Champions of Serenity: Destiny Fulfilled

Chapter Chapter Thirty Four

Chapter 34

“Tris?” The voice was soft yet it pulled her from her thoughts. She looked up from the plans of Hades as drawn by Meckin into his deep brown eyes.

“Yes, Meckin?” She responded. Her braid was resting on her shoulder, obscuring her star, the blue, green, and purple braided thong holding it together hung like streamers to her waist.

He held out the mug of tea to her and brought her attention to the rest of the Circle sitting around the fire sipping their own evening drink. “I just thought you would like something to distract you from whatever has you frowning.”

She took the cup with a slight smile and a nod. “Thank you.” She looked around the Circle again. They were in the no man’s land between Galogosch and Hades. She took a deep breath and let it out before taking a sip of the cooling tea.

“We are only a day away from Handsome’s stronghold. We know from the birds that Meckin has been able to speak with, as well as the earth as Airidon and Fini have spoken to her, that he is waiting for us with an army large enough to darken the entire valley. We have Meckin’s plans to get in without being seen and Korol has verified it’s accurate.” Tris said, staring into her mug. The leaves of the tea swirled on the top slowly to her breathing and then floated away as she tipped her cup for a drink. As long as there was liquid in the mug, the leaves would find a way to escape their fate of being swallowed.

“So what’s the problem?” Tyra asked softly, hearing the note in Tris’s voice that said something just didn’t fit. She wondered what was so fascinating in the mug of tea that Tris seemed to be studying it rather than paying attention to the conversation.

“There is something I’m missing. I don’t know what it is, but every fiber of my being is telling me there is something vital I am missing in this plan.” Tris said softly, drained her cup and set it down. “Well, I’m not going to dwell on it right this minute. I have something for each of you.”

She reached into her cloak and pulled out her sewing project. She had been working on it all summer and refused to explain what it was every time she was asked. It was made from the blue silk that Shrina had given to her after taking Galogosch. The first bundle was tied with a simple brown cord and she pulled it open and whispered something softly before handing one to each of her circle.

“Secure these on your right side.” She said simply and watched as each of them slid the pouches onto their belts on their right side. “When we first met, Shrelannasha demanded answers about my cloak and how I was able to pull what I needed from empty pockets. She asked if she could try it someday. I give you that magic now. This pouch holds provisions, food, water, medicines, herbs and such. When you need something, you reach in, wish for it, and it’s there. If you want to store such items inside, you place them inside and wish them safe and you will then be the only person who can retrieve them.”

Then she pulled another bundle of pouches tied with a green cord from her pocket and freed them. “This one goes on your left side.” She said as she handed one to each of them. “This one works the same way, only it holds what you need to survive other than food; blankets, changes of clothing, weapons, money, fire starters, whatever is needed to provide for your needs and comforts. The magic will never fade and it answers only to who I gave it to. As you can see, the pouch is in my color, but the threads are in your colors. Before you ask, size and amount isn’t an issue, it will simply fit. To others, it will appear to be nothing more than a scrap of cloth turned into an empty pouch. If it is ever lost or stolen, it will find its way back to you.”

Shrina’s eyes went round with excitement and she tried them both as soon as she learned what they were. Her giggle sounded in the fading light of day and it was only silenced when she bit into a crisp red apple like Tris ate in the first days. “This is the best gift I ever got, Tris. Thanks!” She said and turned her attention to loading the one on the left with all her extra daggers for safe keeping.

“How does it work?” Tyra asked softly, taking an apple of her own out of the pouch on her right side.

“When I was young, I needed to find a way to carry what I needed without taking a huge pack that would get in the way when I fought the beasts from the frozen wastes. I played around with many different ideas and then spoke to Drianne about how she stored items in her tree without appearing to be more than just a tree. She told me it was in her blood and soul. She explained that the more closed minded she was, the less space she had for saving things important to her. I thought about it and stitched my blood and soul into my cloak, while keeping my mind open to the possibilities and what happened was the pockets. Magic will define itself if your mind is open to what is important and possible. I have made you part of my family, as you have made me part of your family, my magic recognizes that and allows itself to be shared.” Tris said as she sat by the flames and watched them dance in their bed. She really didn’t notice or care how eerie and strange it made her look, half in shadow and half in a lurid red-yellow light.

“Does that mean I have to start eating meat raw or living, Leader Tris?” Korol said, a half-grin on his face.

“What are you talking about, Korolwyn?” Tris asked, startled from her thoughts by the question.

“You said we were part of your family. I was asking if that made us part Demon or part Elf.” Korol answered.

Tris stared at Korol until he started to fidget in his place. “It makes you my brother, Korolwyn; it doesn’t change your race.” The Circle watched as the look changed on Tris’s face suddenly.

