Champions of Serenity: Destiny Fulfilled

Chapter Chapter Sixteen

Chapter 16

Dreybrenic was sitting in his throne, pondering what his next move against Tris was going to be. As foretold by Sheagnek, he had lost all of his men in that cursed forest and Tris had lost nothing but her peace of mind. Soon she would strike back, but when and where?

Below him, carved into the marble of the floor, was a map of Sandeenai. He contemplated the different towns and cities and villages. The ruins of Savine still smoked and his servants had taken to walking around the image of the burning town. Would they attempt Meckadon? Or Trinthalas? Or would they start smaller and maybe try for Jentro or Tealshire?

A woman rushed into the chamber and fell down on her face before Dreybrenic. He stared at the map a moment before acknowledging her presence with a flick of his finger.

“The labor pains have started, My Lord. Jessie will give birth within the day.” The woman said, keeping her face pointed to the floor.

Dreybrenic smiled slowly and told the woman to bring him news when the babes were born. Then he stood and retired to his workroom. Slowly he undressed, savoring what was going to happen this day. He rubbed rose oil into his skin and made sure there was plenty of sweet cream, sweet breads, fruit, and wine ready for the goddess. Then he took the stick of cherry wood from its holder and lit it from the fire. He walked over, chanting an invitation to Sheagnek as he lit the bayberry candle. A clear flame burned for a moment and then went out leaving the wick untouched and virgin white.

Sheagnek heard and watched a moment to find out why Dreybrenic would ask for her presence and then nodded when she saw Jessie’s labor. Setting aside the mosaic she was working on, she got up and went to Dreybrenic’s work room. She appeared behind him and smiled at his oiled body and the display of sweets to tempt her.

Running her finger along his spine, she whispered in his ear. “Yes, Dreybrenic, you called me?”

Dreybrenic shivered and smiled at the light touch. He turned and invited the goddess to enjoy anything he had to offer. As she walked around him and then over to the sweets, he studied her wondering what her next move would be.

“Jessie has started her labor. My children are about to be born. Are you ready with your part of the deal?”

Sheagnek laughed and ran a cream coated strawberry along his chest and then licked the cream and juice from his rose scented flesh with a curled tongue. “But of course, my dear Dreybrenic. I have kept my promises to you so far, haven’t I?”

Dreybrenic tried to maintain control, but his body was betraying him. He longed to reach out and take her in his arms and ravish her with wild abandon. The goddess’s delicious laugh at his body’s reaction was enough to drive him out of his skin.

“Yes, My Lady Sheagnek, you have. May I be allowed to pleasure you while we wait for the birth of my children?” His voice trembled with desire as she toyed with him. When she consented he took her in his arms and drew her into a pile of warm furs he had provided for their comfort.

A fire in the middle of the room kept it warm and provided light for the midwives. Jessie was being supported by two of them as she paced the room, breathing hard, sweat covering her naked body. Meeting the eyes of her two handmaidens, she nodded and they raced from the room to prepare for their escape. The others didn’t even seem to notice the flight of the two girls.

“Breath, Lady Jessie, breath, it will make it so much easier. Take tiny, short breaths, through the mouth and then one long cleansing breath through the nose and out the mouth. That’s right, My Lady, keep the breathing going.” The older of the two women guiding Jessie spoke calmly and gently as she led her through the walking.

“I’m tired and thirsty, Mayven, please, can’t I have something to sip at least? And can’t I rest; my feet are aching with each step.” Jessie tried not to whine but it was hard to keep that note from her voice.

“Not yet, My Lady, it wouldn’t be good for you or the babies to allow you water right now. And you must keep walking, the pain would be so much greater were you to lie down. Trust me, My Lady; I have helped many a woman bring children into this world.”

Mayven gestured and one of the other girls brought her a damp rag. She soothed Jessie’s thick black hair away from her face and wiped some of the sweat from her body. Dropping the cloth as a contraction rippled Jessie’s stomach, Mayven held on tightly as she doubled over with a scream.

“That’s right, that’s a good girl; let the pain out with a scream. Now, walk it out, another will come soon.” Mayven soothed, gesturing for another damp cloth. As the hours passed, Mayven talked the young woman through the pains of labor, walking until she thought they would all drop from exhaustion. Then the water broke and it was time to help the babies into the world.

Gently guiding Jessie back between two sturdy poles, Mayven instructed her to squat. The muscles in Jessie’s thighs protested the work they were asked to do and almost refused to hold her weight. Snapping her fingers, one of the other girls came forward and started rubbing a sweet smelling ointment into the trembling flesh, giving it some comfort.

