CEO's Mysterious Fiancee (Paige and Martin)

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

She Knows How to Deal The doctor didn't get to finish his sentence. Paige threw a tiny bottle over to him, her gaze never leaving Cassie. "Heart Relief Pill?" Colin Williamson saw the thing in his hand and was shocked "Paige, where did you get it from?" He thought, it is those pills that have turned the black market upside down recently! These pills work wonders for patients with heart problerns. A single pill costs 1.6 million dollars. The price is high. What's more, the pills are so rare. Only one of these pills is auctioned off a month. How did Paige get something as rare as that? "The Tate family treats you so unfairly. I think you have done enough for them. You don't need to..." Before Colin could finish his words, he saw the warning look from Paige. "What is it? Am I wrong? Her son comes less frequently than you." Half a year ago, Colin graduated from a top medical university in the country and came to Farwen Hospital for an internship. He was born in a family full of doctors, which made him arrog*nt, though he was new here. Then he met Paige. Only then did he know that he was nothing compared with her in terms of medical skills. One time, he was working on a difficult case. For a couple of nights, he kept studying and stayed up late. Yet Paige took one look at it and offered him a wonderful solution easily and casually. Another time, Paige came across a patient's chest radiograph and CT scan and knew he had lung ca*cer at a glance. Before that, Colin ruled that the patient had severe pneumonia. Similar things were countless. And there was one thing that made him admire her the most. Cassie was dying, He had announced Cassie's critical condition a few times now, yet Paige manag*d to save her again and again. Paige, for Colin, was a horrifying high school student. Every time she appeared, she manag*d to shock him completely. She shattered his arrogance and ignora*ce, forcing him to bow his head. During his half-year of internship, Colin witnessed how unfairly the Tate family treated her. Later, Colin and Paige became familiar with each other and became friends. He knew that the best thing in Cassie's condition was a heart transplant. However, she was too old, and she had high blood pressure and whole heart failure. She wasn't up to surgery at all. By letting her take Heart Relief Pills, Paige was hoping that she could do better, instead of being too Chapter 4 She Knows How to Deal 1/4 fragile to be pushed into the surgery room. On the contrary, the Tate family had no idea. They thought Cassie would be fine as long as they paid her medical bills and let someone take care of her in the VIP room. "There's no way the Tate family would pay 1.6 million dollars for this." "Alright then. Take care of Cassie for me, OK?" Paige glanced at Cassie and said reluctantly. "I should go." She thought, I should go now. If Cassie wakes up and sees me, she'll be even more agitated. If her condition gets worse, things will be trickier. Colin glanced at Paige and whispered, "I've got it covered. Don't worry." "OK." Paige glanced at Cassie. There were many things she wanted to say to Cassie. Yet in the end, she said nothing. She left Ward 301. At the same time, several doctors were in a hurry. They looked flustered. "What happened? How come Mr. Stowe gets worse all of a sudden? "I heard that he has been refusing to take his meds just so his grandson would show up..." ." "Ridicul*us!" Not long after Paige left Ward 301, she got a bump in the shoulder from one of the doctors. They rushed to Ward 306 hastily. When Paige passed by the door, she happened to see the dying old man on the bed. "He went off his meds without permission. Does his life mean nothing to him?" "What should we do now? Have the families been informed?" "They are on their way. We can only decide whether to operate or not after they get here." Paige stood at the door of Ward 306 and said to them casually, "He will be dead by the time they are here." Those several anxious doctors heard her words and looked in the direction of her voice. They saw a young girl standing at the door. She looked like a teenager, but there was a cool aura about her. Her eyes were bright and clear, and her pair of slender and fair legs made her more charming. "You are just a teenage girl. What do you know?" Devan Herbert, the chief male physician, didn't take her seriously seeing that she was so young. "His condition is very complicated. We will operate on him. immediately once we can be sure." Waiting for his family was the only option they had. Chapter 4 She Knows How to Deal 2/4 Paige raised her eyebrows and asked with confusion, "Is his rheumatic heart disease that serious?" "You can tell?" Devan was a bit surprised. "She knows medicine?" An ag*d chief female physician was surprised as well. "Since you know the cause, then I'm sure you know that he needs a heart valve replacement. It's not the first time that he has had a heart valve replacement,' Devan explained. Paige raised her fair and delicate face, and her charming eyes were shining with a bright light. She looked disapproving. "The fact that he needs more than one valve replacement only suggests one thing. You didn't treat him with adequate antibiotics, which is why he developed an infection and perivalvular leakage." Hearing her words, all the doctors in the ward were stunned. "Hey! She knows medicine indeed." "She even knows about perivalvular leakage." Killian Stowe went off his meds without the doctor's permission, so he wasn't treated properly with enough antibiotics. That was why he developed an infection and perivalvular leakage. "She's just a girl. Stop wasting your time talking to her. How long till the family gets here?" an a*ed man said. He was Tim Swift, the most powerful heart expert in the hospital. He was over 50 years old, and when he spoke, he sounded dignified. "Professor Swift." Everyone became respectful in the next second. One of them replied, "Judging from the previous situations, they'll need at least another twenty minutes." Twenty minutes would be too long. Tim thought, Mr. Stowe can't wait that long. Mr. Stowe had mitral valve replacement surgery abroad before. Shortly after, he developed a perivalvular leakage, so he went abroad for another heart valve replacement. However, not long after the operation, he had an infection and a recurrence of perivalvular leakage. At that time, his condition was so critical that it was too late for him to go abroad again. He had to undergo surgery in the country. The Department of Cardiac Surgery of Farwen Hospital is well-known throughout the country, and countless people know about my excellent medical skills. That night, with pressure from all sides, I completed an impossible operation. It was a miracle! But not long after, Mr. Stowe was infected again and had to undergo another operation. His condition now is even more serious. His upper respiratory infection has gradually developed into pneumonia. We have made a lot of efforts to deal with his pneumonia, and now he shows symptoms of heart Chapter 4 She Knows How to Deal failure Get Bo Just now, I found that Mr. Stowe has artificial valve infective endocarditis and perivalvular leakage. His condition is very critical. Under such circumstances, the success rate of surgery is less than 10 percent. There is only one way to deal with Mr. Stowe's condition now. We have to wait for his family to be here.

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