Korol whispered softly, not wanting to trigger one another of Tris’s hard stares. “Must be talking to Debra.” The Circle on Sandeenai now knew the names of all their counters and shared little thoughts about their counters as the ones on Earth were doing. Just as Earth Circle was doing, the Circle on Sandeenai was starting to find it odd not to use some of the information and skills from their counters to help make things easier.

A small chuckle came from Tris and then she stood up and held out her hand to Airidon. “We’ll be right back.” Airidon shrugged and stood, accepting Tris’s hand and walked into the darkness with her.

When they were far enough away from the others, they stopped. “We are here, Serenity.” Tris said softly and suddenly there was a third person with them.

“My children, I am sorry that I have not been able to spend more time with you. I am very pleased with you and how you are handling the challenges you are called upon to face.”

Airidon wasn’t sure what to say. He kept looking between Tris and Serenity, wondering what was going on.

“In other words, she doesn’t interfere with you the way I do with my servants.” Another voice said and Airidon whirled, his eyes narrowing at Chaos. “Oh do try not to be too ignorant, Airidon. With Serenity standing right there do you really think I’m going to try some mischief?”

“I think that you would try whatever you can get away with.” Airidon growled and kept a hand on the hilt of the blade at his waist and his eyes carefully on the god.

Serenity laughed. “I see my son knows you well, Chaos. The reason I asked you both to meet with me here is because Chaos has decided to use one of his promised powers in regards to you. I will allow him to explain, but it will effect what happens next and you two need to be aware of it, it’s one of the rules about Chaos doing this action.”

“Oh sure, make me the bad guy in this.” Chaos said and then adjusted his scarlet and grape robes a little under the heaviness of the stares from both Tris and Airidon. “Fine, I suppose you would think of it as being the bad guy, but it’s my nature to make sure things aren’t too easy for you.”

Chaos walked in a small circle for a minute and then shrugged and turned back. “It’s pretty simple; Tris won’t be fighting Dreybrenic tomorrow. Don’t worry, Airidon, his petty spell about tying his name to being able to locate you doesn’t work on me. The others cannot know she won’t be with them. Follow your plans, as you outlined in the four pronged attack, but you, Airidon, won’t have Tris at your back, you will be alone. When you all get to Dreybrenic’s chambers, she will be able to join you then, but only as a witness to his demise. If she wields any weapon against Dreybrenic or his men, your whole Circle will fail and you’ll be sent back to the beginning.”

“Sent back to the beginning? What, exactly, does that mean, Chaos?” Airidon asked, his eyes narrowed, his hand tightening on his sword handle.

“It means that the prophecy will rewind time back to before you were all aware of each other. Everything you have experienced in the past year will have to be experienced all over again, only this time with some changes that only the gods will know about, and you will have to fulfill the prophecy all over again.” Chaos said simply and Serenity’s silent sigh and nod reinforced Chaos’s words.

Tris and Airidon looked at each other, both of them thinking about everything they had been through, personally and as a Circle. “I will sit out then and we will not tell the others.” Tris said simply. When Airidon made a small noise in the back of his throat, Tris looked at him. “I will not put the others through hell a second time just to feel my blade slicing through Handsome’s flesh and tasting his blood. I will not risk my family for a single moment’s pleasure.” Tris said and watched as Airidon accepted it and slowly nodded his acceptance.

Then Tris turned to Chaos. “If you had not chosen to play this advantage, I would have been able to be part of the fight, protected my family, and most likely would have been the one to destroy your servant. This is true; I can see it in your face. Very well, play your advantage and I will sit out. However, Chaos, this will not be forgotten and if any of my Circle is harmed during this battle I am forced to sit out of, it will not be forgiven. I trust you understand that and I’m speaking it so there won’t be any confusion or loopholes later.”

Serenity smiled at Chaos as if Tris had just confirmed everything she had told him before. “I will meet you tomorrow, Trisinda, to be with you during the battle. You will not have to watch alone and you will have a witness to what happens in the battle.”

Chaos lifted a hand to Tris and then dropped it when he saw the hint of green in her very blue eyes. “Good luck tomorrow, Airidon. I’m looking forward to the end of my servant in this battle. He’s proven a disappointment to me.” Then Chaos vanished. Serenity gave her two leaders one last look and then vanished as well.

Airidon looked at Tris. “What do we tell the others?”

Tris smiled and hooked her arm through that of her lover’s. “We tell them we took a walk to get a little private time for some, as Shrelannasha would say, ‘hot sex before the battle’ and let them have a laugh at our expense. They won’t worry then about tomorrow and what we will be facing.”

Airidon’s laughter was heard in the camp before they were seen. “What were you guys doing for so long?” Korol asked as the two leaders made their appearance back at camp.

“Tomorrow we face Handsome on his home ground. I needed to relax a little so I wouldn’t be so tense, so I took Airidon out for a little stress relief.” Tris said as she sat back down. She then pulled a flask of wine from her cloak and took a sip before handing it to Airidon, who was still blushing.

