Chained By The Alpha Jessica Hall

Chapter 51

Chapter 51


My pulse quickens as the heat rolls off Zyan's broad chest and muscular arms pulling my gaze back to him. Our bodies pressed together, his skin igniting the friction between us. His intense gray eyes bore into mine, setting off tremors that ripple through my entire body and cover me goosebumps

"Do you not hear your own words, Cleo?" Zyan's husky whisper sent an intoxicating wave of his warm breath onto my earlobe. The sound of my name on his lips felt like silk against bare skin, causing my nipples to harden. The intensity in his gray eyes sends shivers down my spine. "You said it yourself, I don't fuck with

unshifted she-wolves, yet I can't seem to stay away from you. I'm already breaking all my own rules. What's one more?" he whispers. My brows scrunch at his words

Confusion marred my sudden arousal momentarily what was this game he was playing? What interest could he possibly have in me except for revenge against my father?

But before I could voice these doubts, Zyan's lips Were upon mine, silencing any further thoughts

The kiss is completely unexpected. Zyan's lips, full and soft, press firmly against mine, his face intense and focused as his fingers tangle in my hair. His eyes are closed, but his brows are slightly furrowed, as if he's as surprised by our kiss as I am

My eyes flutter closed in response, caught off guard by the unexpected sensation, and I kiss him back. His fingers entwined in my hair, tugging gently as he deepens the kiss - strangled sounds escaping him when I kiss him back. My core tightened at the roughness of his grasp, sending shivers of delight straight down to my throbbing heat

Suddenly, his weight shifted. Strong hands moved lower down my waist then hips before seizing my thighs and lifting me effortlessly onto the kitchen counter

My heart races as I struggle to process the whirlwind of emotions coursing through me

Guilt threatens to suffocate me; Deacon is missing, and here I am kissing another man. I think of how selfish I must be, betraying Deacon when he needs me most

Yet, despite my inner turmoil, something about kissing Zayn feels so right, as if we're two puzzle pieces finally clicking into place. Just as I start to lose myself in the moment, that same doubt creeps in like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over my bliss and smacking into me

With a jolt, I push Zayn away, breaking the kiss

My breathing is ragged, my cheeks flushed, and my mind a chaotic mess. How could I let this happen? What was I thinking?

"Zayn," I stammer, trying to regain some semblance of control over the situation. "We..

we can't do this. It's wrong."

"Ts it really?" he questions softly, concern etched on his handsome face. "Or 1s it just that you're afraid?"

I don't know how to answer him. My heart aches

for Deacon, but something about Zayn calls to me in a way I've never experienced before. Still, I can't ignore the fact that Deacon 1s out there somewhere, possibly hurt or worse, and I need to find him

"Zayn," I say firmly, trying to shove my conflicting emotions aside. "This isn't the time for this. We need to focus on finding Deacon."

He studies me for a moment, then nods reluctantly, stepping back and giving me space

As much as I want to explore whatever is happening between us, I know that we have more pressing matters at hand. I need to find Deacon, and only once he's safe will I be able to sort through the tangled web of emotions that Zayn has stirred up within me

Zayn sighs heavily

My chest is tight, my heart aching with guilt and confusion. This is all too much. I barely know this man, yet this stupid sire bond makes me feel like I've always known him. It lets him get under my skin, and plagues my mind "Hey," Zayn says softly, cupping my face in his hands and pressing his forehead against mine

"We'll go try to find Deacon, okay?" Although he doesn't seem too happy about it, more like he is trying to placate me so I don't go to water works, which seems like I'm fighting the inevitable these days

"Thank you," I whisper, forcing a small smile despite my turmoil

As we head to the printer to collect the missing posters I'd designed for Deacon, I can't shake the feeling of unease. Zayn walks beside me, his presence providing a strange sort of comfort,

even as it adds to my internal battle

As we are leaving the packhouse Zayn shivers suddenly. "Are you okay?" I ask him

"Storms coming," he tells me, and I look at the clear sky

"Weather looks fine to me," I tell him, and he shakes his head while digging out his keys. "I'm driving in case we get caught in it," he tells me and I raise an eyebrow at him "T've driven in rain before," he shrugs

"T have better vision," he smirks, pointing to the passenger seat. I roll my eyes, I really should drive myself. "Car Cleo - now. I don't want you driving in the rain,"

"What rain, it's sunny," I tell him, motioning to the sky

"It's coming, I can feel it," he sniffs the air. "And smell it," I sniff the air and he chuckles

"Wolf senses, now come on," he tells me, opening the passenger door. I huff but slide into the seat while he walks to the driver's door

Zayn lets me direct him to all the places I know Deacon frequents, and we park at the train station to start sticking the last of our signs on poles, he starts to get on my nerves

"Deacon is probably just chilling somewhere, don't get why you worry so much," he jokes, trying to lighten the mood

"Shut up, Zayn," I snap, glaring at him. "My boyfriend is missing, and he could be hurt or worse! What if he's dead?"

"Alright, alright, sorry," Zayn sighs, raising his

hands in surrender. "You're probably right; he's probably in some serial killer's basement stuffed ina chest freezer."

"Zayn!" I gasp, horrified by his crude joke

"That's not funny! Now, either help or leave me be!"

"Fine, I'll help you," he says, his tone suddenly serious. "Though I find it a little strange being the current boyfriend, looking for your ex-boyfriend, strange times, can't say I ever predicted this," he mutters "Tam not your girlfriend," I remind

"Keep telling yourself that, it's cute when you're in denial,"

"I am not in denial,"

"That's why you kissed me back," he tells me,

sticking another sign on a pole

"I kissed you back because you sired my wolf!" I whisper the last part not wanting anyone to overhear

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