Screaming, Jessie’s whole body collapsed under a contraction. “Help her up, you fools.” Mayven said, rushing to add her strength to Jessie. “Help her to the warm pool; she is not strong enough to be using the birthing poles.”

Jessie was half dragged and half walked to a thigh deep pool and guided into laying back and allowing her body to float. Warm water lapped over and caressed her tired body, relaxing her a moment. Then another contraction hit and she gripped the sides of the pool and screamed. Her body bucked in the water but didn’t completely sink.

Mayven smiled and climbed into the pool as well, parting Jessie’s legs and checking for signs of the infants. “Prepare warm towels and blankets, now. The first is crowning. Now, Jessie, when the next contraction comes, I need you to push. Push with all your might, mind, and body, and don’t stop until I tell you to.”

With her hands between Jessie’s legs, Mayven waited and then yelled to Jessie to push and reached into guide the head out. “Very good, Jessie, one more push…now.” Mayven took hold of the tiny shoulders as they emerged from her mother’s body. As the cord came free, Mayven held up the girl child for all to see. Then she slapped it on the butt until tiny cries filled the air. Picking up the sharpened dagger and using a quick practiced move, she cut the cord and called for towels and blankets. Wrapping the child securely, she handed the child to the nearest handmaiden.

Turning her attention back to Jessie, Mayven saw the second head about to push through. “Now, Jessie, push again, now.” Jessie screamed and bore down with all her might. Blood and mucus from the womb turned the clear pool pink and cloudy. Mayven placed her hands on either side of the second child’s head and helped guide him out. “Once again, Jessie, give us a long hard push.”

Shoulders slipped out and this time Mayven didn’t wait for the cord to follow, but pulled the infant from the water, bringing the cord with her. She held up the male child and heard ragged cries from some of the women as he took his first breath and let go with a scream of displeasure.

“That’s My Lord’s son alright.” One of the women said softly to her neighbor and both shared a smile.

Mayven didn’t hear or chose not to acknowledge the comment as she cut the cord and wrapped the body in warm towels and blankets and handed him to another handmaiden. Then she turned back to Jessie. “Okay, My Lady, I need you to push again.”

“But there were only two.” Jessie complained weakly. Her whole body was trembling from the effort it had gone through to bring the two handsome children into the world.

“I know, my dear, and it isn’t another child you must deliver, but the birthing sacks are still inside of you. If we don’t get them out, they will fester and you will sicken and die. Do you want to leave your children at the mercy of strange women?” Mayven’s voice was gentle as she explained what needed to be done.

Without saying another word, Jessie pushed, allowing the weight of the water to drag her body down with the effort. She felt something slipping between her legs and then a sense of peace stole over her. “Name my daughter Shendra Felias Wrintas. My son is to be named by his father when he has seen him.” Jessie said and allowed herself to be lifted from the water, washed, and dressed in soft robes of cotton.

“It will be as you say, My Lady.” Mayven said and helped the exhausted Jessie into bed. “But you are not yet done, My Lady. Here, sip this, it will help.” Mayven held a cup of cool water to Jessie’s lips and allowed her a few swallows before removing it. Then she pulled open the robe and exposed the swollen breasts. She put first the daughter into her arms and showed her how to feed the infant. Then while the first was still suckling, she helped Jessie hold the second in the other arm and feed her son. “It is trickier with twins, but soon you will be able to feed one at a time. Or perhaps My Lord will provide you with wet nurses to help you. But for these first few days, they need the special protection only your milk can give them. You and the children will be secluded for a week and then you will be announced to the world.”

Mayven then left the mother and her children alone to eat and then sleep after their long ordeal. She went to the main chamber and found Dreybrenic sitting on his throne, a sated look on his face. She kept her thoughts behind her teeth, resenting all the work that girl had gone through for him and he was with another woman while she suffered and almost died. It wasn’t hard to keep him from knowing of her disgust of him from him as her face was pressed into the floor awaiting his acknowledgement.

“Jessie has been delivered of two children, first born was her daughter named Shendra Felias Wrintas. Second born was her son, to be named by you My Lord, as is custom for Jessie’s people.” Mayven said when she received acknowledgement.

“Let my son be named Nivalle Greshinea. When she comes from seclusion, I wish to see Jessie and the children.”

Mayven bowed again as she left the chamber and returned to Jessie’s side. She lifted the sleeping babes from the arms of their mother and laid them in cradles near her. Jessie, free of the infants in her arms, stretched out, relaxing the muscles that had been so abused during the day. Drawing closed the curtains around the bed; Mayven prayed that somehow before the week was up, Jessie would have found a way to make good her escape from Lord Greshinea.

