Challenge (Harris Brothers Book 1)

Challenge: Chapter 36

I WAKE COMPLETELY WRAPPED UP in Camden. His braced leg is tucked between my bare legs, and his arms hold me from behind. Every piece of my exposed skin is nearly encompassed by his.

I think I’ve got the hang of this spooning bit, I think to myself.

I separate from his grasp and slip out of bed with a big naked stretch. I toss on the red Gunners jersey he gave me last week and make my way over to the hotel window. I pull back the curtains and admire the early morning view of Baltimore, knowing full well I could drive a truck through this room and it wouldn’t wake Camden.

It’s been two weeks since I kissed him in my OR, and now we’re on our honeymoon.

Of sorts.

Except for the whole surgery part.

And the fact that we didn’t actually get married.

So it’s not so much of a honeymoon as it is a getaway that involved an operation with a high-level surgeon at John Hopkins Hospital.

Two days after my suspension, the chief called the Harrises and me back into the hospital for a meeting. Apparently they discovered the photo from the OR that was leaked to the media came from Prichard’s mobile. The whole ordeal was a huge violation of the Patient Data Protection Act and they were desperate to make it right.

Part of the agreement was to send Camden to the States for the second half of The Wilson Repair. Then they offered me my job back.

I declined instantly.

There’s no way I want to go back to a place that let Prichard get away with what he did. Plus, that would put me right back under his tutelage and I can’t stomach the thought.

So now, here Cam and I reside, in a lush hotel in Baltimore, waiting for our flight home later tonight. His surgeon yesterday was so confident in Cam’s recovery that he said he should be able to train with Arsenal immediately after we get back.

I was beside Cam through the whole process, but not in an official medical capacity. Strictly as his girlfriend…waiting room and all.

My mobile begins vibrating on the nightstand. I tip toe over to it and see Belle’s name on the screen.

“Hello?” I whisper and head back over to the window.

“Hey, how’s he feeling?” Belle’s voice coos into the line.

“Good. He’s still sleeping, but the surgery went great yesterday, and he said he had no pain last night.”

“That’s fab. Did the surgeon say if he can start training straight away?”

I nod even though she can’t see me. “Yes, we fly back home tonight, and the surgeon said he can start tomorrow if he’d like.”

“That’s incredible.”

“Yeah, Cam was pleased.” I smile at his large, sleeping body lying so peacefully on the bed.

“So do you want to hear some dirt?” Belle’s voice sounds conspiratorial.

My brows lift. “Sure.”

“There’s a group of six nurses that have come together and are all filing sexual harassment claims against Prichard.”

“What?” I gasp.

“Yep. The prat poked his last hole at work, I’d say.”

“I’d say, too. Wow.” A chill runs up my spine.

“So if he gets sacked, do you think you might reconsider the offer to come back to work?”

I pull my lip into my mouth and begin chewing away at it. “I’m not sure.”

“What do you mean? If he’s gone, you can get back on track. What’s stopping you?”

I exhale heavily, not entirely sure I am ready to get into all of this quite yet since I haven’t even talked it over with Cam. “You know, Belle, since the moment I was suspended, I’ve felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Things feel different now, as if I have more options. Honestly, I’ve been reading a lot about sports medicine.”

“Is that a euphemism for sex with a footballer?”

“No! Don’t be daft.” I can’t help but smirk.

“Well, I’m guessing he’s lying naked in your hotel bed right now, even though he’s only one day post-op.” I cringe and she laughs knowingly into the line. “So what will you do, darling? Because I know you have a plan stewing in that big brain of yours.”

She knows me so well. “I think I’m going to talk to Camden’s dad about job-shadowing Bethnal Green F.C. team doctor. It’d be great experience, and I think I could have something to offer the world of sports medicine beyond surgical.”

“Of course you could. You’re my wunderkid!”

Rolling my eyes, I ask, “Do you think it’s crazy? I’m sure it wouldn’t be a paying job. I have some money saved, but things might get tight.”

“So you move in with me. Or get some guilt money out of your parentals. Plus, I bet that that Harris brother you’ve got wouldn’t mind sparing a zero from that big fat contract he just signed.”

Her last suggestion makes me frown. “I’m not taking money from Cam.”

She tsks. “I know you won’t. I’m just saying you have options. I’ve been trying to get you to move in with me since med school. This sounds like an exciting prospect.”

Her encouragement touches me. “But it’s sad I won’t be working with you anymore.”

“Oh, it’s okay,” she scoffs. “I won’t be here much longer anyway.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Well, I meant to tell you sooner, but we had that little fight and then you got Harris’d. I got a fellowship position offer with Dr. Elizabeth Miller. She’s a high-risk neonatal surgeon at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.”

“I’ve heard of her!” I screech, quickly pressing my hand over my mouth. “She’s like the American badass in the world of high-risk pregnancy surgery. Belle, this is huge.”

“I know. I can’t believe I was selected. You’d think they hadn’t met me or something,” she giggles.

“Shut up, you’re brilliant. So I guess you’ve picked your specialty then?”

“I guess I have.”

A moment of heavy silence stretches out between us.

“You’re going to save babies, Belle.” My smile couldn’t be wider, and I’m shocked when my chin begins to wobble.

“Tequila Sunrise, Indie.” Her voice catches a bit, and I’m transported back in time to the moment we saw that baby die of SIDs. That moment we started living our life to the fullest.

“Tequila Sunrise, Belle.”

We discuss the particulars a bit more. By the time I hang up, I feel a renewed sense of determination to get back to London and put my plan into action. Belle and I have grown up so much in a matter of weeks and our futures look very bright indeed.

We say our goodbyes. Then I walk over to the bed to try to rouse Camden. “Mmmm, stroke lower, Specs. You know what I like.”

I giggle and slip back into bed with him. “You like everything.” I kiss his shoulder.

His sleepy blue eyes pop open. “I like you,” he growls and pulls me on top of him, rolling us over to the other side of the bed where he proceeds to remind me just how much he likes me.

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