moment to check on her and see if she was any better as well.

Debra sat on the couch in her living room, wrapped in a blanket and staring at the wall. She had been like this for almost a week and no one had been able to break her out of the trance.

Karen walked in from her classes, glanced over at the couch, sighed and shrugged as Jared and Grant followed behind her. “Told ya she would still be out to lunch.”

Jared sat down next to her again, to once again try to reach her mind. When he touched her thoughts, he found not the turmoil of darkness like before, but a slow awakening like a butterfly coming from a chrysalis. “Debra?” He asked out loud.

Debra blinked and very slowly turned her head to meet his eyes. “Jared.” She whispered and let go with a deep sigh.

Karen and Grant both stared and then Karen gave a happy shout. “You are back. How do you feel?” She asked her friend and roommate.

Again, very slowly, as if testing out new muscles, Debra moved, stretching and adjusting her stiff and sore body. “I don’t know yet.” Bracing herself, she slowly stood up and tested her body’s weight on her legs. “I think I’ve just been given permission by the Demon nation to mate and breed.” She said, slightly confused. “I don’t know why I had to have that as well as Tris, but I suppose that if I needed them the Demons would answer to my call here as well as on Sandeenai. I will have to figure out how that works though.” She slowly walked into the kitchen, being held up by both Grant and Jared and then sat down at the counter on a barstool.

The front door opened without a knock and Phil walked in. He looked at the couch first, not finding Debra there he panicked a moment until he found her sitting at the counter taking a cup of tea from Karen and sipping it. “Debra, are you okay?” He asked, smiling as Grant stepped aside so Phil could have his place next to her.

“I haven’t figured that out yet, Phil. Give me a chance to get something to eat and clear my head.” She started as a black plate appeared before her and she looked at the roasted meats on the plate with trepidation. Closing her eyes, she picked up a steaming piece with the black fork and took a small bite. A shudder passed through her body.

“Debra?” Phil asked, his voice sharp with worry.

Debra shook her head and those there watched as she forced herself to finish everything on the plate. Then the plate vanished and a black bottle appeared. She lifted it and drank from it, again having to force herself to do it and not throw it up.

When the black bottle vanished, Debra took another deep breath. She spoke out loud so that the others could hear what she was saying to Tris. “If you ever do that to me again, Tris, I swear I will come up with something so vile it will have your entire being trembling in fear. And I don’t care if it was necessary for you, it wasn’t for me and yet I had to do it as well.”

Laughter from behind them caused the five of the Circle present to turn swiftly, standing and ready for anything. There stood someone no one knew, he looked almost skeletal and yet there was refinement about his pale skin and red eyes. “My lady Debra, it wasn’t Tris that made you go through the ceremony, it was me. Allow me to present myself to you all, I am Mhahluh, god of sacrifice, art, and Demons. I tried to make it a little more palatable for you; I didn’t want you to suffer from it, more than necessary.”

“Mhahluh? But, why did you want me to go through that? I don’t understand.” Debra said, glancing quickly at her friends to see if they understood it any better.

“Because, my dear Lady Debra, you are part of what gives Tris her strength, and as my former daughter that I have given to Serenity, I wanted to bless both parts of her life. That meant taking you into the Demon nation as well and giving you the same rights and privileges as Tris has. Don’t worry, child, you won’t have to do anything else so completely Demon again. Just don’t be too surprised when you have unexpected visitors and are able to call upon them when you need a little extra boost.” He started to leave and then turned back to her with a softer smile this time. “There is one more thing, Lady Debra.” He whispered something softly in the air and closed the distance between them, gently wrapping his skeletal hands around her shoulders. “Yes, it is there, but it needs to be drawn out, not hidden any longer. I gift you, Debra, for a second time, and you will discover this gift is already present but now it will not be denied.” He kissed her faintly on the forehead and then left just as abruptly as he came.

Debra took a staggering step backwards and almost fell but Phil caught her. She clung to him a moment as she regained her focus. “Debra?” Phil asked again, he felt he was saying that a lot lately.

“I don’t know, Phil.” Debra said, her voice awed. “Wow, we just met another of the gods of Sandeenai. It really does make it more real that this isn’t just some kind of dream or fantasy.”

“Jared, Grant?” Karen asked, discovering that they had also stumbled backwards and with no one to catch them, fell on the floor. Debra turned and knelt in front of them both, checking them out with her magic.

“Phil, call the others in the Circle and see if any of them have also just fallen over for some unknown reason.” Debra said and then heard his voice as he did as she asked. She smiled at the two men and chuckled softly. “I guess I wasn’t the only one hit by the “art” whammy.”

“Darin and Mike both scared Emily as they fell over while trying to load the dishwasher.” Phil reported when he returned. “Do you know what caused it?”

“Yes, Phil, Mhahluh gifted those of us within the Circle with artistic talents with a little more talent in our chosen areas. I guess you and Karen and Emily’s talents don’t lie in the creative sectors.” Debra said still in slight shock.

Unknownst to the Circle and even by those who were watching the Circles, another also fell down without explanation as she was getting ready for bed for the night. She didn’t think anything about it, kicking a shoe out of the way, before climbing into her bunk.

Chaos sat back and frowned. “Serenity?” He called out softly and wasn’t too surprised to find her answering his call quickly. “I just watched Mhahluh give gifts to the Circle on Earth, directly. Is that allowed?”

Serenity took a look at what bothered Chaos and then smiled. “Chaos, each of the gods and goddesses are allowed to bestow their gifts as they wish. Father granted us all that ability. The only thing the others are not allowed to do with my champions is curse them or harm them. Now then, if that is all you wanted to discuss?”

Chaos shook his head. “No, I think I’ve found Meckin. But I can’t get there to find out if it’s true or not. I don’t even know if you can, but I thought I would tell you in case you could.”

“Where?” Serenity asked simply, wanting the return of her champion and child to her as quickly as possible.

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