Sheagnek looked in on the sleeping woman and smiled. Then she looked at the two infants and the smile softened. Reaching out, she touched the silken black curls on the daughter’s head and then delicately traced contour of the son’s face. Both had the black locks of their parents but their beauty came from the love of their mother.

“Don’t worry, my dear Jessie, all will be as it must. Fear not, you shall soon find peace in the halls of Serenity.” Sheagnek whispered. Then the goddess picked up the sleeping girl child and bore it away without anyone the wiser.

“No!” Screamed Jessie when she awoke to find her Shendra was gone. Her scream brought all the women running to find out what the anguish was. Jessie stumbled from her bed, throwing bedding around searching for her infant daughter. “Who took her? Where is she?” Jessie sobbed.

Mayven was horrified when she looked into the empty cradle. Nivalle was still there, sleeping peacefully, but Shendra was indeed missing. For a moment, Mayven took her attention away from Jessie in a silent prayer to whatever god or goddess had taken the child away and prayed for continued safety for the girl.

“Mayven!” one of the women screamed and the midwife spun around. Jessie was balanced on the edge of the window, screaming for the loss of her daughter. Below Jessie was a cliff and then jagged rocks and the swift current from the mountain to Klinock Lake.

“My Lady, step back. You mustn’t abandon your son. We will find your daughter, but your son, Nivalle, he needs you. Please, My Lady, take my hand.” Mayven walked slowly toward Jessie, hoping her voice and out stretched hand wouldn’t frighten the distraught woman.

“He can’t be my son. Don’t you see, Dreybrenic would never allow it. My only hope was in my daughter. Now she is gone, there is nothing left for me. Tell Nivalle, when he is old enough, that I did love him.” Without warning or another word, Jessie jumped off the window and allowed the ground to pull her to her death on the sharp rocks below. Mayven watched as the river tore the girl’s body into strips and washed it down to the lake and from there, to the ocean.

Mayven pointed to the woman she liked the less and told her to inform Lord Greshinea about his missing daughter and Jessie’s death. The woman trembled, knowing as well as everyone there that it could mean her death, but she bowed and went to tell Dreybrenic the news.

Dreybrenic sat in his throne in silence for a moment. This wasn’t what he expected; he had been double crossed by Sheagnek. He wasn’t sure how, but he would get even with her. Trancing down, he reached for the small part of his soul he entrusted to his daughter while she was still in the womb. He didn’t know where she was, but he felt her safe and happy. Opening his eyes, he looked at the terrified woman still on her face. “Thank you, you may go. Get a wet nurse for my son and bring him to me. I want him by my side at all times so he won’t vanish like his sister.”

The woman scurried from the room, grateful for her life. Racing to the women’s chambers, she told them what Dreybrenic had ordered. Mayven picked up the cradle holding the sleeping Nivalle and kissed his forehead. “Always remember, son, your mother loved you.” She then carried the cradle to Dreybrenic while others were sent to get a wet nurse.

Dreybrenic looked upon his sleeping son and smiled. “We must find your sister, my son, and bring her home. That will be your quest, when you are old enough. Until then, grow strong and fulfill your promise.”

“I see your son is born, Dreybrenic.”

Dreybrenic scowled at the voice coming from behind him. He smoothed his face and straightened, facing Chaos. “Yes and his sister is gone and his mother is dead. Just as you directed.”

“No, I didn’t direct that, Dreybrenic. I told you to allow Jessie to leave with her daughter. But you chose to ignore it and now your daughter is lost to you and Jessie is dead. I don’t pity you your fate for not listening to me, yet again. I hear that Finbrahner Brackwren is very fierce when he is angered and now that he has the gifts of Serenity, he will be even that more dangerous.” Chaos spread his hands and tilted his head to one side to show his acceptance of what was inevitable. Then he looked at the child and made a face. “Pity he looks so much like you, he would have gone further in the world with more of his mother’s look and personality. Ah well, you can’t always get what you want. Good luck in your fatherhood, Dreybrenic.” Chaos said and then vanished before Dreybrenic could react or respond.

“Where is the child, Sheagnek?” Chaos asked when his sister entered his palace. He smiled as her step faltered a moment before coming forward.

“She is safe for the moment, which is all you need to know. When the time is right, she will be made known to you. How….”

Chaos chuckled and offered her some wine. “Never under estimate me, dear sister. I just wish you had been able to save Jessie as well. She was a strong and valiant woman.”

“Dreybrenic had too many hooks in her for her to be truly free of him and still live. It was kinder to let her die than continue as his slave.” Sheagnek said and took the offered wine. “When are you planning on letting Fini know about his sister?”

Chaos shrugged and turned to look out the mirror and into the heart of the Circle’s forest. “When the time is right and not before.” He gave her a warning look and then turned back to see what would happen next.

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