“About time you fessed up to some hot sex, Tris.” Shrina said and grinned at the shocked look on the faces of everyone else. “I wouldn’t mind some myself right about now. Anyone else want a quick roll in the hay before battle?”

Jehro looked confused and Korol watched Jehro a moment. “Tris, you don’t feel like someone who has just had sex? You feel like someone who is facing something unpleasant. What’s really going on?” Jehro asked mentally.

“I would suggest you all get some sleep. Tomorrow decides the fate of Sandeenai forever.” Tris said out loud and curled up in her cloak and went to sleep. She didn’t answer Jehro and his frown grew as he felt her mind go into that sleep mode of random colors and no thoughts.

“What’s the problem, Jehro?” Korol asked, still the only one who noted the frown on the Chameling’s face. Jehro met Korol’s eyes and shook his head. “Why don’t I believe that?”

The fire burned down low in the circle of stones. Most of the Circle was asleep and still Jehro sat up and watched Tris carefully. He couldn’t tell anything from her sleeping mind and he knew she was lying about what she and Airidon were doing alone. If he had to guess, they had received some bad news and were trying to bury it.

When the sky started to lighten with the coming of Dawn, Tris sat up without saying anything and returned Jehro’s stare. “I’m not going to tell you, Jehrones, so you might as well get some rest before battle.” She said simply and stood, leaving the group for her own private mission.

Fresh meat roasting over the fire woke everyone else a couple of hours later. Tris was sitting at the fire, slowly pouring wine over the cooking meat, watching the flames drinking in the fat and liquid greedily. The small pig was golden and the outer flesh had a crisp skin.

“Tris?” Fini asked, sitting next to her and just watching her slowly turning the spit and pouring the wine over the roasting meat. He carefully touched her arm and she blinked a moment, pulling herself away from her thoughts. “Are you feeling okay, Tris?”

“I’m fine, Finbrahner. I hunted well this morning and saved this little morsel for you to share.” She smiled, the sun and fire both glinting off her very white and sharp teeth at that moment. “Would you care for a sample?” She set down the wine and picked up a knife, testing the meat and then pulling it from the fire to rest a moment before carefully slicing a small piece for Fini to taste. “What do you think of my cooking?”

Fini took the piece of meat from the tip of Tris’s knife and smelled it first before putting it in his mouth. He moaned softly and rolled his eyes. “Oh gods, Tris, if you could cook like this, why haven’t you taken a turn before now?” He finally said after savoring the piece of meat. “And Chaos thinks I’m the good cook. You all have got to try this.”

Tris smiled and gave her seat to Fini to serve up the roasted pork. “While you are all eating, let me map out what is going to happen this morning. As I was enjoying a savory little bite in the shadows outside of Handsome’s main gates, I learned a few things. The river entrance was caved in last night, so that way is out now; apparently there were footsteps in the dust that didn’t belong there. So, here is what we are going to do. It’s a little more risky, but in the end, I think it’s the better option.”

Pulling out the maps of Hades, inside and out, Tris had all their attention even as they were savoring the food she had cooked for them. “We go in on the four approaches, two for each approach, one high the other low. Inside, it will be a race to see who gets to the main chamber where Handsome will be. Whoever gets there first gets to kill him in whatever manner he or she feels best. Any questions so far?”

She looked around at the stunned faces. No one said anything, so she continued. “Meckin and Korolwyn, I will spell you to the western face, who wants high and who wants low?” She looked at the two in question as they decided. “Alright then, Meckin gets the second story balcony and Korolwyn gets the deep shadows by the women’s garden door. Finbrahner and Tyrandeannah, you two will be on the eastern face.” She didn’t have to ask, Fini said he didn’t want to be high. “Tyrandeannah, you get the roof, by the observatory entrance and Finbrahner, you will be in the basement just above the dungeons in the storage areas.”

“I’ll take low, Tris.” Jehro said before she could continue as he took more of the roasted pork. “This is wonderful, did you have help from Debra?”

“No, Jehrones, I didn’t. And as you want the low, Shrelannasha will be high on the southern face. Shrelannasha, you will be on the third floor balcony outside Handsome’s library and work rooms. Jehrones, you will be by the sluice gate that controls the moat levels. Airidon and I will take the northern face, he at the gate and I will be going in through women’s chambers.” She looked around and saw them each contemplating the maps and which one would be closest to Dreybrenic in the center chamber, trying to figure out who would have the pleasure of the actual kill of their personal nemesis.

Tris looked up into the sky. The sun was just approaching its zenith and the blue was pale almost grey as autumn was putting the world to sleep for a season to heal and rest for a new beginning at winter’s end. It was a time to harvest and gather in all for the harsh winter. It was a good time for the man known as Dreybrenic Greshinea to die, a fitting time, a fitting season, a fitting manner.

“Get your weapons ready. I want to be back home for dinner.” Tris said softly, signaling the beginning of the end.

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