Center Worlds - Spark

Chapter The War Is Over

Oceanside Manor, Tara -3 BA

“Aya, Kya, time to wake up.” They both stirred at the singsong voice of Mistress Tya and Aya rolled over, pulling the pillow over her head to try and catch the last few seconds of sleep even as Kya sat up beside her.

“Oh, what a night.” They both said almost together, then giggled.

After they had gotten home from the ball, Aya had still been very awake, so all three women celebrated her victory with the Emperor with a lot of Silessi wine. Aya still felt the effects as she slowly sat up. “I’m still drunk, can I still be drunk?” She asked as she felt her head swim, Kya reached behind her and gently held Aya upright, then pulled the smaller woman to her.

“No, silly. This is the aftereffects of the wine. You’ll feel like this for a couple of hours, then you’ll be fine.” Kya said as she caressed Aya’s long tangled hair and stroked her Lady’s cheek.

“Why is it you get to know everything before me, Kya. Sometimes, I think it’s not fair.” Aya muttered as she rested her throbbing head on Kya’s full breast.

“How else can I take care of you, if I don’t know how things work, my Aya?” Kya said with a soft chuckle, then winced herself as the wine afters hit her.

“It got you too, huh?” Aya said, smiling up at her Lari’Sota.

“Yep.” Kya nodded slowly.

Mistress Tya came bustling in, carrying two mugs of hot steaming Kaf, and sat on the bed, giving one mug to each girl and telling them to drink up as it will deal with the afters.

After they had drunk about half their mugs, both girls began to feel a lot better and more alert, they got up, refreshed themselves with a hot bath, and then Aya got to sit and let Kya brush out her hair and style it before she could get up and choose an outfit for the day.

As Aya padded out to the main room, naked except for a towel wrapped around her, she heard Mistress Tya on the comm and stopped.

“Are you serious? It’s finished? Oh, that is wonderful. When are they expected back? This evening? I will let her know, many thanks.” Tya disconnected the comm and saw Aya standing there.

“Wonderful news, my girl. The best news I’ve had in weeks.” Tya said, gathering Aya to her and sitting her on her motherly lap.

“What news, Mistress?” Aya asked.

“The war is over. They are coming home.” Tya replied as Kya walked in, naked as usual and drying her hair with a towel.

“Which war, Mistress Tya?”

“The Clan war, Camelin and Michelab. Camelin has prevailed and Michelab has been defeated. They have sworn fealty. We are at peace again. The fleet will be coming back into high orbit by this evening so that the Clan Leaders can make the proclamation at the Grand Hall. Aya, you will finally get to meet your father.” Tya said, hugging Aya, who suddenly felt very cold.

“I don’t even remember him, Kya,” Aya said as she paced around the deck, fretting. She had dropped her towel as soon as she had gone onto the deck, and although it was out of her character, Kya kept an eye on her mistress as he paced the length of the deck in all her glory.

“He is still your father, my Lady. You can at least give him a chance?” Kya said as she sat on the deck, cross-legged, focusing on her breathing and feeling the warm sunlight falling onto her bare skin. She always did that, sat naked on the deck, Kya had no problem with showing off her body, and Aya was normally more modest. Yet Aya was the one who got more sex than Kya did. Aya figured she had slept with more than fifty boys already, and now the Emperor.

Oh, I’ll give him a chance, Kya. It’s just ... He’s the leader of the biggest Military Clan in the Confederacy. He just fought a war that lasted fourteen cycles. He fought it partially because of me after the other clan tried to kill me. They killed my mother, you know, in that same attack. That’s why I was sent here, to keep me safe.” Aya bubbled out, words stumbling on top of one another, Kya reached out and pulled Aya onto her lap and made her sit, positioning her legs so that both she and Kya sat intertwined, facing each other.

“Focus with me, my Lady. You need to breathe, and you need to be calm.” Kya said, then took a deep breath and gently let it out, blowing soft warm air across Aya’s face.

I don’t know if I can be calm, Kya. I don’t know what to do.” Aya said, wringing her hands nervously, then wrapping them around her friend and burying herself in Kya’s long flowing hair.

Kya gently ran her hands up and down Aya’s bare back, then whispered. “Do you need me to get you a boy, to help you take this edge off?”

Aya shook her head, breathing fast and deep.

“Do you wish us to go back to bed, and enjoy some quiet time together?” Kya gently prodded as her hands began to knead and work at Aya’s tensed muscles.

“I don’t know...” Aya whispered. “I just don’t know, Kya.”

“Then, my lady,” Kya said as she slipped one hand down to cup Aya’s buttock and gave it a gentle but firm squeeze. “You need to focus on the now.” She took her other hand and gently drew it across Aya’s chest to brush against both nipples which began to respond.

“Kya, he’s coming. Here. To see me.” Aya said, wriggling against the gentle hands of her friend.

Kya firmly cupped Aya’s chin in her hand and made solid eye contact. Azure eyes meeting amber. “That is correct. You are a Lady Of the Court, and you will be ready to meet the victors of the Clan War. The fact that he also happens to be your father has little bearing on this day’s events.”

“..But.” Aya began and got shushed by Kya.

“You will celebrate, with all of us, this victory. You will enjoy the peace that will now happen. You are a Lady of the Court, Aya Camelin. This is your home, and this is your time to shine. Ryo Camelin may be your father, but he is not from the court. You will meet him on your ground, where you know how to act and how to be. I will be there, and you, my darling love, will be fine.”

Aya buried herself in Kya’s long hair again, breathing steadily, a hot wash against her friend’s neck and chest.

“Is this what a Lari’Sota does, Kya? Give me wisdom, and reason, and help me to focus?” Kya heard Aya’s muffled question.

Kya laughed softly and kissed the top of her friend’s head. “I have no idea what I am supposed to do, other than keep you happy, and keep you safe. If this means I have to shake you up to get you to see reason, then you’ll get a bit of a shake now and then, my Lady.”

Aya looked up at her. “That wasn’t a shake, Kya.” she said quietly.

Kya smiled and holding Aya tighter, got to her feet, now carrying the smaller woman in her arms. “No, but this is, my Lady.” She said and jumped them both off the deck into the warm waters of the endless pool that surrounded the house on three sides as Aya shrieked.

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